drewidc · 11 years
Drew reread the text messages exchanged with Winnie over and over again, contemplating if going to see her was the right choice. He could hardly believed that they had actually talked, let alone agreed to see each other. Drew let his phone fall into his lap and brought both arms up and crossed them behind his head. He wanted more than anything to make things right with the girl, but he doubted his ability to do just that at the same time. He had screwed up beyond his own belief, not only with her, but with everyone else. The idea of telling everyone, his friends, what he'd been faking haunted him every night, the fear of everyone's disapproval encouraging him to keep hiding behind his mask. He knew that if he was going to make things right between himself and Winnie, he'd have to do it sooner or later. He swallowed hard at the thought and tightened his jaw, deciding he would have to think about how he'd do that later. 
Sighing heavily into the hand he had been resting his head in, Drew managed to hoist himself back onto his feet after burying himself into his couch for what seemed like an eternity since the two exchanged text messages. Taking a look in the mirror, he grabbed one of his beanies and pulled it over his disheveled hair. He discarded the sweater he had been wearing earlier onto the floor and pulled a fresh black hoodie over his head to go with his black jeans he had worn out for lunch that afternoon. His heart was heavy as he headed for the girl's room, his stomach twisting in knots as he thought about the things he would say to her. He didn't even know what to say to her or if he could even look her in the eye after all the things he'd done. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he approached her door, resisting the urge to retreat back to the safety of his room as he brought a nervous hand up to knock on her door. 
Second Chance / FT. Winnie & Drew
Winnie’s room smelled like roasted coffee beans, and spices. The brunette slowly turned to her night stand, where she found the mug sitting down waiting for her. She took a sip, and swallowed the creamy drink. Her slender, fingers ran through her long luscious curls. The petite, short brunette could feel her heart beat raising, once she agreed to meet up with him. Winnie would be lying if she said, that she wasn’t excited. The tasted lingered of the drink, as she finished it. Winnie was scared, and afraid. She had been hurt by the boy, badly. In her eyes the male used to be the boy of her dreams. Then when she found out the truth, her heart broke. There was no trust, when it came to him. Winnie didn’t know how she was gonna face meeting him. She was afraid she was gonna break down right in front of him, cause he put her through so much. It confused the brunette why did he even lie to her? Winnie wasn’t the type to judge people, she based things on personality, and by the things she knew about Drew. She didn’t like him. Her heart was already broken, so what else was their to lose? Winnie felt so fragile after everything that happened to them, she didn’t trust easy. Anymore.
Winnie ran her slender, fingers through her long hair. She bit down on her bottom lip, as she got out her bed. The girl was wearing sweatpants, and a tank top. She wondered why she felt the need to impress the boy, when it should be the other way around. Needless to say, Winnie still got dressed. She put on a white skirt that covered her belly button, she put on a red, cropped top. She barely showed skin. Winnie paced around the room, how was she gonna react to him? Her heart ached from hatred and love. She hated his guys, yet she didn’t know why she gave him a second chance. Her palms were getting sweaty, and she could feel the tears blocking her vision. Winnie wanted to break down right then and there. She didn’t care if he saw her cry, she was sick of being lied too. The girl dried her eyes, to make sure it didn’t look like she was gonna cry. Winnie chewed on her bottom lip, and let her chocolate brown orbs scan the room.
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drewidc · 11 years
Text → Winnie
Winnie: Okay. Um, I guess yeah. I don't see why not.
Drew: cool. I'll be at your door in a minute then?
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drewidc · 11 years
Text → Winnie
Winnie: Fine. One more fucking chance. One, but if it gets screwed over -- it's done then you will never talk to me again. Okay?
Drew: yeah, okay. I won't screw it up, promise. thank you. Can I come see you?
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drewidc · 11 years
Text → Winnie
Winnie: Please, spare me. You know what hurt the most about falling for you, is that you were never there to catch me. You never loved me, I was just a pawn in your game. I don't know nothing about you, but lies. Give me one good reason to give you a chance.
Drew: maybe I didn't love you the way you loved me, but I can tell you that I did have feelings for you. And that's why it's so important to me that I fix this with you. One good reason? Because you mean something to me. You matter; and i know despite everything there has to be a part of you that still cares. I fucking miss you, i really do. I'm pouring my heart out to you and if this isn't enough for you to give me a chance and hear me out then I don't know what else to do.
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drewidc · 11 years
going to go shower & then hop on mobile so i won't be able to reply to gif convos until tomorrow morning. be back in like 40 mins (':
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drewidc · 11 years
Text → Winnie
Winnie: Ugh, fine. Throw me over a cliff. I don't know, you should answer your own question. Cause you love playing me, cause I was the stupid girl to fall in love with you. Yeah, okay. Has anyone ever told you, you have a way with words? No, Drew. I was the one being dumb.
