drlissahawthorne · 2 years
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“ Video games foster the mindset that allows creativity to grow.”
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drlissahawthorne · 2 years
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My love was as cruel as the cities I lived in Everyone looked worse in the light There are so many lines that I've crossed unforgiven I'll tell you the truth, but never goodbye I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night And now I see daylight, I only see daylight Luck of the draw only draws the unlucky And so I became the butt of the joke I wounded the good and I trusted the wicked Clearing the air, I breathed in the smoke Maybe you ran with the wolves and refused to settle down Maybe I've stormed out of every single room in this town Threw out our cloaks and our daggers because it's morning now It's brighter now, now
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drlissahawthorne · 3 years
blog archived as of 9 pm EST, March 12, 2022
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drlissahawthorne · 3 years
OMG i’m laughing so loud right now.   But that does remind me of a story my Mom likes to tell me of when I was about 3.  Her and Dad had taken me to a rare breed petting zoo and there was a sign near the chickens warning you not to put your fingers into the cage. Being little I wanted to pet the chicken and I shoved my hand in one of them pecked my finger .  Apparently i went around telling people that the chicken ate my finger but it was okay because my Daddy ate the chicken.  
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It was certainly something alright. The neighbour was not impressed and there were a lot of chores as punishment, but y’know it’s one of those stories. That’s so cute!
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drlissahawthorne · 3 years
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drlissahawthorne · 3 years
Yeh i guess.   The trick is not taking it to heart .  Which I know can be harder said than done sometimes 
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I’m willing to take the risk .  Lets do it. 
The other thing is not giving in to it. To not get tilted the way others do and over time, back then, I definitely did. Both taking it to heart and getting tilted. Which is why I stopped.
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I’ll have to get some stuff figured out, but it will happen.
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drlissahawthorne · 3 years
Go for it, go for it!! As long as you’re in the mood, that’s what matters. How are your stats? 
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You sound like Caspar. Not that that’s a bad thing, per se, but you do. I don’t think I’d start streaming League, it takes a level of attention that I don’t think I could balance with keeping up with a chat. So I’d probably replay Skyrim for the 50 millionth time or maybe Stardew, something I’m familiar with that doesn’t take too much focus.
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drlissahawthorne · 3 years
[PM] Hey, thank you so much for the cannoli, it was a much needed treat. <3 How're you doin?
You're welcome. I had a craving for them, so me and Caspar made them last night, even if he mostly entertained the cats while I made them. I'm alright, dealing with life being a bitch, but y'know, it is what it is. What about you?
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drlissahawthorne · 3 years
[Private] Heyho, I’m getting back from the movies and I decided that I’m on my way over. You want snacks? Dumb question. Sure! I’m gonna get snacks. Impromptu sleepover 😎 figure out a game plan. I need cat cuddles too, that’s top of the list.
Works for me and I'm sure the cats will be delighted to see you, boo. Well if you're coming straight from the movies, then that kinda limits some of the gaming we can do, but we can definitely do a lot of gaming. I also had a desire to make cannoli, so like, we might do that, cos I have the stuff. Movies are technically an option, if you want to put up with descriptive audio. We could jam. Uh... yeah.
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drlissahawthorne · 3 years
That’s a lie, but enjoy your delusions, I guess. I was literally just in the starter tag and I was just replying to starters and all of them were bragging about being celebrities, being a power couple, and having 500 accomplishments so okayyyyyyyyy. You’re big time sour with how I choose to run my personal social media for literally no reason???? Are you jealous or?????? I literally made one post, my intro post which was you know… an intro, with stuff people ask me about when I introduce myself to them. Meanwhile, you’re railing on me in multiple posts. Obsessively. Without provocation. But go off. I’m not sure who ruined your entire life and made you feel like you needed to try to bring other people down, but American’s Sweetheart is nice to bullies too so you’ll get your reply. I’ll ask for you to end the uncalled for attitude though. Nobody asked for that. I’ve been nothing but kind to everyone and it would have been pretty cool of you if you could find even a smidge of humility instead of acting like a ‘roid rager and find yourself a warm welcome instead of trying to piss in my cheerios for literally no reason and making yourself look like a wild buffoon flinging shit without any thought. 
