drfreeman · 8 years
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drfreeman · 9 years
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drfreeman · 9 years
I’m starting to feel too old for Twitter, or maybe I’m just not following things that interest me anymore. The news are more enjoyable than this. It’d probably remove my account if not for my dank URL...
EDIT: Whoops, meant Tumblr, I even get the names mixed up...
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drfreeman · 9 years
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345K notes · View notes
drfreeman · 9 years
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30K notes · View notes
drfreeman · 9 years
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drfreeman · 10 years
Video games don’t have to have good graphics to be good:
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Video games don’t have to be about combat to be good:
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Video games don’t have to be linear to envelop players in their worlds:
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Video game bosses don’t have to be difficult to be fun:
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Video games don’t have to lack color simply because they are “post-apocalyptic”:
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Video games can have lighthearted art design and still carry deeply dark themes:
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Rethink video games.
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drfreeman · 10 years
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762K notes · View notes
drfreeman · 10 years
Haha grym idé mannen! Intressant att onsdagar och lördagar dippar, jag kan förstå att det är tröstlöst i mitten av veckan men är det inte skönt med helg?
Under en och en halv månad har jag nu varje dag hållit koll på ungefär hur “glad” jag känner mig på kvällen. Skalan går från 0-10, där 5 motsvarar att livet varken känns bra eller dåligt. Ju högre tal desto gladare känner jag mig och vice versa. Så här ser det ut om man gör grafer av datan:
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4 notes · View notes
drfreeman · 10 years
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181K notes · View notes
drfreeman · 10 years
every teen after missing like 300 calls from their mom
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219K notes · View notes
drfreeman · 10 years
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33K notes · View notes
drfreeman · 10 years
*skips tutorial* how the fuck do you play this game
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drfreeman · 10 years
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233K notes · View notes
drfreeman · 10 years
do seagulls have seagoals
420K notes · View notes
drfreeman · 10 years
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drfreeman · 10 years
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this tumblr holiday thing is getting out of hand
92K notes · View notes