driving-me-madd · 7 years
am i the only one who doesn’t really like talking about their paras to people they know in real life? online i do it all the time, but people i really know... it’s just so deeply personal and i have such an emotional connection with them, somehow talking about them to other people feels like i’m revealing some hugely deep part of myself.
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driving-me-madd · 7 years
please read ♡
I seen a few people going around saying that they enjoy maladaptive daydreaming which is totally understandable. I enjoy it too but that’s not the point. Just because you enjoy something doesn’t mean it’s good for you or that you should continue doing it. Think of it like drugs. Drug addicts take drugs to escape the world and they enjoy the feeling, the high and the rush they get from taking then. But I think most people would agree that drugs are unhealthy and they are extremely destructive.
Drugs and maladaptive daydreaming have two things in common. They are both extremely addictive. This is what makes them both so dangerous and something even more important to try and stop. They are both extremely consuming of both your mind and the time you have in the real world. You may enjoy it now but come a year or two and you’re still doing it , you’re going to hate it.
You’ll hate it because it’s no longer a coping mechanism for something that you’re going through but a full on fledged addiction that you cannot control anymore. You will not be able to continue your life normally because it will stop you everyday from completing basic tasks. Perhaps it will start off as you not going out as much to see your friends or family but then slowly you stop eating or drinking because you’re too caught up in the world inside your head. Your life a waste away in front of you and the more you wait the harder it is to stop.
I’ve been maladaptive daydreaming for years. I recently come to terms of why I started it and it all goes back to a traumatic childhood and abuse in relationships I’ve had. I’m still currently in school trying to learn but I spent over half a year out because I couldn’t stop daydreaming. That made my life even more difficult and made me even more stressed when I tried returning to school again which then made my maladaptive daydreaming even worse than it already was.
This is why I think it’s so important that people realise that maladaptive daydreaming is not a good thing. It’s destructive and addictive and although you enjoy it now and although you still enjoy it, it doesn’t make it a good thing.
There is a reason why it’s called “maladaptive” daydreaming and not just daydreaming.
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driving-me-madd · 7 years
1: Jason
2: Alex
3: Marie
4: Michael
5: Mom
1. If 3 (Marie) and 4 (Michael) know each other, how did they first meet?
Well, I mean, they’re siblings. Michael was seven when Marie was born, and he was suuuper excited that he was getting a baby sister.
He went into the hospital the morning after she was born (she was born at like 2 am) and was told by his dad (who was still alive at that point) that he needed to be quiet because babies don’t like noise. He then proceeded to loudly shush anyone who made any noise at all, doctors and nurses included, because he didn’t want his baby sister to be upset.
2. Describe the relationship between 1 (Jason) and 5 (Mom) in 6 words or less
Loving, with lots of mutual worrying.
3. What would 2 (Alex) do if 3 (Marie) asked them out?
Be... really confused. They’re siblings, after all.
4. How much would 4 (Michael) be willing to give to save 1 (Jason)?
Anything. Literally anything - and he already does give up a ton. He didn’t move out or go to college when he turned eighteen because he knew that his mom wouldn’t be able to support of Jason, Alex and Marie on her own.
5. If 2 (Alex) and 4 (Michael) had met 10 years earlier than they did, what would that have looked like? If they don’t know each other, what would a meeting now look like?
Well, Alex was eight when they met, so...
6. In a fight between 5 (Mom) and 3 (Marie), who wins?
In terms of physical capability, mom. But she could never ever ever possibly bring herself to hurt Marie, so Marie, I guess.
7. What does 2 (Alex) think of 1 (Jason)?
Best friends. Alex is often a bit concerned about Jason, because he himself is so outgoing, Jason’s tendency to be quiet makes him think that he must be sad.
8. N/A
9. 4 (Michael) and 5 (Mom) have to spend a month together in the same room, without ever talking to anyone else. What happens?
They probably freak out over what’s happening with the others. They’re both the protective worriers of the family, sitting in a room with no knowledge of what’s going on, and with one another to fuel their worries? That would end very poorly.
10. 2-5 (Alex, Marie, Michael, Mom) are drowning. In what order does 1 (Jason) save them? The later, the higher the chance they don’t make it (no matter how well they can swim etc)
Oh jeez. I mean, I would normally say Marie first because he trusts Alex and Michael to be able to fend for themselves for a bit, whereas Marie is much younger, but if swimming ability is being discounted... god, I don’t know. Not to totally cop out on this one, but...
I love answering these so why not make one?
