Hey yo my tumblr is screwing up today but I will be posting soon! Sorry for the delays. Been distracted and work. love live my life please be patient with me a little longer and if you want a new (or another) thread, let me know! I’m cool with more than one thread or starting over. Also, if you ever want to rp with me don’t be afraid to ask !! I love tumblr messenger.
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This boy seemed smart, Touya was glad to have run into him. Normally he can read a person right when he meets them, which seems to help him through his travels. Luckily they seemed quick to the chase, making this task easier. Not wanting to fall behind, Touya ran after them, wanting to catch up to the Electrike soon as possible.
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“You wouldn’t happen to have a Quick Ball on hand would you? I’ll pay you back.” he only had plain pokeball’s on him, and using his current Pokémon team would probably K.O. the already injured Pokémon. It was the only plan he could think of to take it safely to the Pokémon center, unless this boy before him had a better one.
“Or trade you, but I would like to catch the little guy.” he felt his excitement start to kick in, even though he knew he should stay calm in situations such as these. He looked around the area for any sudden movement in the grass, hoping the Electrike would pop out eventually. There was the thought of sending out his own electric Pokémon, but if there was something harming electric types then that wouldn’t be the best idea.
“Oh, are there any other electric Pokémon in this area?” he questioned how much this boy knew about this region, as Touya was obviously foreign to these lands.
“Hmmm… no new Pokemon here. Guess the information was a bust.”
A small sigh escaped the assistant’s lips as he took out a flask and took a few sips of water to quench his thirst. Professor Rowan had received news that sightings of a new Pokemon were spotted in the vicinity and had sent Lucas down to check it out for the next few days to check if it was authentic or not.
“Guess I got to tell the professor th-”
The rustling of leaves nearby caught his attention before a quick blur sped past him causing Lucas to step back in surprise before wondering what that blur could possibly have been? The Pokemon the professor had been looking for or an anomaly?
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His answers were given soon when another trainer arrived momentarily asking if he had seen an Electrike. “An Electrike with a static problem…how strange and yet intriguing. Well, I saw a blur speed past me into that direction there, maybe it’s the one you’re looking for? Come on, I’ll help you catch it.” With a nod, Lucas picked up his backpack and ran off in the direction the blur went.
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sorry for my late replies ! my excuse.......... ........ I’ve been watching ATLA and now korra lol. i’m way behind on that series don’t mind me .
anyone else want a starter? cap is at three ahh. might take a while for me!
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When she took his hand, he was able to swiftly lead them out of the crowd of bustling people. He allowed her to stay close to her, not minding it at all. He was used to warmth from others, especially his two friends, one of them in particular liking the contact. This time around he didn’t have to use his pokemon friends to help her.
“You’re welcome! I’m glad I could help.” he patted her on the head, wondering where she could go now. He could lead her to a different town, one that’s more friendlier and perhaps less quieter.
“Do you want help finding shelter? I don’t mind. There are nicer places than this one.” he looked through his pokenav, figuring it’ll be better if they walked there. However, he wasn’t sure if she had any pokemon on her or not.
“Unless you have a home here. Then I’ll take you there.” he tilted his head curiously before pausing a moment, realizing he forgot to say something important.
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“Right! I’m Touya. What’s your name…?” he’s met many different unique people, and she seemed different from the rest. Perhaps that’s why he decided to save her, he wasn’t sure, but he did know what he did was right in his mind.
It started as a simple day for her, not one of note but one that was easy to remember for the simple comforts. That’s what she thought it would be. Simple. She was going to just go in to town, grab a few goods and go on her way. But, what happened she wasn’t too sure, someone found out about her powers. 
Where the average person would move on, they asked her to do things. To see their futures or to do this or that. People started crowding around her, muttering about this and that and thoughts were pouring in at a rate she could barely comprehend. 
Her chest was tightening and her eyes were swimming, she could feel herself shake. And then she saw a calm face. And a hand. She didn’t know what he said but she immediately trusted her instincts and took his hand. 
He lead her through the crowd and lead her somewhere quiet. Or at least quieter. Dia didn’t know what to really think, or what would be appropriate. So by instinct alone, she did the only thing she could think of. 
She hugged him. Clung to him like a frightened meowth, still shaking quite a bit. And by the time she could find words to say, all she could manage was, “Thank you.”
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Touya tried to examine her over to see if she was okay, and judging from her voice she seemed fine. Apples weren’t that painful, but it wasn’t nice to be rained upon apples. He waved after hearing what she said, glad that she was in agreement.
