drewalsh · 3 years
what's your favorite conspiracy theory?
' oh that's a tough one, but i am a firm believer in a couple things, so i would say that the british monarchy killed princess diana, bigfoot and mothman are real, and jeffrey bezos is the leader of the mole people. 
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drewalsh · 3 years
text: drew. 🔍
auggie: hi
auggie: ik we were joking at the time but aliens are real, right?
auggie: it's been on my mind for hours
drew: yes they are 100% real
drew: like area 51?? that's confirmed alien territory!!
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drewalsh · 3 years
Imessage // Noemi & Drew
Noemi: Yup. We close at 8 pm.
drew: thankx, i guess.
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drewalsh · 3 years
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“ And you expect me to believe that? Come on, you didn’t see a ghost ” Skylar said softly, surprised the other would think she’d believe them just like that, she didn’t believe in that kind of things, those couldn’t be proved by science. “ Did I sound like and asshole, I’m sorry ” \ @drewalsh​
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drew had been rambling about one of their investigations that they had conducted with former buzzfeed unsolved host ryan bergara and shane madej. ‘look i am telling you the truth. .’ in fact, she really did believe that she had seen a ghosts. ‘ yes, i want you to to believe me. ‘ 
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drewalsh · 3 years
Who do you hate?
'do you mean like literally or in tv shows? because if it's at monarch, full on i don't like noemi or este. '
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drewalsh · 3 years
Did you actually do molly at the carnival or was that just a rumor
' i mean both august and i did, but i don't see the big deal, so yeah it wasn’t a rumor’ 
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drewalsh · 3 years
What is your biggest fear?
'the thought of not making my father proud..’ 
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drewalsh · 3 years
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drewalsh · 3 years
Austin was searching for a place to sit to finish the coursework he’d been working hard on. He’d wanted to check over the paragraphs to see if he could re-phrase anything on there. “Psst! Sorry to bother you in the middle of the library but is the seat next to you taken?” Austin had been wandering around looking for somewhere to sit for the past ten minutes. Everybody was either saving a seat or didn’t want anybody sitting on the table next to them. “I’ve come here with my study snacks. I’m more than willing to share if you want?”
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drew had started binge watching yet another crime drama. she had claimed that it was used to help motivate it for their introduction to forensics class. she couldn’t help..this series was quite addicting that they had gotten so distracted from their course work. she’d never admit it but it had been around 2 and a half hours. of course, she would deny it if asked. a tiny jumped could be seen from the double major student as she took her airpod from her ear. ‘hmm’, she responded as she nodded her head silently. ‘ yeah of course, nobody is sitting here. plus if i have a person here, i won’t get as distracted. ‘   
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drewalsh · 3 years
“I never said I didn’t think they were real, I just said sometimes some of the ghost hunter stuff seems staged” ollie shrugged, pushing a bit of her hair behind her ears. As drew went on to list myth after myth, ollie’s head grew even more scrambled by the minute. “I’m not gonna say I don’t believe in them but I’m not exactly saying I do either” she defended, ghosts and paranormal stuff always freaked her out so a lot of the reason she chose to not believe in it was just to ease her own anxiety. “Oh I definitely believe in the lizard thing—have you seen Mark Zuckerberg? I’m half surprised his tongue doesn’t randomly stick out trying to catch bugs during some of his press conferences”
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'look I know that certain ghost shows do seem fake, i won’t name any names but ghost hunters and kindred spirit are the two that come to mind.' drew emphasized shortly before continuing, ‘ i mean i could also consider ghost adventures as well. however, i have the hugest crush on zak bagans..something about a man in a bedazzled ed hardy t-shirt, thick round rimmed glasses, and bedazzled black skinny jeans that gets to me. ‘ one thing about the ameature sleuth was the fact that drew didn’t quite understand when to shut her mouth. things normally went over her head which caused her to ramble for long amounts of time. ‘ mark zuckerberg is definitely apart of the lizard people community. he probably is very up in their society. do you want to talk about that jeffrey bezos is head of the mole people too?’
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drewalsh · 3 years
🌙 MOON - what is your oc’s greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
drew’s great wish in life is to go through so much to make her father happy. she wants to be able to follow in his footsteps by working in law enforcement. she is willing to do whatever it takes to make it feel like she feels like her father would be alive to say ‘i’m proud of you, baby.’ 
📣 MEGAPHONE - how loud are they? what do they speak like? got a voice claim?
to be honest, drew doesn’t understand the concept of a inside voice. they are entirely too loud for their own good and has a major problem with trying to enunciate their words. 
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drewalsh · 3 years
Send 👥 for a headcanon relating to both of our muses
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drewalsh · 3 years
feel free to tweak questions + all emojis r listed in text form bc i can't see some of them aAAaaAA! sorry if any of these questions are too similar i tried to avoid that but .. there's a lot lol! categorized by emoji type.
i wanted to make one because i could not find one on tumblr already that had a ton of questions. this was created by combining ones under the #oc ask game tag + my own contributions. hi charmymemes nation i'm back.
👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)?
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any?
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
👊 PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will get some getting used to?
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
food & drinks
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
plants & nature
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
🌺 HIBISCUS - do they have any allergies?
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why?
🍃 FALLING LEAF - do they enjoy being in nature? what is their favourite outdoor activity?
☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
🌹 ROSE - do they like valentines day? have they been confessed to before? have they confessed to anyone before?
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
🍀 CLOVER - do they believe in luck? are they lucky?
🌏 EARTH - will they give up the world for someone they love? is this decision easy for them?
