drivekoolblog-blog · 6 years
Vital Information On Driving School:
This article is all about a driving school. In recent days it is very important to know driving. But many of us do not know driving. When it comes to learning driving some of us trying to learn by own or from a friend who knows it. But we should learn driving from a driving school. You can find many Driving Schools in Marathahalli.
Importance Of A Driving School They have a professional and skilled trainer who can teach you driving properly. You can learn the traffic rules which you have to follow while driving. They will always take a mock test before issuing a license or certificate to a candidate; it will help you to know your present condition while you are ready to drive a vehicle on the road or not. You can avail a valid license by a driving school after successful completion of your training. Driving schools in BEML Layout are very good in service.
Things To Remember While Choosing A School It is very important to select a perfect driving school as all the schools not provide proper training or service. Always check if the driving school has some professional and good trainer or not as you can learn the best driving from an excellent faculty. Also, check if they are providing the valid license which is best for you as a type of permit differs for vehicles. Many Driving Schools in HSR provide services like duplicate license, ownership transfer and many more. Some schools also offer to pick and drop facility to the students. Also, compare the training charges to other schools as some of the schools take higher charges than others. Always read the students review the school which will let you know about the quality of services, training and all. Then it will help you choose the right school for yourself.
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drivekoolblog-blog · 6 years
Road accidents and Plan of action:
Accidents are unplanned and unexpected road mishaps. There is one death per four minutes due to accidents in India. It is drunken driving which is one of the leading causes of road fatalities. Two wheelers account for 25% of the total road crash deaths. There are 377 deaths every day, which is equivalent to a jumbo jet crashing every day. The state of Uttar Pradesh amounts to the highest number of road mishaps with two people dying every hour.
The road is not a playground. One must be alert in all senses on the road. Although, it might not be your fault that you meet with an accident on the road. It might be the negligence or distraction of another driver on the road. In case of an accident following a few steps may help you through important decisions you need to make on the spot:
Check yourself for injuries. If you are injured, as someone nearby for help.
Check on the well-being of your passengers.
If your car is safe to drive, pull it to the side of the road and turn the hazard lights on. Evacuate the vehicle and get to safety.
Call the emergency services for help. It may be the nearest police station or the hospital which might come to your help.
Document the accident by noting down information of the other driver and the vehicle for the police and click pictures of your vehicle and the mishap for the insurance company. Prepare witnesses if there is someone nearby.
Be patient and calm until the help arrives. One should not panic during such situations.
Notify the insurer and start the claim process.
Accidents can leave even the most seasoned driver frazzled. One should not hesitate to ask for help if one cannot think or is in a state of shock. But, following these steps may help you from unnecessary worries.
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drivekoolblog-blog · 6 years
Driving schools making smart drivers:
There are tons of drivers around throughout the world, and most of them are good drivers also but what makes a driver smart? By attending Driving Schools in Kundanhalli, students learn how to become a smart driver. There are many things these driving schools ensure to make their students smart drivers such as:
The driver must be mentally and physically alert. The driver must be in a good mental and physical condition before driving. A driver should not drive if he/she is sick, angry, tired, injured or drinking alcohol. All these can reduce the driver’s capability to drive.
The driver must ensure before driving that the vehicle is completely functional especially the brakes. The drivers can check the brakes by pressing on them, and if no pressure is found, then the brakes are to be checked to by a mechanic. The driver must ensure to adjust the mirrors and seats properly as well as check the all the lights and signal are working properly or not.
The driver must spend some time to know the vehicle. This will help the driver to provide a better understanding of the operation of the vehicle. People can attend Driving Schools in Marathahalli to become a smart driver.
To become a smart driver, a driver must always drive in speed limit according to different places. The driver must not cross the speed limit that is specified for a road. It is not smart as it is not safe as well as it can cost some fine from the pocket also.
The driver must not honk unnecessarily. If there is no reason to honk, then it should be prevented as it will disturb other drivers.