Drew: stop being so damn difficult, no one's going to be thrown off of cliffs here. I didn't wanna play you, that was my last intention. do you think that all of that didn't impact me either? I never meant for things to happen that way and things just got too out of control for me to handle it, alright? i'm not blaming you for not believing me or for being upset, but you have to at least give me a chance to make it right between us. Please.
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drewidc · 11 years
Doesn't that stuff get you sick though? No no, not stupid. You're just showing me how weird you are and I like it, so it's all good. I wish you weren't lying about Oprah being your Aunt because you would've been the coolest person here. Your aunt is not Oprah, therefore your statements are invalid. Yeah? That sucks. Let me know if you need me, I got you.
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Well you missed out cause it tasted funny okay. Even Play Doh, did. Okay now I am just making myself look stupid, but I promise I am kidding. Oprah is really my aunt, so yeah I mean I look just like her. She actually said I was cooler than you, BAM. Oh nothing, just some bitch messing with my mood, it’s not even worth it.
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drewidc · 11 years
Yeah? I'll believe it when I see it. Do me a solid and give me a bonus Christmas present and include a show, yeah? I can definitely give you a fun picture; decorate it in Christmas-themed shit too if you wanna get into the spirit.
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That’s because my ass is basically a gift from god himself, especially since I know how to shake it.  No, as long as you accept the gift I don’t care what you do with it.  Obviously, and it better be a picture of something fun, alright?
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drewidc · 11 years
Text → Winnie
Winnie: Mhm, you said you would do anything. Well you did, and I don't know what to believe anymore with you. Guess what? I did, and damn did i fall hard. If you wanted to act single, then we should've never been together, would've saved me a hell of heartbreak.
Drew: I meant anything that doesn't involve inflicting self harm upon myself. we're here now Winnie, why would I lie to you? why would I be trying to mend shit with you if I wasn't being serious about this? i'm really sorry about that, i am and.. shit, I don't expect you to believe me but you meant something to me and you still do. I was being dumb and i fucked up real bad and i regret doing all of that more than anything
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drewidc · 11 years
I guess this means I won't be inviting you to smoke a bowl with me anytime soon, or any other time for that matter if you wanna play it like that. It's for your own good, I promise.
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Oh yeah? Watch me, D. Ugh, fine, if I must be classy for you.
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drewidc · 11 years
It's good to see that you're up for new experiences. What's the worse that could happen? I don't know man, it depends on how well you hold your liquor.
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I might take on that offer, I’m up for it. It’s ‘bout time. I mean, what’s the worse that could happen?
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drewidc · 11 years
You seem so sure. Well if you insist, I'm not complaining. Just don't expect me to hang it on a wall and worship it or some shit. I guess it'd be common courtesy to give you a picture too then, aye?
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Yeah, just about everyone other than you, considering you wonderful my ass is and all.  You’re still getting the picture as you’re present though because now I’m set on giving that to you.
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drewidc · 11 years
I think it was just you cause I definitely didn't eat glue. I used to spread it all over my hands and peeled it off though, if that makes you feel any better about your weird habits. No one's cooler than Obama, sorry to say. Except for maybe Oprah. She's cool. Good to know I cheered you up- what had you upset, though?
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Hey, sorry if I eat glue. I mean, who didn’t eat glue? While young of course, or was it just me? Oh gosh. I am way cooler than him, like I could run the whole world, you see? Aw, thanks Dre… You always know how to cheer me up.
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drewidc · 11 years
Text → Winnie
Winnie: could you jump off a cliff? you lied to me, about everything. You were even dating one of my friends, while we were together. There is no fixing that.
Drew: you don't really mean that.. come on. I didn't wanna lie to you like that. I didn't expect for you to fall for me and I had no idea how to tell you at the time and it was one huge fucking mess but please believe me, I didn't mean to hurt you
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drewidc · 11 years
Text → Winnie
Winnie: yeah you got that right. what is there to talk about? you lied.
Drew: I know I did and believe me, I never meant for things to go down the way it did. i just want us to be on good terms again and i'll do whatever it takes
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drewidc · 11 years
You can hide shit from me but you can't keep it hidden there forever. I think I'd like to be proud of you for doing other honorable things, like the classy woman you are.
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Not a good idea. You see, all of my stolen goodies have been placed in a top secret area in Paris, unfortunately. You would? Aw, I thought you’d be proud of my initiative.
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drewidc · 11 years
You're coming with me next time I go, no excuses. Yeah of course, as long as you get back in one piece with it.
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No, I haven’t. Maybe sometime just, I dunno. I’ll go with the latter yes, pretty smart.
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