dristi5683 · 4 years
Hi!! Just thought I'd let you know that i just finished reading Friends by Day, Enemies by Night for the second time and it's honestly still as amazing as i remember it!! I love your stories so much. And i find it incredibly cute that you always manage to mention your sister in the Note section. Anyway can't wait to see what other stories you have in store!!(i mean hopefully you'd have more but i completely understand if you don't)❤️
Hello!! I’m so glad you enjoyed the story the second time around! I’ve always thought of that as the biggest compliment. Since I’ve been in school, I haven’t had time to write anything, and I can’t wait to start back again. Although I’ll probably be rusty as hell. Lol. Thanks for the message!
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dristi5683 · 4 years
I. Am. AlmostDoneWithSchool!!! Boards are in early January and then I’ll finally be able to write again. I can’t wait *cries* I’ll probably be terrible but it’ll feel good
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dristi5683 · 6 years
I have no work in progress. *cries* I am pretty curious about that ladynoir what. Lol!!
WIP Game
(known also as the Writers’ Shame Game)
I was tagged by @perditaalottachocolate-blog and @thenovelartist. I’m laughing because I have like 30 WIPs right now!
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you, or interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!!
Okay, so I’ll just go with the most recently worked on. Otherwise, we’d be here all day. I’m leaving the capitalization the way it is on my files for comedic effect.
Also, I never get asks, so I’m just going to elaborate here. Feel free to ask for snippets though!
ladynoir what 
I had to open the file to figure out what it was, and I have to say that the title fits really well. “what” is the appropriate reaction.
Okay, this is probably the most interesting of these. It’s an AU where Adrien snatches the butterfly miraculous from his dad and becomes a “villain” with the intention of bringing his mother back. Hijinks ensue.
Opposition new
I tried to write an update for Opposition. Contains Ladybug being a troll, Adrien being a nerd, and Gabriel uncomfortably watching his son flirt.
one of many many WIPs for Perception
Dadrien workout
A one shot for the Dadrien and Mominette collab I’m working on with Sakuramarie.
Sunlight and Shadows drabble 2
Just a deleted scene from Sunlight and Shadows that may never see the light of day
Teen Titans Miraculous AU
I tried, but it’s literally just an outline of an outline
z o m b i e s 1
I wanted to write a one shot for Disney’s ZOMBIES, but writer’s block sucks.
Meant To Be AU
“What if Chat Noir worked for Hawkmoth?” Not as angsty as it sounds, but not my usual cheerfulness either.
A pair of black heels clicked against the impeccable white tiles of a newly polished floor
Apparently I couldn’t be bothered to even keyboard-smash a title. It was for my Max Steel one shot collection.
I’m tagging @sakuramarie , @dristi5683, @light-my-star and @lilaflyy! :) 
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dristi5683 · 6 years
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Learning more aerial poses!
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dristi5683 · 6 years
Forbidden Magic, ML Fic
The dead have risen and are controlled by Hawk Moth. But it’s not enough. He needs Marinette’s bloodline magic to become truly powerful. And she’ll do anything to stop him, including summoning the greater demon, Chat Noir.
Happy Halloween!!
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dristi5683 · 6 years
Same anon from before...I only have 2 or 3 chapters left now hahaha You mentioned in the notes after one of your chapters that you want to write your own work someday and I just wanna say that I’d 100000% read an original work by you. You’re an amazing writer!
Awww! You’re killing me. Thank you for saying that! And, holy moly, you’re reading fast! Which is always a good sign. Lol. I can’t wait for you to get to the epilogue. It’s in my top three favorite chapters of the story. :)
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dristi5683 · 6 years
I’m signing up!!
Signups Are Open!
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Hey there, miraculers!
This year’s secret santa exchange is now officially open, so sign up while you can! Artists, writers, and gifmakers/editors of all skill levels are welcome!
Signups will remain open until 11:59 pm EST on October 20th. 