Driving schools can help a driver in enhancing driving abilities. There are Driving Schools in Munnekolala that can help people in becoming smart drivers.
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drivekoolblog-blog · 6 years
Pay Heavy Penalties or Say No Talking or Texting While Driving
With two accidents happening every minute of which one results in fatality, 31% of such accidents are because of drivers using mobile phones, reports a survey. Drivers using phones while driving require twice the time to respond to an emergency as against those drivers who do not use their phones, as they drive. A simulated study conducted by the India Institute of Technology, Mumbai revealed that 60% of the drivers respond to texts or calls on their mobiles while driving.
Especially drivers sending a long text or involved in a long call take even more time – 40% to 100% – to respond to situations on the road. According to the simulated study, drivers’ texting longer messages required 137% time for a short message and 204% time when typing a long message to respond to emergency on the road.  Similarly, drivers on long calls required close to 100% extra time than usual response time and 40% more time when involved in short conversations.
The reason for majority of the accidents on the road is not drunken driving but either rash driving or distracted driving. Such behavior not only puts the driver and the passengers of the car at peril, but also other vehicles, on the road at risk.
The government has decided to impose stringent rules and impose heavy fines for such offenses to ensure safe roads. Accordingly, provisions for penalties have been included in section 177 of the motor vehicles act of 1988. As per the provisions of the act, if you are caught using phone while driving, either texting or on a call you could be penalized anywhere between a 100 INR to 300 INR.
If the police feels that such usage may have put other drivers, vehicles on the road at risk, they have the discretion to increase the penalty to 1000 INR and may compound it by another 500 INR. In some cases, the traffic police have handed over heavy penalty of up to INR 2000.
Police say, the rules apply for any use of phone, which means that even if you are using wireless devices such as Bluetooth headset, etc., you would still be booked under the provisions and liable to pay fines.
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drivekoolblog-blog · 6 years
Growing Age & Driving:
Driving is the key aspect of maintaining one’s independence as one grows older. Although, driving can prove out to be fatal with growing age, one can incorporate safe driving practices to be able to continue driving.
As we age, factors like reduced vision, impaired hearing, slowed motor reflexes, and worsening health conditions can be a problem which hamper driving skills. Aging can also result to reduced strength, coordination, and flexibility, which can impact one’s ability to safely control a car. Regular check-ups are critical to keep you in the best possible driving shape. One must get the eyes and hearing checked every year and use corrective lenses or hearing aid if necessary. Be careful while opening the car doors or windows as it can impair the hearing aid effectiveness. A common issue with people using spectacles for vision correction is glaring and reflection on lenses which blind the drivers. Though, these days modern technology has come up with anti-glare and anti-reflective lenses which are advisable to use while driving. Avoid strenuous or long drives. One must also always keep emergency speed dials on the phone in case of any mishaps. An emergency safety kit or a first aid kit should also be maintained in the car. Avoid driving in bad weather conditions and night drives.
Take a comprehensive driving evaluation by a professional driving school and brush up your driving skills by taking a refresher course. It never hurts to be safe.
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drivekoolblog-blog · 6 years
Educate Your Children On Road Safety:
Growth and development of the children as a part of the parent is a tricky process. The fast-moving world needs fast moving people and the upcoming generation is training well for the same. Children ought to move out, wonder and explore. Keeping kids safe at all times can be challenging. Teach your children about road safety as soon as they are old enough to go out. We can teach them about road safety with three A’s – ‘Aware, Alert, Avert.’
Help your children learn about the various road signs and traffic lights. You can use coloring books and art to help them catch better.
Red: Means to ‘stop’
Green: Means ‘go’
Yellow: means to ‘slow down’
Walk: at intersections to cross the road
These are basics one can start with. Teach your children to use ‘zebra crossings’ at all times.
Always teach them to be alert on the road. Use of sidewalks is always the best option while walking.
In case of an absence of sidewalks, teach them to use their senses optimally.
