dreamdaddydaydreams · 4 years
I;m in quarantine for 2 weeks since I’ve arrived back in Australia from Canada and since I don’t have my second monitor to help with art beyond sketches, it seems I will have to do some writing. Which Dream Daddy would y’all not mind being stuck at home with during these crazy times?
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dreamdaddydaydreams · 5 years
I'm still here! And have had the burst i need to get these fic prompts done. I mean. Im an artist, not an author so I'm sure y'all will forgive me if they ain't perfect!
Small bit from a robertxreader prompt:
‘But seriously. Never do that again.’
‘Dead serious?’
You feel him smile against your mouth as he quickly tugs on your bottom lip with his teeth
‘Dead serious.’
So...the prompts are coming this time. I swear. Lmao
But in other news! On my main @papa-abel i do have commissions going for a special price!
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dreamdaddydaydreams · 6 years
Ur back! Yaaaaaay! Welcome back! I hope your life's been going good! *thumbsup*
Heck yeh I’m back! Thank you! I’m super happy you’re still wanting your prompt because it’s def one I had put thought and planning into lmao~
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dreamdaddydaydreams · 6 years
look who’s back! me! i’ve made a sheet of outstanding prompts but some are fairly old..so if you’ve sent me a prompt that i am yet to answer, please go here and comment whether you still want it (or not) and a reminder my main is @papa-abel, where i draw fanart of overwatch, some venom art upcoming and whatever else tickles m’fancy
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dreamdaddydaydreams · 6 years
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oh looked what happened while i was inactive cult!daddy and i are very touched, thank you~
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dreamdaddydaydreams · 6 years
Dream Dads as classic rock songs ⛪Joseph: You Give Love A Bad Name - Bon Jovi 💪Craig: You Shook Me All Night Long - AC/DC 🔪Robert: Paint It Black - The Rolling Stones 🎣Brian:  Addicted to Love - Robert Palmer 🦇Damien: Poison - Alice Cooper ☕Mat: Born To Be My Baby - Bon Jovi 💯Hugo: I’d Lie for You (And That’s The Truth) - Meat Loaf
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dreamdaddydaydreams · 6 years
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this was a funny and underappreciated moment
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dreamdaddydaydreams · 6 years
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shout out to aquaticpopsicle for this gorgeous drabble to cheer me up <3 (i edited the 3 asks together to look like this, hence why i didn’t post the ‘1′ ask)
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dreamdaddydaydreams · 6 years
Favorite way for the dads to cuddle? (I love your blog so much you’re amazing and all of your posts are great and i just,,, love this blog so much💕)
YOU’RE amazing I did this like cuddling in bed to fall asleep??? i am so weak for cuddling⛪Joseph: Joseph likes to cuddle facing one another, your legs tangled together and his arm is bent so his head lays in his palm and you lay yours on his bicep - perfect location for forehead and nose kisses from him, outer arms thrown over each other’s waists, it’s comfy and sweet
💪Craig: Craig likes to be the big spoon, holding you flush to his chest, near copying your exact form so most of your bodys are touching. He likes to hold your hand and kiss the back of your neck and shoulders.
🔪Robert: Robert likes to cuddle facing each other, he hikes one of your legs up around his waist and holds you close, shoving his face in the hollow between your neck and the pillow, his scruff and soft exhales tickle you and leave you with light goosebumps but boy, are you comfy- sometimes he’ll trail his fingertips up and down your side and thigh until you fall asleep
🎣Brian: Brian prefers to be the big spoon but you guys change it up, he’s happy as long as he gets to hold you in his arms and he will sometimes wake up just to drag you back closer if you’ve migrated away.
🦇Damien: Damien likes to be the big spoon or his hair may get tangled - though he also doesn’t mind if you face one another. He loves when you gently stroke his hair from his temple back with your fingertips. You fall asleep with an arm across each other’s waist, knees bumping, Damien’s other hand is curled between you two and he somehow manages to keep a gentle hold of your shirt -when you wear one- throughout the night.
☕Mat: Mat sleeps on his back with one arm bent, tucked under his head, he likes when you cuddle up his side, head on his shoulder or chest, one leg hooked with one of his, his spare arm loose around your waist as you trace patterns on his chest while you whisper to one another in bed
💯Hugo: Hugo likes you spooning him, sometimes he’l be on his back or his side - sometimes his stomach, but he has come to find a lot of comfort sleeping when you have an arm around him and are flush against his side, especially during stressful period at work. He has a weakness for when you run your fingers through his hair or through his chest hair.
