drmonikaagarwal · 2 years
Best Gynecologists in Siliguri
Dr. Monika Agarwal is one of the Best Gynaecologist in Siliguri, In addition to delivering infants, a gynaecologist may treat problems with the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts, as well as bowel, bladder, and urinary system illnesses, because these are all directly associated to the female reproductive organs.
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drmonikaagarwal · 3 years
Do You Feel Any Discomfort In Private Parts? Time To Consult With Your Gynaecologist
The term gynecology includes the treatment of female reproductive organs disorders such as pelvic pain, vaginal discomfort, breast lump or pain, painful cramps, menopause, pregnancy complication, menstrual irregularities, urine abnormalities.
With proper treatments and medications, the chances of gynecological complications can be resolved permanently. Take a medical consultation with your gyne doctors in Siliguri can improve your reproductive health much faster and also increase the chances to get pregnant.
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With untreated gynecological issues comes female infertility which is a complex process to diagnose at a severe condition. Whether it’s severe or chronic, every problem is treatable with the latest techniques and medical equipment; health treatments include pap tests, pelvic exams, cancer screening, and other tests.
Gynecological disorders in women are very common. Prepare a plan to consult with your gynecologist, if you have the following conditions such as:
        Hormonal imbalance
        Burning sensation during urination
        Excessive vaginal discharge
        Itching in the vaginal area
        Redness in the vaginal area
        Unpleasant odor in the vaginal area
        Painful intercourse
        Vaginal bleeding during sex
        Vaginal bleeding after sex
        Painful menstruation
        Absence of periods
        Uterine fibroids
        Polycystic ovarian syndrome
        Pelvic inflammatory disease
Prevent your infertility issues in advance before it's getting too late. As the latest study shows that the infertility issues in women are at the high pick aged between 35 to 40 years. Whether you have any minor or major issues, visiting your gynecologist doctor can prevent you to get affected by any health disorders.
Some gynecological problems if avoid untreated can lead to even cancer or create pregnancy complications. There is a link between gynecological problems and infertility as both are inter-connected health issues. As you are getting aged the risks of infertility are growing higher and create an obstruction to your pregnancy journey.
Don't allow gynecological issues and infertility to spoil your life due to
·        Excessive use of alcohol
·        Unlimited smoking
·        Eating disorders
·        Chronic diabetes
·        Being over-aged
·        Too much stress
·        Uncertain anxiety
·        Uncertain depression
·        Sleep disorder
·        Obesity
·        Underweight
·        Over Exercising
·        Radiation Therapy
·        Sexually Transmitted Diseases
During your visit, your doctor might ask about your lifestyle and want to know about any genetic disorders exist or not. Next, you will go for a proper diagnosis and after that as per your condition, your doctor will tell you which medical treatment is best suitable for you such as any changes in daily routine, medications, exercise, or any surgery.
If you want to avoid your doctor then try to maintain good healthy hygiene, daily exercise, and a well-balanced lifestyle as early as possible by encouraging yourself to fit and improve your overall health.
If you are all set to get pregnant or already pregnant then you can consult with your obstetrician doctor to prevent high-risk pregnancy issues. Visit your best gynaecologist & obstetrician doctors in Siliguri who are skilled specialists and provide the best prenatal medical care during high-risk pregnancy and childbirth cases.
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drmonikaagarwal · 3 years
Visit Your Best Gynaecologist To Avoid The Risks Of Gynecological Issues
Gynecological health is always a topic to concern about. For every woman, like all other body parts, reproductive parts are very crucial as they can affect your sex life due to the increase of uncertain diseases and pains. Maintain good personal hygiene might help you to reduce the risk to get affected by different gynecological problems.
For many women, it’s been a hard time to discuss these problems. But to get relief and get the best treatment on an immediate basis, visit your best gynaecologist in Siliguri and share everything that makes you discomfort. Not maintaining good personal hygiene properly often leads to cancer or life-threatening diseases.
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For every woman, pregnancy is a vital period. Therefore to conceive a healthy baby, you need to keep fit and healthy and also to avoid any sorts of risks that might be involved due to the reproductive process. To avoid any gynecological risks preventive care, monthly checkups, and self-care are equally important.
Many women open the doors of infertility by neglecting their bodies. Accept and respect the body are the only two words that can help women to get prevent gynecological issues. The negligences would cost many women either after marriage, for not getting pregnant, or later in their life during menopause.