Help them to learn and be alert to sounds of vehicles approaching and horns blowing.
Teach them about the rules of crossing the road safely. ‘Stop, Look right, Look Left and Look right again, walk.’
Avoiding any mishap in your absence on the street, one should educate children on basic road ethics.
The road is not a playground. Do not run or sprint on the road.
Never cross the road on bends and turnings. These are blind spots for motorists.
Using a helmet while riding a bicycle.
Never sticking their hands out of any moving vehicle.
Keep reading for more road safety rules from DRIVEKOOL and information for your kids. Safety First, Safety Always!
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drivekoolblog-blog · 6 years
Highway Safety
Highway safety refers to the methods and measures used to prevent commuters from being killed or seriously injured. Typical highway users include cargo trucks, motorists, vehicle passengers etc.
The basic strategy of a Safe System approach is to ensure that in the event of a crash, the impact energies remain below the threshold likely to produce either death or serious injury. This threshold will vary from crash scenario to crash scenario, depending upon the level of protection offered to the road users involved. Hence it is necessary to adopt the required measure to ensure the safety of the commuters.
Safety features include:
Limited access from the properties and local roads.
Grade separated junctions.
Median dividers between opposite-direction traffic to reduce the likelihood of head-on collisions.
Removing roadside obstacles.
Prohibition of more vulnerable road users and slower vehicles.
Placements of energy attenuation devices (e.g. guardrails, wide grassy areas, sand barrels).
Eliminating road toll booths as much as possible.
Wear the seat belt at all times.
Do not stop the car on a highway under any circumstances unless it’s a breakdown.
Follow the speed limit at all times.
Highways and expressways experience a lot of traffic congestion on daily basis in India which automatically increases the probability of accidents that may even be fatal. It is therefore important to maintain a certain sense of discipline while using a highway or an expressway.
Healthy India is a progressive India. Join hands with Drivekool.
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drivekoolblog-blog · 6 years
Benefits of having a Car Insurance :
Accidents and mishaps on roads are unfortunate events that might occur on roads. They can leave a tremendous lifetime burden if you are uninsured. Haste and negligence along with poor infrastructure and lack of safety practices make us at the risk of road accidents in India.
One may be a good driver but the risk of falling under someone else’s negligence cannot be ignored. It is always beneficial to have a car insurance to relieve the financial and mental stress. The Motor Vehicle’s Act, 1988 also mandates having a car insurance for every category of the motor vehicle including a third party insurance. A comprehensive motor insurance policy would cover your vehicle damages and also the damage to the occupants in your vehicle in case of an accident. It is mandated to keep the document in the vehicle at all times. A comprehensive motor insurance policy covers your liability for third-party damages and any vehicular damages that would have happened in case of an accident. The insurer would pay to repair or replace whichever would be required to reinstate your vehicle in good condition within the insured limit. It also protects the driver and the occupants of the vehicle for any personal injury sustained as a result of the accident. Considering these factors it is important that one must get a motor insurance policy for the motor vehicle.
Insurance covers much more than just collisions. These days a comprehensive policy may also include cover for geographical extension as well as the electronics in a car. One cannot predict what can happen in the future and therefore it is not only mandatory but also important to possess a car insurance in India.
Join hands with DRIVEKOOL.    
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drivekoolblog-blog · 6 years
Warranters of Law and Road Safety:
Rules are one set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct or procedure within a particular area of activity. Rules and conduct are bestowed upon all of us since a very early age, to control of or dominion over us. It keeps one disciplined and the environment healthy. In the growing era of development, and the era of rush one often forgets about road safety and regulations.
The role of a Traffic Officer is to undertake general traffic and road management. They are warranted law employees of the police force who implement rules and regulations on the road and keep the traffic disciplined as well as the environment healthy. They undertake road management tasks, allowing the police greater time to concentrate on protective services. Traffic Officers do not have enforcement powers and their vehicles are not classed as emergency vehicles but they assist the emergency vehicles to deal with serious incidents. They minimize disruption on the roads and provide a safe and timely response to incidents. They deal with routine incidents including non-injury road traffic collisions.