Pick 5 paras and give each of them a random number from 1-5 (without reading the Q’s before)
1. If 3 and 4 know each other, how did they first meet?
2. Describe the relationship between 1 and 5 in 6 words or less
3. What would 2 do if 3 asked them out?
4. How much would 4 be willing to give to save 1?
5. If 2 and 4 had met 10 years earlier than they did, what would that have looked like? If they don’t know each other, what would a meeting now look like?
6. In a fight between 5 and 3, who wins?
7. What does 2 think of 1?
8. Make 5 play FMK with 1-3 (If one falls out of their age range/ is related to them or whatever, replace that person with 4. If it’s more, skip this one)
9. 4 and 5 have to spend a month together in the same room, without ever talking to anyone else. What happens?
10. 2-5 are drowning. In what order does 1 save them? The later, the higher the chance they don’t make it (no matter how well they can swim etc)
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driving-me-madd · 7 years
do u ever go out in public and pretend that you’re ur para and ur seeing the world through their eyes but then u realise ur a disconnected human being using imaginary people in ur head to cope for a ruined and mentally ill adolescence 
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driving-me-madd · 7 years
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I saw alot of fanfictions about kpop stars or whatever having a girlfriend who’s a Maladaptive Daydreamer or being one themselfs. stop. it’s not cute or fun or cool. it destroys people and their life’s. don’t fucking glorify it ffs.
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driving-me-madd · 7 years
*daydreams for hours on end to a point where you feel safer and more powerful in your head and you’d rather just stay there because at least there people love you so much that they will never leave you*
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driving-me-madd · 7 years
MD Problems...
When you walk into a room daydreaming and then suddenly zone back to reality and get a bit disoriented cause like… how did I get here? 
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driving-me-madd · 7 years
am i the only one who’s usually more able to focus throughout the day if i got to daydream for a while in the morning?
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driving-me-madd · 7 years
hhhhhhhnnnhggg two of my paras - both from two different verses - are yelling at me and they each want me to do a different scene
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driving-me-madd · 7 years
@any other maladaptive daydreamers
I don’t really know if I believe in the multiverse, but I just realized something.
If it’s real, it means that our daydreams are real.
All of them.
If you believe in the multiverse, then all of our parafriends actually exist. All of those conversations actually happened. All of them. They’re real and they’re out there.
This realization shook me to my core and I thought I’d share it with y’all.
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driving-me-madd · 7 years
Am I the only one hella uncomfortable giving their paras names?
Like no, you’re not supposed to have one. You are so real you cannot be linked to a NAME in my world, somebody is going to ruin it or already has. You aren’t a name: you are my para, my friend, my comrade, you are what I always wanted and now imagine to cope with my unfulfilling life. You are the little jump my heart does whenever I imagine you, you are the smile playing on my lips when we are together in our magical world, you are the bubbling laughter that I try to stop in public when I make you say something funny, you are the fire that spreads through my veins as we sprint down crowded streets in whatever-city to catch a criminal or as we destroy legions of warriors on our Dragons’ back, you are the most wonderful and powerful thing my mind has ever created because, even though you don’t exist, you have SO much power on my emotions. Why the hell would you need something as tedious as a NAME?!
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driving-me-madd · 7 years
what she says: im worried about maladaptive daydreaming becoming a ‘trendy’ thing
what she means: im worried that maladaptive daydreaming will become a part of online culture, but like, 'cringy’ online culture like a particularly bad fandom. I’m worried about a new tumblr meme making fun of paras because people see them as Mary-sue and/or self-insert-OCs rather than an extremely personal creation and outlet of my identity. I’m worried that I’m going to have anxiety about tagging things as my paras because I don’t want to expose anything about something so deeply personal to people who have no way of understanding it. Madd is, among other things, a coping mechanism, and I am worried about losing the sanctity of my own mind.
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driving-me-madd · 7 years
Petition to call madd bloggers the maddfam
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driving-me-madd · 7 years
Thunder by Imagine Dragons is one of my favorite songs to daydream power scenes to but the line “who do you think you are, dreamin ‘bout being a big star” always makes me feel Called Out
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driving-me-madd · 7 years
have you ever seen something so funny it triggers you into a daydream because you want to show it to your paras?
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driving-me-madd · 7 years
*is trying to do homework*
My paras: C’mon lets go let’s go let’s go! It’s daydreaming time! Oh you put down your pencil for half a second to think? Pay attention to us now!! Imagine what would happen if
*is finally done with homework, is ready to give full attention to paras*
My paras: ...
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driving-me-madd · 7 years
madd culture is when your version of risk-taking is putting your music on shuffle
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