Best Dentist in Khar - Mumbai | Dental Clinic in Mumbai
Looking for best cosmetic dentist in Mumbai Dr Krinita Motwani s dental clinic is your destination for dental implants, teeth whitening, Veneers more
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Signs you need to visit a dentist
Have you been deliberately postponing your routine dental visit? Are you waiting for a dental problem to come up?
Don’t let excruciating pain be the only reason to take you to the dentist.
Here are some signs that require a dental visit soon:
Bad breath Everybody gets garlic breath once in a while, but if you notice that you have bad breath all day long and it doesn’t respond to brushing your teeth or using mouthwash, it’s likely you have an infection in your mouth, either gum disease or an infected tooth.
Tooth sensitivity
If you feel discomfort in your teeth every time you have anything hot, cold, sour or sweet then you should visit your dentist as soon as possible to know the cause of it and to get the accurate treatment.
Swollen/bleeding gums
Swollen gums are a symptom of gum disease. If your gums are painful, swollen, pulling away from your teeth or bleed when you brush or floss, you should see your dentist as soon as possible.
Pain in the tooth
Toothache pain can range from tolerable to excruciating. When should you see a dentist for tooth pain? Constant pain is a sign that you should see a dentist not next year, not next month but as soon as possible.
Visible sores in the mouth
Mouth sores could be a symptom of a disease or a disorder, infection from bacteria, virus or fungus or result from irritants caused by braces or denture or sharp edge of broken tooth or filling. Spots or patches on the cheek and tongue could be a pre cancer sign due to the over use of tobacco and betel nut chewing.
Not smiling confidently?
Discolored or missing teeth are making you hide your smile? You hesitate while laughing out opening? Then it is time for a smile makeover. Visit your cosmetic dentist and get your teeth flawless and shiny white.
Even if you don’t have any of these problems, do visit your dentist regularly every 6 months to keep your teeth as healthy as you can. Make an appointment today!
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What is dental bonding­­?
Are gaps between your teeth not letting you smile openly?
Then, dental bonding is your superhero.
It is a procedure in which a very thin layer tooth colored material is applied on the tooth and hardened with the help of visible light. The material bonds to the tooth and improves the overall appearance of teeth.
When is Dental Bonding Used?
To close gaps between two teeth
To repair chips, cracks or fracture in tooth/teeth
To restore decayed teeth by filling a cavity with tooth-colored material
To change the shape, size, shade of a tooth/teeth.
To improve appearance of discolored teeth.
To protect the root of a tooth after it’s been exposed by receding gums
To add an overall appeal in the smile.
Advantages of dental bonding
No natural tooth structure is removed.
Time efficient procedure which gives immediate results in fewer visits.
It can be repaired or changed at any point in time.
It looks and feels identical to natural tooth structure.
It requires the same oral hygiene maintenance as natural teeth.
It enhances your smile and lets you smile confidently.
Get that dazzling smile today!
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Choosing the right Cosmetic Dentist
Have you ever heard about cosmetic dentistry procedures such as straightening, brightening or perfecting smile?
Yes, modern dentistry brings incredible solutions for all your worries about the imperfect smile. And the good news is that these procedures are quite affordable.
Advanced technology makes cosmetic procedures simple and affordable. Hence, they are more popular today.
You go to the top dentist in Mumbai and try to get the appointment, you will not get it quickly.
Not only people related to the show biz but even working people and business tycoons also want to get the uplift in the appearance.
How to choose the best cosmetic dentist?
You need to go to the number one Dentist in Bandra for the best results. The success of cosmetic dentistry largely depends on the expertise of the doctor.
Here are some important aspects.
Choose a trained and professional dentist
Every cosmetic dentist has fundamental training, but you should consider a doctor who has achieved something beyond that.
When the doctor gets the advanced training and experience, he becomes specialist. The quality of treatment dramatically improves.
Dr Krinita Motwani who is one of the top 10 dentist in Mumbai says that continued education in the field is very important to keep oneself updated with the latest technology and newest methods of beautifying teeth. This can be done by attending conferences and being affiliated with the right organizations and institutions like IAACD (Indian Academy of Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry) or AACD (American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry) etc .
The list of official memberships can be found online. If a doctor has professional membership, it means he is undoubtedly better than others.
