drmanjupatidar · 11 months
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Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, has revolutionized the field of surgical procedures. This innovative technique involves making small incisions and using specialized instruments to perform operations, offering numerous advantages over traditional open surgery. In this article, we will explore the benefits, procedure, and applications of laparoscopic surgery.
What is Laparoscopic Surgery? Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical technique that uses a laparoscope, a thin tube with a camera and light, to visualize and operate within the abdominal or pelvic cavity. It allows surgeons to perform complex procedures with smaller incisions, resulting in reduced pain, faster recovery, and improved cosmetic outcomes.
Procedure of Laparoscopic Surgery: During laparoscopic surgery, the patient is placed under general anesthesia. Small incisions are made near the surgical site, and carbon dioxide gas is used to inflate the abdomen, creating space for the surgeon to work. The laparoscope is inserted through one incision, providing a high-definition view of the internal organs on a monitor. Specialized instruments are inserted through other small incisions to perform the surgery.
Benefits of Laparoscopic Surgery:
Minimally invasive: Small incisions result in less trauma to the body, reducing pain, scarring, and the risk of complications.
Faster recovery: Patients typically experience shorter hospital stays and quicker return to normal activities compared to open surgery.
Reduced blood loss: The precision of laparoscopic instruments minimizes blood loss during the procedure.
Lower infection rate: Smaller incisions and reduced exposure to external contaminants decrease the risk of post-operative infections.
Improved cosmetic outcomes: Smaller scars and incisions lead to better aesthetic results.
Applications of Laparoscopic Surgery: Laparoscopic surgery is used in various medical specialties, including:
Gynecology: for procedures such as hysterectomy, ovarian cyst removal, and endometriosis treatment.
General surgery: for gallbladder removal, hernia repair, appendectomy, and colon resection.
Urology: for kidney stone removal, prostate surgery, and bladder procedures.
Bariatric surgery: for weight loss procedures like gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy.
Considerations and Limitations: While laparoscopic surgery offers numerous advantages, not all procedures can be performed using this technique. Some factors, such as patient anatomy, medical history, and the complexity of the surgery, may require an open approach. It is essential to consult with a qualified surgeon to determine the suitability of laparoscopic surgery for individual cases.
Conclusion: Laparoscopic surgery has revolutionized the field of surgical procedures, providing patients with less invasive options, faster recovery, and improved outcomes.
From gynecology to general surgery, its applications continue to expand, benefiting patients worldwide.
If you require a surgical intervention, consult with a qualified surgeon to explore the possibility of laparoscopic surgery and enjoy the benefits of this innovative approach.
Looking for a skilled and experienced laparoscopic surgeon in Indore? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover the benefits of minimally invasive surgery.
Trust our expertise for safe, precise, and effective laparoscopic procedures. Your health and well-being are our top priorities.
Laparoscopic Surgeon In Indore, Gynecologist In Indore, Obstetrician In Indore, Dr. Manju Patidar
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drmanjupatidar · 1 year
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Pregnancy Care: Nurturing the Journey to Motherhood
Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative time in a woman's life. It is a period filled with joy, anticipation, and the miracle of new life. Taking care of yourself during pregnancy is of utmost importance to ensure a healthy and safe journey for both mother and baby. In this article, we will explore the essential aspects of pregnancy care, from prenatal visits and nutrition to exercise, emotional well-being, and preparing for childbirth.
Prenatal Visits: Regular prenatal check-ups with a healthcare provider are vital for monitoring the progress of your pregnancy. These visits allow healthcare professionals to track your baby's growth, check your health, and address any concerns or complications that may arise. Be sure to attend all scheduled appointments and discuss any questions or worries with your doctor or midwife.
Nutrition: Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is crucial during pregnancy. Focus on consuming nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and dairy products. Adequate intake of folic acid, iron, calcium, and other essential vitamins and minerals is essential for the development of your baby. Consult with your healthcare provider to create a personalized nutrition plan tailored to your specific needs.
Exercise and Physical Activity: Staying active during pregnancy offers numerous benefits, including improved mood, increased stamina, and better management of weight gain. Engage in low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, prenatal yoga, or approved fitness classes. However, always consult your healthcare provider before starting or continuing any exercise regimen to ensure it is safe for you and your baby.
Emotional Well-being: Pregnancy brings about a range of emotions, and it is crucial to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being. Seek emotional support from your partner, family, and friends. Engage in activities that help you relax and reduce stress, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or prenatal massages. If you experience persistent feelings of anxiety or depression, don't hesitate to reach out to a healthcare professional for guidance and support.
Childbirth Education and Preparation: Educate yourself about the birthing process and consider attending childbirth classes. These classes provide valuable information on labor, pain management techniques, breastfeeding, and newborn care. Knowing what to expect and having a birth plan in place can empower you to make informed decisions during labor and delivery.
