dreaminsomnia · 3 hours
we could go back to telegraphs instead of social media. send your mutuals unspeakable strings of morse code at 4:30am
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dreaminsomnia · 3 hours
Never underestimate the power of subtle body language to help those around you without causing a scene.
I use “stepping in front of insensitive/nosey assholes to block their view of a person they’re starring at” a lot. No words exchanged. Just getting between them (sometimes while starring back at them if they’re being extra weird) and they always seem to either realize what they’re doing or be jolted out of it. Either way it has never ended in a confrontation, just silent looks.
A kinda weird use of body language happened some time ago while I was standing at a bus stop near a train station. Right next to me stood a very short woman who I guessed to be from India based on her looks and dress, and around us were nothing but men. I’m very standard height for a Scandinavian woman so I’ve never felt short or tall in any group, but she looked tiny next to all these men packed tightly around us. I’m not sure why but I felt like she was uncomfortable with all these men towering over her and for some reason my response to that was to subtly change my stance so my front faced her a bit more. Not full on, but the way most friends stand next to each other, while still looking away from her. I don’t know why I thought that would be comforting to her because it could just as easily have come off as threatening, but after a few seconds she moved a bit closer to me. And then a bit closer. And then slightly closer. All without anyone else in the group moving. We stood like that until the bus arrived and then we went to separate seats.
So never be afraid to silently signal to strangers that you’re on their side or that they can fuck right off. People tend to respond better to that than words in my experience unless they’re already looking for a fight.
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dreaminsomnia · 4 hours
Tumblr's Favorite Show: Finals!
After several months of fierce fighting, with 256 initial combatants, we have made it to the FINALS
Now, it's time to determine Tumblr's Favorite Show!
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Previous rounds can be found below the break:
Prior Weeks:
Week 1: Round 1: Group 1
Week 2: Round 1: Group 2
Week 3: Round 1: Group 3
Week 4: Round 1: Group 4
Week 5: Round 2: Groups 1 and 2
Week 6: Round 2: Groups 3 and 4
Week 7: Round 3
Week 8: Round 4
Week 9: Round 5
Week 10: Round 6
Week 11: Semifinals
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dreaminsomnia · 4 hours
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killing the baby for sport
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dreaminsomnia · 4 hours
im a fucking sucker for the “character gets so badly injured that they can’t think clearly and start calling for help in a distressingly vulnerable way.” characters who start using nicknames for their friends they haven’t used since they were kids. characters who start begging for their brother they haven’t seen in years to be there. characters who would usually use their parents’ names or call them mother/father/etc crying out mama when they go down. u understand.
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dreaminsomnia · 4 hours
Rewatched the Howl's Moving Castle movie (fantastic animated movie, definitely inspired by more than an adaptation of the book) while doing something else and I was struck this time by the fact that the Prince (Turniphead the Scarecrow) says that he intends to go tell his king to call off the war, but THEN he intends on COMING BACK to Ingary to shoot his shot with Sophie again because (as he says to the flirtatious Witch of the Wastes) "hearts change".
And maybe he will come back to make Sophie an offer of marriage and then leave again when he's turned down, but I imagined for a moment that the Prince (who is possibly the movie's version of Prince Justin, so let's call him Justin) might just... move back into Howl's house without asking and stay there. There are several cases of precedent for this. Also, as Turniphead, he's shown several times helping Sophie with laundry, or playing with Markl, or helping the Witch of the Wastes move around, and Sophie deserves that kind of help around the house! Howl isn't going to reliably do chores.
And you know what? I think Howl would be into that shit. There's something very Wynne-Jonesian about it all still. It's tempting to write a post-canon fic about this situation from the movie with an extra dash of flavoring from the books. Like:
This is the infamous wizard Howl Pendragon/Jenkins, a vain draft-dodging flirt who likes to build moving castles to evade taxes too. The beautifully angry young woman with the silver hair over there is his wife, Sophie Hatter, who may or may not be an extremely powerful witch, but right now she's dusting and do not get in her way. This is Calcifer, the fire demon who used to have Howl's heart and is arguably his other life partner and also might be in love with Sophie, and this is arguably kind of actually his house. The old lady smoking a cigar over there is Howl's ex-girlfriend and former nemesis, the Witch of the Wastes, who now lives in their house. This is Markl, Howl's apprentice, kind of his kid, and there is no explanation of where he comes from or what happened to his parents. The dog used to be(?) the Royal Wizard's spy (Howl used to be her apprentice and potential successor) but now he also just lives here. And that's Prince Justin of Strangia, Sophie's house-boyfriend. Don't listen to the propaganda, he wasn't kidnapped by a heart-eating wizard; he used to be a cursed scarecrow and now he wants to be here to help Sophie do laundry. He's trying to homewreck and Howl thinks it's both funny and hot.
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dreaminsomnia · 4 hours
Serious Touhou fans will be like "I've figured it out, this is the thread that connects everything", then show you a picture of a character who appears exclusively in a dubiously canon secret bonus level in one game twenty-two years ago.
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dreaminsomnia · 4 hours
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dreaminsomnia · 4 hours
Remember when binging a whole season of a TV show was just a fun thing you could choose to do on your own and now companies have this set up as the default expectation and if people DON'T binge all at once it's a "failure" now? Wow. Magical times. Wild. Imagine watching stuff in whatever time frame you feel like and companies don't judge success over how many millions of people watched it in two days.
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dreaminsomnia · 5 hours
btw in this house if you like guilty gear you have to respect blazblue. If you pit two bad bitches against each other in my presence I'll be cross. I'll be angry. I'll smack you on the nose with a newspaper and go "NO!!! BAD!!" Any time you see gear vs blazblue discourse you should imagine sol and ragna making out sloppy style like that one post from ages ago suggests. It's not a suggestion it's a command.
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dreaminsomnia · 5 hours
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dreaminsomnia · 5 hours
i loveeeeeee nonlinear storytelling. show me where we are. now show me how we got here. the end before the beginning. show me how it was inevitable or how many chances we had to change things(nothing was ever going to change). let's meet in the middle as all the puzzle pieces slide into place hell yeah that's the good shit.
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dreaminsomnia · 7 hours
i think tumblr is too harsh on "unfunny reblogs" and that people should feel more willing and be more free to add harmless commentary to their reblogs. it's good for the posting ecosystem, and sometimes they will be winners. simultaneously, i do remove unfunny reblog additions from posts when reblogging them, yes. these can coexist. i simply ignore things online that i don't like
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dreaminsomnia · 16 hours
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dreaminsomnia · 16 hours
t-...to-...toasty s'more mushrooms.....
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dreaminsomnia · 18 hours
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dreaminsomnia · 18 hours
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