08 23 24
I was arrested for some reason. They offered me drugs so my prison time would be easier and I said no. They said it's okay but I needed THEIR treatment so I would behave. Apparently all inmates at that prison were given a shot of some sedative.
The shot was in the middle of the forehead. The person in front of me screamed the whole time. It didn't hurt too too bad but it was still a bitch. I felt weak able dizzy afterwards. They said that's normal.
I was like that for the whole day. If it wore off I'd get another shot. Every inmate was like that but used to it. I just wanted to lay down.
I watched the inmate boxing scores and realized jimmy was in 2ndc place. I was happy about that.
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dream-diary-thoughts · 2 months
8 6 24
I was at schlitterbahn and it was a cold day. Almost winter? They built a fucking room over Boogie. Popcorn ceiling, drywall walls, and it was entirely over boogie and dj booth. It was "to keep guests warm". The room was too small so you couldn't do rodeos or get on your knees. It was also filled with junk that made riding a hazard. They thought it was fine. I didn't have a shirtbso I got one from the gift shop so I could ride.
It was also like Boogie was a stage for people to watch.
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dream-diary-thoughts · 2 months
07 18 24
I was wandering through an area like silent hill. There was fog. All the rooms looked the same but they led to different places. I had a map and the rooms were labeled. I left that place.
I was almost at an instructor training? But everyone acted like I didn't belong there because I didn't work at the park anymore. It was at a beach and Virgil kept running to places he shouldn't and nobody was offering any help. I was alone taking care of him there and everyone treated us like a burden. I chose to stop the activities and lay by Virgil instead. There was fog again. When I got up I had lost track of time and been left behind by my team partner.
I called Victoria and she came to get me so I grabbed the carseat and base after I set Virgil on the floor. I left the door open so I could have room to put the base in. She was in a hurry so kept driving slowly while I was getting it installed but I couldn't focus with the car moving. I told her to stop and she thought it was s joke and kept going. I snapped and pulled her hair really hard ands told her to stop the fucking car. She was crying but stopped and I got everything put it. I put the carseat in and realized Virgil was gone. My first thought was to just buckle in nothing so she wouldn't know and wouldn't judge me for losing him. I snapped out of it and searched the whole car and told her to turn around. That I left something. She thought it wasn't anything important like a cat but I told her I lost Virgil. I lost my son and she was going to turn around right now.
I don't know if he crawled or while we were driving with the door open, I don't know if I left him, I was freaking out. Someone said hysteria comes with being a parent but that's not true, I was just hyperventilating and genuinely hysterical.
Victoria drove slow, or it felt slow to me, to get back there. I got out and ran as soon as we were by the gate. I called for Virgil but he was nowhere around. I took a breath and tried to listen for him. I. Heard rustling in the bushes.
I heard him scream
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dream-diary-thoughts · 3 months
I was offered a job back at schlitterbahn. Ellen was desperate for people, though I couldn't come back as a manager and no body told me till I came back. I told her I would only work 5 days a week, morning shifts only. No exceptions on this and I wanted it signed in writing. I couldn't remember what my other job was but I kept it and would work there for two afternoons a week.
7 3 24
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dream-diary-thoughts · 3 months
6 27 24
Matt had business to take care of but the only way he could do it was to die. I was so upset about it he offered that I could die too. I agreed but I was crying the whole time. I asked If I'd ever see him again and he said no that's not how it works and that I need to stop crying. I was "too attached" to being alive.
He said if I won't calm down then I can just kill myself or stay alive and he killed himself without killing me. I took pills and stabbed myself in the chest then wrote a goodbye note to Victoria. I thought I was alive waiting for her to find it but I think I was already dead. I floated around waiting for her to find the note but she never did. I got side tracked and realized I couldn't leave this world despite being dead. I was stuck and alone.
