dripping-starlight · 2 years
A new life
Okay here we go, chapter 4! Gods okay so we get Another Azriel Poverties as well as more time with Rhys!! Words, 2032 so almost double the usual amount! Hope you guys enjoy. Xx
Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IIII
You could feel the colour draining from your face, you hadn’t told him that you were a witch. You only told Asteria and she’d sworn that she wasn’t going to tell anyone. The only people who knew were the ones who lived in Ironcrest, but they rarely left. And the ones who lived here in Windhaven didn’t leave either. The two camps didn’t mix.
You went over every possibility in your head trying to figure out how he’d known.
You could faintly hear Rhys saying something but you weren’t paying attention, ”Zeph, hey he was just joking. There was a rumour going around a few months ago about some witch living in a basement at Ironcrest.”
”Half-witch, and it was an attic.” You whispered.
The room went quiet, everyone was looking at you. The first one of them to make a sound was Azriel with his soft, ”What?” You could hear the surprise in his voice and something else that you couldn’t place.
You took a deep breath before you answered them again, ”Not a witch, a half-witch. And it wasn’t a basement, the house didn’t have one. Only an attic.” Cassian looked like his eyes were going to fall out of their sockets, Rhys was for once caught off guard staring at you with his mouth open. Azriel was the only one who looked somewhat normal. To hell with it, they would’ve found out sooner or later.
Rhys was the first to speak, ”So what can you do then?” You were taken aback by the question. You weren’t sure what you’d expected but it certainly wasn’t that.
”Nothing.” You didn’t lie. You never learned so in all honesty you actually couldn’t do anything.
Rhys just grinned at you, ”That’s what Azriel used to say about his shadows, and look at him now.” You didn’t look at him though. You looked at your hand. Swirling around your fingertips was a small black shadow, it seemed shy. It slowly made its way up your arm and to your shoulder where it decided to stay. It never stopped moving but it never left either.
All of a sudden Cassian just pointed at you and loudly exclaimed,” What the fuck did you do to make it stay that still??” Scaring the shadow and making it hide in your hair.
”I- I didn’t do anything I swear, it just came to me.” You didn’t realize what all the fuss was about until you looked over at Azriel and saw his face. He looked mortified. All of a sudden the shadow left your hair and returned to him as fast as possible.
”I’m sorry, are you okay?” He was staring at you, looking as if he’d never seen you before.
”Yes? Why wouldn’t I be?” You didn’t understand what the issue here was. It wasn’t like it’d done anything. It was just being friendly.
Azriel relaxed a bit even though he still looked like he’d seen a ghost, ”They’ve never done that before.” He answered with a rather small voice for someone who certainly was anything but small.
Rhys seemed to have decided to brush past what had just happened and started talking, ”I have a plan. Zeph, we’re going to find out what you actually can do. I know that we promised we would teach you how to fight too. So I’ve made a schedule. Every morning right after breakfast you’ll be on the balcony with either me, Cass, or Az, training. Then in the evenings you and Azriel are going to try and figure out what kind of power you have. Something is telling me that your powers will mix well considering what just happened. Then when we know what it is you can do, I will work with you and teach you how to control it.” You just slowly nodded.
Rhys got up, ”We start today. Go change and meet me on the balcony in ten.” Before you even had time to respond he’d left the room.
You were up on the balcony with Rhys. Looking down on all the people you turned back to him a bit concerned, ”Won’t they see us up here?” This seemed so stupid. Devlon would shut this down immediately if he heard about it. Or worse, saw it.
Rhys just grinned, ”Well Zephyra dearest, that’s the point, isn’t it?—” You raised a brow at him, he had lost it. At your questioning gaze he just sighed, ”—Don’t worry, we’ll just be working on your balance and footing today.”
You laughed, ”And you don’t think they’ll catch onto what we’re doing?”
He contemplated it for a moment then shrugged, ”We will tell them that we’re dancing. I will even personally go as far as to tell Devlon myself. Especially how shit your balance and footing are. After that, he won’t be able to say anything.” It would never work.
”Come on, let’s get started shall we—” He waved you over, closer to the middle, ”—First, the placement of your feet.” After he’d arranged your feet into what he deemed to be an acceptable stance he told you to keep that position for five minutes without moving. You were on your ass after one and a half minutes.
