drlisaanapolitano · 7 months
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Does your mind often drift to an imagined future of negative scenarios?
If so, you just might be a worrier.
When we worry, we’re essentially making negative predictions. Worry is the tendency of your mind to make a beeline to the worst-case scenario overlooking all the other possible scenarios, including the best-case and the most likely ones. Worry is a mental habit—a habitual bias in your thinking.
While everyone worries occasionally, chronic and pervasive worry creates stress and anxiety. And it’s a killjoy. Imagine you’re sitting on a beach trying to enjoy the last day of your vacation, but your mind keeps going to the possibility of getting stuck in traffic on the way to the airport and missing your flight. What’s needed in this moment is the ability to reel your awareness back to the present moment. To feel the sand between your toes and the sun on your face and hear the seagulls. Easier said than done.
Most chronic worriers tend to push their worries away and keep them at bay with constant distraction. But you can’t distract forever.  Eventually, your worry thoughts will hit. So, it’s a good idea to diversify your current strategies for handling worry. If you’d like to worry less and enjoy life more, try some of these cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) hacks.
Evaluate your Worries
Counter to the M.O. of most worriers, CBT focuses on bringing the worry thoughts into awareness and then evaluating them for accuracy.
Worry is a negative prediction of something that is possible. But practically anything is possible. So, the more relevant question is how likely it is. To determine that, you need to examine the factual bases for and against your prediction.
First, force yourself to commit to a percentage of likelihood. 100% is certainty, and 50% is chance. Then, write out the facts that support your prediction, but also the facts that contradict it. For example, you may believe it’s 70% likely you’ll flunk an upcoming exam because you haven’t begun studying. On the other hand, there may still enough time to start studying and you’ve never flunked an exam in your life. After you’ve evaluated the bases for and against your worry, reassess the likelihood. It might seem less likely now.
If the probability of what you’re predicting is still too high for your liking, ask yourself what you can do to decrease it. In other words, shift from worrying, which is basically repetitive cognitive churn, into problem solving to decrease the likelihood. For example, rather than worrying about flunking, study. Rather than worry about being stuck in traffic and late, leave early.
If the probability of what you’re predicting is still too high for your liking, ask yourself what you can do to decrease it. In other words, shift from worrying, which is basically repetitive cognitive churn, into problem solving to decrease the likelihood. For example, rather than worrying about flunking, study. Rather than worry about being stuck in traffic and late, leave early.
Keep track of actual outcomes
Did you ever stop to notice how many of the negative things you were bracing for never happened? In another words, your worry was a complete waste of time. You made your flight, you passed your test. Most worriers tend to overlook the actual outcomes of their predictions, dismissing the better-than-expected ones. Instead, they just race on to the next worry. To break the worry habit, it’s important to track the actual outcomes and write them down. Then, go back once or twice a week and reimagine the better-than-expected outcomes. Imagine yourself strolling up to the gate in time for the flight or seeing your passing grade on the exam. It takes more effort to encode positive information in the brain because of the negativity bias. Reimagining the better-than-expected outcome will increase the odds of remembering them and of more realistically evaluating the likelihood of your next worry.
Because worry is future focused, it has the net effect of taking us out of the present moment. We may be physically present, but the focus of our awareness is on the future. For this reason, it’s important to cultivate the ability to anchor in the present moment through mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is nonjudgmental and undivided awareness of present experience. We can cultivate this skill through meditation, but also by bringing nonjudgmental and undivided awareness to everyday activities, such as eating, drinking tea, and listening to the sounds around us.  Then, when you catch yourself contemplating some imagined negative scenario, you’ll be able to reel your awareness back to present moment and let your worry go.
Remember, worry is not mandatory. If you’d like to worry less and enjoy life more, try some of these CBT hacks and you just may find your kicking the worry habit.
Originally Published at www.drlisanapolitano.com on 04 October 2023
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drlisaanapolitano · 1 year
Can Stress Management Programs Improve Your Overall Well-Being?
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In today's fast-paced world, stress has become an ordinary part of everyday life. Whether it's related to work, personal relationships, or other life events, stress can have a significant impact on our mental and physical health. However, stress management programs have been popularized in recent years. But can these programs actually ameliorate our overall well-being? Let's take a closer look.
Understanding Stress and Its Impact on Well-being
Stress is the body's natural response to a perceived threat or challenge, whether physical or emotional. When we experience stress, the body releases stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which trigger the "fight or flight" response. This kind of response prepares the body to react to the perceived threat, either by fighting or fleeing. While this response can be helpful in short-term situations, prolonged exposure to stress hormones can lead to a range of health problems, including anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
Stress can also impact our overall well-being in more subtle ways. For example, stress can interfere with the sleep cycle, making it harder to fall asleep or stay asleep. Lack of sleep can further exacerbate stress, leading to a vicious cycle of sleeplessness and stress. Additionally, chronic stress can affect our ability to concentrate and make decisions, impacting our productivity and overall quality of life.