Thanks, and stay miraculous!
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dristi5683 · 6 years
I’m reading your Friends By Day, Enemies By Night tic and I’m only on chapter 5 but I am HOOKED. I’ve gotten butterflies in my stomach at least twice each chapter. You write the chemistry so well! Ahhhhhh I need to go to bed but... maybe one more chapter ;)
Lol!! That’s awesome! I love hearing that I’ve hooked someone. My sister and I are in the middle of editing and it’s been fun going over the early chapters. We still crack up at certain parts. Lol. I hope you continue to enjoy the story!! And thanks for letting me know!!
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dristi5683 · 6 years
From chapter 4 of my fic, Friends By Day, Enemies By Night
I was so excited to have this scene brought to life. Thank you so much for doing such an awesome job!!! *squeals* I love it, love it, love it!!!
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Commission for @dristi5683 of 18 year-olds, ladybug and chat noir based off of a scene from her ML fanfic :)
I definitely had a lot off fun with the dynamics of this commission lol.  
✨Commission Info here!✨
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dristi5683 · 6 years
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Called it! Except for the name. I even got the transformation command right. Now, if only my Queen Bee predictions will be just as spot on. (Means less editing. Lol)
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dristi5683 · 6 years
Ladynoir - “Yeah I was there.” “SO… you think I’m hot?”
For @rosalind2013 :D
“So,” Chat said as he sauntered through the crowd at Comic Con toward Ladybug. She stood at a booth, looking at a painting of them fighting an akuma. “You think I’m hot?”
She put down the print with a smile for the artist who couldn’t stop staring at her.
“Your costume is the most realistic I’ve seen,” the young woman said. “Same for your hair. Where did you get your wig?”
“I...um...made it.” Knowing that lying made her uncomfortable, he wanted to snicker at the way her eye twitched.
“You have talent.” The artist picked up her phone. “Can I get a picture with you?”
Chat sighed as Ladybug nodded. He’d been dying to tease her since he’d seen her at the Chat Noir fangirl booth.
“Can you take the pic?”
Ladybug cleared her throat and Chat realized the artist has been talking to him. He pouted, but took the phone.
After several poses—not once had she asked to take a picture with him. His costume was awesome too—they walked away from the booth and Ladybug asked, ���What were you saying?”
Finally. “I saw a certain Bugaboo at a certain booth.”
“I’ve been at a lot of booths. You’ll have to be more specific.”
He jumped in front of her to better look at her expression and walked backwards. “The one with my face on it and all those hearts and puckered lips.”
She snickered. “Yeah, I was there.”
“Did you find it enticing?” He gave her the best angle of his face and his most charming smile.
With a shrug, she pulled him out of the way before he stepped on a person’s fake tail. He’d seen it, but he never passed up an opportunity for her to touch him.
“Ohh, now you’re touching me,” he teased. “I think it did leave an impression on you.”
“I think you were about to run someone over.”
“Excuses. Excuses.”
She rolled her eyes, but her playful smile made his heart thump harder. Why did she have to be so stunning? And she didn’t even realize the effect she had on him.
He stopped walking, forcing her to do the same, and affected a victorious look. Placing his hands on his hips, he said, “You do think I’m hot.”
A mischievous glint in her blue eyes made him swallow. She leaned closer to him and tapped the bell at his collar. “Maybe I do.” Then she turned and walked to the booth next to them.
He had to force his mouth to stay closed and remember how to breathe. She… She…
Ladybug looked over her shoulder at him. “And maybe I don’t.”
In familiar territory again, he placed his hands over his heart and stumbled backwards. “My lady is cruel.”
Her soft laughter was the most beautiful sonata he’d ever heard.
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dristi5683 · 6 years
Marichat, enemies au - “I’m not supposed to be here.” “I didn’t know where to go.”