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dream-diary-thoughts · 4 months
5 13 24
I was in a silent hill post apocalypse world. I was with 2 other people who we were learning the best ways to survive with. We saw a monster, it looked like a giant grey water bear with a black face but it's legs were long like a walking stick. It ripped the throat out of a woman's body and started calling for her son in the woman's voice. We heard the boy calling back for his mom and we saw the monster go in his direction.
We settled on a train that had a lovely modern interior. There were these little insects that glowed very brightly. Turns out they were actually living toys from before the fog consumed everything.
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dream-diary-thoughts · 6 months
04 08 24
I was at the old house on q but it was me and Matt who lived there. I just got home from a hospital stay? I felt really disconnected from Matt so I locked myself in the bathroom for a "shower" and put on makeup to feel like a whore like I used too. I had to use Matt's make up.
I didn't feel good after and I tried to scrub it all off. There were flakes and bits ymthat I kept missing. Everytime I thought I was done I found a bit more, or some glitter.
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dream-diary-thoughts · 6 months
I remember some moments really well.
First Victoria was pregnant again. I guessed it would be a boy. It was Easter a day there were white confetti eggs that had solid color fillings. She grabbed one at random and it was blue. We both think she was having a boy next.
Next I was planting a bed of flowers for someone. From how we talked, if you were listening in it sounded like I was disposing a body. The ground was too dry and hard to plant so I used water and a spade to till it. I took a break and sprayed some friends who were working. I was sad that I hadn't cleaned enough. We all took a break to take our clothes off and play.
While looking at the puddle of water we made a demon came out of the reflection and took over me. Nobody noticed.
I walked around my private school. Everyone felt something was off
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dream-diary-thoughts · 10 months
11 26 23.
We wiring at moody gardens and we were getting robbed. Had a gun to my rl face. Eat in future she wanted to play brawlhalla and I was panicking I gave then my eic card to get pity points, it just made them angrier.
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I was playing decked out, but it was partly a level that just had the back rooms in it. I already got my artifact and a bunch of treasures. I was heading down to the exit but there was a monster made of multiple black limbs shambling around.
I was patient. I followed behind it out of sight till I was so close to the stairs taking me back a level. I thought it turned a corner and I bolted for it. It screamed and caught me on the first step. It ripped my arm off and added it to its own, it quickly rotted and turned a sickly slimy black. It left me there to bleed out.
Tango came over and started talking saying I was "soooooo close~". He seemed to not care I was choking on my own blood, it that multiple people were going to die here. He showed me s Mario of some better route I could have taken and then said "maybe the next player will do better" and left me to bleed to death.
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Some form of zombie apocalypse had happened. Humanity was trying to find a way to clear it out. It spread via mold/sculk? There was one safe room called the baby room. It was completely clean of infection, until it was revealed some babies were intentionally infected to try and find a cure. They were born with it or given it after birth. The clean room fell apart.
They buried a live baby in sugar. It preserved it almost and killed the infection, but forever damaged the baby. Humanity counted it as a win. The parents did not.
Once the world was 'saved ' the world had a technological boom. Computers advanced and and there were even instant elevators off world. There was a celebration with a firework show, celebrating the end of humanities 'pollution era' and everything was green energy from now on.
I noticed the firework show was actually a drone show. I got disappointed. Then I noticed the sky was fake. It was sculk made to look like stars. The ceiling was even falling in at points.
We never fixed the earth or the infection
We just pretended it wasn't there and everybody believed it.
