dreamsbeta-blog · 6 years
Entrepreneur Update
Updating you guys on my business progress this week. This week is a busy week for everyone. There is the Christmas Eve where everyone cooks and prepare for the Noche Buena dinner for their families. There is also the Christmas day itself where most people stay with their beloved family. After that, there is the boxing day and it means shopping for low prices deals and who doesn't want that? This week business update means the business did not have any customer because of the holidays and most potential customers like students is in vacation mode and does not want to ruin the festivity of the week by having a tutorial. But it was a great week for me because I have all the family get together and I also doesn't want my week to be ruined by thinking how my business going this week.
I enjoy the time posting my business update on this blog. If I am going to continue further to my business, I might continue updating this blog and will keep you guys updated!
Thank you for reading my blogs, and happy new year to you all!
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dreamsbeta-blog · 6 years
Week 12 Update
Updating you guys for my business progress this week. Last week I have a classmate of mine who is struggling doing our assignment in our database management course. She asked me to make her the assignment and she’ll pay me on doing so. Since I am running a business I got the idea that this is my chance to get a customer for my business. Since the assignment required the Microsoft Access database and I also cover this software tutorial I tried to convince her to buy my service to tutor her on how to do the assignment. Since she doesn’t want to have a tutor, she asked me to do the assignment for her instead. I gave her the price and she accepted it on the spot.
Even though this week sales are not in my plan, I still consider it as a profit for my business. It also gives me another idea to add into one of my business service and hopefully attract more customer in the future.
Thank you for reading my update, and happy holidays to all of you.
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dreamsbeta-blog · 6 years
Week 11 Progress
This week progress has no change from the past few weeks. I still didn’t get any customer for my tutorial service business. Although few of my friends and classmates wanted me to teach them on another subject, they just want me to treat to lunch or snacks and not pay my service fee. I told them that I can only teach them for a few minutes and or give them tips or straightforward way to do the problems regarding the subject.
Since we are approaching the end of the semester and holidays, everyone is going to be busy on their end and I do hope that I’ll be having customers before the final presentation. I am trying to expand my services to more approachable way and I’ll update you guys for any changes for the following weeks.
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dreamsbeta-blog · 6 years
Weekly Update
As of today, I still didn’t have any customer since I give my friends a free tutorial service. Since I can only commit a limited time of my schedule due to the courses condense learning outcome at the college and adding my part time job I hardly get a customer inside my busy schedule. I am planning to take a step forward into my business by offering an online tutorial to maximize all possibilities of finding a customer.
With all this said and done, I am going to post another update next week. Until then I hope to get my first customer to buy my service.
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dreamsbeta-blog · 6 years
Third week update
 have done my free sample tutorial service with my friends at the college. I asked them if they liked the tutorial service. They said they liked my service as I teach them differently than the way our instructor teaches us. They also mention that I have the patience to teach them, as they are having difficulty learning the course.
I still haven’t found any customer this week and I am hoping to find a customer next week as I would be expecting my friend to spread my business in the area.
Until the next update, please stay tune!
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dreamsbeta-blog · 6 years
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dreamsbeta-blog · 7 years
Tutorial  Update
For this week, I started advertising and letting my friends know that I started a tutorial business. As a starter promotion I am giving my service to some of my friends for free in limited time! As soon as one of my friend wanted my tutorial service they’ve asked for a different course that they really need to understand. Since this is a free tutorial and it will help me spread my business name I accepted this task given out to me. Since I understand the course they wanted me to teach, I must invest an extra effort to deliver my service effectively.
The tutorial will take next week, so until then please stay tune for further update!
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dreamsbeta-blog · 7 years
Progress Report
Learning Computer Essential Tutoring is now proceeding from the final stage of development phase to start the implementation phase.
In the development phase I research the feasibility of my business locally and with my fellow students at Fleming college. My main target customer for the past weeks are mostly students, but since the Ontario college faculty union went on Strike, I had difficulty getting and convincing my fellow students to buy my service tutorial. I do hope that on the following week when classes start, I hope that my business customers are willing to my service to catch up on their software classes and to their websites.
On implementation phase, I will start to advertise my business services and begin developing lecture materials. For my advertising campaign, I will provide a free example of my service to my colleague and expand my business image to their friends and colleague.
Will update further after I get my first customer…...
Until then,
Perseus Villar
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dreamsbeta-blog · 7 years
Future or Taking the business Forward Financial Source
The financial sources I would consider would be the following:
1.       Personal Investment – Borrowing your own money to start a business is a great way to avoid having high interest when borrowing money. Using your own hard worked money is also a great investment to be committed to the business.
 2.       Business Partner – Let’s say for example you have a friend who is willing to be your business partner and invest to your business ideas. Even though you are borrowing money to your own friend, consider this a serious business. You can both invest on the business and lessen up your financial burden.
 3.       Love Money – Borrowing money from your family is also a smart choice if they have a lot of trust in you. When borrowing money from them, consider it a serious business and you must pay it back with either in equal amount plus gratitude and if they’re the one asking for money you should also give that gratitude back to them.
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dreamsbeta-blog · 7 years
Business Operation
Business Management
The Learning Computer Essential Tutoring business is an sole owner business. I will be the sole employee of the business and all transaction to the service itself will be all my responsibility.
Product and Materials
The product of the business I am establishing is a tutorial service. The service includes basic computer services, Microsoft Office and WordPress tutorial. The service resource I am providing is mostly based on experience and research materials. I will be giving out notes materials to my customer and I can also share my equipment if they do not have the equipment or software needed for the lessons.
I am selling my service to the customer based on their selected topic. The customer will provide information unto what they want to learn, and they must give it prior to the appointment date. The customer can pay via cash or via electronic bank transfer.
I am hoping to have at least 2-3 customers for the entire semester and make some profit from it.
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dreamsbeta-blog · 7 years
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Customer Persona
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dreamsbeta-blog · 7 years
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Creative Advertising!! 
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dreamsbeta-blog · 7 years
Local Competition
Shaw Computer Systems
Strength:  Since the company partners with big companies like ASUS, Lenovo, Windows, etc. they have a great advantage of attracting customers who wants to seek their services. They have broad range of training sessions and variation of courses that a customer can choose from.
Weakness: Their weakness in my opinion will be the cost of their session, since their courses can be self taught or can be redeem in a much lower price it might be their greatest weakness in the local competition. Then again, they have a certified professional instructor and that might be covering the cost of their teaching sessions.
CTC computer training
Strength: Their greatest strength are their trainers which are Microsoft Certified Trainers and has experience in teaching this type of courses for a long time.  
Weakness: Their weakness is teaching in a group of people. One of the reviews in their Facebook page reviews says that they hardly had any support when they ask questions. And another of their weakness are their price as well.
Cavan Monaghan Libraries
Strength: Their greatest strength is offering the computer training for free! They might be my greatest business rival because they offer two of my business expertise for free. They are one of the local public library that offers free access to their services.
Weakness: The Library is located at the west end of Peterborough and they doesn’t get any bus route and it’s only accessible by car. So, the only one who can access their service are either those who has a means of transportation to their location.
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dreamsbeta-blog · 7 years
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dreamsbeta-blog · 7 years
Take a break, and have some fun!
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