dreamyexplorer · 11 years
"W- What are you doing?!"
Allen blinked owlishly.  
What was he doing?  
                                                                      Such an odd question. 
There was no way Joshua was that daft.  It should have been obvious to his friend as to what his intentions were.  The blonde’s hands were clutching his shaking companion’s palms.  He laced their fingers together gently.  The older of the two boys couldn’t help but admire how warm Joshua’s hands felt…  And how soft his lips looked.
But they quivered.  Fear was evident within the smokey pools of the mere child in front of him.
                                 It made Allen smile.
                                      ‘How cute!’
"I'm kissing you," he laughed as Joshua squirmed.
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dreamyexplorer · 11 years
"Y-Your scaring me. . ."
The easel in his room had once been blank.  Each image had held a calming sense of purity before.  But lately, the blonde hadn’t been acting like much of a child.  Any visitors of the facility that came, had been shut out by him completely. 
Allen was no longer a fan of outsiders.
They were all counting on him, right?  He needed to make sure everything was completely in order for everyone.  The dangers of having people around that weren’t of their likeness was something that Allen would no longer tolerate. 
'They could use us…  They could study us.'
'Just like he did.  No one understands us for who we all really are.’
'And I need to protect her…’
The more Allen thought about it, the more red paint was smeared across each canvas.  He’d finish a painting, but then cover it enraged with smeared shades of crimson.  No one dared enter Allen’s room anymore.  No one wanted to see him in such a broken manner.
But one day, she did go to see him.
She spoke in a meek voice to him.  The girl he longed to protect told Allen in a meek voice that she was afraid of him as she stared at the color she feared most.
But he shushed her.  He held her and no matter how many times Chelsy urged Allen to step away, the blonde would smear her protests in a bright maroon.
"You’ll be with me forever."
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dreamyexplorer · 11 years
Yandere Sentence Memes
"Now hold still…"
"Stop screaming or I’ll use duct tape."
"They had it coming, they were too friendly with you…"
"No one will find us here."
"You’ll be mine forever."
"I’m going to kill him/her."
"I don’t like people touching my things…”
"Don’t bother to struggle…"
"Did you think I wouldn’t notice?"
"Your friends are too close with you… I don’t like it..”
"It’s for your own good."
"I won’t take no for an answer."
"Keep running, I like the chase!”
"It’d be a shame if your friend was hurt…"
"If you promise not to scream, I’ll remove the gag."
"Oops, did that hurt?"
"You can’t just keep me here!"
"I’m calling the police!"
"Stop threatening anyone I talk to!"
"You’re hurting me!"
"W-what are you doing?"
"Stay away from me!"
"You’re being so clingy, it’s weird."
"Let go of me!"
"Someone is bound to come soon, they’ll notice!"
"What are you planning to do with that?"
"Did you think I wouldn’t notice you watching me sleep?"
"You killed him/her!"
"Don’t hurt me!"
"Put that down!"
"You’re scaring me…"
"That’s a really bad joke, quit it…"
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dreamyexplorer · 11 years
( ooc: Hey guys, I wanted to apologize for my recent inactivity.  School was really hard on me this week.  I'll get to my replies this coming up weekend!  Sorry, friends! )
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dreamyexplorer · 11 years
[Hello, all! Could you please reblog this if you’re an Alice Mare RP blog, so I can follow you?]
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dreamyexplorer · 11 years
"None of my friends are wacky in the head," he hissed.  Allen frowned at the cat with his brows furrowed.  The exchange between the two was definitely getting out of hand.  Anyone from a ten mild radius would be able to vaguely acknowledge that.
"And I can feel perfectly fine, thank you.  I just...  Don't know what I felt before."  And yet, there was no different, was there?
Cheshire Cat laughed at the boy’s answer and his reaction to the question. “Alice, you haven’t changed one bit have you. Still all wacky in the head… No wait that’s the lying Alice that’s wacky in the head. You just can’t remember anything, and apparently you can’t remember how to feel either,” He chuckled. 
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dreamyexplorer · 11 years
He had been running. 
Allen's feet hadn't carried him steadily across the abyss.  The marked path of wooden planks was littered with holes of insidious intent.  In fact, the traps almost broke the boy and made the blond fall through.  But paved ice saved him.  Frozen water trailed along the planks, causing the runner to skate to a stop.  Allen practically fell over, slipping on the large sheet.  Thankfully though, the palms of his hands and the padding of his rump saved him from a crucially painful fall.  That was a close one.