“Okay! Get ready!” he’s played this small game with his pokemon and they seemed to enjoy catching objects falling from high up. He wondered if other people felt the same way. Quickly letting his thoughts slide for now, he began to shake the branch, unknowing how many will fall off. He’d grab them with his hands, but that was still quite the complicated task on his own. For now, he’d have to be careful. He waited until at least one finally plucked off and headed down toward the girl.
“There! I’ll try to send one at a time.” try was an understatement, but luckily the apples were spread out. He moved a bit while she was busy with the one that fell, and waited before trying again. Two more fell that time.
“This is hard, I wonder how pokemon do it?” he questioned out loud and saw a particular apple he knew was ripe, but it was further away. 
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He scooted over carefully and also let that one fall, wondering if he was moving too fast for her. What he didn’t know was that he knocked off three at the same time, completing their task.
“Did you get them?”
Sometimes it was nice to relax and take a load of. Traveling was hard at times, even for her being a trainer. Not that she was complaining of course, considering how her journey had well, involved not being able to take it easy for parts of it.
She had decided to relax under an apple tree, one of her favorite things to do. Well, relaxing under trees that is. They were relaxing to say the least.
However, her relaxing was soon interrupted when apples started raining down from above, nearly onto her head. She looked up into the tree to see a male not much older than her in the tree, looking down at her. She listened to what he had to say before replying.
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“Ah, okay!” She smiled up at him, nodding. He hadn’t hurt her, but he probably couldn’t tell from being so high up. “You can get the rest from up there, and I’ll grab what’s already down here, okay?”
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After seeing her nod, he let out a small ‘thanks’ and sat down beside her. He happily started to munch on his own food after getting it out of his lunchbox. He had a selection of rice and veggies, not that he minded, as Touya would eat almost anything.
“Really? I’ve been known to bring quite the attention, especially outside of my region. Is it easy to tell I’m not Kantonian? But I guess my Pokémon gives it away.” he laughed slightly, curious if she knew or not. Touya went back to eating, trying to finish before the next round started. They did have an hour interval section so the Pokémon can rest or train if the trainer so desired. Touya let his Archeops do as it pleased, long as it didn’t cause trouble for others.
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“What do you think of the competition? I joined for training, and I thought it was interesting.” he wanted to see if his Pokémon could fly faster than the others, so there was more than just fun to this competition. So far they were in the lead, already through the first round, but the Dragonite was getting in the way. If not for the Dragonite that a random trainer had in this competition, the two might have better hopes of winning. Food was mentioned for the grand prize, so of course people would want to win for that.
It was a rather sunny and warm day. 
Leaf sat with her Pokemon, watching the trainers and Pokemon interact was her favorite part. She didn’t participate, nor did she have any desire to. It was fun enough to just be able to relax and have a good time. She sat far enough away from the crowds, so she wasn’t recognized right away. It was never a hassle to talk to people, but Leaf liked the quiet. She didn’t realize how much she did, until all she was surrounded by was noise. 
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She watched how each team worked, and carefully was able to pick out who was there to win, and who was there to have fun. Most of them were there to win, not that she blamed them, after all, thats why you joined these types of competitions. But then there was a select few, who were just having fun with their teams. Leaf smiled proudly at them, and hoped that one of those few teams won. 
After playing with her own Pokemon, Leaf sat out individual treats and took out her own lunch. She considered that day a win. And as she took her first bite out of the sandwich in her hands, she was greeted with a male voice. Looking up, it had been one of the trainers from before. Nodding, she took a bite out of her sandwich. After swallowing, she gives him a smile. 
“You’re doing very well out there, I’ve been watching you and your partner.”
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“We can do that! Or the Subway works too.” he nodded, not minding either one, but Touya didn’t feel like battling right now. Perhaps later they could scare the trainers with their intense battling. It did sound fun, at least.
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“Have you gotten stronger with your Pokémon?” Touya moved to walk beside the taller man, not minding that they were being stared at. Long as they weren’t being followed, now that would be suspicious.
“I’ve trained a lot since I’ve left.”
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Hearing the familiar voice, Ingo turned to face the boy when he approached. When his name was said, his eyes shot around a moment before looking back to Touya, “Hallo again Touya.” He replied, taking the offered bag and slipping it into his pocket.
Glancing around again, “Would you like to come talk back in the office?” It’d certainly put him more at ease. There would be no one back there but his brother, maybe, and some of the Depot Agents if they were walking around the halls. He was interested in catching up with the boy though, so hopefully he was fine with going back there.