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I’m very much aware others do act that way but I also never said they didn’t, just that not all of them do. Which they don’t. As I’m literally friends with a child star in an eerily similar situation. He’s never once acted the way your first post and each one since, has made you out to be. Now, is that who you are, maybe not, but the more you type the less inclined I am to believe that you’re not some self-absorbed prick. If you're America’s Sweetheart, then I’m thankful I’m Italian first and American second. And if you think I’m bullying you, you’ve never met a bully in your life and if you think I’ve got an attitude, bless your heart. I’m  not the one out here having to apparently defend the fact he’s some big famous guy, now am I? I can almost guarantee I’ve writing credits on, at least, one of your favourite songs of the last few years if you listen to pop music, but you’d never know it. I also have multiple Olympic gold medals, have been called cocky on one of the world’s largest stages because I spoke so many languages I could speak to reporters and other competitors in their native tongues and often didn’t require aid. I know what being full of yourself looks like, kid, and you’re a glowing neon sign right now.
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drlissahawthorne · 3 years
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drlissahawthorne · 3 years
Compared to everyone else around here, I’m tame actually. Every other starter on this thing that I’ve seen so far is a long, long list of achievements. We’ve got people here that talk about being in like 500 different things at the same time and all of those 500 things add another level of celebrity. I’m just getting the quick formalities over so that I can get to being treated like a human being instead of someone that’s grown up knowing only celebrity. There are certain FAQS that come with being a child star since literal fetus-hood, especially when said child star has two incredibly famous, international parents whose love story was international news. I put the questions that people ask me most often in my starter so that I wouldn’t have to answer the same questions a thousand times. It’s just easier. It’s chill, most people don’t understand the celebrity lifestyle so you don’t stick out. I do have the experience of being mobbed, so I know how to prepare for it. What was your name again? I don’t think I caught it. 
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So it wouldn’t be too far off to say that you’ve got time to go see a live show. You don’t even have to go see mine on Broadway, the live arts always need patrons.
And yet, there are others in the same situation as you, who haven’t bothered to introduce themselves in that way. So either you’re so attached to your status that you need to flaunt it at every turn or you’re so detached from the rest of the world that you think most people actually give a fuck. As for my name, Clarissa.
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I’m going blind and if I’m going to spend my time, money, and eye power on live theatre, it will be something I’m particularly interested in seeing and right now there’s not a lot on stage I want to see.
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drlissahawthorne · 3 years
Hats off to the guy with two thumbs and enough energy to get on the internet. And oh hey wait, that’s me. What a surprise, I know. What’s up, party people? I’m Devon Lennox, for those of you that haven’t formally met me. Yes, the Devon Lennox of the Crawford family, currently headlining on Broadway and yes I’ll sign your VHS of me as a kid if you bring it to the stage door. Glad we got that out of the way. What’s everyone been up to this weekend? I’d better hear some good stories, don’t waste those beautiful lives. 
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You’re rather full of yourself, aren’t you?
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Video games, chilling with my cats, literally nothing too interesting.
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drlissahawthorne · 3 years
The horrors? I feel as though that comment changed the tone of my entire understanding. Now, I’m intrigued. What exactly is League of Legends? I appreciate that. I understand the obsession has been sweeping the nations for years, it’s just not a train I could ever truly get on board with. I don’t mind, not at all. I’m into dance. Music, musicals, theater. Reading. If you’re asking specifically about television, I don’t watch very much. I rarely watch movies either. Unless you count Food Network, that is. I don’t play many video games either. I had a brief infatuation with Fallout, but I’m truly awful at it. 
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It’s a multiplayer online game with a really toxic community. It relies on playing with other people which can make things bad if you’re not good.  Which is totally fair. Love a good Food Network marathon, it’s easy watching for my eyes. I’m also pretty big into music and the like myself, so I can understand that. Fallout has a very specific following and playstyle  but is also one of those games that you get into for a while and then leave for months.
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drlissahawthorne · 3 years
Is it a game that you enjoy? I say keep playing if it is. 
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I have not heard of that. Sadly, I feel like I am super behind and unaware of the new shows, movies and games out there. Is Arcane and League of Legends related? Again, I have no idea what they are, but I will add them to my list. 
It is, but it is also really toxic.
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Arcane is the backstory for a handful of League of Legends characters.
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drlissahawthorne · 3 years
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drlissahawthorne · 3 years
So, when are you streaming for the first time?
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We’re so makin’ it happen!
I don’t know, soon, maybe.
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