Nowadays, consulting with doctors is very important to improve your reproductive health without any side effects. Few tests are needed to conduct physical exams such as:
        Ovulation Testing
        Imaging Tests
        Genetic Tests
        Ovarian Reserve Testing
        Thyroid and Pituitary Testing
Depending upon your situation, and checking other health issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, measuring your weight, and urine tests your gynecologist go for the suitable treatment method.
Consult with your doctor if you have or experience any of these problems such as heavy periods, pelvic pain, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, vaginal discharge, abnormal bleeding, vaginitis, absence of periods, and pain during sex. Among them, few symptoms can often indicate cervical cancers and might lead to infertility.
Apart from that, itching or redness in the vaginal area, breast pain, burning sensation during urination, increased vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, menstrual cramps or pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding during or after having sex, and painful intercourse is also the indication of gynecological problems that would affect in pregnancy period.
On the other hand, an obstetrician’s role is getting vital during high-risk pregnancy and childbirth. This condition involves when women are 35 to 40 years of age have a chronic health condition with multiple babies.
To avoid the risk of high pregnancy issues and most importantly it would be a great idea if you think about family planning, take a consultation with your obstetrician in Siliguri.
At this stage high-risk doctor i.e. obstetrician performs an ultrasound, lab testing, cervical length measurement, amniocentesis, and biophysical profile to provide specialized medical care.
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drmonikaagarwal · 3 years
How Effective It is to Prevent Unwanted Pregnancies?
The word pregnancy brings a stream of happiness for many, but the other side scenario is quite different and is not anticipated by all. Not everyone's happiness follows the same route. Sometimes unintended pregnancy puts them into an awkward, unprepared situation may lead them to rely on birth control pills and shot. Now, this is very much needed to know about the right practice for preventing unwanted pregnancies safely. Do visit Dr. Monika Agarwal, one of the leading gyne doctors in Siliguri.
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Table of contents
·       What is unwanted pregnancy
·       What is birth control and  how effective is it
What is unwanted pregnancy
Unwanted or unintended pregnancy refers to an unplanned pregnancy, sometimes people didn’t expect it to happen or sometimes parents do not want to have another one.
What is birth control and  how effective is it
Birth control is known as fertility control or contraception is the safest way to prevent unwanted pregnancy. It includes contraceptive pills, birth control shot, intrauterine devices, implants, condoms, etc.
Emergency contraception is taken by women also known as morning pills to prevent the body’s egg releasing capacity.
Not necessarily each birth control meds is going to be fruitful for you. Since these methods bring different impacts on the individual's body, one should consult her gynecologist before start taking any pills or shot.
Talk to your doctor. Consult Dr. Monika Agarwal for further inquiries, is one of the leading gyne doctors in Siliguri.
Permanent Method
If you’re looking for a permanent birth control method, you must know that it involves a surgical procedure for both men and women. Once this method is implanted, it can not be reversed. Take some before receiving this treatment. It includes:
·       Tubal Ligation: this surgical practice creates a permanent blockage in the fallopian tubes, takes about thirty minutes, is the most effective way of preventing unwanted pregnancy.
·       Vasectomy: This surgical procedure includes the methods of cutting, clogging, and tying the sperm-producing tubes.
Reversible Methods:
If you don’t want to go for a permanent birth control method, your gynecologist will suggest certain birth control pills such as combined pills and progestin-only birth control pills.
Also, you can place intrauterine devices into your uterus to prevent unintended pregnancy.
 visit an expert for receiving effective birth control treatment, get a consultation from Dr. Monika Agarawal regarded as one of the most successful gyne doctors in Siliguri, West Bengal.
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drmonikaagarwal · 3 years
How To Get Prepared For Your Baby’s Arrival?
It may appear to be your pregnancy will continue forever, but you will get to satisfy your new baby before you recognize it. In the meantime, cash in on the long wait to organize as best you'll for the changes ahead. A touch of advanced planning now will make it easier to relax and luxuriate in your pregnancy as your maturity nears. Consult the best gynaecologist in Siliguri.
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Helpful ways to organize for your baby's arrival
Helpful ways to organize for your baby's arrival
Take prenatal vitamins. Expectant mothers should add a minimum of 400 micrograms of vitamin B to their vitamin routine. Not only does it supply the baby with necessary nutrients within the early stages of pregnancy, but it can also prevent serious birth defects.