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“Okay, make that… 14 altogether! I’ll need help carrying them…” he continued to dig through his wallet to get out more pokedollar’s. If 14 was too much (as he wasn’t sure if Bianca currently had a team of six), then he’ll just eat the extras on his own. The thought sounded amusing, and so he hurriedly took out all the change. He tried not to drop it soon as he was embraced by her warmth, watching her curiously.
“B-Bianca, you’re going to worry others…! Quickly, where’s my..” coming prepared, Touya took out his handkerchief and handed it to her, hugging her and rubbing her back in return. He decided to try and calm her down while waiting on their delicious Casteliacones.
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“Let’s eat our Casteliacones on a bench and let our pokemon play! Sound good, Bianca?” he flashed her another smile, hoping it was enough to calm the girl down. He planned to explain everything to her. He did disappear off the face of the planet, after all. Well, not literally.
“Except all my pokemon evolved, we might wanna do it outside of the city—oh!” he pulled away from her the best he could to use his hand to carry the tray of Casteliacones. He attempted to take his other hand back to carry the rest. It was not an easy process, but at least they were in protective cases. The vendor was smart. Crowds were dangerous to carry ice cream in, so of course they’d need protection.
“Bianca, you can carry the rest, right?” he looked at her, then wondered how they were to get out of this crowd alive. He snuck in just fine, but getting out was another story. They’d have to stick close to each other if they didn’t want to be separated.
It was no coincidence that Bianca happened to be in Castelia City on the day that Casteliacones were going on sale. The popular treat being offered for 50% off drew quite the crowd and she feared it would sell out before she could get a taste of it. Casteliacones had always been among her favorite things, ever since she was a small child living in the city. Although she did have business in the city, which was already taken care of, a trip to Castelia would be absolutely wasted if she couldn’t get her hands on a cone.
As she approached the front of the line, she was delighted to see that the vendor stocked extra of the ice cream so there was plenty to sell. She quickly fished out her wallet from her bag and placed her order. Before she could hand her money over to the vendor, she was interrupted by a very familiar voice and turned to see the face of a friend.
“T-Touya….” Bianca said in an almost-whisper, but she couldn’t find it in herself to say more. Was it really him? The same guy who disappeared out of the blue one day? The shock of his sudden appearance had distracted her and she didn’t hear his question about buying extra ice cream. 
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“Wh-What are you doing here?” Were all the words she could muster together. She felt tears forming in her eyes and her hands and knees began to shake, but out of joy. A wide grin formed on her face and she removed her glasses to wipe away her tears, which were almost nonstop after a while. People behind them were watching and whispering to one another while Bianca drew in closer to embrace him. At the very least, she could contain herself from bawling like a toddler in public. 
“I’ve missed you so much!”
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Touya shrugged, not wanting to argue whether or not Green was late. The boy was just early, early enough he was able to memorize all the Pokémon below them. Kanto Pokémon were rather unique in their own way, just as much as Unovian Pokémon were. It was amazing how different their forms vary.
“Me too! My Archeops is really friendly. It took a bit of help to find this place.” he looked up to where his Archeops was, the ancient bird Pokémon grooming its wings while resting. At least it seemed to be enjoying itself in its new surroundings.
“Also, you’ll scare trainers that way, Green. Anyway, you ready to go? You said you’d take me to ruins!” he grinned, the trainer was starting to be full of enthusiasm. The Archeops flew down to them and watched Green closely. Noticing the Pokémon come close, Touya grabbed its pokéball and returned it to let it rest in there for now since they were going to do the rest on foot.
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“I made sure to bring us lunches this time.” Touya has been known for forgetting food, but when it came to meeting his friends he didn’t mind cooking. He wasn’t a bad cook, even if he was one to eat take-out half the time.
“Let’s pray to Arceus that a Pokémon doesn’t steal it.”
     Green doesn’t have friends; he’d said that once ( and often, when questioned of the whereabouts of his companions, and he had been too stubborn to admit that he had any ) in contemplation of the days he’d been lonely. Someone had asked him where they were, when he was in Kalos, studying mega evolution and acquiring a mega stone for himself.
    Perhaps, it had been bitterness at the time, when he had assembled the words ‘no’ and ‘friends’ in one sentence. Green had been angry; he’d felt that he was left behind. It must be pathetic to hear, he imagines, and he prefers that he will keep that to himself for the time being. It’s ‘childish and foolish’ of him, Misty had said, and he chose not to listen.
    But Touya had been kind; too much, he thinks, and once he even dared to call him naive. Kindness is a mistake, he assumes, for the ones who have not been betrayed. ( He thinks Touya is too innocent for betrayal; too good. ) He approaches quietly, and he smiles when he is spotted.
