drhollysunnyholiday · 7 years
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Elouise moodboard 1/? @elouisehasasecret
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drhollysunnyholiday · 7 years
“Thats pretty impressive..” Elouise said as she put on one of her sweatshirts, making herself comfy. “I was once a pretty successful medical doctor. I used to know my stuff too..” She said as she looked down sadly. 
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“Well, I’d like to think so...” Holly nodded, before smiling to the woman. “You know, you could always retrain once you get yourself better, it is something you could sort with Doctor Grayce since she’s an Occupational therapist”
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drhollysunnyholiday · 7 years
Elouise nodded, “And can I ask where you went to school? To be honest you don’t look much older than I do. What could you possibly know that I don’t know.”
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Originally posted by campwolfes
“Well I went to NYU and did some years of working in a Hospital in Ohio called Gravespoint, then worked my way up to here. I’ve gotten my doctorate, so i’d like to think that means I know my stuff.”
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drhollysunnyholiday · 7 years
Elouise smiled as she spotted the library. She had always loved to read to pass the time. “Awesome. Thank you.” She said as she looked over at the offices. “Who else works here?”
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Originally posted by dailydanascully
“Well, There’s Doctor Grayce, who is a Therapist, Doctor Corcoran-July, Doctor Briggs. There’s a few others- but they’ll be your main doctors” holly explained “i’m the head therapist now, So I’ll be handling most of your sessions”
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drhollysunnyholiday · 7 years
“I know…i’m just being stubborn. It’s kind of my speciality.” She said with a small smile. “Do you have books anywhere? I’d like to read in my spare time, if thats okay.”
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Originally posted by campwolfes/”
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“We all have our traits, it’s something you can work on in your time here?” Holly offered as she then gestured to the library “Oh sure, there’s plenty in there of course. And I always keep some good stuff on my own shelves in my office”
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drhollysunnyholiday · 7 years
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drhollysunnyholiday · 7 years
“Music therapy?” Elouise’s brow perked up in confusion. She’d never heard of such a thing before. “Well considering i’m trapped here…it is kind of like a prison.”
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“You’re not actually trapped here, Elouise. Since you haven’t actually been sectioned” Holly pointed out.
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drhollysunnyholiday · 7 years
“What kind of activities are allowed here? I can’t imagine people do too much.”
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Originally posted by canadaloveselena
“Well I myself do music therapy, I also like messing around with art when I can. You have to try and not see this place as a prison, Elouise.”
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drhollysunnyholiday · 7 years
Elouise nodded, “Alright…I can wait an hour.” She said as she looked around the bland room. “Where are the rest of patients?”
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Originally posted by monicareyes
“That’s cool, pretty sure it’s chicken for dinner...I can always join you if you want some company for the venture” The doctor wondered “They’re around, doing various activities and therapies.”
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drhollysunnyholiday · 7 years
“No that’s not a problem… I actually wouldn’t mind the company..” she admitted. “Where can i grab some food around here? I’m rather hungry.” She said as she set down her bag of clothes on her new bed.
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Originally posted by starshaper
“Well, I’ll be sure to make sure that your room mate is a match to you, it’s already a stressful place without the whole room war too” Holly mused “Well, meals are set to three times a day, so you can always grab dinner in about an hour?” she said as she looked at her watch.
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drhollysunnyholiday · 7 years
Elouise followed behind Holly, looking around at all the rooms and all the patients wandering the halls. She swallowed nervously and stopped when they reached her room. “Do I have to share this room?”
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Originally posted by mulder-scully-gifs
Holly looked around “Well, not right at this moment it would seem, but I imagine that a patient will probably be moved in to keep you company. Is that a problem for you?”
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drhollysunnyholiday · 7 years
Elouise stood in silence for a moment, pondering over whether or not she could trust the blonde in front of her. “So where’s my room?” She asked, changing the subject. 
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Originally posted by dailydanascully
Holly had been through this plenty of times with plenty of different patients, so the blonde wasn’t phased, some were more difficult than others, some liked to chat less. She was cool with it. “Right this way, I figured I’d leave therapy until tomorrow, give you some time to settle in a little at least”
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drhollysunnyholiday · 7 years
“Nothing can really help me at this moment.” She said sadly. “I also don’t trust you or any of the doctors here. I feel like this will be a waste of time..but i’m doing it for my children.”
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Originally posted by funtasteec
“We’ll see on that..I have a feeling i can help you, even if you don’t trust me right yet. But I’ve been doing this job for a long time and helping yourself for your kids is the best way to start, because we have an end goal in sight.”
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drhollysunnyholiday · 7 years
“I’d rather not be talked to as if I were an infant. I’m very much aware that I’m an adult in a looney bin.”
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Originally posted by sfoxmulder
“Looney Bin is a rather heavy phrasing, We’re all a little mad. It’s the way of being a human, I’m seeing your mind isn’t with this yet. Would it help to let ya know I’ve been right where you are?” The doctor wondered.
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drhollysunnyholiday · 7 years
Elouise felt nervous as she saw a beautiful blonde doctor walk her way. That must be Dr. Holiday. She shook the woman’s hand and began to follow her down the corridor. “Lets do this..”
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Asriel nodded, happy enough that Asriel was in the right hands and wanting to be out of the space. Holly looked the woman up and down “Hey now, you’ve gotta turn that frown upside down. Only positivity is gonna pull you through this.”
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drhollysunnyholiday · 7 years
“Why are there so many people stalking my mom these days?”
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@prettywithblood (Liz, Aurora, Mag. Anyone in that group really)
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drhollysunnyholiday · 7 years
Emily sat down and took the cigarette from Carrie. “Hey, that was a good kick. Still hurts thinking about it.” Emily grinned softly.  “I hate that word…grandmother…makes me feel old…but then again I am.” She chuckled.  “So, darling…what is it you wish to do about it?” She wondered looking to her long close friend.
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Originally posted by evadaily
“It was great, say did you ever find that helmet of yours?” She teased, the red head now sitting herself up and allowing her large reddish brown and black wings to settle themselves since she was comfortable around the vampire. “Hey, talk to me again when you meet the Millennia age bracket, only then can you complain about being old” she pointed out. “Well, in reality what can we really do about it? I mean, they’re kids sure….But they aren’t gonna want us more involved then we already are.I mean I’m sure as Hell going to have to step in as I bet neither one of them knows how to hold a baby properly.” 
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