It starts with a rash
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I was at a large store. I saw Jonathan from schlitterbahn? But it wasn't him, it was like he was a combination of my ex Adrian and just riverine you didn't want to be around. Jack from the daycare? I saw him at the store and I just wanted to get in and out. Amanda of all people were there and she wanted to act like friends as if nothing happened. She followed me while I was shopping. I wanted to hurry and just grab snacks because I had real friends waiting for me up stairs but I wanted to be careful and not run into that guy. I went all the way around the back grabbing clearance snacks. Amanda would not stop following me and drawing attention to me. I grabbed some Valentine's chocolate and a bag of popcorn in addition to the test of my cart. They kept looking at some fancy dress . I made abee line to the checkout. I planned on not paying for the chocolate. Amanda drew enough attention to me that the guy noticed. He had s knife, a fucking meat cleaver. I was trying to check out and he didn't like that I didn't want to leave with him. He tried to kill me and flayed my right arm. Two long chunks of flesh dangled from my arm before the guy was stopped and arrested. I just wanted to climb the ladder and go to my real friends.
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06 06 23
I was in some strange area, there was another roomfilled with shallow water. It's like the whole area was a liminal space or the backrooms. Everything was covered in tile from the floor to the ceiling. Someone long ago showed me how to change the room with shallow water to be another dimension almost. I had to swim to a certain point, dive down and press the floor lower. It made the water deeper and changed the world I was in. When I tried to do it with someone else with me the water was only about 2 inches deep. Trash filled the room. I emptied as much trash as I could and tried to press down on that point but it only went down less than a foot. I couldn't change the room and nobody believed I ever could in the first place.
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05 29 23 I was in a building of some kind. Like a hospital mixed with an airport. It was a dark rusted red, as if we were in silent hills other world. It was filed with monsters. I was with a few other people and we were hiding in a hallway hoping to wait it out. We played a mini game in the hall until I noticed the door next to me started to bang and shake. Something was trying to break it down. I started trying to leave and when the other strangers saw they started to scramble and leave.
I remember thinking there was no guaranteed escape as it felt like the world was in a time loop. As if I've already tried to leave. I found a partially working elevator and went it. I found my son I swaddled him up and put him in the diaper bag so I could carry him easier. There was someone else trying to sneak away. A monstrous dog was eating in the middle of the room. I quietly beckoned him to try and get to the elevator I was in. He shook his head no and continued down a dark hall, too scared of the monster in front of him to realize he was never coming back from that hall. Matt wanted to go save him (found him with our son) but I told him no. Our priority had to be getting our son out of the hell we were in.
It worked, the elevator took us up to actual people again. It was filled with the cast from the last of us. Don't know why they were all celebrating at an airport. I was looking for someone who knew where my ticket was and where to go. Apparently Michelle had gotten our tickets and all I had to do was tell the person at the terminal my name and we were good to go.
As I was looking I got stopped by a cast member I didn't remember. Blonde Ukrainian apparently played a minor side roll. I didn't want to seem rude for not remembering her so I said I did and talked to her about how she looks like a j 1 I knew.
Subside pointed me in the directing I needed to go and I found myself outside in the wrong area. It was filled with miniature stone houses. They all looked the same and were really colorful. The guy that gave me directions came out and found me. Told me he'd show me the way since it's easy to get lost. Me Matt and our son followed him and were finally on our way home. I was worried I'd wake up back in that hell and thought of the people I was hiding with down there. But my priorities were safe. My family was okay.
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05 28 23
I was at schlitterbahn taking to a few lifeguards who didn't know who I was. After some trouble in section 2 I started going to Boogie Bahn. For some reason they were only shooting water on a small mat that moved across the surface. I couldn't even get water under my board. Nobody knew what was wrong despite it being very obvious.
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Was back ar schlitterbahn. Doug was manager again. Was working and doing good, doing things without being told. Told a bunch of employees to stop waiting in castle right before ellen walked up. She saw me a d asked if I'm still mad at her from before. I told her I have more important things to worry about than her and then showed her a picture of my baby.
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I was a never of hermitcraft. I was also protecting a baby? It made me stronger when I was around it but to my knowledge everyone wanted to get rid of it. We were getting ready to move seasons and doc had looked at a hall I built. I rushed to finish decorating but he took down my rush job and put something I would have wanted to make instead. I was surprised he did that as I had accidentally blew up something of his.
The new world was nice.
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