The doctor should be an expert in the niche
The list of cosmetic dentistry procedures is quite long. From teeth whitening to straightening, smile correction to dental implants; there are many choices.
When you search for the cosmetic dentist, you must check the area of expertise. If you want to know about it, then see the images of the past work.
Most cosmetic dentists keep the ‘Before’ and ‘After’ images in the website. Check them before you fix the appointment.
Patient reviews
The opinion of patients about the doctor is another crucial aspect. What is the success rate of the cosmetic dentist? How much complex cases has he handled so far?
What is the overall satisfaction level? All these things determine the quality of treatment.
The most sought procedure is a dental implant. The drop in the dental implant cost in Mumbai makes it further popular.
As the other cosmetic dental treatments also become affordable, more people get benefited by it. An expert cosmetic dentist can bring incredible improvement in the appearance.
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Dental Implants – all you ever wanted to know
Whether you need the replacement of one tooth or wear a complete set of dentures, you are always worried about the effectiveness and utility of the new teeth.
The removable dentures are comfortable to wear, but they have inherent problems. They may slip or fall. Even a single tooth replacement or bridge may also become less functional.
Thanks to the development in medical science, the new dental implants emerge as a useful alternative. The best Dentist in Bandra helps you in getting a permanent improvement in the appearance.
Discomfort in chewing or malfunctioning of the teeth happens when there is a partial loss of teeth. With the help of dental implants, it is possible to get new teeth that look, feel and work like the natural ones.
If you think that the implant is a solution for a lost tooth only, then you are mistaken. It is used by cosmetic dentists to enhance the appearance and correct the gaps in your smile.
Why choose dental implants?
Dr Krinita Motwani is amongst the top 10 dentist in Mumbai who offers a wide range of cosmetic dental treatments including dental implants.
Since the implants are incredibly stable, durable, and long-lasting; they give the feeling of natural teeth.
When you lose a tooth, the bone supporting the tooth shrinks. The socket that holds the tooth recedes, and the bone gets smaller and smaller over time.
The typical “sunken-faced” look is a sign of reduction in the bone size. When the bone shrinks continuously, it results in further tooth loss.
Though restoration methods such as dental bridge slow down the shifting of teeth, it doesn’t prevent the bone loss. Thus, ultimately the person faces the same trouble.
What is the solution then? It is nothing but the dental implant. A top dentist in Mumbai checks the condition of the teeth and offers the best-fit implant solution.
What Is a Dental Implant?
The dental implant cost in Mumbai has come down drastically in the past few years. It is a simple procedure that doesn’t need any hospitalization.
The dental implant is like any other permanent surgical material. It integrates with the bone gradually and becomes part of it.
The implants are made from titanium. Due to its incredible ability to integrate with bone; it is the material of choice.
Small titanium screws are about the size of the root of the natural teeth. It is threaded inside and outside. Once it gets fixed in the bone, the appropriate crown is fixed on the head of the implant.
Dental implants give amazing functional and cosmetic benefits.
Varieties of implants
Standard implants: It is for the replacement of one tooth. Once the implant heals, it is added with a crown.
Implant supported bridge: It is for the replacement of more than one tooth and a perfect replacement for partial dentures. One or more implants support a bridge that stays in the mouth.
All-on-four or All-on-six: They give permanent full-mouth restoration. The fixed bridges replace all teeth. The stability and functionality are marvelous.
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**Floss for healthy teeth and gums**
Just got a cavity filled?.. Floss. New cap?.. Floss. Whitened your tooth?.. Floss. Just ate food?.. Floss.
Why so much flossing? Did you know a single piece of dental floss can help you prevent gum disease and cavities ??
Flossing is the easiest, cheapest and most neglected advice of a dentist.
Floss.. Floss your way to healthy teeth
Brushing does not always remove the food trapped in between teeth. Cleaning between your teeth with floss helps remove a sticky film called plaque. Plaque contains bacteria that feed on leftover food or sugar in your mouth. Plaque that is not removed by brushing and cleaning between your teeth can eventually harden into a rough substance called tartar. Tartar collects along your gum line and can lead to gum disease. Once tartar forms, only your dentist can remove it.
Another reason to floss is to avoid cavities. The bacterial reaction with sugar releases an acid that can eat away at the outer shell of your teeth and cause cavities.
Flossing in particular can play a key role in preventing bad breath because flossing. When food particles aren’t removed, they start to collect bacteria, which can cause bad breath.