Take a hospital tour
Put your mind comfortable by taking a tour of your birthing centre. See the labour and delivery area, postpartum unit and newborn nursery. During your tour, you’ll even have the chance to ask staff members any unanswered questions you'll have.
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Learn about labour
The more you recognize about birth, the higher you’ll be at making informed decisions on how you’d wish to deliver your baby. you’ll be ready to choose what’s comfortable for you and your baby. you ought to also make time to attend a prenatal birth class together with your partner. There, you’ll study breathing techniques, pain management options, the stages of labour and therefore the sort of equipment used during labour. Consult the best best gynaecologist in Siliguri.
Discuss your health history and options together with your doctor
Your doctor is your most precious resource during this point in your life. no doubt is just too big or too small for them to deal with. First things first—you’ll get to discuss any pre-existing or chronic health conditions (ex. hypertension and diabetes) with them to form sure these are stabilized before pregnancy. Once you’re pregnant, they will assist you to choose delivery methods, whether to possess an epidural or not, and other methods to ease pain like hypnosis or breathing techniques. Your doctor will know what's available at your birthing centre and appropriate for your body and your baby.
Finalize your birthing plan
Once you’ve done your research and selected the sort of delivery you’d like, confirm to line up a birthing plan together with your doctor. confine mind, regardless of how well-thought-out a birth plan is, your little guy or girl may need other ideas of the way to inherit the planet. Babies don’t always stick with the birthing plan, so it’s best to expect and accept the unexpected.
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Pack your bags and pre-register
The absolute last item you’ll want to be doing when your water breaks are packing a bag so put aside your overnight necessities beforehand. You’ll also want to pre-register for your hospital stays.
Make movement a priority
Staying active can help your baby get within the right position for birth. Standing, walking, kneeling, slow dancing and squatting all allow the baby to manoeuvre down into your pelvis and into position. Exercise also can help manage stress during pregnancy.
While pregnancy is one of the foremost profound experiences of your life, it also can take a toll on your body and mind. Between the thrill, anticipation and nerves, you’re probably feeling a touch overwhelmed. Thankfully, there are many steps you'll fancy to ensure you’re as ready as possible for your bundle of joy to securely arrive. Consult with the best gynaecologist in Siliguri.
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drmonikaagarwal · 3 years
Fertility Care– It’s All About Being in Good Hands
Infertility is the unfortunate condition where a couple fails to conceive a child naturally. The good news is there are several advanced treatments available in the present day.  Infertility treatment can be physically and emotionally demanding because of the heavy investment made and the stress of conception comes naturally. So, it’s important to seek out a clinic and an IVF specialist in Siliguri that’s right for you. You can seek for advice about choosing an infertility specialist from near and around but you must ponder upon some points and do your own research before committing to a doctor and clinic.
Table of contents
·         How to select the best IVF specialist for you?
·        Questions to ask your doctor before going for IVF
·         Conclusion
How to select the best IVF specialist for you?
Infertility is more common than you think. You do not need to stress about the success of your IVF attempts. All you need to do is find the most suitable IVF specialist in Siliguri and more than half of your parenthood effort is done. Here are a few points to keep in mind while choosing the best IVF specialist for you.
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The clinic or hospital matter
There are many sorts of clinics that operate in several ways. for instance, some clinics are found out to cater specifically a certain infertility treatment, in order that they could also be more equipped for donor egg or sperm treatment and surrogacy. There also are low-cost clinics that provide limited treatments for people with a capped budget. If you would like to settle on one among these clinics, ask whether or not they offer treatments that will meet your medical needs and level of complexity.
Doctors who are also counsellors
As with any medical treatment, it’s important to seek out a doctor who causes you to feel comfortable. Infertility treatment is complex, so attempt to find a doctor who explains things well and who listens to you, so you are feeling truly informed.
Before committing to a doctor, you'll want to ask if they're going to be doing all of your consultations and procedures like egg pick-up procedures and embryo transfers. At some clinics there could also be a roster of doctors for procedures, so you'll see another doctor from time to time.
Experience and qualifications
Each of the specialists who are going to be a part of the treatment must have the specified skills and knowledge and knowledge within the industry.
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With the evolving world wide web, today there are many sources and sites online where you could check your doctor’s reviews and ratings. It is a reliable source and you can consider the feedbacks for making a decision.