Laughing he walked up to you and held a hand out helping you up on your feet, ”Okay that’s good, now do it again but try to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.” You did. You fell again, two minutes this time.
”Now we’re talking, come on up again, we’ll keep doing it until you get to five minutes.” He helped you up again.
At midday, you’d done it.
You had to shower. How the fuck was it possible to get this sweaty from standing still. You didn’t understand, how it was going to help but you trusted Rhys.
He’d left to go meet Cass and Az around fifteen minutes ago, you were planning on joining them as well.
Grabbing an apple you left the house and went towards the sparring rings. You knew the whole layout of the camp like the back of your hand by now, it’d taken you a week to figure out where everything was. No one paid attention to you, except for a few people who would watch you from a distance. Most of the time you were left alone though.
When you reached the others they were already taking a break. As you walked up and sat down Cassian stole the apple you had brought for yourself, complaining about how he’d pass out if he couldn’t have it.
”I think I deserve the apple more considering how I passed out after I’d left Ironcrest. And not only that, but I passed out against a tree.” You argued before you stole back your apple.
You were so tired, you could barely even stand up. You and Az had spent hours that evening reading about witches and their abilities and how they used them. Turns out there wasn’t much to be found about witches. Except for a text that focused on how witches rarely shared their ways of life and how they would burn the books about them in order to stay hidden. That’s where you’d stopped for the evening, the two of you realized pretty quickly that you would have to find a different way.
Everyone was asleep, the house was deadly quiet. Everyone except for you. You had been laying in your bed twisting and turning for three hours now. It was hopeless, never in your life before had you felt so abandoned and lost. Giving up, you left the bed and walked through the house up to the balcony. As soon as you opened the doors you took a deep breath, feeling how the cold night air calmed your razing thoughts.
”Can’t sleep?—” You looked over to the figure resting against the railing only to find no other than Azriel. Realizing that he maybe wanted to be you took a step back, ”—Stay, I don’t mind. Unless you wanted to be alone?.” He hadn’t even needed to look at you to know what you were thinking, a shiver ran across your back, how?
”Alright then.” You almost whispered it, scared of something you didn’t know what it was. You made your way onto the balcony, letting your wings out as you came up and took your place right next to him. It felt right as if you belonged. You could feel him as he looked at your wings only to feel cold as soon as he looked away again. You took another deep breath as you looked up at the stars and closed your eyes you felt heat flood your face. As if a weight had finally been lifted from your shoulders like you could breathe again. You could feel him watching you as a single tear slid down your face.
He didn’t understand why he could never hear her as she walked up to him. It had been one of the reasons why he’d tried to stay away at first. The fact that he could never see her coming. This time it was almost painful, he hadn’t heard her but as soon as she had opened the balcony door he could feel her presence, he hadn’t even had to turn around. He just knew.
When she’d taken the place right next to him he’d thought he was going to die. It didn’t help either that she’d let her wings out, knowing that he was the only one who’d seen them.
Watching her tilt her head towards the stars all he could do was hold his breath, as one single tear fell down her cheek, the freckles on her face started to glow. Her freckles were stars, not only that but they represented the entire night sky. All of it. Her whole face was filled with constellations of different stars, he felt as if he couldn’t breathe. How had he missed that? She didn’t only look ethereal under the stars, she became it.
”Your mother, did she ever tell you about it?—” She opened her eyes and looked at him, he breathed in before he kept going, ”—Your power, or hers. Especially how your freckles glow under the stars.” He whispered the last part, afraid that she would leave.
She blinked a few times before she opened her mouth to speak, ”My mother—” She hesitated before she kept going, ”—Used to tell me how the stars in my freckles symbolized the power gifted to me from the old gods. She made it into this whole story, every night she told me about it, and when she did she always used her magic to recreate the night sky above our bed. After her death, I tried to make my own stars, every night. Desperate to get some sort of light in my room, but I never managed so when I turned nine I gave up and started to explore instead.”
He could see the pain in her eyes and it made him ache but he needed to see it, ”Try it, try it once more. Just once. If it doesn’t work then we’ll try something else but if it does then we have somewhere to start.” She just looked at him her face blank, she was tired. Tired of trying to create something she’d given up on so many years ago. But she did it anyway, realizing she had nothing to lose.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she cupped her palms and whispered, ”Please.” Suddenly her hands started to glow and something formed in her palms. He sucked in a breathe not believing it, it was a star. A small one, but a star nonetheless. She just stared at it, and for the first time, she looked truly happy and content.