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dreamdaddydaydreams · 6 years
Do you have any Headcanons for the dad’s religions? If this is controversial or something and you don’t want to do it that’s totally fine and you definitely do not have to if you don’t want to
mmm i’d more prefer to skip this out of respect for religions because I’’m not well educated on them.BUT i was raised Christian so i will say that ofcourse Joseph and his family are, I believe Robert is an on-again-off-again Christian (sometimes still speaks out loud to the Lord) and that Craig is atheist but always supports the church’s bakery sales because it’s supporting his friend's work and beliefs.sorry i couldn’t fully answer!
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dreamdaddydaydreams · 6 years
Hc for how the dads shop?
Did this during my lunch break at work~______________________________________________________________⛪Joseph: Joseph will either leave all the kids at home with Mary or take one with him (usually one of the twins..but NEVER both of them), he has a list of things they need but also has an eye for specials so he will come back with a bag or so extra.Mary does the clothes shopping for all of them. It was their deal, he does the groceries, she does the clothing.💪Craig: Craig loves going to the fresh produce markets when he can, the twins may be at a friends for a sleepover so he just has River dozing strapped to his chest. While he’s there from the opening at 6am. Otherwise, normal grocery shopping is quick and easy, Craig has a healthy menu that he and the girls pre-plan for the week together.The girls have similar taste in clothes so it’s easy enough to let them both go into a store and Craig will just wait at a café in the food court or in the sporting goods store with River until one of them comes to fetch him – Smashley tends to go shopping with them too. Craig buys River clothes while he shops for his own basics.🔪Robert: What is ‘Grocery shopping’??? Is that that place next to the liquor store??? What do you mean that’s a yiros stand??? Kidding. Robert likes to cook well every now and then, but he also appreciate frozen meals for the convenience. But his groceries do get low…very low…super low..like the only thing to eat is hummus. So his grocery store visits are definitely not on a schedule.Clothes shopping isn’t something he likes to devote time to, he’s got his shirts, he’s got his jeans and he’s got his trusty leather jacket….what’s underwear? Kidding. Again. Or am I?
🎣Brian:Brian and Daisy go grocery shopping together every Saturday morning, it’s a slow stroll down each aisle as they decide what they’d like to have for dinner in the upcoming week.Daisy doesn’t like clothes shopping all that much and Brian is fine with that, but he is more than happy to buy her anything she spots while walking past stores because she so rarely asks for clothes…more so books. 
🦇Damien:Damien gets his groceries delivered from the major chains but sometimes likes to visit speciality stores for internationally imported foods.He also gets all his goth things delivered – with the exception of when something…adequate appears instore.☕Mat: Carmensita gave up grocery shopping with Mat, he shops for home and the cafe separately (and orders groceries for the café online to be delivered) but while browsing the aisles, sometimes he’d get sidetracked getting ideas for new baked goods (though sometimes they will go to other cafes together for Mat to get some inspiration if Pinterest isn’t helping)Mat and Carmensita are happy to shop for clothes together, he doesn’t mind taking a seat if she takes longer – or she’ll say she’ll come back another day with friends (they are just such a jammin’ dad and daughter duo)💯Hugo:Has a grocery list with an estimated price total – he’s a single dad and a teacher, y’know he does this. BUT if Ernest goes with him…somehow..the grocery shopping always ends up around $30-$50 more.Hugo is faithful to 1 or 2 clothing stores for himself – except for his fanwear which he orders online, ofcourse. Ernest shops by himself, he’s at that Stage, y’know..where..being in public with Dad is humiliating, so Hugo gives him cash when he needs new clothes.
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dreamdaddydaydreams · 6 years
(Fluff fluff fluff...) Thoughts running through the dads' heads when they have their first kiss with dadsona?