Identifying Stress Triggers
Identifying your stress triggers is an important step in managing your stress levels. Here are some ways to recognize your stress triggers:
Pay attention to your body: Take note of how your body reacts in certain situations. Do you feel tense, sweaty, or have a rapid heartbeat in specific circumstances? These physical reactions may be signs of stress triggers.
Keep a journal: Write down your thoughts and feelings throughout the day, noting any instances where you felt particularly stressed or overwhelmed. This could be helpful in identifying thought patterns and common themes.
Reflect on past experiences: Think about times in the past when you have felt stressed. What were the circumstances surrounding those events? Were there specific people or situations involved?
Take note of changes in your mood: If you notice a sudden change in your mood, it could be a sign of a stress trigger. Pay attention to what's going around you when you start to feel down, anxious, or irritable.
Talk to a therapist: A therapist can help you identify your stress triggers and develop coping skills to manage them. They can provide a supportive space to explore your emotions and work through your stress.
Incorporating Stress Management Into Your Everyday Routine
One of the keys to experiencing success with stress management is to incorporate it into your daily routine. This means finding ways to practice stress management techniques on a regular basis, even when you're not feeling particularly stressed. For example, you might set aside time each day to practice mindfulness meditation or yoga, or you might make a point to take a walk outside each day to clear your mind and reduce stress.
It's also important to be mindful of your stress levels throughout the day, especially when living in a bustling city like NYC where stress can be more prevalent. When you start to feel stressed, take a few deep breaths or practice a quick stress management technique to help you calm down. By using techniques of Mindfulness in NYC and being proactive about managing stress, you can reduce the impact of stress on your overall well-being.
Choosing the Right Stress Management Program
If you're considering a stress management program in New York City, it's important to choose one that's right for you. There are many different types of programs available, each with its own unique approach and focus. Some programs may focus on mindfulness meditation, while others may focus on cognitive behavioral therapy New York City or exercise. It's important to choose a program that resonates with you and that you feel comfortable participating in.
It's also important to choose a program that's led by a qualified professional. Look for programs that are led by licensed therapists, certified yoga instructors, or other qualified professionals who have experience working with individuals dealing with stress.
In addition to choosing the right program, it's important to approach stress management with a positive and open mindset. Stress management is not a quick fix, and it may take time to see results. However, with patience and commitment, stress management can be an effective way to live a stress-free life.
Summing Up
Overall, stress management programs can be effective in reducing stress and improving overall well-being. However, the effectiveness of these programs may depend on various factors, such as the type of program offered, individual engagement, and level of stress. While stress management programs can offer several benefits, there may also be potential drawbacks, such as cost and accessibility. Therefore, it is important for individuals to consider their own needs and preferences when choosing a stress management program and to seek professional help if needed.
Originally Published at: https://bit.ly/3ZiZ1gW
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drlisaanapolitano · 1 year
Find Inspiration | Dr. Lisa A. Napolitano
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Inspiration is the experience you have when someone or something sparks new ideas and possibilities. The spark of inspiration feels like a burst of positive energy and motivation. It can transform your mindset, changing how you see your abilities and the world.
Beauty in art and music can spark creativity. The bravery of others can motivate you to face your fears. A mountainous landscape can stir you to take long climbs or hikes. Signs of spring—crocuses, cherry blossoms and chirping birds, may energize you to start new projects. Moments of inspiration are fleeting. But, we can create and sustain these moments through intentional practice. In other words, we can cultivate a habit of inspiration. The key is knowing what inspires you and then deliberately seeking out those experiences.
Read More: https://drlisanapolitano.com/blog/find-inspiration/
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drlisaanapolitano · 1 year
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Did you know awe is an essential human emotion? According to psychologist Dacher Keltner, “awe is the feeling of being in the presence of something vast that transcends your understanding of the world.” There is growing research to show that awe has many physical and psychological benefits.
Physically, awe calms our nervous system, slows down our heart rate, and deepens our breathing. Awe also triggers the release of the hormone oxytocin that promotes bonding with others. Psychologically, awe helps us get out of our heads and silence our inner critic. Dr. Keltner explains it deactivates the default mode network, the region of our brain associated with repetitive self-focused negative thinking.
Experiencing awe can come from “perceived vastness,” whether looking up at star-filled skies or the snow capped Himalayas. It can also come from something that challenges us to rethink our previously held ideas, like new scientific discoveries.