Questions to ask your doctor before going for IVF
·         Are there lifestyle changes I can make to enhance my chance of a baby with or without IVF? (This applies to both men and women).
·         What are my individual chances of success and the number of cycles of IVF am I likely to wish to possess a baby?
The first most essential step is that the selection of the best IVF specialist in Siliguri. The IVF clinic is next. It is the place where all the treatment procedure will happen. Before visiting the infertility hospital, you've got to schedule a meeting with the doctor to form sure that he or she is conscious of the aim of your visit. The IVF specialist in Siliguri gives solutions to those people that are unable to achieve other sorts of infertility medication and technologies.
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drmonikaagarwal · 3 years
Nutrition in First Trimester Of Pregnancy
There are a lot of common misconceptions and beliefs around what to eat and what not to eat during pregnancy. Certain food and eating patterns can indeed affect the baby's development in the uterus. It is important for moms to know what is good for them or not during this period. Nutrient-rich foods are required for healthy growth and maintenance which is also focused on by the best gynecologist in Siliguri.
Table of content:
1. What should you eat during the first trimester?
2. Don’ts of nutrition during pregnancy
What should you eat during the first trimester?
Load yourself up with the 5 main nutrients- Folate, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, and Fiber
Folate is one of the most essential nutrients during the first six weeks of pregnancy. Folate is basically synthetic folic acid. This B vitamin can reduce the risks of neural-tube defects such as spina bafida. Beans, legumes, citrus fruits, green vegetables, and fish are good additions to your diet. Make sure your daily dose of calcium and iron is also adequate. Your requirement for zinc and fiber also increases so add whole grains, nuts, and fruits.
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Do eat in a variety
As important as nutrients are, the variety of food you eat introduces your baby to new tastes via the amniotic fluid. Bananas, carrots, blueberries, vegetables are all the kinds of things you can eat in this period.
Choose organic and local grown food
It is best to choose organic and locally grown stuff to avoid the consumption of pesticides in food and water. Fruits and vegetables with thin skin tend to have a high concentration of pesticide. It can be the cause of premature birth according to the best gynecologist in Siliguri.
Get your Omega-3 fatty acids
A diet rich in omega-3s can help boost your baby's neurological and brain development before birth and can have a better vision, memory, and language comprehension in their childhood. Flaxseed, walnuts, and eggs are good sources.
Food for your health
You may suffer from nausea or other issues during this period. Some foods that can help with such situations include ginger, peppermint, and lemon, cold foods like yogurt, smoothies, and frozen fruits.
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Don’ts of nutrition during pregnancy
Do not eat too much
A lot of women end up gaining a lot of weight during pregnancy which as stated by the best gynecologists in Siliguri can lead to the babies having a higher risk of obesity later in life. Keep a track of your weight and eat in an adequate amount for the two of you.
Do not overdose on carbs
Do not spike your glucose rise in the bloodstream with food like white bread, white rice, sweets which make your newborns prone to overweight.
Do not overlook food safety
Refrain from eating food that is raw, undercooked, or is leftover for a long time. This increases the risks of harmful bacteria like E. coli, Listeria, and Salmonella for you and your baby. Make sure to wash and heat anything before you eat to stay safe.
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Do not stay empty stomach for long
To let your baby receive the nutrients eat at frequent intervals and do not stay without eating for more than two to three hours. This also prevents you from getting lightheaded.
Do not dehydrate yourself
Hydration is essential at this time so drink a lot of fluids. This will keep you healthy and prevent headaches, kidney stones, and dizziness.
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drmonikaagarwal · 3 years
Female Sterilization
Female sterilization is a form of permanent birth control used by women. Gynaecologists in Siliguri provide surgeries and consultation for such procedures if you are looking for one. It is a little more complex than male sterilization procedures like a vasectomy. You require some knowledge about female sterilization processes or seek help from your gynaecologist in Siliguri. This article consists of all the necessary information you need to know about female sterilization.
Table of content:
1. What is female sterilization?
2. Difference between surgical and non-surgical sterilization
3. How is it performed?
4. Advantages and disadvantages
What is female sterilization?
Female sterilization refers to the operation carried out for the permanent prevention of pregnancy in women. The fallopian tubes are blocked or sealed to prevent the eggs from reaching the sperm and getting fertilized.