She looked at him and smiled, as she did she grabbed his hand and turned it over, cupping his palm before she placed the star in it and whispered a soft, ”Thank you, Azriel.” Before she turned and left.
He couldn’t breathe, and as he looked down into his palm at the small star resting there he smiled.
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dripping-starlight · 2 years
Chapter four to a new life should be up sometime in the next two days Xx
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dripping-starlight · 2 years
Prompts ♡
I love you so much, alright?
You touch them you die,
We’re… Just friends,
Come here,
Shh, they’re sleeping,
Please be careful,
I need you,
Just tell me what you need,
Don’t you dare pass out on me!
Who did this to you…
They’re making bets about us…
I- don’t know if they feel the same,
Dancing in the rain,
Family dinner,
You’re it… You are my person,
I could drown myself in someone like you,
0 notes
dripping-starlight · 2 years
Azriel x reader One shots Lazy Mornings Starfall
Series A new life Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IIII
Requests are appreciated and wanted! not writing anything explicit right now. Prompts list♡
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dripping-starlight · 2 years
A new life
Note, Alright Chapter 3!!! We have a small Azriel Pov which I'm really happy about! I'm going to keep it short, I've edited this chapter and the other two so I'd suggest going back and just skimming through them, I didn't make any major changes but re-wrote some small things just to make stuff a bit more clear, but if you don't want to go back you'll be absolutely fine either way. Azriel and Zephyra are obviously mates. They won't figure it out til much later though since they're young and have never really had time in their life to actually think about a potential mate and that kind of future. Words, 1174
Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IIII
”Gods, she has white wings.” he breathed as he entered his room. He wasn’t really surprised about the wings other than the fact that they were white. He hadn’t thought about it when he first saw her since she’d been running. When it was clear that she was half Illyrian he’d at least considered it but to see them. He thought he was going to die right there and then. White. White wings. Never before had he heard about anything like it. He understood why she’d kept them a secret they weren’t clipped either.
But wings. The question at hand was just exactly how powerful she was though, if she was able to hide them from the world she had to be strong. He hadn’t known about her mother, of course, none of them did, Asteria maybe. But who she was, or been. Unknown, for now. They’d grown close to each other, that much was sure. Cassian didn’t know about her though he’d talk his head off about it if he had known.
He’d guessed it though, her mother's death, it wasn’t hard to figure out. Almost all bastard Illyrians were left without a mother, it was rare for them to survive the birth, and if they did the father normally finished the job.
When he had seen her up there on the roof she’d looked ethereal, like a fallen star. She was breathtaking, that much was obvious. He didn’t understand it. The pull he felt towards her, the need to be close. He had almost lost it when she walked right into him on the stairs, trying to hold onto her for as long as possible. As if he needed her to breathe. When he'd finally pulled himself together and let go, he felt as if a piece of him was left there with her. Every time she laughed with the others he felt as if his heart would burst. Never understanding why. Why would this one female have such an effect on him? Never before had something like this happened?
”Gods.” He breathed out again.
You woke up to a heavy feeling right next to your body, opening your eyes lying next to you was no other than Asteria, smiling as if she knew about something she shouldn’t.
You sat up, ”What?” You asked her rather reluctantly.
”You were gone last night.” She practically sang, believing she’d stumbled upon some huge secret.
You wouldn’t have to lie, just avoid bringing up Azriel, for both of your sake.
You answered her carefully, ”Yeah… I was on the roof, I needed to see the stars.” Her face fell, you’d told her about your mother and you were pretty sure she realized it’d been last night.
”You could have woken me up y’know.” She took your hand as you laid back down on the bed.
”Yeah I know, but I think I needed to do this by myself, it’s always been just me, after it was me and her. So I think it needed to be just the two of us again. At least this time.” You looked at your friend smiling slightly. Suddenly Asteria’s stomach rumbled, you burst out laughing.
”C’mon it’s time for breakfast and we better get down there before Cassian eats it all.” She laughed as she hauled you out of bed.
Once you were in the kitchen the others were there, except for Azriel. You weren’t surprised, it was rare to see him at breakfast. Cassian as usual was shovelling food into his mouth, grinning as the two of you came over and sat down.