So, if you’re thinking you want more awe in your life, the good news is you can cultivate it with practice. It’s true that awe often comes from novelty. And spending time in new places and situations increases the likelihood of awe experiences. But you don’t need to jet off to see the seven wonders of the world to find it. It’s possible to find moments of awe in ordinary life. But, if we’re distracted or going through life on autopilot, we will miss them. Mindfulness helps us focus and cultivates the interest and curiosity that prime us for awe.
Read More: https://drlisanapolitano.com/blog/cultivate-awe/
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drlisaanapolitano · 1 year
Is CBT Therapy an Effective Approach to Mental Health Problems?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely used and evidence-based treatment for mental health problems. CBT therapists in NYC are making a difference in the lives of people who struggle with mental health conditions by identifying and changing negative patterns of thought and behavior and replacing them with positive and productive ones.
Read More: https://www.issuewire.com/is-cbt-therapy-an-effective-approach-to-mental-health-problems-1756717399280011
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drlisaanapolitano · 1 year
Find Inner Peace with the Help of a Mindfulness Psychologist
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Feeling overwhelmed and stressed out? A mindfulness psychologist can help you find inner peace. Through various techniques, you can learn to focus on the present moment and let go of negative thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness can help you achieve a greater sense of calm and well-being, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with more ease and grace.
Read More: https://nyccbtanddbttherapist.wordpress.com/2023/01/28/find-inner-peace-with-the-help-of-a-mindfulness-psychologist/
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drlisaanapolitano · 1 year
Give Experiences Not Things
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The science is clear. Experiences make us happier than things. Research shows that with experiential gifts, unlike material gifts, there are more opportunities for happiness.
Read More: https://drlisanapolitano.com/blog/give-experiences-not-things/
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drlisaanapolitano · 1 year
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As the year comes to close, we tend to look back and assess the progress we’ve made towards our goals and set new ones. But because of negative biases in our thinking we’re more likely to focus on what we haven’t done rather than what we have, or on how we’ve stagnated rather than how we’ve grown. This can lead us down a path of self-criticism and negativity that can undercut our motivation to move forwards. SO, in the spirit of the new year, instead of focusing on shortcomings and unattained goals, let’s shift the focus. Here are some questions to ask yourself.
What were the major accomplishments of 2022? What were the steps to make them happen?
Focus on the accomplishments that had the most positive impact on your life and/or were catalysts for other positive changes. Maybe it was relocating to a new city, starting a new job, or taking up an new hobby. How did these accomplishments reflect your values and advance your long-term interests as part of creating the life you want?
Read More: https://drlisanapolitano.com/blog/finish-strong/
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drlisaanapolitano · 1 year
Best Habit Formation | Build Better Habits | Dr. Lisa A. Napolitano
If you’ve struggled to develop healthy habits like meditating or running in the morning, here are some tips from the science of habit formation.
According to Dr. Andrew Huberman, a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine, a habit is something that your nervous system has learned consciously or not. Learning takes place through changes in the connections between the neurons. This is called neuroplasticity. Your nervous system changes in reaction to experiences and new neural circuits and pathways are formed.
The goal of habit formation is to make desired behaviors automatic so they require less effort. We don’t need to send instructions to the brain to perform them. The neural circuitry fires automatically.
View Source: https://drlisanapolitano.com/blog/habit-formation/
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drlisaanapolitano · 1 year
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Everyone loves positive feedback. It feels good and often confirms your own assessment of your performance. You think you’ve done good job and now you know. When we were in school, we could use grades or the teachers’ comments as benchmarks for our performance. But there are times, in our work or personal life, where there is no feedback. For example, you may have given a presentation at work and there are no comments from your boss and colleagues either positive or negative. Or, you teach a yoga class, and no students say “Great class” or “Thank you.” SO, the question becomes how do you know how you did?
When we become dependent on external feedback for self-esteem, we can develop what’s known as a contingent self-worth. Contingent self worth is a positive sense of self that exists only with the praise and attention of others. Without that praise and attention, there is low self-esteem.
Because others aren’t always around to share their evaluation of our performance and praise is not always forthcoming, it’s important to develop your own standards for excellence.
View Source: https://drlisanapolitano.com/blog/no-feedback-no-problem/
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drlisaanapolitano · 1 year
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So often in social situations we feel compelled to be interesting. We believe this is the way to draw others to us. And then, to see how effective our efforts are, we monitor others for signs of interest in US. But, the skill that’s actually needed to build and enhance relationships, whether romantic, professional or platonic, is cultivating and SHOWING interest in OTHERS.
As Dale Carnegie once said, “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” Feeling and expressing interest in others can be challenging for a variety of reasons.
Originally published at https://drlisanapolitano.com/  on 24 Feb, 2020.
