dreamlog1993 · 2 years
I’m trying to remember an old dream…
i was living at my current place but outside I had a shed. And someone was breaking into peoples homes and i saw them in a van, and i wasn’t afraid of them but didn’t want them to try it on me. They ended up breaking into my shed but I don’t remember what they took. I went in there to check it out, and a bear was roaming and tried to attack me when I was in there so I had to lock myself in. And it finally went away, so I came out and everyone had been waiting on me to go out to eat. Scott, mamaw. Aj, Sawyer, acetone. We went to this place on the top floor of a building and it took a long time to get there. We had beers.
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dreamlog1993 · 2 years
I was really hungry at midnight and the kids were up and hungry, it had been a long day and we just wanted to eat and sleep. We had to go to the store with old people and I think the girl I was with was my best friend. The kids were running around the store, it was almost completely empty. They took two hours picking out food. I was so upset about it. We finally got out of there and were in a restaurant style room to sit down and eat what we picked out. It was almost nothing. Then it was lisa and Mike not really old people and as soon as I sat down next to my best friend, Peanut, and avana and Mike, Lisa said to sit with her. Mike told me to. So I did. And peanut was upset because I moved so I had him come with me. Then blake shows up as I’m going back to the other table and we’re talking about how word it was because he hated us, and then changed our minds and said no he loves us.
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dreamlog1993 · 2 years
i had a dream that… I don’t remember a lot of it… I was walking to my home which looked like apartments but was a townhome, and there were bushes. Someone was hiding in them and they said hey and tried to grab me. A guy with a hat and jacket, very sketchy trying to hide his identity. I figured he would be gone by the time I went out again hours later but he was there when me tolley and avana went outside. We went on this huge chase. I think I ran down crowded streets in Tennessee (from another dream) and some kind of arena. And I had to jump into a car tolley was driving. I had a lot of bags and gifts. And we parked in this ridiculous alley and messed up the car and barely got out of it. The guy noticed and came after me. I went running off to avoid him targeting 𝙰𝚟𝚊𝚗𝚊 or anyone else, i know he’d tried on another girl. I was asking her how she got away but she said she didn’t and ended up dead. I was being chased by him on a roof, and he ended up falling. I skeeted away trying to act like I’m minding my own business and it has nothing to do with me. I thought he was dead, but he wasn’t. Then I woke up
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dreamlog1993 · 2 years
the other night… I had a dream that was pretty detailed. I’m forgetting now so I remembered this blog.
i was at war with people, I don’t know who or why. Very skilled men with heavy weapons trying to kill me and others. I had to go into the shed… the same shed from another dream… to get my ammo for my gun. I ended up being confronted by the enemy and somehow they just vanished, died. I didn’t have my gun loaded and I had only grabbed some type of knife. So I was able to take one of their pistols that was exactly like mine so I could use my bullets in it. I remember holding both guns and trying to figure out how to shoot with both at the same time. And I was escaping, and went to a place that looked like a dance or ball. I went past that to a place my family was at. Apparently it was Dorothy’s friends who owned the place and lived there. There was a doctor in one of the rooms. He wanted to check on me and thought I was fine but I tried going down the stairs and they were so steep and I had to work hard not to fall. Then I was leaving to grab food with 𝙰𝚟𝚊𝚗𝚊 when i see Aaron in the parking lot but he drove away when he saw me. I guess he thought I’d left for good because when we got back with fast food he was there. I didn’t think I’d see him. But he was leaving as i was coming in and I stopped him on the stairs. I blocked him and I said hey. He seemed stressed, and we looked into each other’s eyes and i read his mind. And I felt the tension ease, and he was thinking that he loved me. We had this crazy connection and just started making out. We decided we would go home together. And everyone was surprised.
