dreamdesire · 3 days
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What Tarot Card Are You?
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The Star
There is something wonderful stirring in the depths of your being. Something within you– something latent– is sleeping there, in the cradle of your mind. Creativity comes naturally to you, just as breathing or blinking. You have the capability to extend yourself through art. But are you afraid of it? Creating something– terribly afraid that it will never be as good as you hope? It will never be made unless you use your own hands.
/ NUMBER: 17
/ UPRIGHT: hope, faith, purpose, renewal, spirituality
/ REVERSED: lack of faith, despair, self-trust, disconnection
Tagged by: @kisenth
Tagging: Steal it! <3
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dreamdesire · 4 days
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★⋆ 「 @kisenth 」
  Amany is never quite sure what to expect when ducking into forests these days, but nowhere else was this truer than Galar. The region's wild area was a veritable jackpot when it came to new and varied places to rest their head...
  It was also a region where the chances of running into trainers in these scattered biomes was higher than any other region the star can remember roaming. So, when they hear the sound of music among the shuffling leaves, it is only with mild surprise that they should find a human at the source of it.
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  Admittedly, they lose track of how long they watch the woman and her partner practice, almost glued in place by an equal mix of curiosity and... something else. It is only when the pair take a quick moment to rest that the star speaks, a quiet voice echoing from someplace in the back of the woman's head.
"You... are wanting something very, very much."
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dreamdesire · 6 days
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  Truly, Amany does not need an apology, but they refrain from saying as much. Eager paws reach out to rest upon the human's hand as it is offered forward, and with the gesture comes a wordless wash of relief and gratitude that the star can only hope their expression got across. After all, what words could possibly hope to measure up to the possibility of the first truly safe awakening in what had to be over a century?
  They will have to be extra thorough in paying him back. Excited eyes blink upwards.
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"Thank you. This means very, very much!! Um, I am having just one more question."
  They pause, silent for just a moment as they tilt their head inquisitively.
"What is... 'sub-way'?"
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Emmet couldn't help but stare for a moment before letting out a short, airy laugh at the Pokemon's official introduction. It was automatic and rehearsed in a way that reminded him a lot of the introductory spiel he greeted challengers with.
"I like 'Amany'." He decided with a little nod, readjusting to sit more comfortably on the ground, crossing his legs. He paused to consider their words. When he'd asked if they would be okay he hadn't made a concrete decision on whether or not he should offer any assistance, but he'd definitely made up his mind now.
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"Yup! I am sure." He gave a matter-of-fact nod. "Assisting others is part of my job. And so is battling, actually! As long as I have my passengers to help I am sure I'll be fine. The subway is probably a prrretty good destination to hide, too..." He'd never really thought about that before, actually. Without proper navigational tools (or the compass-like memory Emmet seemed to possess) it would be incredibly easy to get lost in the tunnels.
"So!" He clapped his hands together before offering a hand out towards the Pokemon for them to shake or hold if they so chose. "I will gladly take you aboard if you wish! You can consider it an apology for catching you off guard."
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dreamdesire · 6 days
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  They do not offer an answer on if they would grant such a wish, especially when the following statement removes any reason to have to clarify. Instead, they simply stare in curious silence as Koko retrieves a towel for them, their gaze trailing down towards the ruin's floor in contemplation as the warmth of the towel sets in.
  Their wings move almost instinctually, tucking underneath the cloth and pulling it closer around themself. It's an odd situation, admittedly, being faced with hospitality in the face of weather they usually had to resort to burying themself to escape from.
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"I will take it, yes! If that is okay. Um, Thank you! Rains are not usually as nice to hide from... Stronger pokemon aren't usually as nice, either."
"Wait you would actually grant that wish? Er, no that was just a joke." Note to self, Jirachis want to grant any wish no matter how ridiculous they are. Maybe this is why they're not so active, just to prevent them from granting every wish they hear.
Also, what was Jirachi expecting for humans to breathe other than oxygen? Uh, maybe it wasn't the best time to ask these questions.
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"If I'm getting a wish, it's probably a good idea to think about it more. In the meantime, you're still all wet. Let's dry you off."
It was a good thing that towels were stored here for a variety of reasons. Koko grabbed one and quickly wrapped the young star Pokemon in it.
"There we go. I think I have some hot chocolate lying around here somewhere too. Do you want some?"
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dreamdesire · 7 days
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  Ah, the fruits of their labors are to be enjoyed at last. With no hesitation ( even while under the gaze of a pokemon that could knock them flying with a wayward sneeze ), Amany is quick to bite into the pastry, reaching out with little claws to grab hold of the rest of the treat as they work on chewing their first bite.