For @bookworm-queen-bee :)
Ladybug’s Miraculous beeped its last warning and she sprinted to the nearest door in the alley. Gripping the handle, she sighed when it turned and the door opened.
Stacks of boxes along one wall greeted her. Cleaning supplies filled a shelf above them. There was a desk situated at the other wall, but thankfully no one sat in the chair as Tikki’s magic fizzled out. The supernatural strength fled her and she nearly sagged to her knees, her breath quick and high in her chest.
“That was close,” Tikki said.
Marinette nodded and was about to fish through her purse for a cookie when a thud came from the roof. “Do you think he knows I came in here?”
“We better hide, just in case.”
Slipping into the front of the business, she barely registered the racks of clothing and grabbed a hanger, pretending to inspect the item. Every one of her senses were trained on the back exit.
A nearby woman glanced at her with a strange look, then walked away. Marinette probably did appear rather tense. She closed her eyes and tried to calm her racing heart and soften her face.
Chat would be looking for Ladybug, not Marinette. She was perfectly safe. Regardless, she hoped her kwami was inhaling a cookie and regaining her energy. The sooner she was back out there, the better.
“That’s a nice choice,” a familiar voice spoke against the shell of her ear.
She flinched and nearly threw the garment in her hand. “Chat!” she whisper-yelled. Her nerves turned to barbs and pricked every inch of her body. She tried to reassure herself again but it was hard when those eerie green eyes were so close to her.
He chuckled and took a step back. His cocky stance and expression had her raising a brow in question and he pointedly looked down at the clothes in her hands.
She followed his gaze to the dainty Chat Noir lingerie hooked onto the hanger. Her eyes widened and she fought the instinct to hurl it away from her. Oh god. She’d taken shelter in a lingerie shop. And her partner-turned-enemy was staring at her like she’d suddenly morphed into something he hadn’t quite considered before. It gave her the chills.
“What are you doing here?” she asked him with a firm glare.
He lifted his hands as if he meant her no harm and his smile grew wider. “I know I’m not supposed to be in here, but I saw Ladybug come through—”
“I haven’t seen her.”
“Clearly. You had your eyes closed.” He waggled his brows. “What were you thinking about?”
His flirting reminded her of how he had used to treat Ladybug. The ache in her chest flared and she covered the grimace with another glare. “That’s none of your—”
“Crap.” His eyes narrowed on someone behind her. “Hide me.”
She went from standing in the softly lit space to being crammed into a terribly small changing room. The back of her knees hit a stool in the corner.
“What are you doing?” she demanded and pushed his hand off her arm.
He rolled his eyes and whispered, “I had to hide. An attendant was coming.”
“So you decided to stuff us into a box?”
“I didn’t know where else to go and I can’t exactly be seen right now.”
That the police would be called went unspoken. Why he didn’t think she wouldn’t do the same stumped her. Maybe he thought she would be more understanding given that he had helped her. But that had been...before. The temptation to reach into her purse for her phone was undeniably strong, yet she continued to clutch the lingerie for some reason.
“Excuse me,” a woman’s soft voice floated in from outside the door. “Can I help you with anything?”
Marinette and Chat Noir stared at each other, the moment heavy with tension. She could out him. She could scream for help.
Taking a deep breath, she said, “I’m fine, thank you.”
“Okay. Let me know if you need another size.”
As her footsteps on the hardwood floor faded, Chat’s eyes softened.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Marinette asked.
“You didn’t turn me in.”
She scoffed. “I couldn’t. We’re kind of in a compromising position here.”
“We weren’t doing anything.”
“But that’s not what it looks like.”
A corner of his lips curled upwards. “What does it look like?”
Despite the warmth blossoming in her cheeks, she maintained her indignant expression. “Like we snuck in here to make out.”
He crept closer to her, spiking her heart rate, and his voice took on a sultry edge. “Would you like to?”
“Absolutely not.” She spluttered and twitched.
“Are you sure? You’re the one who’s thinking about buying that.”