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dreamlog1993 · 3 years
Alexis worked at youth•ology medspa and i shared a bed with the man and his wife. But we didn’t know each other. We just had to live that way. But it wasn’t just the spa, it was actually Elon musk not that guy, and i applied for a job and he told me i could be a student advisor for the company. That’s not what i expected at all and didn’t want to do that but didn’t know how to say no so i said okay I’d research it, he said he’d call me. Then i was mad cause i wanted to say no but we share a bed i didn’t want him mad and wondered why he shared one at all he could have a whole house to himself and it was almost Christmas
Then i was thinking of how he really is just part of the team and readily available to common people so i could say hey i knew him
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dreamlog1993 · 3 years
I was working out helping out at a place like Bath and body works. I bought five candles and put them away then it was tolle got me to go, some woman and then some guy were lonely for the holidays so we hung out and watched movies. I had a third child out maybe it was corbin, but the baby dad was Cody Bowers little brother (who doesn’t exist in real life) but i apparently had no drama with him and he saw our kid regularly and we didn’t talk. I had to ask someone what his name was and realized he was really cute and wondered how i never really thought about him. His name was David Alexander
Then i was all alone. Staring at a flocked Christmas tree for some reason i was close enough that i could hug it. I think i was alone but surrounded by people. It was crowded. It didn’t have good vibes
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dreamlog1993 · 3 years
I had this weiiird dream. I was staying with Dorothy and David and sleeping late and they were all in the living room with the kids so i decided to touch myself and then David walks in and i pretend h to be half asleep and he is arguing with me telling me knows i was not asleep but then i actually start to fall asleep. He’s saying something and my head falls over and my hand barely touches his leg just on his jeans. He gently cups one side of my face with his hand and just holds it for a minute.
Anyway we are at some lake house next with a lot of people there and swimming and riding skidoo’s and it gets dark and avana text saying she was on a huge boat with a bunch of people and corbins not with me and i try to call everyone but nobody answers and finally mom replied saying she is back in Christiansburg and I’m freaking out cause i was left all alone
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dreamlog1993 · 3 years
I remember i was with two friends and our friendship was really being tested over this long travel over water and it seemed like i was lying to them about what we were doing, like i was stalling. Then someone comes and says we’re in the right place we should do it (some water sport) so we’re all saying okay, but next thing you know it’s morphed into an even more extreme situation, we are at the mall and hitlers army is taking everyone out. We think we can fight them and our “uniform” was anti-swastika tye dye shirts and we had guns and it was kind of a mall setting. But no matter how hard and tactical we are they’re finding us and killing us. And so we start hiding to save our lives but they’re still finding us and killing us. So I’m one of the last survivors, and one of my new army friends (a girl who fell in love with a boy friend of mine) is drawing attention to herself and I’m trying to stop her. But she kills herself right before they get to and they kill everyone near her. That’s when i finally cry and i know we have to Jill ourselves or be killed because there’s no escape. I woke up in a panic
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dreamlog1993 · 3 years
In this dream i went to ashleighs to feel less sad and she had a guy there and was starting a love movie. I told her i couldn’t watch it because i fall in love with the characters and it makes my heartbreak worse. Something else happened i forgot.
Then i was in line at mcds and Corbin only wanted a hash brown and chocolate milk. I ordered but pulled forward and these two girls were standing in line at the drive thru and i asked why and they said they wouldn’t let them order inside. So i was like oh hell no. So i went inside with them and they said it’s because they’re remodeling so i was like okay. They gave my food to me inside but by then the two g girls had to leave but gave me their apartment keys. I couldn’t find my car keys. My shoes were missing. So i took their car and it took forever to get out of the parking lot because of construction. I had to dodge huge gaps in the ground… got to their apartment my car keys weren’t there. Or my shoes. ID looked everywhere. Then my friend who was with me the whole time said they knew where they were and found them. I went back to mcds hoping my car hadn’t been towed. I don’t know if that was it
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dreamlog1993 · 3 years
Had a dream i was trapped and then living in an apartment, the outside looked like lake terrace, and Joseph reid was living there a bit away. I eventually was like screw it maybe i should talk to him and next thing i know I was right in front of his job in my car! And there was an empty hamper i has been holding when i said it, i was still holding it in the car. And joe and his daughter were walking out the door and I’d parked right next to his car!! And i freaked out, was trying to get the hamper away from me and leave fast, but i was not fast enough… and i was trying to reverse and adjust the seat because it was really close to the dash, and i guess there was another “me” next to me in the seat who started signaling at joes kid and telling her to get her seatbelt on and hello and acting friendly and crazy… and i was like omg no we need to go…
Then i got a mysterious feeling about a rusty dance and was portaled there, with someone else i knew (maybe a friend or alexis), and i saw a girl stuck in the rusty metal fencing, looked like she’d been there a while. She was really sad and afraid, then there were these two birds that looked like dodo birds who were there. One of them was aggressive and coming at any human, but the other was also half stuck in the fence. So the abrasive one started coming for (alexis?) and there was someone next to her and i was like who are you and where did you come from? I assumed another victim or friend of the victim, very young, and i grabbed onto something on the ceiling and started swinging back and forth to fight this bird. It didn’t seem to be able to fly but it could jump pretty high. Its beak and feet were sharp so they kept getting me a little bit i was kicking it and it was relentless. I woke up before i could ever get the girl or other bird out…
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dreamlog1993 · 3 years
The best thing about my dream last night was you
Vacation at the beach, only a short time anyone could spend on it because of severe storms and rain… milk shortage… we’d all been drinking the first night and you and i talked a lot. Reece cups. Lol. And in my head i was like “yes broke the ice again” but then remembered it doesn’t matter….