They organize routine checks of various documents and permits issued for a vehicle and impose fines to place a check on them. The Traffic Police in India has also taken up to control pollution levels and other environmental as well as social hazards by organizing demonstrations and spreading awareness on social and environmental factors being affected. There have often been demonstrations where the Traffic Police have used Gandhian Principles like offering flowers and praying to traffic offenders in order to wake their conscience, spread awareness and direct the public to follow rules.
They discharge their services to the public irrespective of the weather or climatic conditions directing and diverting the traffic and assisting motorists with the safety on the roads. Their role in road safety has limitless extent.
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drivekoolblog-blog · 6 years
Importance of a Good Driving School:
Life is about schooling. We start our learning process from the day we are born and this continues in our lifelong journey. We also realize in this process that classroom learning is more important than self-schooling, one learns about technicalities and professionalism only when teaching is imparted by a professional. One of the most important things a new driver can invest in is professional driving lessons.
One generally learns driving from friends or family or one maybe self-taught. Professional driving lessons will certainly provide the learner with skills and road ethics that will help them maintain road safety and acquire a driver’s license. These lessons are structured to meet the ends of the learner and it gradually helps the learner to build confidence on the road. It teaches more than just maneuvering the car. It builds patience and knowledge as a driver. These are important skills that are especially helpful on the busy streets of a country like India. A professional driving lesson is equipped with the latest laws that a learner needs to know about before driving on the roads along with optimum knowledge of road signs and operations of the vehicle. A professional would be more dedicated to teaching one than one would learn from learning by other means. A professional would observe and estimate one’s strength and weaknesses and prepare one to pass the driving tests as well as an ace to become a good and ethical driver on the road.
Driving on the roads also comes with risks involved and safety is every individual’s foremost concern. Professional driving lessons inculcate immediate responses and reflexes as a driver in the learner which helps one avoid an accident. It helps to minimize pandemonium and maximize confidence. Professional driving lessons are like schooling, providing all-round development. It is worth the investment, for one thing, no one can take away from you is your education.  
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drivekoolblog-blog · 6 years
Duplicate Driving License :
Driving license is a must for any driver. It not only allows a driver to drive on the road but also acts as an identity proof for the driver. But there are times when the driving license gets lost or stolen or damaged. And the driver has to go through all the hassle to get a duplicate driving license. But with driving School in Bangalore, the driver can get a duplicate driving license without any hassle; in fact, the driver will get the driving license at the doorstep. The person would not have to worry about all the processes of RTO.
Required documents
In case of missing driving license and applying for a duplicate, some documents are required to be submitted such as:
Application form for loss of driving license (LLD).
Original license- if it is not lost or stolen and is just destroyed or torn or damaged.
An FIR or first instance report of about the license.
Photocopies of original driving license if it is lost or unavailable.
Recent photographs of the driver- passport size.
Driving license details.
Address proof of the driver for reference.
Document proof for age.
Procedures to get a duplicate driving license
The applicant applying for lost DL will have to submit all required documents offline or online to the representative of any good driving School booking portal in Bangalore.
The next thing the driver has to do is pay the charges of the driving school.
After that, the applicant can meet the representative of the driving school to go to the RTO.
The applicant will have to go as he/she will be asked to give a biometric test for completion of the process for getting duplicate DL.
These were all the process for getting a duplicate DL. After this, the duplicate DL will be provided to the applicant at the doorstep by a representative of a driving school. Choosing a good Driving Schools in ITPL is important.
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drivekoolblog-blog · 6 years
International Driving License
International driving license (IDL) is also known as International driving permit, is any valid required by law identity document that allows the holder to drive a private motor vehicle in any country or jurisdiction that recognizes IDL. It must be accompanied by a valid driving license issued in the holder’s country of citizenship. An international permit if issued by anybody who does not have the authority to do so is considered invalid. It may also be considered invalid if the format largely differs from that of Vienna conventions.