Postnatal Care: Pregnancy care doesn't end with childbirth. Postnatal care is essential for both the physical and emotional well-being of new mothers. This includes regular check-ups, monitoring of postpartum recovery, guidance on breastfeeding, and support in adjusting to the demands of motherhood. Remember to prioritize self-care as you navigate the joys and challenges of being a new parent.
Pregnancy care is a comprehensive approach that encompasses physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. By seeking regular prenatal care, maintaining a nutritious diet, staying physically active, nurturing your emotional health, and preparing for childbirth, you can promote a healthy pregnancy and set the stage for a positive start to motherhood. Embrace this extraordinary journey, and remember to reach out for support when needed. May your pregnancy be filled with love, joy, and anticipation as you welcome your precious bundle of joy into the world.
Laparoscopic Surgeon Indore | Gynecologist In Indore | Best Lady Gynecologist In Indore | Gynecologist Near Me | Dr. Manju Patidar
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drmanjupatidar · 2 years
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The process of laparoscopic endometriosis is a very well-known option for the people who require some kind of surgery and also for any kind of diagnosis. Endometriosis has always been a big topic of controversy.
Basic Facts About Laparoscopic Endometriosis Process
The laparoscopy surgery is a less invasive choice for the endometriosis surgery. This type of surgery is carried out by using a very sleek optic hose which is inserted inside you via a tiny incision. The process of laparoscopy has moved a long way since the starting of this process in the 1970's when it was merely used for the tribal ligations.
Pros And Cons of Laparoscopic Process
If the procedure of Laparoscopic was so much fun and easy as people think it to be as it involves just a small incision; then people would have never opted for the bigger and messier process known as laparotomy. Laparoscopic surgeries involve a very short time in the recovery, but it has its cons as well:
1. All the doctors in the world are not trained for laparoscopic surgeries. It is very essential that you trust a doctor for such surgeries only if he has an experience of at least a dozen of laparoscopic surgeries.
2. Once the procedure starts, the doctors get to see very less at the time of surgery.
3. In the case of laparotomy; the doctors can remove the tissue very easily but in the case of laparoscopic surgery, they can remove the endometriosis tissues only if it is visible.
How Is Laparoscopic Endometriosis Process Carried Out?
Normally, laparoscopic endometriosis process is done under the general anesthetics. The process of laparoscopic surgery is also known as the keyhole procedure as the incision is very small and even un-noticeable after some time of surgery.
At the time of surgery, the body is a little tilted and the legs are a little higher than the head. After this, the abdomen is inflated with the help of Carbon Dioxide which results in the clearer accessibility of the inside body for the surgery purpose. Then the doctor slides a thin tube with the help of a valve known as trocar in order to stop the gas from leaving your abdominal. At the time of surgery, you will have a catheter which might be on till the time you are completely awake.
In the end, a long and thin instrument known as laparoscope is inserted inside your abdomen in order to check the pelvis and abdomen. Laparoscope resembles a very long and thin telescope which allows the doctor to see your reproductive organs.
Laparoscopic Surgeon In Indore, Gynecologist In Indore, Obstetrician In Indore, Dr. Manju Patidar
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drmanjupatidar · 2 years
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drmanjupatidar · 2 years
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drmanjupatidar · 2 years
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drmanjupatidar · 2 years
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Women are considered to be the most beautiful gift of God to this earth. They are delicate and very sensitive both physically and emotionally. When it comes to women health, there are certain important things that one needs to consider maintaining a good health.
Pregnancy is a very difficult period for a woman during which maintaining a good health is very essential. The eating habits during pregnancy should always be taken into consideration. Having a healthy and nutritious diet during pregnancy is very important for a woman. However, it is not as easy as it sounds to be.
When the embryo develops, it takes nutrients from the mother's body. Therefore, it becomes critical to have the items that the fetus needs to grow and develop in a healthy manner. Moreover, in order to sustain the strength and thus, to avoid complications during delivery of the child, the mother needs to stay as healthy as possible.
Therefore, the woman needs to have healthy diets to reduce stress and provide rich breast milk for the baby's nourishment after the birth.
Doctors usually prescribe to take pre-natal vitamins to ensure that the pregnant lady can get enough nutrition every day. A pregnant woman is required to eat various kinds of food items, but most preferably the natural fresh and unprocessed food items.
A woman of normal weight should take approximately 200 to 300 m extra calories per day to develop the bay normally. However, these calories should get from the foods taken by the pregnant lady. Medical professionals always recommend certain kinds of diets when it comes to maintain good health of a pregnant woman. They usually include dairy foods, foods full of protein, fresh food and vegetables, breads, cereals and grains, and fat.
As dairy food items, such as milk, yogurt and cheese have calcium, protein and vitamin D in a rich amount, they are very much important for a pregnant women. The woman who don't take milk or dried milk power, they may face certain problems to maintain their good health during pregnancy.