After a while, Azriel came down the stairs, briefly locking eyes with you across the table as he sat down next to Rhys. As far from you as possible. Some part of you hurt seeing him so far away. It was weird, to say the least. The pull you felt towards him.
Asteria nudged you in the side whispering, ”What was that?”
You almost choked on your coffee before you managed to breathe back a, ”Nothing, what are you talking about.”
She just looked at you with a raised brow, ”Sure, nothing.” She mused smiling mischievously. Fuck.
Everyone except for Azriel was eating and laughing, savouring the last of the time they had together before Asteria would go back to Velaris. He kept looking over at you. When he thought that no one would notice. You did though, feeling whenever his eyes were upon you.
”Zeph, are you sure you don’t want to go back to Velaris with me?” Asteria pleaded, grabbing onto your arm. Further down the table, you could hear someone choke as cutlery hit the plate rather harshly.
Everything went quiet as Rhys started patting Azriel’s back, ”Cauldron, Az are you okay?”
”Yeah I’m fine, sorry.” He rasped before he looked up at you. It was only for a second, which was all you needed to make your choice.
”I think I’m staying. I’m not ready to leave the Illyrian camps just yet. Maybe next time?” You looked away from Azriel diverting your attention to Asteria.
She just smiled at you, ”Yeah that’s alright I understand, it’s only for three months either way. Mother will probably let me visit—” She beamed at everyone. It was clear that she’d prefer to stay if she could. You would have liked it better too, ”—besides, you’ll be pretty busy here anyways.” She chimed. It was Cassian’s turn to choke on his food having caught the looks between you and Az and the tone Asteria used.
At that moment her mother entered the room, ”Cassian dear, you have to actually chew your food, we’ve talked about this before —.” You laughed at this. Everyone did, even Azriel smiled. It wasn’t hard to see where Asteria got her sarcasm from. She was identical to her mother in every way, a bit bolder maybe, considering her lack of a filter. ”— I’m sorry to break up this merry gathering but Asteria darling, it’s time to go. Now the rest of you take care of each other, make sure to look after Zephyra. I have a feeling that you might get a visit from the lord of Ironcrest. If you do, you tell him that she belongs to our family now, and if he has something to say about that he can take it up with the high lord of the night court himself.” She smiled.
Reaching her hand out at her daughter, Asteria got up and bid everyone goodbye before she took her mother's hand and left through the front door.
The room went quiet after that. It was as if a light had disappeared from the world. ”So let’s say that the worst thing possible actually happens and your father does come here, what’s he like Zeph?” Cass exclaimed cheerfully looking at you, making Rhys snort.
You stared him dead in the eye as you drawled, ”Oh he’s delightful, you’ll love him.” Smiling sweetly.
"I'm sure I will—" Cassian looked you in the eyes, "—Witch."
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dripping-starlight · 2 years
Eyoooo chapter three to A new life will be up in a few hours just have to finish it and edit!!
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dripping-starlight · 2 years
For everyone's sake I'm just going to go ahead and edit the already uploaded chapters too A new life as well as the next one because I Tried reading through the first one just now and felt like dying.
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dripping-starlight · 2 years
For anyone who’s interested I was thinking about uploading chapter three to A new life sometime tomorrow hopefully otherwise it will be up later this week. Xx
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dripping-starlight · 2 years
A new life
Note, We get to see a bit more of Azriel here! Words, ca 1100 Also I'm sorry these chapters will be so short but It's easier for me to keep track of it all. I’m also not editing these chapters of this story yet. I might do it further down the road.
Chapter I Chapter II ,Chapter III, Chapter IIII
It was dark, pitch-black actually. You could hear Asteria sleeping next to you, finding comfort in her calm breathing. The window was cracked open and you just knew that the stars would be visible, it was time.
You slowly got up and walked out of the room, not making a sound. Once you closed the door you headed for the balcony, you needed to feel it, the stars looking down on you.
Once a year there was one specific star that shone a little brighter. You’d only seen it a few times before, the first was the night your mother died and the last was when you were eleven. But tonight it would be there again, waiting for you. For the first time in so many years, you’d get the chance to see it again, you couldn’t miss it.