An International driving license is issued in India to an applicant who holds a valid Indian Driver’s License and is a resident of India. The application shall be made in From IDP or in writing to the RTO within whose jurisdiction the application resides, specifying the countries to be visited and the duration of stay etc. The requirements of the application are:
Valid driving license held by the applicant and copies thereon.
Copies of the passport, Visa (where applicable) and air ticket for verification.
Fees as prescribed along with user charges.
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drivekoolblog-blog · 6 years
International Driving License
International driving license (IDL) is also known as International driving permit, is any valid required by law identity document that allows the holder to drive a private motor vehicle in any country or jurisdiction that recognizes IDL. It must be accompanied by a valid driving license issued in the holder’s country of citizenship. An international permit if issued by anybody who does not have the authority to do so is considered invalid. It may also be considered invalid if the format largely differs from that of Vienna conventions.
An International driving license is issued in India to an applicant who holds a valid Indian Driver’s License and is a resident of India. The application shall be made in From IDP or in writing to the RTO within whose jurisdiction the application resides, specifying the countries to be visited and the duration of stay etc. The requirements of the application are:
Valid driving license held by the applicant and copies thereon.
Copies of the passport, Visa (where applicable) and air ticket for verification.
Fees as prescribed along with user charges.
Legal risks
If you are pulled over and caught committing an infraction on an international driving permit the local laws apply. For instance the Czech Republic would fine you whereas, the penalties are more severe in Japan: You could be arrested and even deported if you don’t have necessary paperwork.
IDPs are either recommended or required by more than 150 countries and more fun to your vacation while making you independent to the itinerary. You can start the process with Drivekool.
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drivekoolblog-blog · 6 years
Electric Cars & Future
Electric cars are the future of motoring. Since 2008, an era of new automobile segment began. It occurred due to advances in batteries and concerns about increasing oil prices, but most importantly it was the desire to reduce greenhouse emissions and control automobile pollution. As of 2017, there are over 3 million electric and plug in hybrid cars in use around the world.
What is an electric car?
An electric car is a plug-in electric automobile that is propelled by one or more electric motors, using energy stored in batteries. These are cleaner than even the most efficient conventional vehicle in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. There are also plug-in hybrid vehicles available which are driven on a gasoline engine along with an electric powered engine. These vehicles can be charged at a variety of charging stations. These charging stations can be installed in both houses and public areas. The best selling electric vehicles around the world is the Nissan Leaf and the Tesla Model S. These vehicles operate on silent engines and can deliver high performance.
Why choose an electric car?
Reiterating its commitment to the Paris Agreement, the Government of India has plans to make a major shift to electric vehicles by 2030. E-commerce companies, Indian car manufacturers and Indian app based transportation network companies are working on making electric cars more common over the next two decades. India has already witnessed a popular mode of transport taking over the conventional automobiles, the e-rickshaw. Similarly the railway diesel locomotives have been replaced by the electric engines.
There are several electric vehicle manufacturers who have started exploring the hybrid and electric motor car segments owing to the potential demand shift in the Indian market. A few electric cars available in India are:
Mahindra e-Kuv 100
Mahindra e2oplus
Tata Tigor Electric
While the available hybrid cars are:
Toyota Prius
Toyota Camry Hybrid
BMW i8
Honda Accord Hybrid
Maruti Suzuki Ciaz
Maruti Suzuki Ertiga
The shift has initiated already. Let us see what the future holds.
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drivekoolblog-blog · 6 years
Tips to drive safely during rainy season by driving schools :-
Walking in the rain may seem romantic, but driving isn’t. Driving in the rain can be very dangerous. There are many accidents during the rainy season because of wet pavement resulting in loss of life and property. Driving in the rain doesn’t need to be a scary experience if a driver follows proper instructions.