Usually, protein is available in animal and vegetable sources. The animal foods include: fish, chicken, beef, pork, eggs etc and the vegetables include tofu, nuts, seeds and beans. For the woman who follows a vegetarian food habit, for them eating fresh vegetables full of protein can fulfill the essential protein needs in her body during pregnancy.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is recommended always by the medical professional during the pregnancy. The fresh fruits and vegetables are the great source of different nutrients which is essential for a pregnant woman. Orange vegetable such as carrots, winter squash, yellow peppers are great sources of vitamin A.
The green leafy vegetables are very important element during pregnancy as they are high in fiber, iron and other nutrients. Ultimately, we can say that pregnancy is that stage of a woman's life where many considerations are needed to be taken care of to maintain a good health condition.
Best Gynecologist In Indore, Infertility Specialist In Indore, Obstetrician In Indore, Gynecologist In Indore, Gynecologist Near Me
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drmanjupatidar · 3 years
If you are searching for a best gynecologist in Indore. We offer competitive consulting for Obstetrician, gynecologist, Infertility & Laparoscopic treatments in Indore at sampat clinic. our treatments & services are :
Obstetrician Treatment
PCOS Treatment
Gynecological Treatment
Infertility Specialist
Laparoscopy Treatment
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drmanjupatidar · 3 years
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The Sampat Clinic offers a comprehensive care of gynecological conditions and hormonal disorders, which, very often, result in infertility. Reproductive disorders are sometimes the consequence of anatomic problems in the reproductive tract, which require surgical intervention for the best possible reproductive outcome. These abnormalities can generally be treated with minimally invasive surgery such as laparoscopy and/or hysteroscopy, but in some cases, more extensive surgery may be required, depending on the patient situation.
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drmanjupatidar · 3 years
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Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure typically performed in an outpatient day surgery setting. It permits direct visual assessment of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and other abdominal organs. It is particularly useful in Laparoscopic treatment diagnosing.Uterine and Ovarian tubal pathology, tubal disorders or pelvic adhesions and generally is performed at the end of a work-up, but may be performed earlier if deemed appropriate by the patient's history and referral diagnosis. Dr. Manju patidar have been performing laparoscopic surgeries, diagnostic as well as operative since 2009-2013 and have done many pioneering surgeries. We are equipped with a variety of laparoscopes ranging from 5-10 mm, 0-30 degree and the latest KARL STORZ SPIES FULL HD Camera system and xenon light source. We also have the latest electrosurgical equipment including Plasmakinetic vessel sealing system and Harmonic scalpel. Apart from diagnostic and fertility enhancing surgeries, we also perform a variety of other laparoscopic procedures including
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drmanjupatidar · 3 years
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Prenatal/Antenatal/Postnatal Advise
Dr. Manju patidar is an Obstetrician, Gynecologist in Indore has an experience of 10 years in these fields.
Prenatal care, also known as antenatal care, is a type of preventive healthcare. Its goal is to provide regular check-ups that allow doctors or midwives to treat and prevent potential health problems throughout the course of the pregnancy and to promote healthy lifestyles that benefit both mother and child.
Good antenatal care includes regular screening which can detect and prevent early complications such as hypertension and pregnancy diabetes; both of which can dramatically affect the foetus. Early detection means regular monitoring and treatment. The purpose of antenatal care is to prevent or identify and treat conditions that may threaten the health of the fetus/newborn and/or the mother, and to help a woman approach pregnancy and birth as positive experiences.
•Antenatal care options generally include:
Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy.
Miscarriage Management..
Spotting in Pregnancy.
Eerily Pregnancy Complication Management.
Breast Feeding.
Detection Of Animally in Baby Sonography.
Diet & Exercise.
Family Planning.
Yoga & Exercise.
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drmanjupatidar · 3 years
First 3 Months Of Pregnancy Do’s & Don'ts
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Follow these precautions in the first trimester to avoid several pregnancy complications.
Stay hydrated
You will need more fluids during pregnancy as the blood volume boosts to help the oxygen and nutrient requirements of the fluids while plain water is the best way to hydrate. The changes in the body will increase the demand for fluid intake and you must drink 8 glasses of water in a day. You should consider having lots of water, juices, to remain hydrated at this time of pregnancy.
2. Eat Healthy Foods
Expectant mothers should maintain a healthy and well-balanced diet as this will ensure all the nutrients the baby needs are available and recommends increasing your calorie intake. making sure it is made up of dairy products, beans, sweet potatoes, eggs, berries, broccoli, lean meats, and avocados. Women who do not want children for the rest of their life can opt for tubal ligation. For more info, you can contact Dr. Manju Patidar (MBBS,DGO,FALS,FMAS) is the best Obstetrician Gynecologist In Indore and infertility specialist.
