dreamingofwovensilver · 3 months
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older wolfstar mess
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dreamingofwovensilver · 3 months
pov: you’re harry being born to a bunch of 21 year olds
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their thoughts and doodles below the cut <3
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dreamingofwovensilver · 3 months
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I can’t help falling in love with you
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dreamingofwovensilver · 3 months
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i did NOT need to see this thanks.
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dreamingofwovensilver · 3 months
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Last winter in Hogsmeade ❄️🤍
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dreamingofwovensilver · 3 months
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zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz etc
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several months ago we had a cat with mysterious skin allergies that we couldn’t find the cause of. he was adopted as a “special needs” cat with the adopters understanding the circumstances
we just got an update and they had decided to get him a full allergy panel to find out what he’s allergic to
it’s people.
the cat is allergic to human dander.
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today you, tomorrow me.
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Temples are built for gods. Knowing this a farmer builds a small temple to see what kind of god turns up.
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If you haven’t heard there is a literal massacre going on in Sudan.
People are getting kidnapped, arrested, raped and killed. This has been going on for a few days now but naturally there’s hardly any media coverage.
There are a few ways to help:
 - Emergency Medical Aid Donation
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- Facebook campaign raising funds for food and other necessities
- International Rescue Committee
- Save The Children
Even if you can’t donate please help spread the news!!
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Brazilian cherries aren’t related to common cherries at all! They look like this and taste rather sour:
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Also, if you’re not used to them, Brazilian grapetrees look really alien:
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The fruit is formed in the trunk, not the branches!
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How many wips can a writer manage?
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A tip for smutfic writers: the word “sizeable” will never be sexy in any context whatsoever.
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Lesbians still making posts about how bad it is for bi women to use butch/femme:  We know! We heard u! We’re trying to make our own terms and have them used widespread but we need to get the WORD out for them to be commonplace and that’s hard when literally nobody but bis reblog posts talking about bisexuals lol! It’s not like we all follow each other. At this point the only people trying to take ur terms from you are lesphobes or young bi girls who straight up don’t realize they aren’t generic wlw terms because they haven’t learned the history bc literally no one is out here trying to include and teach bisexual kids shit about their gay lineage, everyone’s too busy trying to push it under the rug. 
bi equivalent of femme: doe bi equivalent of butch: stag
There are more for nb bis and such you can look into but there’s the basics! Look I’ve even designed flags you can find if you scroll through this tag! (i didnt come up with the terms)  
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When I write, I feel as though I tend to drag the chapter out too much, but I'm not entirely sure. Do you have any advice on how to tell when I should probably wrap the chapter up?
Chapters are made of up of scenes, typically 2-3. They can have just one, or more than three, but those shouldn’t be common unless you’re writing with an abnormal narrative structure for a reason. Chapters group similar scenes together, so while you’re asking about dragging on a chapter I’m going to focus on the scene and chapter level because they work together. Essentially, the end of a chapter is still the end of scene, though there can be some extra things to note.
For a scene: Make sure you can identify a purpose for why it’s being written, then once the purpose is complete, end it.
Usually, not having a clear purpose for the scene is the issue, but sometimes it can stem from being unsure of how to end a scene. Fortunately there are plenty of books out there that regularly end scenes to serve as examples. While the purpose of the scene should be relatively wrapped up (it’s not like you’re ending a book) scenes still need a clear point of continuity of the story. Usually that’s found in a logical flow of “X happened, therefore Y should follow”.
For a chapter: Make sure you have a reason to group the scenes together to form that chapter.
As mentioned before, chapters can sometimes have extra flair at their ending that you don’t always see with scenes. The “cliffhanger” is the classic example, but as plenty of books out there will show you, it’s not necessary to consistently use (at least not for non-pivotal points).
Noting purpose with scenes and chapters can look something like:
(In the first part of the story, John is assigned to a missing person’s case and is tasked with finding them. He has two prime suspects and wants to start keeping tabs on them.)
Scene 1: Conversation with suspect 1
Scene 2: Conversation with suspect 2
Scene 3: John compares what info he got to the details of the case
Overall Chapter: John gathers and consolidates info from two suspects.
In common cases where you have a bunch of scenes that all could potentially fall under the same chapter, it’s best to still try and find main break points. Longer chapters can test reader attention span or not give them a good point to pause at. As a reader (who doesn’t speak for everyone but has heard enough consensus about the issue), it can be annoying to regularly have to stop reading in the middle of a scene because the author didn’t put in good natural breaks. Some scenes/chapters will be longer, and that’s fine, but entire stories with lengthy everything can leave readers thumbing though pages so they have an idea of when they can take their next bathroom break. If your readers are doing something like that, the story is either not engaging enough, there aren’t enough natural breaks that it forces them to distance themselves to find one, or both.
Tips for Better Novel Chapters (link embedded) covers a point that the average chapter length should be around 2000-5000 words, therefore the scenes should add up to be somewhere in that range. There are more great tips in that link, so I suggest you take a look.
All that said, don’t focus so hard on trying not to drag things or pre-organizing the story that it ruins your writing flow. Writing concise scenes and chapters with defined goals is definitely something to work on, but a first draft is a first draft for a reason and you can always edit later.
Good luck with your chapters!
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