When you got to the balcony you took a deep breath. Steadying yourself you got up on the railing and climbed onto the roof. Standing there you let your wings out, the others hadn’t seen them, you hadn’t seen or felt them in years either when your mother died you couldn’t risk it. They didn't know that you had them or that you were a witch. All they knew was that you were half Illyrian. Wings or no wings. But oh saints did it feel good, the weight of them on your back made you feel complete again, for the first time in your life you felt free. As you looked up into the sky and saw your mothers' star shining down on you.
”I got away mom, I did it. I left and I think I’ve found my people. I miss you though.” You whispered looking up at the sky a tear sliding down your cheek, the star seemed to shine a little brighter and your skin felt warmer.
Then you heard it, his voice, ”Who are you—” You turned coming face to face with Azriel feeling caught you froze, just staring at him, ”—Zephyra… You have wings? And they’re- white? Why didn’t you tell anyone? What are you even doing up here? Did you fly? Why didn’t I hear you?”
He practically attacked you with questions. You thought it was a bit rich considering how he hadn’t even wanted to look at you before this, ”I was, uh. It’s, ehm a bit complicated…—” You trailed off not really knowing what to say. Judging from his surprised look and something that seemed soft in his eyes you took a breath and answered him, ”—Yes I have wings, kind off. And yes, they’re white. I don’t know why. I didn’t tell anyone because I don’t know how to fly, so they’re practically useless, I haven’t even seen them in years because I couldn’t risk it with both my father and Kallon living in the same house. So no I did not fly, I climbed. Which is why you couldn’t hear me. I’m up here because tonight is the night that my mother died and that star right there is hers and I haven’t seen or felt it in seven years, I just needed to see it. And I’m sorry if you hate me, I don’t know what I did, but I’m sorry.” You were rambling. You didn’t know why you told him this, it just felt like he would understand. You didn’t think he’d care but it felt important.
He just looked at you. His mouth was slightly open and he was staring at you in disbelief. Suddenly his eyes softened and he actually truly smiled at you, ”I- your wings. They’re- they’re beautiful. And I didn’t mean to ambush you, I can teach you how to fly if you want… —” He trailed off still staring at your wings until his gaze shifted and he looked you in the eyes, ”— And I don’t hate you.”
It was your time to stare, ”B-but I thought… You can’t even look at me and I’ve tried talking to you but you just leave—” You were stuttering unable to form words or keep up with your brain, ”— can you really teach me how to fly?” You whispered looking at the ground, scared he would back down on his offer.
He chuckled, ”Yes, I can teach you how to fly. And, I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you, I just have a hard time trusting people. Ask Rhys or Cass, I’m pretty sure it took me three months to even say a word to them.”
You silently swore at Cassian for not telling you this.
He kept going, ”I won’t be able to teach you how to fly until you’ve built some muscles but I promise you that when you’re strong enough I’ll be here. Also, you shouldn’t hide them, your wings. They help with your balance. And I’m sorry about your mother.”
You just kept staring, the only thing you could utter was a small, ”thank you.”
Before he opened the balcony door he turned around and smiled at you, ”Goodnight Zephyra, see you tomorrow.”
”Night.” You whispered back, but he was already gone.
A few hours later you went back to bed before people would wake up.
Too busy thinking about what had happened hours earlier you didn’t even realise that there was someone else in the stairs before you walked straight into them and almost fell before they caught you.
Thank god it was Azriel, or maybe that wasn’t the best thing ever, it didn’t feel as weird anymore but somehow it felt so much worse in so many ways.
”Oh mother, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to- I wasn’t paying attention and then you were just there and I-.” You were barely whispering, completely forgetting how early it was and that everyone else was asleep.
His whole body was shaking. Worried you hurt him you were about to apologize again when you realized he was laughing, you felt surprised mixed with shame and pride at being the one to make him laugh even if it was at your expense. You started laughing as well. He smiled slightly at you as he opened his mouth to speak, ”Shh, everyone is still sleeping. It’s okay. Honestly, it can happen to the best of us. Although I don’t know how you wanted to tell everyone about your wings but unless you didn’t, you should probably hide them.” He gave the white wings behind you a pointed look.
”Oh right, thank you.” You were still a bit shaken. ”I should probably head back to bed.” You whispered.
”Yeah probably, I was heading to bed as well.” He answered smiling slightly.
You were supposed to move, he was too but none of you did. It felt right, standing there, with him.