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Most women between the age group of 40-44 use female sterilization. If you do not want to get pregnant then this is a good option. It is mainly of two types: surgical and non-surgical sterilization.
Difference between surgical and non-surgical sterilization
Surgical sterilization: the surgical procedure of female sterilization is known as tubal ligation. In this, the fallopian tubes are cut or sealed. It is like getting tubes tied up together, hence, the name. The procedure is usually performed with the use of a minimally invasive surgery called laparoscopy.
Non-surgical sterilization: this uses devices that are placed in the fallopian tubes to seal them. The devices are inserted through the vagina and the uterus. The placement of these does not require an incision of any kind.
How is it performed?
The operation is done either in complete anesthesia wherein you will be completely unconscious or local anesthesia where you will be awake but unable to feel any pain. This depends on the kind of procedure the doctor will be following. The process of sealing off the fallopian tubes can be done in the following ways:
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·         Application of clips- plastic or titanium clamps are closed over the fallopian tube
·         Applying rings- a small loop of the fallopian tube is pulled through a silicon 4ring and then clamped shut
·         Tying, cutting, and then removing a small piece of the fallopian tube
These methods are extremely safe and done keeping the hygiene of the patients in mind as per the gynaecologists in Siliguri.
Advantages & disadvantages
There are a number of advantages and disadvantages of sterilization.
·         Female sterilization is more than 99% effective to prevent pregnancy
·         Blocking or removal of the fallopian tubes should be effective immediately but use contraceptive until your next period for extra precaution
·         It will not interfere with your sex drive
·         It does not affect hormone levels as well
·         It does not protect against STIs during sexual intercourse so the use of condom is still necessary
·         It cannot be easily reversed
·         It is a rare case scenario where the fallopian tubes may rejoin again and make the patient fertile again
·         There is a tiny risk of complication which include internal bleeding, infection, and damage to other organs
·         If you get pregnant even after the sterilization operation there is a chance of having an ectopic pregnancy. 
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drmonikaagarwal · 3 years
Twins Pregnancy
Being a mother is known to be one of the most wholesome feelings to humans. Pregnancy often raises a lot of curiosities and possibilities in our heads. Thinking of being pregnant with twins is one of them. If you think your pregnancy is a twin pregnancy, this article will talk about the symptoms of twin pregnancy and some basic information one should know during twin pregnancy.
Table of content:
1. How to find out if you’re pregnant with twins?
2. Symptoms of twin pregnancy
3. Tests, checks, and appointments during twin pregnancy
4. Health complication in twin pregnancy
5. Dietary habits during twin pregnancy
How to find out if you’re pregnant with twins?
If a woman has early and noticeable symptoms of pregnancy like nausea and vomiting, it is often suspected that she is going to have a twin pregnancy.
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Twin pregnancy is also suspected if you have had fertility treatment, especially if there has been a transfer of more than one embryo. When fertility drugs are used for pregnancy, twin pregnancy can occur.
The best way to be sure if you are pregnant with twins is to take an ultrasound test. This will clarify if you are having twins or any other multiples. The best time to have the USG is 10-12 weeks into pregnancy. This is the best time when the doctors can also say for sure how many placentas and fetuses there are. This information can also tell you if you have identical or fraternal twins. Hormone tests can also tell you if you are having a twin pregnancy.
Symptoms of twin pregnancy
Many women who have twin pregnancies realize that they have early and noticeable pregnancy symptoms like tiredness, emotional ups and downs, constipation, vomiting, and nausea.
Body changes in a woman during twin pregnancy are also more obvious than in a single pregnancy. If a woman is pregnant with twins she tends to gain more weight than one with single pregnancy (around 16-20kgs compared to 10-15kgs in a single child). Bloating, stretch marks, varicose veins are all more common in a way during twin pregnancy.
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Tests, checks, and appointments during twin pregnancy
Twin pregnancy means extra care needs to be taken which in turn means extra tests and check-ups. Twin pregnancy increases the number of ultrasounds for you. If you have twins with separate placentas, it’s generally recommended to have USGs at 12-12 weeks, 20 weeks, and four weeks before delivery.
Twins sharing a placenta make it a bit more complicated and that is when the ultrasounds are also more frequent and in shorter intervals.
Twin pregnancy also leads to more number of antenatal appointments. These are a good way to keep your lifestyle and health support in a check as well. Gynaecologists in Siliguri are well aware of this and make sure the patients have to visit for regular checks and tests.