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  ... The size comparison is something to behold, but it doesn't seem to slow them down in their effort to eat the entire thing as quickly as they reasonably could. Playing is hard work, after all!
Oh her heart.
In one fell swoop, she leans in and pops the Pecha berry in her mouth, her own round little sweet treat offered right up to the little star's lips!
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She hummed, pleased by this turn of events. Picnicking in the quieter parts of the wild area of Galar certainly had perks!
Of course, that's ignoring her Incineroar, staring deadpan on the shenanigans her trainer engaged herself in.
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dreamdesire · 12 days
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dreamdesire · 18 days
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IT ISN'T TOO often these days that they find themself recognized, and even less likely for it to be nothing more than a descriptor. Their reply is almost clockwork, an introduction they have repeated hundreds of times.
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"Jirachi. Amany. The Wishmaker, the Wishing Star. Maybe more. Humans use the first two most, these days! I am happy to be called any of them."
They do not shrink away as Emmet kneels down, instead seeming to take the opportunity to establish proper eye contact. Fortunately for the both of them in this case, it is a rare occasion that Amany was ever truly frightened by a human, a trait perhaps only possible due to never suffering any true harm by one.
The question Emmet poses gives them an odd sense of pause. How long had it been since they were asked a thing like that? They aren't sure they would know how many days, even if they tried to remember. So they don't.
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"... I don't know. The last time I had to hide was a long time ago. I have not had help or company for hiding before... You are sure? Other humans might try to fight you if they find out you know where I am. I am not wanting you to get hurt."
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"Oh!" Eyes lit up with recognition as the Pokemon elaborated, the pieces clicking together in his head. "You must be Jirachi." He nodded, fairly certain that he was right. "Though if you prefer a different name, please let me know." Emmet gave them a somewhat wary smile and kneeled down, attempting to make himself smaller and less intimidating since he previously towered over the poor Pokemon.
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"I understand. If we had crossed tracks in a different time, I might have been a bit scary too." He admitted, preferring to be upfront and honest, especially to a creature as small and innocent as them. He was glad they were meeting now, and not when his brother had been missing.
"Are you in need of assistance? I used to hide a lot too. Sometimes I still do. Although not in the same way as I did when I was young." He shook his head to himself a bit, doing his best to stay on track and not wanting to over-complicate things.
"Hiding isn't very fun. It is very, incredibly lonely. Will you be okay on your own?" It was sort of funny how quickly he was able to empathize with them. It was something he struggled with on a daily basis when it came to those around him, but right now it felt surprisingly easy.
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dreamdesire · 18 days
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THE LAST OF their nerves seem to settle at being complimented, and they don a tiny smile that doesn't diminish, even in the face of such an outlandish wish. If anything, they seem to seriously consider if such a thing was possible, blinking up at Koko after a moment or two longer than one would be expected to mull it over.
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"That sounds like a big wish. I would need the comet for all the oxygen... the humans would need to breath a new thing, also. Um! But I can make lots of protein, if lots is an okay amount instead?"
They make a somewhat grand gesture with their arms in a vague attempt to illustrate just how much 'lots' was supposed to be... It's a bit hard to tell if they were just humoring the request, or if they truly didn't understand the possible consequences of a wish of that nature.
"Hehe, well it's a tough job but someone has to do it. Don't worry though, as much as I like to complain that it is, the region isn't always in danger. There is plenty of time for me to do fun things between disasters."
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If anything, despite being a tough job for obvious reasons, it was probably still better than having one of those soul-crushing office jobs. That's what his Kahunas were for after all.
"Still, I do appreciate the thought though. You're a good kid."
Now for a wish, huh? Honestly, Koko didn't think that Jirachi would give him one so easily. Didn't granting wishes take up a lot of energy or something like that? Still, if this Jirachi agreed to a wish, then who was he to decline such an offer?
"Uh... is it possible for you to change all the oxygen in the planet into protein?"
Please don't grant him that wish Jirachi.
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dreamdesire · 20 days
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THE STRANGER'S WORDS put the star at ease, in an odd sort of way. There are no conflicting desires they can sense, and no moves made that would threaten them outright... Slowly, their body language relaxes, and they allow themself the indulgence of curiosity, looking the human up and down. Seemingly unbothered by Emmet's questioning, they hum.
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"Emmet. Ok! I will remember this. The star... for humans it is only something to look at. For me... mm."
They pause for a moment, giving Emmet one more once over so as to confirm if they trusted giving him the answer. Confident in their assessment, they continue, though their voice is quieter than before.
"It makes bigger wishes able to be granted. And bigger wishes make humans get... scary. So I hide to keep the scariest humans away."