Suddenly he let go of you and as he walked past you on the stairs his hand brushed past your own. With a barely audible goodnight, he was gone. You stood there for almost fifteen minutes feeling as if he took a piece of you with him.
You went back to bed and laid down listening to the sound of Asterias breathing unable to fall asleep.
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dripping-starlight · 2 years
A new life
Note, The first part of a longer Azriel x reader fic. Just a bit of a summary, the reader (Zephyra) is a bastard born half witch, half Illyrian to the camp lord at ironcrest. (Ironcrest is basically the rivalling camp to windhaven in size and it's mentioned throughout the books, I don't know exactly which but I know it's mentioned in ACOSF. In the books we hear about Kallon whom is the son of the camp lord so he's obviously Zephyra's half brother.) In this part we get a bit of a backstory from Zeph's childhood as well as her interaction with the batboys and Rhys's sister whom will be named Asteria. Words, 1650
Chapter I Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IIII
He wouldn't look at you.
You didn’t understand why you noticed. Maybe you had expected him to be a bit more interested, considering how he, saved your life.
In all fairness you didn’t want to say that he saved you, he did but it wasn’t like he’d done much. He’d just found you a few miles away from the Illyrian camp slumped against a tree trying to catch your breath.
Maybe you'd been about to pass out but that wasn't important.
You’d been running from the only place you ever knew. The Illyrian camp where you’d been hated by everyone, even your father. It was no surprise though, after all, you were bastard born and a supposed��half-bred witch. They weren’t wrong to call you by what you truly were, your mother had been a witch, the last one of them.
You guessed that you were the last one now, not that it mattered, you’d been five when your father killed her so you never learned anything. Although she’d made sure you knew how to hide your wings, it had been important apparently.
”Zeph, my love. You have to try again, I know it’s hard but it’s important. He won’t like them.” Your mother kept trying to make you learn how to hide your wings. You didn’t understand why it was so important, everyone else had theirs on display. Maybe it was because yours were white as snow. You looked just like your mother, with snow-white hair, brown honey eyes and freckles that looked like stars. Your mother always said that the stars symbolised the power gifted to you from the old gods. It didn’t feel like it.
At fourteen you found out why she wanted you to hide them, it was when you got your first period. Your father the lord of Ironcrest, had given an offhanded comment about how you at least didn’t have any wings that needed clipping making your half brother Kallon snicker.
Your mother had never addressed him as your father, and she never mentioned your half brother. Your father had always been he or him sometimes she’d called him by his name but it’d been unusual.
You didn’t know how to use your wings or your magic. You’d spent the first five years of your life locked in a house on the outskirts of the camp with your mother and after that, you’d been moved into the attic of your fathers' house. At night you’d tried to summon stars in your room like your mother always had done above the bed you shared. You never managed. So much for the power of the old gods. You soon became bored with your supposed magic and explored instead, you started with the house, then sneaking out while your father was gone.
At eleven you followed him after he left the house, too curious for your own good. You climbed up onto a roof overlooking the square in the middle of the camp where you saw him meeting with a couple and their children. The man was tall with black hair and tanned skin, no wings though. His wife looked stunning her hair was equally dark and her skin tanned but she had wings, she was holding onto a girl probably around your age. Behind the woman there were three boys, Illyrian as well, they were all snickering and shoving each other, the shortest one had hair as black as the night and eyes filled with stars while the other two were just as tanned but with brown eyes. Illyrian. They were probably a few years older than you, maybe four, you locked eyes with the tallest one, he seemed different from the other two, he had shadows swirling around him and something had happened to his hands. He looked you in the eyes before he whispered something to the others and pointed towards you.
The others turned and looked but you had already ducked behind a chimney terrified that your father would see you. He hadn’t but it didn’t matter that night you'd been punished, he had never hit you before but that was the first time he did. You'd been locked in the house indefinitely after that.
You were eighteen now and staring at him.
He still hadn’t looked at you, you were sure he wouldn’t remember you either way. It’d been seven years since that one time you had locked eyes.
You remembered all of them, the shortest boy, Rhysand was to be the next high lord. The girl Asteria, Rhysand’s sister was a year younger than you and she’d been the only one who had talked to you since you got there a month ago, after he saved you. Well she and Cassian, the third boy.
Rhys had started warming up to you after a week.