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         “Hey, I’m not that late, am I?” He doesn’t bother to look at the time; he’s here now, and Touya doesn’t seem to mind. “I got caught up at the gym. Some measly trainer wanted a rematch with his Rattata, and I couldn’t resist. Anyway, how was your literal flight? I’m surprised you got here on time.”
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Touya got bored of speeches easily, and he only participated because of his status. He also expected to see his friend Cheren, but that plan did not happen. It seems he came for no reason, and his suggestions were not easily heard. It didn’t help that the boy was hungry, either, and boy can he eat when he wanted to. He let out a sigh and gave a pat to his Zebstrika, the electric-type happily allowing its trainer to. But his distraction was cut off by someone speaking up, as he did not expect someone else to be here.
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“You’re… lost?” Touya questioned and situated his hat, looking at the person properly. He did not recognize them, and they did not look Unovian like he was. He tilted his head curiously.
“I don’t mind help you. Would you like a ride?” he pointed at his horse-like Pokemon, the electric type tapping its hooves slightly in agreement. It didn’t seem to mind the new company.
“Also, your… your cape is really cool!” Touya couldn’t hold his sudden excitement in.
Free Food Isn’t Worth This//Eusine and Touya
Crashing landing with Quetzal in the middle of the annual Unova Gym Leader Conference was something of a happy coincidence. With his admittedly outlandish suit, Eusine more or less passed muster among the formal wear of the other attendees.
What did not pass muster was that he was looking utterly lost in the middle of a speech being delivered by a very old man and people were starting to stare at him.
As the speech droned on, Eusine began to realize that maybe he should excuse himself and actually go about his business rather than stand about and hope for free food. To that end, he quietly stepped out onto the patio of the conference hall to see about getting his Jumpluff to carry him back into the sky. As he rounded the corner away from the French doors, however, he finds himself standing uncomfortably close to another individual who seems to have had a similar idea.
“Hello, I seem to have gotten lost. If you will excuse me,” he said as he angled himself to step past the other person.
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Touya’s been sitting in a corner and watching for a while now. The crowd was piling up, and he had no idea what was going on. He remembered encountering many crowded places during his journey, and most of those crowds were drawing attention on one individual or just a few. But this felt different than wanting the attention. The atmosphere seemed terrible in his eyes; a lot of the voices were murmuring this and that. The only word he caught was ‘psychic’. He’s met a few psychics in his life, but hasn’t really made friends with them, just simple acquaintances. He’s seen nothing wrong with them, and he has nothing against them. He didn’t understand why this crowd was being this way.
Hopping off his resting post, he shuffled his feet on over to them and snuck behind the crowd to make his way on over to the center of attention. He offered them a hand and smiled, winking slightly to see if they understood what he was getting at.
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“You want me to drag you out of this?” he waited, motioning his head so she can see her pokeball’s down at his belt. If push came to shove, he’ll use his Pokémon to help them escape, but it probably wasn’t necessary. It was just something to help her feel safer and away from these people. His expression stayed calm, not once did he feel anything against her like this crowd seemed to.
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The young adult ran into the fun house because of a certain Pokémon he’s seen. The Pokémon was familiar, and he recognized it right away, but he wanted to make sure it was who he thought it was. The body was small enough to lift into his arms, and it reminded him of someone. What he didn’t know, in fact, was that this certain someone he was reminded of also happened to be inside this part of the amusement park. However, there was this strange feeling clinging to his chest, like he knew something was going to happen. The excitement was starting to take over, causing him to run faster, but these mirrors were making his mind want to go insane.
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Some were completely silly, and there were mirrors that appeared on the floor. There were points he felt he’s seen that area before, and then he questioned how big this place actually was. The Pokémon’s ear could be seen briefly in some areas, and Touya immediately went in the direction he saw it. At least the Pokémon seemed to be having fun, but this game of tag was not. He stayed silent so he wouldn’t startle the familiar face. That wasn’t until he almost ran into someone, almost losing his footing. If the mirror wasn’t beside him, he would’ve fallen over.
“S-sorry, didn’t think someone else was here… there was… a Pokémon…” he didn’t realize he was almost out of breath until mid-sentence. This was quite the exercise, he wished the exit would come soon, but at the same time he didn’t.
“I think it’s playing a game—….” when he turned around to see who it was, he paused. It was someone he hasn’t seen in years, someone he had no contact info on (even though he thought he did), someone he thought he lost. Is that why this certain Pokémon was here? If this place was crowded, anyone would be surprised to see the unfamiliar small creature. The two had to get it out soon.