This is so soft, I  l o v e, thank youI decided to go with canon first kisses where I could/where I remembered them____________________________________________________________⛪Joseph: He’s had enough wine for his head to start swimming along with the comments from the Coast Guard who had overheard your conversation. So he dismisses his small thought that he may be being too forward. The sweet wine on your lips and tongue, the sea breeze and the warmth lingering from the sun having just set fills him with this beautiful buzz that he prays you’re feeling too - and when you tug him closer, he’s sure you are.So rarely does he let himself enjoy a sweet moment - a Margarita Zone moment, but right now, here with you, he does. And it’s worth every moment, every unsure thought, every shy glance, every hesitation up until now. It’s worth it. 💪Craig: He’s thinking on how you said he deserves happiness and wondering - hoping you’ll be a part of that. How long he has been wanting to do this. Memories from college and how he used to smother those small feelings of jealousy whenever he’d see you with someone else..but it seems absence only made the heart grow fonder and how happy he was to see you again. He’s feeling better about this weekend camping because he’s certain this is going to lead only more positive things for him..for you..both of you and the girls.🔪Robert: He’s trying to shut his mind off about what is worrying him - it works, he instead thinks how soft your lips are, how warm you are - then think he was an idiot for swallowing that glass of whiskey in one go, not because he can’t handle it but because it was damn good whiskey. He figures he can enjoy it a different way in this kiss with you.This isn’t exactly how he wanted your first makeout session to go..not that he plans though to begin with, but he’s venting onto you and he knows it’s not exactly right but he still wants you and you clearly return the feeling, so how wrong could it really be? 🎣Brian: He’s thinking how darn cute you are, he’s relieved the feelings of there being more between the two of you wasn’t one-sided - and happy you were able to resolve the competitive disaster happening between you two, though he feels that chat may need to be revisited later. When he first pulls back, he appreciates how your eyes shine from the fireworks - tempted to make a pun but instead trades it in for a second kiss.🦇Damien: Relief. Complete utter relief. While chasing Duchess, he was too worried to think you may find him boring now, but once you two returned, the worry was suffocating. As much as Damien likes you, a part of him was in fear of dropping his Goth persona in front of you..could he truly woo you if he was so terrified of you knowing his other side? But this, this moment, this kiss after all you said; he was delighted. ☕Mat: His panic from that first peck evaporates into calm, you give him this incredible wave of calm, just your presence, your touch. He’s a little drained from the night of performing but this- this. It’s like popping candy of warmth is filling him up - that’s a terrible metaphor, it’s like.. It feels right. So right. He can’t help but smile against your lips and as you smile too, he laughs and so do you. Yeah, this is so so so right. 💯Hugo: Dazed for a moment since, y’know, he was just showing you some wrestling moves but like hell is he going to let this chance pass, especially how cute you look still pinned and embarrassed. As he releases you to instead cradle your face, Hugo feels nearly giddy with happiness. He’s thinking this night was already going pretty spectacularly but this just sent it off the charts, an A+ night, if you will.
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dreamdaddydaydreams · 6 years
craig pounding your ass into the mattress ‘hoo, that was a good workout’ wipes forehead and chest dry with microfiber towel  and then wipes your stomach/chest clean you ask if he just wiped you with his sweaty towel he kisses you on the nose saying you’ve got his sweat on you anyway *i want to draw this comic thing at some point but i am Busy lmao
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dreamdaddydaydreams · 6 years
Hello! It's recovering!gambling-addict-Dadsona Anon, I don't remember if I sent you a fav Dad response to you question, so it's ROBERT. (thnx! Your writings are amazing!
Hey sugar, you did! Sorry, should have replied to it and I’mhappy it’s Robert! This one will be super fun (for me) and angsty (for them)and thank you
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dreamdaddydaydreams · 6 years
dadsona: i’m just feeling a little down, y’know... craig: aw bro...you wanna make out? dadsona: yeah, thanks bro
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dreamdaddydaydreams · 6 years
gh gnh i’m smiling so big rn thank you so much!!! i know the fandom has died a bit but i’ll always keep throwing stuff on here when i can for those of us who love our boys
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dreamdaddydaydreams · 6 years
xanedu replied to your post “who each dad mains in ovw”
For me, Craig and Mat’s mains were switched, and I thought that Damien would like Moira. But all those headcanons are p spot on!
Mm mm, I was thinking that too, but a part of me was so stuck with Craig with Lucio for the positive attitude but if I was to list two mains for each, they def would have been switched that way and speaking of; Yes! I feel you with Damien liking Moira but considering Moira only came out recently, while toying with the idea to list two mains as said above, she was definitely his second main. And I felt Damien would be a major sucker for Widow’s skin and heartbreaking lore AND that whole Purple Aesthetic. But yes also jumping back to Moira, we all know he would have enjoyed Moira’s Naruto Run and some of the proposed anime references in her sprays
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