Hearing an unfamiliar voice shoot from behind him, Allen swerved on his bottom to lock eyes with a gentle looking woman.  He watched as her hair swung back and forth in the light breeze.  The blonde blinked owlishly at her as he slowly got up and onto his feet.  "Were you the one who saved me?"  He asked.  The lady in front of him was definitely not human.  Her deep icy blues told him so. 
The exchange of eye contact had sent shivers barreling down his spine.  There was more emptiness than there was anything else. "If so, thank you."   It was a strange notion to simply know and acknowledge these types of things when you ventured forth through the dream world.
"My name is Allen.  What's yours?"  He held out his hand for her to shake in a light form of greeting.
{ Don’t let them in, don’t let them see Be the good queen you always have to be — ;
Ah, so many of them! Were they all running about playing together? They ought to be careful and stay close…! Ahh, her heart beat fast in her chest… She was a tad overly worried for the kids, perhaps. But then again, this was the nightmare world, and anything could happen.
Despite her need for it and that it would allow her to live longer, Eis detested hurting children for her own selfish gain. So she rarely ever stole souls, unlike Cheshire and Rabbit. Which clearly meant her lifespan was considerably smaller than that of those two. Not that she minded. She’d rather not be with them for eternity, she was probably interrupting some personal and private lover’s thing.
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"Ahh, mind your step, kids." She spoke up as she walked over with utmost grace, her smile gentle as she lifted a hand, causing a thick icy substance to form over a hole in the ground, just before one of them hurt themselves. "I wouldn’t want any of you hurt."
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dreamyexplorer · 11 years
"Your favorite Alice?"
Allen took a meek step back from Cheshire as the cat rushed forward.  His brows pulled together wearily, beyond disgruntled that the man was ever so close to him.  "I'm not very happy to see you," he admitted with a small frown.  He watched with a mildly disgusted expression as the cat tapped one of his claws to his face in pondering contemplation.
Glancing away from the Cat's penetrating gaze, Allen stiffened.  "I'm not sure.  I went to sleep and I was back here again..."
@ Allen
"Well well well, if it isn’t my favourite Alice," the Cat hissed, closing in on the boy.  "So happy to see you again, if you can say that I ever feel happy the same way as you.  Us demons have got…"  He tapped one of his claws against his teeth.  "A sort of different way of handling emotions than you Alices."
He leapt closer & landed lightly in front of Allen.  ”So tell me, kid, whatcha doin’ back around these parts?”
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dreamyexplorer · 11 years
The boy's head tilted slightly as his friend chuckled.  He examined the man's meek grin from afar.  Allen blinked up at him with the likeness of an owl.  His deep blues opened and closed a few times before trailing away and looking off to a different direction.  'Letty is right.  He does look like an angel when he smiles.'  But Allen knew in truth that it was just a trick of the light.  With his lack of height, the lamps seemed to cast a halo over their most treasured care taker.
"I'll sleep later," he murmured with a gentle rub of his eyes.  Allen smiled a little, shuffling his shoes along the creaky wooden floorboards.  If Teacher ordered him to go get more sleep however, the blonde would easily comply and rush to his room for some shut eye.  But Allen longed to stay up.  How could one sleep when there was so much to do?  He internally supposed such was why Teacher also had a seemingly difficult time slumbering as well.
Gazing around the book shelves, the blonde investigated for the novel Teacher had recommended.  Upon spotting the book's deep red spine, the boy reached out and grabbed the book before holding it up in front of his friend.  "This one?"  Allen asked as flipped through a few of the pages with knowingly curious eyes.  After a few moments of observation, Allen closed the object and placed it in his ruck sack for later.
He watched as Teacher's eyes widened at his simple offer to help.  Had his other peers not been so kind to their oldest friend lately?  Just the thought made Allen feel rather sad.  Fickle selfishness shouldn't be tolerated when it came to the man that helped them with their needs ever so often.  "Not really," he admitted softly.  Besides, it was hence the time of year to give back to those who show everlasting kindness.
"Perhaps we can just make a simple breakfast for everyone?  I'm sure they wouldn't mind what it was, just as long as it was edible and tasty."  After the statement, he chuckled a little into his fist.  Their friends definitely had the tendency to become quite brutish when eating their cooking.
{♟} A soft chuckle escapes his lips at the mention of sleep, the hint of a meek smile tugging at his lips as he watches Allen return his book back to where it was, though he could tell that the child was if anything— just as tired as he was. There was no doubt about it— seeing how whenever he checked on the children, there was still some light shining through the crack under Allen’s room door.
That, and the critters that wandered around the hallway that belonged to the his fellow roommate. He tucked the thought to remind Joshua to take better care of his ‘pets’ to the back of his mind, before bringing his attention back to the child once more.