He was the only one who remembered you from that day seven years ago and when you told them all about it Cassian did as well. But the tallest one, Azriel hadn’t even reacted, he just blinked and looked away unbothered.
It bothered you though, how unaffected he seemed to be by your presence. You didn’t know why you wanted him to react. There was something about him, that made you want his attention, it was something you craved and every day it got worse. Sometimes you would lock eyes across the room and it felt as if you were going to die right there until he looked away again. Of course, sometimes he would even leave the room. It seemed to be a new favourite of his actually, instead of looking away or just pretending to be busy with something else he’d leave.
You felt a presence behind you, no two. It was Cassian and Asteria, They’d sneaked up and placed themselves on either side of you.
”So staring again I see” Cassian drawled as he draped a hand around your shoulder and pushed an escaping strand of hair back behind your ear.
”I just don’t understand it, why does he hate me? I mean he must, otherwise, he’d talk to me. Or at least look at me, right?” You almost whined turning to Cassian with your eyebrows raised in a desperate and questioning manner. He just laughed at you before he looked over at Asteria with a pointed look.
”Told you she likes him.” He snickered.
Asteria sighed and rolled her eyes at him before she hit him over the head, ”So what if she does, he’s not awful to look at. Now Zephyra—” She took your head in her hand and turned it towards her, ”— First of all, Azriel doesn’t hate you he’s just bad with people, especially females.” She gave you a pointed look.
You huffed a laugh at them, ”I don’t like him, I don’t even know him. It just bothers me you know, he won’t even look at me and leaves the room whenever I’m there.” You try to defend yourself.
”I think he blames himself.” Cassian chipped in while staring at Azriel looking like he’d said his thought’s out loud.
Both you and Asteria whipped your heads towards him exclaiming, ”What?!” Almost screaming it at him.
He looks over at the two of you puzzled until he realized what he'd just done, ”Well, when you told us about how you’d sneaked out and followed Kallons father to us. You said he pointed at you right? And then you didn’t leave the house again for years. All I’m saying is that I think he blames himself for you being locked in that house all those years.”
You just looked at him, he couldn’t possibly be thinking that, could he? It was absurd, that he would even blame himself for something like that…
”I have to talk to him.” You whispered.
”Oh please do it now, we want to see how it goes.” Asteria almost begged. The two of you had grown close since you get there. She was the first person you'd ever called a friend, having none growing up. Cassian was getting there as well but not yet.
”No? Why would you want to see that, I mean he doesn’t want to talk to me or even look at me so I don’t understand why it’d be so interesting.” You didn’t want them staring at you.
All of a sudden Rhys’s mother entered the room smiling at all of you, ”Alright I think it’s time for you to retreat to your rooms, Asteria darling please don’t forget that we’re returning to Velaris tomorrow morning so don’t sleep in too late.” She looked at her daughter before her attention switched over to you, her smile widened and somehow became even warmer, you loved her, she reminded you of your mother. It’d only been a month but you loved this new family of yours.
When Azriel had found you he just had time to ask you where you had been running from before you passed out. That's when he took you back to Windhaven with him. That was a month ago and you had spent every woken moment with them. At night you shared a room with Asteria. Last week her mother had asked if you wanted to return to Velaris with them or stay at Windhaven with the others. It’d been an obvious choice at the time, or at least that’s what you thought. You’d grown up at Ironcrest and the two camps weren’t that different. Rhys had also promised to help you train if you stayed. Although now it stung a bit that you’d lose Asteria for three months which felt like an eternity thinking about it.
But you couldn’t pass up on the chance of learning how to fight, Rhys said that he would help you and Cassian had chimed in too, the only one who hadn’t actually agreed to it was Azriel. You didn’t expect much from him though.
-edit, I've proof read the text and changed a few things. Nothing big though so it doesn't really affect the storyline.
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dripping-starlight · 2 years
Note, small Azriel x reader fluff. Nothing major and really short, I hope you enjoy, whoever you are ;) words, 392
It wasn’t long until the stars would shoot across the sky now.
They were at the house of wind. Everyone was smiling, Cas and Mor were dancing around the table where Rhys sat, drinking and staring at Feyre. You were comfortably seated in one of the armchairs with your own glass of wine looking at your family. Thinking how lucky all of you were, after all those years of not getting this.