Driving Schools in Marathahalli provides proper instructions and guidance on how to drive in different situations. These driving schools have experts who have experience in driving in all types of roads and weathers. And that’s why they provide proper instructions to their students on how to drive on the rainy season. Below are some expert tips on how to drive in monsoon season.
Many drivers drive without thinking much and follow the same pattern while driving in different situations. So it is important for drivers to adjust their thinking according to situations. While driving in the rain, the drivers must be over focused and alerted to things around them.
Even if it is daylight, the headlights should be turned on as the visibility is very low due to all the mist created by rain. A headlight helps other drivers to know that there is another vehicle in front. Vipers are also very essential. A driver must not take out a car in rainy season if vipers are not working. This is essential information which is taught at most Driving Schools in HSR.
The drivers should avoid cruise control while driving in the rainy season. On snowy or rainy or wet surfaces the driver can lose control due to cruise control. Cruise control helps to maintain the vehicle at a steady vehicle, but in wet surfaces, the vehicle moves faster even in cruise control.
Rainy season can be dangerous so drivers should pay very much attention while driving. Drivers willing to learn proper driving can attend good Driving Schools in BEML Layout.
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drivekoolblog-blog · 6 years
Tips for motorcycle riders
Riding a bike is one of the best feelings in the world. Many people start riding, without having any destination. They just drive for the fun of driving. There are many driving School booking portal in Bangalore that can find potential and reliable driving schools. But apart from the fun, there are some things riders should consider. Below are some tips for bike riders provided by experts from driving schools.
Driving defensively –
The driver must always ride defensively and not aggressively regardless of the distance to cover or time. It should be maintained especially in intersections where most of the accidents occur. A driver should always ride with lights on to avoid blind spots. The driver must also avoid swerving. The driver should always maintain space between other vehicles.
Wearing helmet –
Helmet may not be that much of a style icon but compared to the life they are less important. Wearing a helmet that is certified by proper standardisations is very important. Helmets can save the most delicate and the most important part of the body that is the brain.
Checking the bike –
Before starting the ride, the rider should check the bike properly which includes tire conditions, controls, lights, kickstand, oil level, etc. If a bike has been still for a long time, then it must properly tune first and check if it is working properly or not. People looking to know about bike functions can attend good Driving Schools in Whitefield.
Being visible –
It is wise to wear bright clothes as they will make the driver visible for other drivers. Also wearing leather jackets and pants is wise as they act as excellent protection.
A driver should pay more attention while driving a bike as it is very difficult to control. There is much good Driving School in Bangalore that can teach proper techniques to ride a bike.
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drivekoolblog-blog · 6 years
Drives and Pet Safety
Traveling with pets can be a great experience. Taking your best friend out on a trip can be a great way to travel. Most pets travel safely in the car with proper precautions and care, while other pets like dogs travel safer than others. Even short trips can be enjoyable if they are planned well.
There are some general tips that can help you make your trip safer and more enjoyable. If you are going on a short trip you plan differently. Ensure that you have a supply of food and water for your pet as well as yourself and a disposable container for your pet. Make frequent stops for your pet to ease-out and relax. Secondly, if you plan for a long trip make sure that you have ample time in hand to make frequent stops, adequate supply of food, water and medications in case of emergency for your pet. Keep your car at a comfortable temperature and keep your car at an average speed. Roll up the windows if the winds are gusty. Keep your pet properly restrained in the car. Avoid taking your pet to drives on hills or valleys, they might be more susceptible to falling sick on the roads. If there is an emergency, use medications and plan your trip properly beforehand. Make sure you have the documents and papers of your pet before any trip. Use collars and tags to identify your pet, or using a microchip would make it easier to track its movement in case it slips away.
Traveling with pets can be a wonderful experience but one must ensure its comfort along with their own, turning the radio at low volume levels and transitioning the gear and braking the car smooth. These are simple tips that make it more enjoyable for them. They are your best friends.
          Healthy India is a progressive India. Join hands with Drivekool
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