Health complication in twin pregnancy
Women with twin pregnancies tend to be more prone to pregnancy-related health problems like pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, premature labor, and bleeding.
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Twins sharing a placenta might have some extra problems. Sometimes their blood supply is shared unequally, which can cause issues for the twins. If the placenta is unequally shared means that one of the babies does not get enough nutrients to grow well which poses another threat.
These complications cannot be avoided but can be reduced with proper care and consultation. Gynaecologists in Siliguri are known for their assistance and intensive care to their patients during pregnancy.
Dietary habits during twin pregnancy
Healthy eating during this time means having the right amount of proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
When you are pregnant with twins you are advised to have a balanced diet and keep the nutrition level high.
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drmonikaagarwal · 3 years
From Puberty Through Pregnancy During Menopause
A woman body changes throughout her life depending on the reproductive cycle. This reproductive cycle begins with menstruation and ends with menopause. Understanding the changes in women’s life stages start with a basic knowledge of biology. Each month a woman’s body releases an egg from the body during ovulation. This egg then travels down to the fallopian tube, where it may be fertilized by a sperm. If the egg is fertilized, the embryo is then implanted in the lining of the uterus resulting in a pregnancy. If not, the egg and the lining of the uterus are shed during menstruation. This cycle continues until the point of pre-menopause, following which the body prepares for its natural transition into menopause. Obstetrician in Siliguri helps you know more about this process.
Table of contents:
1.       Puberty
2.       Fertility and Pregnancy
3.       Menopause Puberty
Puberty initiates a series of hormonal changes in a girl’s body and brain. Although, most people chalk up puberty as an incident that is marked by the first menstrual period, but in fact the term is used as a blanket term for the entire development process leading to reproductive and sexual maturity.
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The physical signs that indicate puberty changes include accelerated growth, breast development, pubic and axillary hair growth, and the body odor that is a result of the activation of apocrine glands in those areas. The first period may usually occur near the end of this process. The entire puberty progression usually takes about four to five years. Everyone develops differently; some girls develop at a faster or a slower rate.
Fertility and Pregnancy
Once a female reaches physical maturity, she is then able to conceive. Most women at this stage use birth control methods to avoid unnecessary pregnancy issues. If you are considering using birth control, there are a variety of options available. The most common ones are over-the-counter birth control products to intrauterine, implantable, or prescription contraceptives.  Consider your lifestyle, personal preferences and health status before settling on the best birth control method for you.
Obstetrics is the medical specialty that provides special care to women who are going through a pregnancy, childbirth and after childbirth. An obstetrician in Siliguri can get you started on a pregnancy plan that will be of utmost benefit to you and your unborn child. They can also be there to guide and counsel you throughout the 9-month journey and after.
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Menopause is a natural biological process in a woman's life when the regular periods stop as the ovaries stop producing estrogen. In most cases, menopause does not happen instantly or overnight.  It is a gradual process and most women reach menopause between the ages of 45 and 55 with the average age being around 50. The age that you reach menopause in depends on the individual body development and hormone levels. Around the time that you reach menopause, the production of hormones by the ovaries begins to slow down and hormone levels fluctuate.
Dr. Monica Agarwal is one of the finest obstetricians in Siliguri.
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drmonikaagarwal · 3 years
10 Important Questions To Ask A Gynecologist
Discussing your privates with another person can sound uncomfortable and you may be worried about what to say during your visits. Don’t worry, gyne doctors in Siliguri are trained to discuss all these questions and not any question is too far.  Here are 10 important questions that you need to ask your gynecologist at your next visit.
Table of contents:
1.       How do I perform a proper breast self-exam?
2.       Why am I itchy down there?
3.       Is sex safe during my period?
4.       What’s the right method of birth control for me?
5.       Why is it painful when I have sex?
6.       Are recurring yeast infections and/or UTIs normal?
7.       What’s normal when it comes to vaginal discharge?
8.       Can I get pimples on my vagina?
9.       Why is my sexual libido low?
10.   Is it normal for PMS to cause depression or intense irritability?
How do I perform a proper breast self-exam?
Your doctor will demonstrate how to do a self-exam, discuss any particular issues you might have and guide you in what to feel for.      
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Why am I itchy down there?
Itching in the vagina could be a sign for an STD, yeast infection or simply just tight pants. If the itching persists even after a shower, you should bring it up with your doctor.