3. Take prenatal supplements
Pregnant women should be taking Iodine, folate, and Iron supplements throughout pregnancy. Eating a healthy diet is always a wise idea -- especially during pregnancy. Taking these supplements will lower the risk of a baby being with neural tube defects in the development of the brain and nervous system.
4. Get Vaccinated
Mothers who want to ensure they provide their baby with the best immunity should make sure they have all of their vaccinations up to date. a doctor should be notified right away because antibodies can lose their efficiency over time and as a result, one’s immunity will be compromised. Doctors will assure you when you have to get vaccinated on time.
Drink Alcohol
The Drug and Alcohol Foundation advises that there is no safe way of drinking during pregnancy. As a result, completely stopping drinking is the safest and healthiest option. Maintain a Healthy Diet During Pregnancy.
2. Smoke
Better Health Channel reports on the consequences of smoking during pregnancy which can include a high increased risk of the termination of pregnancy by way of an ectopic or miscarriage pregnancy. It can also result in premature births caused by a complication that prevents the mother from carrying her baby to term.
3. Consume Drugs
The consumptions of any drugs, including heroin, cocaine, cannabis as well as other substances used as drug substitutes (e.g. petrol, glues, or aerosols) can result in very poor foetal development, damage to the baby’s organs and very bad for the baby, damage to the placenta that can result in an unsuccessful pregnancy, increased risk of birth defects, miscarriage and premature labour; as well as causing very harmful to the mother.
Dr. Manju Patidar is an Infertility Specialist & Obstetrician, Gynecologist in Indore. She has 10 + years of experience in these fields. Dr. Manju Patidar practices at Sampat Clinic, Indore.
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drmanjupatidar · 3 years
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Stay hydrated
You will need more fluids during pregnancy as the blood volume boosts to help the oxygen and nutrient requirements of the fluids while plain water is the best way to hydrate. The changes in the body will increase the demand for fluid intake and you must drink 8 glasses of water in a day. You should consider having lots of water, juices, to remain hydrated at this time of pregnancy.
2. Eat Healthy Foods
Expectant mothers should maintain a healthy and well-balanced diet as this will ensure all the nutrients the baby needs are available and recommends increasing your calorie intake. making sure it is made up of dairy products, beans, sweet potatoes, eggs, berries, broccoli, lean meats, and avocados. Women who do not want children for the rest of their life can opt for tubal ligation. For more info, you can contact Dr. Manju Patidar (MBBS,DGO,FALS,FMAS) is the best Obstetrician Gynecologist In Indore and infertility specialist.
3. Take prenatal supplements
Pregnant women should be taking Iodine, folate, and Iron supplements throughout pregnancy. Eating a healthy diet is always a wise idea -- especially during pregnancy. Taking these supplements will lower the risk of a baby being with neural tube defects in the development of the brain and nervous system.
4. Get Vaccinated
Mothers who want to ensure they provide their baby with the best immunity should make sure they have all of their vaccinations up to date. a doctor should be notified right away because antibodies can lose their efficiency over time and as a result, one’s immunity will be compromised. Doctors will assure you when you have to get vaccinated on time.
Drink Alcohol
The Drug and Alcohol Foundation advises that there is no safe way of drinking during pregnancy. As a result, completely stopping drinking is the safest and healthiest option. Maintain a Healthy Diet During Pregnancy.
2. Smoke
Better Health Channel reports on the consequences of smoking during pregnancy which can include a high increased risk of the termination of pregnancy by way of an ectopic or miscarriage pregnancy. It can also result in premature births caused by a complication that prevents the mother from carrying her baby to term.
3. Consume Drugs
The consumptions of any drugs, including heroin, cocaine, cannabis as well as other substances used as drug substitutes (e.g. petrol, glues, or aerosols) can result in very poor fetal development, damage to the baby’s organs, and very bad for the baby, damage to the placenta that can result in an unsuccessful pregnancy, increased risk of birth defects, miscarriage and premature labor; as well as causing very harmful to the mother.
Dr. Manju Patidar is an Infertility Specialist & Obstetrician, Gynecologist in Indore. She has 10 + years of experience in these fields. Dr. Manju Patidar practices at Sampat Clinic, Indore.
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drmanjupatidar · 3 years
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drmanjupatidar · 3 years
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drmanjupatidar · 3 years
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drmanjupatidar · 3 years
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Dr. Manju Patidar is an Obstetrician, Infertility specialist & Gynecologist in Indore and has an experience of 10 years in these fields. Dr. Manju patidar practices at Sampat clinic in Telephone nagar square, Indore. She completed MBBS from GMC, Kota in 2006 and DGO from SSMC, Rewa in 2009. She is a member of Indian Menopause Society (IMS), Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI) and Indian Medical Association (IMA).
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