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"Ah-" Oh, whoops! Seemed like the Pokemon had been talking to themselves and not making some kind of formal announcement. "Sorrry about that! I am Emmet. I did not mean to interrupt-" Gray eyes followed the Pokemon's claw as it pointed towards the sky. He blinked in confusion for a few moments, gaze rapidly switching back and forth between the Pokemon and where it was pointing before finally resting back on the Pokemon. He let out a sigh of relief.
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"I was worried it might be something that would get in the way of my schedule. Or my brother's. Or our passengers'. I am not very good with last minute changes." A small pause as he thought about their words. It seemed things were going to be fine for Emmet, but the Pokemon's situation was another deal entirely. He knew he shouldn't pry, but he couldn't help it. He was curious- intrigued even, despite the mild distress the Pokemon seemed to be in.
"...why will you have to hide?"
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dreamdesire · 20 days
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AMANY WAITS UNTIL the tapu is finished speaking before taking a proper look around, their apprehension making way for clear intrigue as they look over the foliage and stonework. A guardian of this land, huh... The concept isn't all hard for them to understand, though the idea of looking after an entire island is almost enough to make their head spin. Their gaze returns to Koko after a few moments.
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"That sounds like lots of work. This does not make you feel tired?"
Their remark is admittedly more of a spoken curiosity rather than something they meant to say aloud. And indeed, they have a more pressing question in mind. Ever so slightly, their head tilts to the side.
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"I can do this, yes. There is something you would wish for?"
@dreamdesire cont from here:
Ah yes, monsoons. Lots of tourist come to Alola expecting sunny weather all day. Unfortuatnly for them, Alola was not immune to the effects of mother nature. You had to be wary of the monsoons during the rainy seasons. Thankfully for most people technology had advanced far enough to predict when bad weather was going to hit the region.
Unfortuatnly not everyone had access to that or was smart enough to look that up. This is why Koko often went on patrol, just in case someone got caught in this weather for whatever reason. Not to mention any damage that was caused by all the rain and wind.
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Huh, was that Jirachi struggling in the storm? What was a Jirachi doing here during a monsoon? Probably a question he should ask later. Right now, that Pokemon needed his help. Quickly, Koko swooped in and brought them into the Ruins of Conflict.
"Nah, it's my job to protect the people in this region... but I wouldn't mind if you owed me a wish."
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dreamdesire · 20 days
★⋆ @fairycrowned
THE MOMENT THEY feel teeth on one of their tags, they freeze in place like a statue, unwilling to provoke any unwanted ire from this unknown pokemon... but the words that follow are not those of an angry being. Slowly, Amany takes a step closer, carefully studying the face of this pokemon in an attempt to glean any sort of desire that could find...
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"Sorry. I am... not normally sharing resting places. It is alright if I stay here?"
It's a rhetorical question, mostly, but a calculated one. Surely a lie would be easier to discern than an intention... Or so they figure.
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dreamdesire · 20 days
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A TWIST THEY hadn't come to expect, no less! They're aware of what an airplane is in the basest sense ( being able to fly had it's perks in that regard ), but what to do in response...
... Well, there was only really one option, wasn't there? They begin to levitate the pecha berry in turn, mirroring her movements!
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It took her a minute to finally register a proper smile on her face. Now it's a game. She starts waving the malasada around, making cartoonish airplane noises.
A surprise! A TWIST!
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dreamdesire · 20 days
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THE LITTLE POKEMON doesn't reply aloud. At least, not right away. Instead, they return the smile with one of their own, reaching a small, clenched paw upwards in what was a clear offering. Deposited into Volo's palm... is a small collection of shiny, polished rocks.
"Thanking you for the treats! Very tasty!"
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    PUTS THEIR LITTLE paw right on your arm.
oh? volo pauses, eyes trailing down to the source; and when spotted, they crinkle at the edge, summer’s smile on display. 
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“why hello, little one!”
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dreamdesire · 23 days
★⋆ @downtrain interjected:
"almost time for WHAT-" <- panicked about possibly having to update his schedule
THEIR CONTEMPLATION IS quickly replaced by a startling pang of surprise as they hear an unknown voice from someplace nearby. They turn around quickly, throwing a somewhat panicked glance at the human they had noticed the approach of...
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... They quickly come to realize that despite the advice and warnings of humans they had already befriended, they have no real way to know right away if a human was one of 'the bad ones' or not. Carefully, their claw moves to point upwards.
"Soon. There is going to be a special star visiting, soon, and I will have to hide again."
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dreamdesire · 23 days
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THEIR EYES ARE locked up on the sky, tonight, a familiar sense causing their fur to stand on end.
"... Almost time, then."
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dreamdesire · 24 days
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Amany will remember this.
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"I mean, I guess we COULD hold with our toes?"
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dreamdesire · 24 days
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"Is it not normal to hold with a hand? What else can a human hold with??"
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