                   ❝ I know, Allen. Though, you look like you need some of it yourself. ❞ 
He simply nods at the other’s statement— he supposed that it was an educated guess that Allen would be looking for another book to read, or to simply pass time. Allen was a smart boy after all, and he always finished his homework beforehand— much faster than the other children did. Perhaps that lead to him having time where he simply did not wish to bother the other children, and time for him to read on other books of interest.
                   ❝ Inkheart might be of your interest, Allen? It’s a good book, to say the least. ❞
Noir hues widen at the offer to help, nevertheless he was pleased to hear one of the children offering to help him with the preparation of breakfast. His surprise is soon followed by a soft, grateful smile that tugged at his lips, and an acceptance of said offer.
                   ❝ Of course, Allen. Is there anything that you would like for breakfast? ❞
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dreamyexplorer · 11 years
"You inspire a nightmare or two, hm?"  Allen questioned.  His expression looked a tad strained.  Fake positivity was smeared across the blonde's face.  Cheshire was definitely lackluster in the element of crass.  Then again, he hadn't ever seemed frightening. 
There were portions about the cat that Allen vaguely hated, but his reasoning behind that discomfort was confusing to Allen.  He wasn't sure why he was so bothered by the other man's presence other than how intimidating the cat made himself out to being.  Perhaps it was more frustrating than anything else. . .  "The two of you act too much like boogeymen," he hissed.
Pointing directly at the man, Allen glared.  "You and Rabbit both.  It isn't even just your actions as a duo that disgusts me.  Its also that you blame your victims, as if it were their fault that you fooled them and proceeded with the actions that you did.  Absolutely disgusting.  At least admit that you two are vile for feeding off of innocent people."  He glared away from the other then, proceeding to fold his arms in front of him.
When Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was mentioned, Allen almost laughed.  Almost.  "That book was written years and years ago.  Not only that, but it definitely wasn't written inspired by the two of you.  Alice had fun in Wonderland.  It had nothing to do with...  With...!"  He trailed off then, slowly shifting his gaze back to Cheshire.
His expression morphed from one of stiffness back to a rather blank one.  It seemed that the blonde was hence forward going to lack in being communicative once more.  "I'm not answering anymore of your riddles," he muttered.
"I'm too old for that by now, anyway.  Since I'm a teenager now, none of what I did here would count, right?  Or am I just like Teacher?  Childish internally, even now..."
Oh, how negative! Really, perhaps emptiness morphed to become hate more often than not. Same with loneliness. The child had experienced both, but more so now was he empty than lonely. He had friends, didn’t he?
"Nooooope." Cheshire’s lips curled upwards in his trademark grin, corners of his lips so abnormally close to his ears, almost. "My powers consist of possession, soul stealing, and mist travel. Sometimes I even inspire a nightmare or two. But, Rabbit’s the one who lures you here. Though, ultimately, it’s all your fault if you arrive here."
After all, little curious Alice tumbled down the rabbit hole all on her own. And, in this case, Rabbit’s abilities had lured Allen here, much like the original tale and Allen merely followed. “You read lots, don’tcha, kid? Never read the story of Alice? Things’ll click in for you much faster if you put yourself in her shoes.”
His ears twitched and his tail curled about his feet. “I could tell the story to you, if you don’t know it. S’pretty simple, you know? Just remember: Alice followed the Rabbit to Wonderland because… oh, no. I can’t tell the rest to you. It’d be much too easy for you, then. And I love a good riddle, don’t you, Alice?”
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dreamyexplorer · 11 years
"You're welcome," he chuckled.
The alternate version of himself seemed quite proud that he had received the compliment.  It was a mutual happiness, Allen supposed.  When with company, especially of one who seemed almost the same as you in many ways, it was hard to not feel content similarities.  The other boy reminded Allen of something from long ago.  Something that he vaguely felt was important, but wasn't sure what such an event happened to be.  How strange. . .
"Thank you."
you definitely did see this as a compliment, you always enjoyed being seen as the “more mature one”. Though really it wasn’t so much that you were mature, but really that you were just desensitized quite a lot by the “wonderland”. It’s gotten to the point where it’s a literal habit for you to examine every single thing in an unfamiliar place and disposing of things that could be used against you. You’ve gotten a few odd glances and stares while doing this but it’s all for precaution and safety reasons.
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dreamyexplorer · 11 years
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dreamyexplorer · 11 years
Tell me scenario you would want to our muses to experience together
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dreamyexplorer · 11 years
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[ so the chat told me to post this ]
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dreamyexplorer · 11 years
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dreamyexplorer · 11 years
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dreamyexplorer · 11 years
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