How to
Pull a medium length size of dental floss from the floss dispenser and wind it around the index finger of both your hands.
Guide the floss between your teeth using a gentle rubbing motion.
When the floss reaches the gum line, gently slide it into the space between the gum and the tooth.
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Make Your Child Like The Dentist
You have usually seen a big frown on your child’s face as soon as the word “Dentist”comes up. The panic is because of a big guy with scary instruments and needles working in their mouth. It is very important to make the child like the dentist so that they understand the importance of good teeth.
Parents concerned about the child’s teeth should follow some simple steps:
Begin early
Begin at home and at an early age. Brush your child’s mouth when their first teeth come out. Get your child to a dentist by the time they turn 1. This will get them accustomed to the dentist and the environment at a young age and reduce chances of fear from the dentist.
Promote oral health
Parents can start by making a regular brushing schedule. They must also tag along and follow the schedule. The child should be encouraged and be rewarded. Tell them that visiting a dentist will make their teeth stronger and keep them germ free.
Having a positive attitude
Be a positive role model. If you are apprehensive about your dentist visit, your child will pick up your anxiety and fear. Always use positive words like ‘strong and healthy teeth’, ‘clean teeth’ and reinforce ideas about cleanliness and oral health. Avoid making the dentist sound like a bad guy.
Go to a Pedodontist
A Pedodontist is a specialist in child dental care has 3 years of extra knowledge about working with children. Their clinic environment and dental staff is children friendly.They make the treatment procedures fun. They know methods and ways to calm their fears. They use simple language and their vocabulary is child friendly.
Don’t take the child to your dental appointment
You may think it is a good idea but it is not. Your anxiety and jitters could affect the child. Even the harsh and boring surrounding of the adult clinic may feed the dental fears the child already has.
Reward the child for his good behavior by taking them to the park or for movie or buying them a healthy snack. Avoid buying anything sweet and sticky.
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What to expect when extracting a wisdom tooth
What are wisdom teeth
Wisdom teeth are the last 4 teeth in each side of the upper and lower jaw. They usually erupt between 17 to late 20s. Wisdom teeth often come out with pain and uneasiness as they don’t always have sufficient place in the mouth. More often than not they come out at an un-favorable angulation causing trouble to the other teeth.
The patient has pain in the jaw, sometimes radiating to the head and neck .Other symptoms are swelling in the gums, not able to chew properly or open the mouth. Then visiting the dentist and removing the teeth is the only option.
Before removal of teeth
At the dentist’s clinic, a complete examination is done and the severity of the pain is understood.
A full mouth x ray (OPG) is made to further understand the position and condition of teeth.
If the patient has swelling around the teeth then he/she is given antibiotics and called again after 1-2 days for the treatment.
The patient is expected to tell the dentist about any medical condition or consuming any medicine which will be contraindicated to the surgery. They are advised to cease the medication few days prior and then surgery is performed.
The patient is recommended to have a proper meal before the visit.
During the treatment
The surgery is performed under local anesthesia which makes the area of operation numb and also controls blood loss.
If the tooth is inside the bone or covered with the gums or coming out at an angle, a cut is made on the gums to expose the tooth and bone.
The bone over the tooth is removed with the help of a drill.
Once the tooth is visible, it can be extracted. The easiest way is to cut the tooth into divided segments and remove it in parts.
Proper dressing and suture is given to close the wound.
Does wisdom tooth removal hurt?
Due to the anesthesia used, pain isn’t felt during the surgery. Patient might feel some pressure while the tooth is being removed.
After surgery
There maybe some pain/discomfort after the effect of anesthesia wears off.
There can be swelling and patient may have difficulty in opening the mouth which subsides after few days.
The patient should eat soft food for a few days and avoid eating from the side of extraction.
The patient has to come after a week to get the sutures removed.
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Eat wisely…. Smile nicely!
You brush, you floss and you do many things to keep your teeth clean and healthy. But how much have you thought about the specific types of food that go into your mouth.
There are foods that can help in keeping your teeth strong and healthy and there are foods that can increase the acidity and erode the enamel.
Here is a list of foods..
Some of the best food choices you can make for your oral health include cheeses, meats, nuts, and milk. These foods are high in calcium and phosphorus, two minerals that help to keep your tooth enamel strong.