At one point Cassian had too much wine and tried to get Amren to join in by pulling her out of the chair. She just got up and left. Feyre laughed so hard she’d choked on her wine.
But you didn’t look at them, you looked at Azriel, in fact you’d been staring at him all night.
You were forever grateful to the mother for getting him as your mate, your home.
Cassian had sneaked over to where you were sitting, ”What’s up his arse tonight, If I remember correctly we were all told to be in a festive spirit according to Rhys.”
You hummed in agreement, ”Eris caught him sneaking around in the autumn court, he’s not too happy about it.” You snickered. He looked over at you, raising an eyebrow.
Cassian grinned as he sucked in a breathe and leaned forward, ”Busted.” He whispered before he got up and walked back to the others. You got up as well and walked over to Azriel and put a hand around his waist while resting your head against his shoulder.
”He’s never going to let me live that down–” You cut him off with a quick kiss. He looked down at you with a calculating face, ”you’re drunk.” He said as he put his arm around you, afraid you might fall.
”I’m not, I’ve only had two glasses. I’m just tipsy.” You declared as you leaned into him even more.
”Okay.” Was all he said, but you could hear the smile in his voice.
After a while as predicted the stars started to shoot across the night sky and everyone made their way over to the window except for Feyre and Rhys who had sneaked off too somewhere.
”It’s beautiful.” You said as you leaned closer into Azriels’ side.
Azriel looked down at you and kissed the top of your head, ”You’re more beautiful than the moon, my love.”
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dripping-starlight · 2 years
Lazy Mornings,
note, Hello! okay so listen I enjoy writing sometimes... (more like once every blue moon) and I thought that maybe I would share it, with whoever is there to read it. Anyways Ig this is Azriel fluff so there's no smut, only light hinting at the possibility of it and I mean L I G H T hinting. Anyways this is the first time I actually post something but that I've written. Azriel x female Oc. words, 554.
The sun was slowly rising, barely touching the top of the mountain as Zephyra opened her eyes.
She could feel the warmth of the sun on her cheek, the body next to her started to stir. She smiled as she looked over to the winged male lying beside her as he opened his eyes.
He blinked a few times, ”Good morning, my love.” His voice was heavy with sleep as he stretched out an arm and pulled her into him, nuzzling her neck.
”Morning.” she whispered, landing a soft kiss on his shoulder. They stayed like that for a while, holding each other enjoying the calm before everyone else would wake up.
Zephyra started to untangle herself from her mate as carefully as she possibly could while getting up, ”Where are you going?” he said, his eyes still closed.
She stopped in the middle of the room halfway into a discarded shirt she’d found on the floor, ”I have to go up to the training ring, I promised Cassian that I would meet him there at sunrise. You should go back to sleep.” She trailed off, knowing that this was his first day off in a while.
He opened his eyes and got up as well, ”Fuck Cassian–” he said as he walked over to her and picked her up, throwing her on the bed ”–you are going to stay here. In bed, with me.” She laughed, trying to get up again but stopping as he got back into the bed, trapping her under him, peppering her face with kisses. Her heart swelled with love it felt almost as if it was going to burst.
”You know he’s going to come down here and force the both of us up there if I don’t show.” She said with a smile in her voice as she kissed him before trying to get free from him only to get dragged in again with another kiss.
God, he made it hard to leave.
All of a sudden there was a knock on the door, ”Azriel, I swear to god if Zephyra isn’t outside of this door in five, I’ll rip the damn thing down and pull her out of bed myself!” You could hear the challenge in his voice.
”Fuck off Cassian. We’re busy.” Az shot at the door. Not realizing his mistake, he’d loosened his grip on her and before he had time to react she’d poked him in the rib making him yelp and gotten out. He looked over at her in disbelief, she snorted before she leaned down and kissed him.
”With such a slow reaction, I’m starting to believe that you’re the one who needs to train more, not me–” He went to grab her again, determined to keep her there. She was tempted to stay but decided against it, fearing that Cassian might actually rip down the door, ”–I’ll be back before you know it, love you.” she whispered as she kissed him one final time before walking out the door, only to come face to face with Cassians shit-eating grin.
”So, Zeph. You two were busy? huh.” Cassian challenged.
She looked him dead in the eye before smiling sweetly, ”Be nice, or I will accidentally castrate you while we spar.” she said before patting his cheek and walking away.
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