Remembering the Chat Noir lingerie in her hands, her cheeks burned as if they were on fire. “It’s not what it…”
Words failed her as Chat leaned in even closer. “You don’t have to be embarrassed. I think you would look purrfect in it.”
She blinked in surprise and before she could gather herself to say something, anything, he slipped out of the changing room and, a moment later, the back door clicked shut.
With her blood pounding in her ears, her knees gave way and she collapsed onto the stool behind her.
Tikki poked her head out of Marinette’s purse. “Do you want to to talk about—”
“No.” She was going to put the interaction out of her mind and pretend it had never happened...hopefully.
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dristi5683 · 6 years
Winter Solstice - “I guess I just wanted to know if you missed me.”
For @iamartemisday
Bucky looked through the sights of his rifle from atop a building across the street. The chilly wind blew his hair around his face, but he stayed focused on the people coming in and out of the entrance of the high rise. All sorts walked through the revolving doors, but most were businessmen and women in dark suits. None of which were his target.
A familiar short frame and long brown hair stepped into his sights. Bucky jerked, his head snapping up as if he could see her with his eyes. Realizing his mistake, he righted his rifle and quickly found her again, looking around as if for someone.
“What are you doing here, Jane?” he mumbled. She was supposed to be halfway across the world.
His target, a large man with silver-white hair, walked out of the building, then came to an abrupt halt with his gaze fixed on Jane. Bucky’s normally steady heart rate spiked.
He lined up his sights on his target and curled a finger around the trigger, but then the large terrorist grabbed Jane and pulled her inside the building with him.
“Shit. Shit. Shit.”
Bucky threw his rifle over his shoulder and leapt off the building. Landing hard on the street several stories below, he grimaced but pushed down the pain and sprinted toward the high rise. Gunshots cut through the air, then silence.
Fear speared him through the heart and fueled his mad dash over cars and around stunned pedestrians. Screams erupted and a flood of people streamed out of the doors, running in every direction.
By the time he was able to force his way inside, the lobby was empty. Papers littered the marble floor. Chairs had been knocked over. Glass crunched under his boots as he moved toward the sounds of heavy breaths and groans of pain. With the butt of his rifle firmly lodged against his shoulder and his cheek pressed against the weapon’s cool metal, he walked down a hallway, not ready to confront his fear.
He’d always known his two lives would converge, that the woman he loved would pay for his misdeeds, even if he hadn’t been in control of his actions back then. Karma would inevitably catch up to him.
Sweat slid down the back of his neck. He fought to keep his nerves in check, but icy dread continued to fill him.
“Just. Hold. Still.” Jane’s strong voice soothed the ache building in his chest before he processed her words.
He whipped around a corner and froze. “Jane?”
She glanced his way while wrapping the struggling man’s thigh with her jacket. “The idiot shot himself.”
“I didn’t, you crazy b—” The word was cut off with a gulp and a wince. Jane had tightened the knot of her makeshift tourniquet with a brutal jerk of her hands.
“You’re lucky the bullet didn’t hit your femoral artery,” she said like the crack of a whip.
“Jane?” Bucky asked again with more earnest. If he didn’t get an explanation soon, he would burst.
She stood and Bucky kept his rifle trained on his target. Then she shifted on her feet. “I came here to see you.” Her gaze dropped from his and she tucked back her hair behind her ear. “I...um...kinda got Tony drunk enough to tell me your location.”
He blinked at her. “Why?”
“I guess I just wanted to know if you missed me.”
Now he stared at her.
“It’s been weeks since I’ve seen you, let alone heard from you. And—”
“Of course I’ve missed you.” His limbs itched to go to her and pull her into him. He wanted to bury his nose into her hair and breathe in the scent he’d imagined so many times since he’d been gone.
Her smile was radiant. “So, maybe you can call him in”—she gestured toward his target—“and we can go somewhere more private?”