Crunchy fruits and vegetables are a great snack for your teeth as they have high fiber and water content which dilutes their natural sugars. When eaten, these foods scrape against teeth and their water content helps to wash away food particles on teeth.
Water is the best beverage when it comes to the health of your mouth.
Starchy foods like potato chips, white bread, white pasta, and crackers contain more sugars than whole wheat alternatives. If not removed soon after eating, these sugars will result in destructive acids that can harm teeth and gums.
If acidic foods and beverages like lemons, limes, oranges, tea, coffee, aerated drinks, cola and pickles are taken in excess or kept in the mouth for an extended amount of time, the acids in them can eat away the enamel. This erosion of enamel weakens the strength of the tooth and can leave them susceptible to sensitivity and decay.
Excessive sugar intake can also be harmful for your teeth. Bacteria feeds on the sugar stuck on your teeth and later on produce acids which lead to tooth decay.
“…Be true to your teeth and they’ll never be false to you…”
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Cosmetic Dentistry is important
Cosmetic dentistry is a specialized branch of oral care. It focuses on improving the smile and appearance.
However, a Cosmetic Dentist in Bandra doesn’t perform cosmetic dentistry procedures for aesthetic improvement only. It can be used for improving the structural strength as well.
Cosmetic dentistry procedures are elective in most of the cases. Only in some cases, it becomes essential where it provides restorative benefits.
Standard procedures are usually simple and don’t need extensive care. Specialized methods require specialized post-operative care.
Why is cosmetic dentistry important?
Cosmetic dentistry can boost the self-esteem and confidence of a person by correcting the deformities of teeth.
It helps in achieving a beautiful smile. The top dentist in Mumbai performs following cosmetic dentistry procedures.
When there are unrepairable cavities in the teeth, then cosmetic dentists use composite material to restore it.
The expertise of a doctor reflects in maintaining the natural shape and characteristics of the teeth. Restored teeth look precisely similar to the natural ones.
A dental implant is nothing but the natural looking replacement of the original missing tooth. There are two parts of the implants, the base and the crown (or bridge). The base is made from titanium, and it is inserted into the gums.
There is a waiting period of two to four months for healing and the development of bone around the implant. When the base is ready, doctors fit crown or bridge to restore the aesthetics and functionality of the teeth.
It is a painless and minimally invasive procedure that can be performed in the OPD. There is no need for admission in the hospital.
As the dental implant cost in Mumbai drops, it becomes more and more affordable.
Teeth whitening
If you gather statistics of the most-sought cosmetic dentistry procedure amongst the top 10 dentist in Mumbai, then teeth whitening will appear on the top position.
Due to increasing awareness of better looks, people don’t like dull, yellow and stained teeth.
Cosmetic dentists have several teeth whitening procedures on their menu card to suggest. Based on the availability and affordability; the best possible method is selected.
Dental bonding
Gaps, chips, fractures, and stains adversely impact the smile. By using the most excellent composite material; dentists can provide long-lasting teeth that look like natural teeth.
As the cosmetic procedures become further affordable, the popularity graph goes high and high. People get benefited by it to enhance the beauty of their smile.
Dental veneers
A beautiful smile can be impacted due to aging, lifestyle choices or accidents. Cosmetic dentistry procedures can get the smile that you have always wished.
The porcelain veneer is one of the great choices that can give you brighter and whiter smile. They are ultra-thin sheets attached to the fronts of natural teeth. Since porcelain mimics the appearance of natural enamel, the teeth look natural.
A few meetings are required to place the veneers. The upper layer or enamel is removed to fit the veneers in the mouth. However, options are available where no preparation is required to fit the veneers.
Cosmetic dentist chooses custom made veneers just for you. They address cosmetic issues such as gapping, darkening, overlapping of teeth.
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Painless Root Canal
Which is the most painful dental treatment? Yes, it is indeed the root canal treatment. However, you will be surprised to know that it is a perception, not a reality.
Though the conventional method also doesn’t cause pain, you get 100% painless root canal treatment when you meet an expert Dentist in Bandra.
Root canal treatment
What is root canal treatment and when is it recommended? It is carried out when there is a decay in the tooth. It is also recommended when the fracture is deep, and it has affected the pulp of the teeth.
The center of the teeth is soft lie gum where the nerves terminate. When the nerves get exposed, it causes severe pain.