Is sex safe during my period?
You might feel like you want to get physical during your periods, but may be wondering if it is safe. If there are no other factors, there is no medical reason you need to refrain from sex.  
What is  the right method of birth control?
Given the numerous options of birth control in the market, you might be wondering which the right one is for. You can also discuss related questions about any hormonal implications, how IUD’s work, and more.
Why is it painful when I have sex?
There are many reasons as to why sex might be painful for you. The most common ones are infections, lack of lubrication, hormonal changes, and side effects of medications. Gynecological changes that are not expected or normal, such as vulvar skin changes may also be the reason why sex can be painful.
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Are recurring yeast infections and/or UTIs normal?
Experiencing recurring yeast infections after every period and UTI’s after every sexual encounter are not normal. If the situation persists even after taking over the counter antibiotics, it is best to bring it up with your gynecologist.
What’s normal when it comes to vaginal discharge?
Clear or milky-looking discharge is completely normal and is no cause for you to be concerned. An unusually high volume or changes in color or odor of the discharge could be signs of an infection.
Can I get pimples on my vagina?
The vagina also has sweat glands and hair follicles that, like the face, are prone to dirt buildup. Clean the area before hair removal and exfoliate after to prevent acne and ingrown hair.
Why is my sexual libido low?
Stress from balancing work and family commitments, medications like antidepressants and birth control and hormonal changes could be some of the causes for your low libido.
Is it normal to have depression or intense irritability during PMS?
Extreme depression, fits of anger and overwhelming anxiety are commonly associated with PMS. If these emotional changes continue beyond your period then you should contact you gyne doctor in Siliguri.
Dr. Monica Agarwal is one of the elite gyne doctors in Siliguri.
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drmonikaagarwal · 3 years
What Are The Common Causes Of Infertility?
Female infertility is condition that is more common than we are led to believe. There are many possible factors that could cause infertility in women. Some women may even deal with more than one at the same time.  A patient may have problems conceiving entirely or may be dealing with recurrent pregnancy loss.  An IVF specialist in Siliguri can help you treat your infertility and start a family.
Table of contents:
1.       Lifestyle factors
2.       Tubal disease
3.       Endometriosis
4.       Increased female age
Listed below are some of the possible causes of infertility suggested by an IVF Specialist in Siliguri.
Increased female age
The odds of achieving a pregnancy declines sharply after the woman reaches the age of 35. By the time she reaches 40, the quality of her remaining eggs is reduced and the chances of conception are low even though she may be menstruating normally. This factor plays a crucial role not only in normal conception but also in IVF. 
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There are a variety of tests that can be conducted to give a better prediction of ovarian reserve than age alone. Anovulation is caused predominantly by ovarian scarring and premature menopause can also result in failure to ovulate.
Tubal disease
Encompassing everything from mild adhesions to complete blockage of the fallopian tubes, there are a number of things that prevents fertilized eggs from travelling from the site of fertilization to the uterus. Or it may prevent the sperm from reaching the egg. These factors prevent normal uterine implantation from occurring. The main causes of tubal infertility are pelvic infections are caused by bacteria such as chlamydia. Other possible causes for tubal diseases may include previous abdominal disease or surgery and ectopic pregnancy.
Endometriosis is a condition that is characterized by the excessive growth of the lining of the uterus. In such conditions these endometrial cells can extend as far as the outside of the fallopian tubes, the ovaries and the bladder. This happens because they respond to the hormones in the same manner as they would in the uterus that is by growing and shedding according to the cycle. Endometriosis can be the cause for both fallopian tube and ovarian scarring.
Lifestyle factors
Smoking has a big impact on female fertility just as it does on male fertility. Women who have a history of smoking are more prone to suffering from a miscarriage. Recreational drugs such as marijuana and consumption of alcohol can also lower your odds of conception. 
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Additionally, women who are underweight or overweight may also have issues with fertility. Birth control pills interfere with the body’s normal hormone production; therefore, women who have been using birth control pills for a long period of time might also struggle with the conception of a child.
Dr. Monica Agarwal is one of the most celebrated and recommended gynecologist and obstetrician. She is also one of the finest IVF Specialist in Siliguri. With 21 years of experience under her belt, her experience in the field in unparalled.  Her experience and expertise is why her patients put their faith in her to receive the best care.
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