He was already radioing in his location before she finished her sentence.
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dristi5683 · 6 years
I’m game, but I want to switch it up. Send a pairing and two numbers, and we’ll see what craziness it inspires.
sentence prompts
“What if I say no?”
“Get out.”
“I dreamed of you last night.”
“I don’t know if you noticed… but we’re in a party”
“You can dance with me… if you want!”
“I think people hug at this point.”
“I’ll take you.”
“Why didn’t you call me?”
“Would you stop that?!”
“I loved you.”
“Yeah I was there.”
“Don’t say that.”
“I’ll take the couch.”
“You lied to me.”
“Maybe you didn’t love me after all.”
“Take my hand.”
“SO… you think I’m hot?”
“What are you doing?””Hiding.”
“Let’s run. Together.”
“Wow! you’re good at this!”
“I think we should stop seeing each other.”
“You have a picture of me? On your fridge?” 
“Do I know you?”
“I thought we could go back to whatever the hell we were!”
“Did I just say that?”
“Breathe, okay? Just breathe.”
“Stand behind me.”
“But I don’t want to leave.”
“Tell me a secret.”
“DON’T PRetend with me!!”
“I saw you, right there.”
“I-I just wanted to say that I uh, I missed you.”
“I’m not lying.”
“You look… okay. I MEAN-”
“I knew I’d find you here.”
“You still remember?”
“I guess I just wanted to know if you missed me.”
“All I needed was my friend.”
“I like your new place.”
“You left!”
“Do you know any jokes?”
“Are you hungry?”
“I’m not supposed to be here.”
“Do I even wanna know?!”
“Take me home… please?”
“Hey just be cool.”
“You have pretty hands.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Sorry I woke you up.”
“It’s about to rain, get inside.”
“So… friends?”
“I’m his/her best friend.”
“I got you, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
“We can leave, you know?”
“Did I interrupt something?”
“I’m trying, okay?”
“Why didn’t you ask me instead?”
“Sing to me.”
“What’s my prize?”
“I don’t want to see you anymore.”
“You’re so cute!!!”
“I was trying to protect you.”
“I’ll kill you.”
“And then you laughed.”
“I didn’t know where to go to.”
“I was having a nightmare.” 
“I know this song.”
“I need someone to hear me.”
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dristi5683 · 6 years
Halloween ml fic sneak peak
Title: Forbidden magic.
Summary: The dead have risen and are controlled by Hawk Moth. But it’s not enough. He needs Marinette’s bloodline magic to become truly powerful. And she’ll do anything to stop him, including summoning the greater demon, Chat Noir.
Type: one shot...I think
Marinette drew a large pentagram in chalk on the concrete floor of her family’s basement
“I must stop Hawk Moth. I will stop Hawk Moth.”
The frantic whisper of the vow and the scratching of chalk rose to a crescendo, swirling into a tornado of desperation. It consumed the cavernous room, eliminating the heavy silence that had greeted her when she’d first entered.
Dust tickled her nose as she worked in the dark, lit only by the candles placed on each point of the ancient symbol. Crumbling white, flickering yellow, and an encompassing black filled her vision...until an unbidden image of her parents’ lifeless eyes shattered the quasi peace.
A drawn line went jagged and her chalk cracked in half. She vanquished the memory, but it plagued her day and night, even invading her dreams.
When she completed the symbol, she stood and stared down at her last hope. Despite the flames surrounding her, she shivered.
This was dangerous magic. Forbidden magic.
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dristi5683 · 6 years
First off, I love the comic. *cackles* Cleary, this is my cup of tea. Secondly, PEOPLE ARE REC’ING MY FIC!! O.O *dies*
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Day 4 for @auyeahaugust: Enemies!
In which Adrien has worked for his father from the beginning due to lots of emotional manipulation… but he really doesn’t want to and actually respects ladybug a lot
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dristi5683 · 6 years
Editing is so much fun!!
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