When the top dentist in Mumbai performs the root canal treatment, damaged or infected pulp tissues are removed and replaced by artificial inert filling material which is 100% biocompatible.
The tooth becomes brittle after the treatment, and it is protected by the crown. Since the procedure is carried out under anesthesia, it is painless. In the modern root canal treatment, sophisticated machines and equipment are used to make the recovery fast.
Single sitting root canal
The procedure is performed in one go, and it requires more preparation.
Local anesthesia is applied to make the tooth and surrounding area numb. A tiny opening is made on the biting surface, and dead tissues are removed. The root canals are also cleaned, disinfected and sealed so that they remain intact.
If the infection still exists, then multiple sittings may be required to get rid of it altogether.
When do the experts decide for it?
Pain in the tooth while chewing or excessive pain while taking hot or cold food are the symptoms when a root canal treatment is required.
The cases of root canal treatment are increasing every year because of improper food habits and poor dental health.
Consumption of junk food, chocolate, tea, coffee, and aerated drinks cause severe damage to the teeth. Dr Krinita Motwani, the top dentist in Mumbai says that earlier the treatment was rarely required for kids. However, now even toddlers also undergo the root canal treatment.
It is an alarming situation. Since it is very much possible to avoid the root canal treatment by following proper dental hygiene, every school should educate the kids about maintaining oral hygiene.
Once the natural teeth are damaged, it is not possible to get the perfect replacement even if you meet one of the top 10 dentist in Mumbai.
The treatment is done after a detailed consultation and investigation.
Post-operative care
The tooth will become sensitive and tender. Painkillers are prescribed by doctors to relieve the pain or discomfort.
Gradually, the tooth recovers and functions normally.
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Love ice-creams…but your teeth just won’t let you have it…
Prefer hot beverages…but oh no…your teeth just can’t take it…
So let’s check out what’s the real deal with your teeth??
Does drinking an ice cold beverage or a hot drink causes dental discomfort???
Or do you find yourself wincing over brushing or flossing??
Well then you may have what’s commonly known as dental sensitivity.
Understanding tooth sensitivity…
It is something that affects a lot of people. It is triggered by having something hot, cold, sweet sour, or acidic. A normal tooth has an outer protective Layer called enamel and an underlying sensitive layer called dentin. Overtime the enamel covering can get thinner, due to various reasons, thus providing less protection to the dentin and resulting in sensitivity.
What causes sensitivity???
Wear of enamel with age and exposure of dentin.
Acidic/aerated beverages that causes enamel erosion.
Tooth grinding which causes fastened wear of teeth.
Brushing with hard bristled tooth brush, abrasive toothpaste or with an inappropriate technique.
Gum recession due to various gum diseases which exposes extra tooth surface.
What can you do about it???
Visit a dental professional as soon as possible to find out the exact cause of sensitivity in your case and get a solution.
Use toothpaste made for sensitive teeth.
Use a soft bristled toothbrush and improve your brushing habits.
Avoid acidic food and drinks.
In case of teeth grinding habit wear a mouth guard as and when told by dentist.
“Take good care and be sensitivity free.”
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Maintaining clean healthy white teeth
Maintaining clean healthy white teeth
Why feel embarrassed if there are easy and effective methods available? Modern dentistry makes it possible. You can find several dental clinics in bandra west where dental experts can make your teeth shining white, healthy and young.
However, to your surprise the natural color of our teeth is not pearly white as it is depicted in the advertisements of toothpaste.
It is usually a light-yellow tint that tends to darken with age. It happens because the enamel erodes and cracks over time. It exposes the dentine which is porous in texture.
Thus, it absorbs food colors and pigments. Also, the stains grip onto the yellow, hard substance called plaque and causes a build-up of tartar.
Stay away from so-called ‘DIY’ methods
People get worried because of the pigmentation of the teeth and frantically search for some quick remedies. By Googling, they find several so-called “Do it yourself” methods that claim to make the teeth pearly white.
Using Hydrogen peroxide for rinsing or rubbing teeth with lemon water or using baking soda for brushing the teeth are a few solutions available on the Internet.
The effectiveness of such methods is not clinically proven. Also, there is always a doubt about their safety. Hence, dentists raise caution and suggest staying away from such ‘natural’ remedies.