“N?” the alias he’s been used to calling the other rang through the room. He would’ve forgotten about the Pokémon if he hadn’t seen it peek out for a moment, its face clearly showing it was having fun before disappearing again.
“N, help me.” he peeked behind the taller man’s shoulder to try and see where it went.
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The Kanto breeze was rather amazing. There was supposed to be a balloon competition today, and people had the opportunity to bring a Pokémon with them. It was just as exciting as the bug-catching competition. The only problem was, the Pokémon had to have the ability to fly or float in the air. Luckily for Touya, he had his Archeops. They managed to make it to the final round, but for now, they were taking a break.
He let his Archeops fly in the air and enjoy the wind, but in the meantime he was having a hard time finding a place to sit down and eat. The place was still packed, and he had to hurry if he wanted anything in his stomach. He managed to find a place away from others, but there was also a girl there. He didn’t know if she was in the competition or not, since he was focused on letting his Archeops have fun more than winning.
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“Could I sit here?” he asked, holding his lunch box in hand. His stomach did growl slightly, indicating the boy was starving. He didn’t plan to eat on the air balloon, knowing very well that was not always the best idea especially since it was meant to be a competition.
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“Wait, wait!” Touya was exploring the region, and had recently spotted a pokemon he hasn’t caught yet. But it was already injured, and Touya wanted to befriend it. Before he could get close, the electric-type let out electricity and got away. Touya had no choice but to back off from the small Electrike, but at least he got the pokedex information. He looked high and low for the hurt Pokémon. Although it was hurt, it did move quickly on its feet, which was a surprise to Touya.
“Have you seen an Electrike that’s got an electricity problem? It’s about this big…” he moved his hands to the size of the small pokemon, hoping the person he encountered on the way would know. It wasn’t normal for electric types to be doing that, and Touya hoped it was only the Electrike and not the other electric pokemon in the area. If that were the case, then they’d have a major problem on their hands. Surely the Unovian could figure it out, but he had to find the Electrike first.
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Touya knew he had to find a good hiding spot, and quick. It was quite the emergency for him, and in Kalos the Unovian was easier to spot out. But on his way for searching, he nearly ran into someone, and bowed apologetically.
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“E-excuse me, could you help me?” he situated his hat back onto his head and nervously looked left and right. Kalos was huge and crowded, from what Touya’s seen so far. He had many options to hide, but he had no idea which places were less obvious to be found.
“I’m trying to find a decent hiding place…” he wondered if the other would even be up to the task. If not, then Touya will just go on his way, but they looked Kalosian enough. Perhaps after he’s done playing his game of hide-n-seek, he’ll let the other show him around, but first things came first. He paced his feet, ready to run off again if he had to.
“If you know where one is, could we head there now?” he looked at them and waited for an answer, making sure they knew he was talking to them.
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He finally made it to the front of the line; catching up to someone he’s spotted that’s familiar. They didn’t seem to notice him right away, which was fine. He wanted to surprise her, and this was the perfect spot to do it. Blend in with the crowd, and be stealthy as possible. She was in front of the line, no surprise to him. It was a big sale day for this certain snack, after all.
“Make that two please!” he appeared right beside her, raising his two fingers to make sure the clerk heard him correctly throughout all the noise.
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“I’ll pay.” he grinned. After all this time of being gone, this was the perfect opportunity to make up for what Touya’s missed. Buying ice cream was a plus, and they had the chance to share it together if they wanted to. He was digging the pokedollar’s out of his wallet, not yet saying anything to Bianca as his main goal was to get the ice cream beyond anything else. He planned to explain everything to her after they enjoyed the famous Unovian dessert. He didn’t want her empty, after all, and they haven’t seen each other in forever.
“Does your Pokémon want one?” he asked, knowing very well that this was a treat the Pokémon also enjoyed besides poffins and pokeblocks. Their Pokémon haven’t seen each other in a while either, this gave them a chance to let them outside their pokeball’s.
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“Sir, you dropped this!” Touya didn’t see right away who the person was, but they did drop their bag of coffee beans. Luckily it was zip locked, so none would fall out, and they weren’t easy to find in Unova. 
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He went to tap their shoulder, but he paused for a brief moment. He’s seen him before, but it’s been a long while since he’s seen him last. This was quite the meet-up, Touya had to admit. Which of the two was it again? His mind had to ponder on it for a minute.
“It’s Ingo!” he pointed at the other in surprise, the coffee beans still in hand, now out-stretched so the other could easily take. He looked rather happy for this sudden encounter, having not seen many of his acquaintances for a while since Unova was in ice. His brown eyes examined the other closely, not noticing that he possibly drew attention to them for shouting Ingo’s name.
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