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
⚾ BASEBALL - can they play sports? what is their best position if they play a team sport? what's their strong suit (speed, power etc.)?
🏊 SWIMMING - can they swim? or are they afraid of water? how well do they swim? how do they feel about swimming in the ocean?
📣 MEGAPHONE - how loud are they? what do they speak like? got a voice claim?
📖 OPEN BOOK - do they like reading? what's their favourite genre?
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
📸 CAMERA - do they enjoy having their picture taken? what's their go-to pose? do they like taking photos? what do they take photos of?
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
💡 LIGHTBULB - is your oc a planner? do they write down every small detail or just wing it?
💎 DIAMOND - how rich are they? can they live the lifestyle they want to?
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
🍼 BABY BOTTLE - what are their thoughts on children?
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
🎤 MICROPHONE - are they good at singing? what is their go-to karaoke song?
🎷 SAXOPHONE - do they play any instruments? are they any good at it?
📚 BOOKS - how were they at school? what is their best subject? what is their worst subject? did they have a favourite subject?
👖 JEANS - what is their go-to outfit?
🎨 PALETTE - can they draw? what do they like to draw?
🎡 FERRIS WHEEL - are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel?
⏳ HOURGLASS - are they usually late or on-time?
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
🎀 RIBBON - how would they fit into worlds / aus? what aus would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
📦 PACKAGE - what's some "most likely to..." that can apply to them?
🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
⚙️ GEAR - what are your ocs thoughts on science & art? which do they give more importance to? how much value do they place on each?
🔧 WRENCH - are they good at fixing relationships? or do they tend to avoid doing so?
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
📏 RULER - is your oc well educated? where did they get their learning from?
🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
🚲 BICYCLE - can they ride a bike? what do they remember from learning to ride a bicycle?
🌩️ LIGHTNING - are they scared of lightning?
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
❄️ SNOWFLAKE - do people consider them cold? if so, what made them this way?
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is their someone they want to star gaze with?
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
💘 HEART W/ ARROW - what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
💖 SPARKLING HEART - are they a subtle or a showy lover?
💌 LOVE LETTER - do they like love letters? what kind of messages do they leave for their partner?
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
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drewalsh · 3 years
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          “ i can humor the reality of ghosts , but i draw a line at the loch ness monster . maybe if it was the ocean , since we haven’t explored most of it , but a fucking lake ?  nah . if we haven’t found ol’ nessie by now , it’s ‘cause she doesn’t exist . ”  dalton’s used to drew’s ramblings at this point  ;  he enjoys entertaining them .  “ don’t you ever get exhausted having conspiracies about everything ?  when do you rest ?  have you ever considered that people are just people and we act differently based on what and who we’ve surrounded ourselves with our entire lives ? ”
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' what do you mean, you draw the line at nessie? are you quite insane? nessie is real! do you understand how hard it would be to travel an entire 23 miles apart and 755 feet deep? how can a scientist possibly discover every inch of the body of water?’ drew therorized, but rambled on an explanation. ‘ no, human behavior has to be explain. plus, that man is covered in tattoos so that must mean something..he’s has to hiding his scaly skin. that’s the only explanation, dal. ‘ 
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drewalsh · 3 years
’ so you’re telling me that you don’t believe ghosts are real?’, drew replied, arching an eyebrow. ‘i’m a firm believer in them. do you not believe in mothman either…what about the loch ness monster..? bigfoot? please ’ they rambled out, lost in thought, through hours of driving and taking a train back to campus, the tiny sleuth mind wasn’t  in functioning order after a restless day of traveling.  ‘ okay but here’s the real question, do you believe in lizard people. i think justin beiber is one. there’s something flaky about that, dweeb?’ @monarchstart​​
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drewalsh · 3 years
Imessage // Noemi & Drew
Noemi: hi, so your order came into the cosmetic store today.
Noemi: Please pick it up before close.
drew: okay thnx
drew: what time do u guys close again?
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drewalsh · 3 years
plots based on fearless (taylor’s version)
the way i loved you
muse a and muse b used to date. they were fire and music, balls of passion and spontaneity (lets get matching tattoos or run from this town?? down, lets go) until they blew up. after a horrid break up, muse a moves onto someone new, someone stable, some good for them, but boring. their life seems to be a neverending loop of staleness … until they run into muse b again that breathes life into them. will they chase the fire, or stick to what they’re used to?
don’t you
muse a is desperately in love with muse b. the thing is, muse b is this super popular person (in school, amongst peers, literally a celebrity, you choose). muse b might give muse a the time of day, but it’s clear muse a’s heart is way more in this relationship that muse b’s. or is it? maybe muse a starts to see their worth and walk away just as muse b begins to return those feelings.
muse a is painfully shy. it’s the summer before everything changes and they run into muse b, someone who washes the fear away from them. after 91 days of constantly being together, it’s time for them to part ways. maybe this is the one thing that muse a is still afraid of  –––  losing b. 
you belong with me
a CLASSIC. classic case of muse b being in a relationship with someone who is not good for them. muse a knows they’re better for them. spice things up, instead of having muse a silently pine for b, have them meddle. maybe they never get together? maybe they learn they’re better as friends?? the world is your oyster.
that’s when
muse a and muse b decide to take a break. they promise to come back to each other someday, but when ‘someday’ comes, one of them has already moved on. what now?
love story
coming from horrible home lives, muse a and muse b decide to run away together, thinking them being together will solve all their problems. it works for a while, until those problems come back to haunt them. (people literally chase them down to bring them back, they’re broke and can’t afford to live together, married life isn’t that great, you pick go wild)
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