Instead of relying on these self-proclaimed methods, it is always suggested to meet expert cosmetic dentists who know the effective and scientific ways of making the teeth sparkling white without damaging them.
If you are puzzled that how to search for the best dental clinic near me, then you should get the help of the Internet.
The “clinical” method of making your teeth icy white
You should meet the cosmetic dental surgeon at Dr Krinita Motwani Dental Clinic which is one of the best dental clinics in bandra west. There you get the best teeth whitening treatment.
A protective gel is applied on the gums or a rubber shield is used. Bleaching gel is applied on the teeth. If required, then Laser beam is used for enhancing the impact.
The entire process doesn’t take more than 15 minutes and it is painless. Hence, you can plan it while coming back from the office on a Friday evening.
If you choose at home bleach, then the doctors give a customized transparent tray that can be fitted to teeth. You are supposed to wear it overnight.
The speed of whitening is slower in case of at-home bleach.
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Fractured Tooth Repair…
Why have a broken smile??? Repair your teeth today!!!
A cracked, broken or chipped front tooth is the most common dental accident that can occur to anyone, anytime….
Reasons for cracked tooth…
Trauma from a bad fall.
Contact Sports.
Biting ice cubes or hard foods from front teeth.
Misuse of tooth, by using it to open bottle caps.
Clenching and grinding of teeth from a specific spot can cause chipping too.
But there is nothing to worry about…..  Advancements in Cosmetic dentistry have made it super easy to fix this problem …..
One of the best techniques for repairing chipped or broken tooth is Dental Bonding.
All about dental bonding –
Dental bonding repairs chipped/cracked teeth beautifully by matching up exactly to the natural tooth color and lasts for a long time too !
What will your dentist do???
Fractured teeth will be examined by your dentist.
Local Anesthesia may or may not be needed for this procedure.
Your Dentist will then roughen your tooth and apply a conditioning liquid on it.
Then tooth colored material is applied in very thin layers and shaped, molded and smoothened… until the desired shape is achieved.
Then a high powered light is used to harden the application.
Followed by polishing to get a smooth and lustrous shiny finish
Advantages of dental bonding…
No natural tooth reduction is needed.
Excellent aesthetic results, matches the natural tooth perfectly.
Long lasting result achieved in a single sitting.
Easy to maintain, brushing and flossing like natural teeth.
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What To Expect in Your Dental Hygiene Appointment?
When you are planning to visit the best dentist in Bandra, should you book a dental hygiene appointment too? Well, it’s certainly recommended to do so, as this can be a cost-effective and simple way to achieve healthy natural teeth that are free from plaque, cavities and gum diseases. The dentist will also provide advice on the various lifestyle changes that can enhance the appearance of your gums and teeth- keeping them at their best condition for a long period of time.
Phases of Dental Hygiene Appointment
Your first appointment for dental hygiene can be an hour long, the time usually varies depending on the requirements of individuals. It can be divided into four different phases and these are:
In this phase, the dentist will analyze your medical history and assess the present condition of teeth and gums. Here, the focus remains on the various medications, disorders or illness and their impact on the tissues and organs of the body. As there are many oral diseases that occur as an aftereffect of the systematic disorders.
Thus, it’s important to inform the dentist about any particular disease that you had been suffering from, allowing them to administer the ultimate treatment.
Complete Oral Exam
A comprehensive examination is performed prior to the cleaning procedure. Your cheeks, tongue, gums and teeth and examined to spot any form of abnormalities. Through this periodontal session, the dentist is able to recognize the possibility of tissue damage and then determine if regular cleaning would be the right option or not.
Polishing and Cleaning
After the essential information has been collected, the dentist will be all set to polish and clean the teeth. This process is termed as scaling, in which specialized instruments are used for breaking and washing away debris and deposits that stick to the gums and teeth. It is a painless procedure, where you only experience a mild sensitivity.
In the final phase, the dentist will provide guidance about preventative measures that can be followed for maintaining those pearly whites. If any sort of restorative treatment is required then this is the phase where the dentist will inform about it. Further, if you have been diagnosed with an oral condition then appointments will be scheduled with the cosmetic dental clinic in Mumbai for proper treatment.
Remember: If there are any queries that you have regarding the dental appointment then never forget to discuss them with the dentist, as only the top 10 dentists in Mumbai can cater the services that you are looking for.
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