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drlisaanapolitano · 1 year
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In the midst of a crisis, we’re driven to seek refuge—places of safety, peace and calm. But, for many of us, because of responsibilities in our daily lives, it’s not possible to escape the stressful situation we find ourselves in.
The good news is that by practicing mindfulness you can create a refuge that’s always available to you and does not require going anywhere. Most often, there is nothing catastrophic actually happening in the present moment. So, anchoring in it will decrease your distress.
View Source : https://drlisanapolitano.com/blog/mindfulness-in-a-crisis/
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drlisaanapolitano · 1 year
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If you’re a perfectionist, you may believe you need to be perfect to be loved. For some, this means being always upbeat and never expressing negative emotions. For others, this means achieving a physical ideal and so they stress about their body, their weight, face, skin and hair. For others, it’s having the perfectly decorated home, or the perfect job. They tell themselves, “When I’m perfect, I’ll be loved.”
But stop and think about the people you love. Are they perfect? Do you love them because of their perfect apartment, job, hair, or body? For most people the answer is no to both questions. We love someone’s energy, or their smile even if their teeth aren’t perfect. We love their laugh and sense of humor or spirit of adventure. The care they show for others. Their bravery in the face of fear, their persistence in the face of adversity. We love how they make us feel. Have you ever met anyone you thought was perfect? Chances are they intimidated you rather than melted your heart.
The quest to be perfect and stressing over imperfections can limit our ability to connect with others. It keeps us in our heads and focused on ourselves. In his book True Love the Buddhist teacher Thich that Hanh says, “The most precious gift we can give to someone is to be present.” So, the next time you’re stressing about your imperfections, try the mantra “Be present, not perfect.” It’s the greatest gift you can give.
Originally published at www.drlisanapolitano.com on November 10, 2020.
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drlisaanapolitano · 1 year
Best Stress Management Programs In NYC
Are you searching the best psychologist In NYC those offer stress management program? Dr. Lisa. A Napolitano is an expert therapist and having 17 Years of experience. Meditation is an intentional practice where you focus inward to increase calmness concentration and emotional balance. It is one way to cultivate the skill of mindfulness, the ability to anchor one’s undivided and nonjudgmental awareness in the present moment. To schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Napolitano, Visit website for more information.
Email Us: [email protected] Call Us: (212)-546-9200
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drlisaanapolitano · 1 year
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It’s a common myth that we need to feel motivated before we can do something. Sometimes we feel it, but often we sit around waiting for it and it never comes. As a result, many things never get done that would bring us closer to our personal and professional goals.
Ideally, there is a desire or urge driving us to action. We’re motivated to do something because we want to. We jump out of bed because we’re eager to start the day, or sit down to write an essay because we have something we urgently want to say. But, what about the days you don’t feel like getting out of bed to go to work or feel like writing and you’re on deadline?
You might be interested to know that motivation often follows the start of an activity rather than comes before it. In other words, you may be running 20 minutes before you actually feel motivated to run. For this reason, it’s important to know how to jumpstart activity without motivation. Here are some ways.
First, make a commitment. Research shows you’re more likely to do something if you commit to a particular time and day, rather than make an open-ended commitment. “I’ll run 5 miles Monday morning at 7” vs. “I’ll run 5 miles this week.” Announcing your commitment to others and on social media also increases the likelihood you’ll get it done. It creates a sense of accountability.
Second, when the appointed time arises to act, don’t hesitate. So often we have a plan or idea to do something, but then quickly talk ourselves out of it: “I’ll write a chapter today. No, it will be too hard.” “I”ll go for a run. No, I’m too tired.” To get around this, borrow a page from Mel Robbins and try the “five-second rule.” Once the thought or impulse to do something arises, count down from 5 and spring into action. The counting distracts you from your thoughts and focuses your mind in a new direction.
So, the next time you find yourself saying you don’t feel motivated to do something, try doing it anyway. You just might find you get more done and feel more satisfied with life. Bust your motivation myths!
Originally published at https://drlisanapolitano.com/ on Jul 06, 2020
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drlisaanapolitano · 2 years
Find the Best Cognitive Behavioral Therapist In NYC and Florida
Dr. Napolitano is a licensed cognitive behavioral therapist nyc. She is an expert in both cognitive-behavioral (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy know more she can help you and her services today!
Call Us: (732)-654-6630
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drlisaanapolitano · 2 years
Schedule The Best Psychology Consultation In NYC
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Are you worried about your treatment in psychology? Dr. Lisa A. Napolitano is a private psychologist in New York City that specializes in CBT and DBT therapy. Dr. Napolitano is an expert therapist with 17 years of professional experience and practicing various treatments for different mental problems like anxiety, depression, ADHD, emotional regulation, and many more. So you can schedule your psychology consultation with us.
Call Us: (732)-654-6630, (212)-546-9200
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