Another night, I’d almost hooked up with you but we we got back to your room and i said no. Then your fat friend decided to try to hook up with me and touched me on my face trying to kiss me and i hit him, he was drunk and fell back, i started throwing anything heavy i could find on his genital area… he was cussing me on the ground and started to call someone and it was you. He didn’t even know you were right next to me in the room he was so drunk
Youd started to make excuses for him but stopped when i started saying well what if it was you he touched on the face or tried to kiss.
But the rest of it, i felt close to you again and that’s pretty shitty but i didn’t wake up too upset so that’s something…
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dreamlog1993 · 3 years
Had a dream i was at hobby lobby and i got my job back, steven was a boss there too, and i ended up not having a shirt to wear… i had to run to the back room and he had to give me one…
I had some dream there was a fire and i somehow put it out, i tried calling 911 but it wasnt going through or i didnt know where i was, it was a trailer but me and someone put it out
I was doing things with some guys and dorothy and kids etc and none of the details really matter there was just some competition, i had to shower cause i got dirty. Some hunk was apparently close with me and came in and was on the floor talking to me and watching me. and then i ended up with david in the truck after i had showered and he said something about how he never gets to do the good stuff with me when we hang out and he leaned in to kiss me and i was like we can’t do that
But i had this huge urge that i wanted to
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dreamlog1993 · 3 years
I had a dream we were going through the separation and we decided to make things work together and all of the colors in the dream were beautiful and family was around and i was never alone and i was so happy
I was afraid it was just a dream because he loved me finally and then went into the bathroom because we were going to shower and thought i saw him kissing someone else
I opened the door wider and it was just him playing silly with Corbin and avana was in there laughing and a cat and a dog, oliver, who kept climbing on top of the shower and i said “well now i know this is a dream” and then realized it and woke up
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dreamlog1993 · 3 years
I had a dream that i was hanging out with a teenage girl at her school as if i were her family, i had a protective feeling about me with her, i stood up for her because she needed it… but as time went on, i felt more like it was just me in a high school, feeling unaware and looking around.
Then it cut into another dream and i was at a fair or something, and i felt really frisky and wanted to text Tolley to come over. I didn’t. I saw michael and he walked me home (wtf) and then he got frisky and had me faced and pinned against the wall and he tried to put his dick in my ass. I resisted, and he didn’t care and i blacked out. I woke up alone on the floor, and just as soon as I’m recalling that he raped me i feel a rush as if my period had started. But it was blood coming from my ass and i was profusely bleeding, i panic and Tolley is standing in front of me watching, so i plead for him to help me over and over, and he doesn’t. And then I died.
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dreamlog1993 · 3 years
I’ve had so many dreams and not recorded them. They usually make me too sad to want to write them down.
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dreamlog1993 · 3 years
Had a dream i was putting out big pinecone sized bunches of weed for sale but i was robb clark, then he got murdered
Then i was listening to my friend on the phone with the investigator and was told she saw records of him cheating with multiple women but one of them repeatedly over the span of years and maybe a drug operation lol… then i was just married to my new husband who was old and had blue-green eyes and he was ugly but i wanted to have sex, i wasn’t wearing underwear with my wedding dress. We never really had sex though, he couldn’t get hard enough so it was just the tip, then i was with this actress from “the end of the fucking world” but she was also a dark headed girl, and she was my lover i guess, we were selling my bed and someone offered 50,000 for it but i was like what will i sleep on tonight?! lol and the guy was like really? Then there was a nice fancy tree that i wanted for our new bedroom together, but she said it wouldn’t fit or would look funny, and then she had a vest on and liked it but later found out she looked like a feminist and tore it off saying ew I’m not a feminist, but we are lesbians so… then i was following her like a camera when she woke up, bad mood, gets to work and I’m busy and she’s upset, looks in the fridge, sees a buttermilk caramel drink and gets it, drinks a little, walks through the store, finds something else and pours it in the bottle instead, grabs some strawberry snack cakes.. i get distracted by this 3 gallon spout-jug of dewormed coffee and i say i think that would probably be good.
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dreamlog1993 · 3 years
I only remember one part of my dream- someone asked me, “what are you listening to?” and it was the beginning of Feathered Indians
It was like they asked me because they knew it meant i was reminded of Rod. And they smiled
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