dropdeadgxrgeous · 6 months
Vespa Starlin (🐝)
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General Bio
Name: Vespa Starlin
Nicknames/Aliases: None, currently
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 16
Birthday: November 2nd (Scorpio)
Species: Wasp Girl (Arthropodian)
Parent: Janice Starlin (Mother)
Siblings: None
Pet: Suzette (Black-Eyed Susan)
Nationality: Scaremerican (American)
Occupation: Student at Monster High, Amateur makeup maker
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Voice Claim: Candace Flynn (Ashley Tisdale)
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Killer Style: "Fashion trends may come and go, but you cannot separate me from that classic fifties style. And no self-respecting wasp is complete without her stripes."
Favorite Activity: "I find something fascinating about my own makeup from scratch. It may be amateur work for now, but once I get my business wings, my products will be flying off the shelves!"
Pet Peeve: "Criticizing others' appearances for things they cannot control. As much as I hate to admit it, makeup cannot fix everything…"
Favorite Subject: "For my field of expertise, there are no classes better than Mad Science, Fierce Fashion 101, and Drama."
Least Favorite Subject: "Swimming, it ruins my make-up, and I have to wait for my wings to dry afterward."
Favorite Color: "Yellow and Black"
Favorite Food: "As uncouth as it sounds, I enjoy diner foods. Club sandwiches, milkshakes, french fries, the works. And I can’t forget a nice slice of honey pie."
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Vespa cares a lot about physical appearances, both of her own and of others. She also tends to be an attention seeker and can become dependent on the opinions of others, to the point where it can become an obsession. It’s likely this stems from her mother, who, as a worker for a cosmetic company, was focused and criticized a lot on physical looks.
That’s not to say Vespa doesn’t have her good points. She is generous and willing to help others should the need arise (especially if it’s makeup or fashion related) and cares a lot for her girlfriend Selene. And as superficial as she can be, she has standards, as she dislikes the criticism of others' appearances based on things they cannot control. She is also ambitious and passionate, planning to one day create her own cosmetics company.
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As a wasp humanoid, Vespa can fly thanks to the wings on her back.
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Vespa has great skill with make-up, and even makes her own.
While her expertise is focused mostly on cosmetics, she also has a good amount of knowledge in the world of fashion.
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Fun Facts
Vespa is a lesbian and is dating Selene Wicked (OC). She was afraid to make it public because she doesn’t want her mother to know (because 1950’s), thankfully her mother is accepting once it does come out.
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dropdeadgxrgeous · 6 months
Qi Yewan (🌙)
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General Bio
Names: Qi Yewan (Yewan Qi in western languages)
Nicknames/Aliases: None, currently
Gender: Female (She/her)
Age: 16
Birthday: March 7th (Pisces)
Species: Jiangshi (Chinese Hopping Vampire)
Parents: Unnamed mother and father
Siblings: None
Pet: Po (Crane)
Nationality: Chinese (specifically from Booxi (Wuxi)
Occupation: Student at Monster High, Student Council Member
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Dark Purple
Voice Claim: Tine from Fire Emblem (Courtney Lin)
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Killer Style: "Dresses and skirts made of silk (preferably with long sleeves), some platform shoes, and a nice hat to complete the look. That's the formula I use when picking my outfits."
Favorite Activity: "My legs may not work well, but I work well with my hands, which makes up for it. So I find hands-on activities to be very enjoyable such as board games and zhezhi (that's origami, zhezhi is what it's called in china.). My favorite activity would have to be painting and pottery, both are so relaxing to do and so pretty to look at once it's done."
Pet Peeve: "Monsters who exploit other peoples problems or weaknesses to make themselves look better, the difference between altruism and self-righteousness is almost as clear as night and day. On a somewhat lighter note, some monsters think it's funny to try and trip me while I'm in the halls...it's not, I'm not a prop for your slapstick comedy."
Favorite Subject: "Painting and Sculpting. My Shui Mo Hua (that means "ink wash painting") style and intricate pottery designs have astonished both teachers and classmates."
Least Favorite Subject: "Dance...doesn't take a genius to figure out why..."
Favorite Color: "Royal Blue, Gold, and Purple"
Favorite Food: "Zongzi. Glutinous rice dumplings filled with adzuki sweet bean paste, mmm!...Did I ever tell you I have quite the sweet fang?"
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Qí has a diligent, polite, and overall sweet personality. She is responsible, a good listener, and always looks out for other peoples best interests, doing her best to make sure others needs are met with the utmost efficiency. It is these traits that allowed her to be a member of the student council*. Qí is also introspective, having a good amount of self-awareness about her thoughts, actions, and ideals.
On the other hand, she is rather unconfident and insecure about herself, especially regarding her appearance in mirrors (so much that she's scared of her own reflection) and her condition (not being able to walk) makes her feel isolated from the others sometimes. She also pretty submissive when it comes to the demands and wills of others, almost never being rebellious and often caving into others requests, even if it's detrimental to her.
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Life-Force Absorption
Like all Jiangshi, Qí can absorb peoples life force through her fingers, known as their "Chi". Which is similar to how Vampires suck blood from their victims. However, she isn't often shown using this ability, as she considers it "a bit barbaric" 
Enhanced Senses
As with all Jiangshi, Qí can detect someone's presence just by the energy fluctuations in their breath, making it hard to surprise or sneak up on her unless they hold their breath.
Prehensile Tongue
Qí has a long tongue she can stretch and retract, she can it use to grab things
Like all Jiangshi, which are undead, she is immortal
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Artistic Skills
Qí is very proficient in art, both in painting and pottery/ceramics to be exact. Her style of painting is referred to as "Shui Mo Hua", which is a type of Chinese ink brush painting that uses black ink and water.
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Fun Facts
She shares a voice actress with G3 Draculaura
Her favorite food being Zongzi is based on two weaknesses of the Jiangshi: Glutinous rice and adzuki beans.
She is part of Monster High's student council
While Qi usually hops to get around, she does sometimes use bamboo crutches.
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dropdeadgxrgeous · 6 months
Kristal Yuletide (🔔)
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General Bio
Name: Kristal Yuletide
Nicknames/Aliases: "Kris"
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 15
Birthday: December 5th (Krampusnacht, Sagittarius)
Species: Demon
Parents: Krampus (Father), Unnamed Mother (Deceased)
Siblings: None
Pet: Noel (Reindeer)
Nationality: German
Occupation: Student at Monster High, Babysitter
Eye Color: Red (with yellow sclerae)
Hair Color: Black
Voice Claim: Pauline (Kate Higgins)
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Killer Style: "There are two elements that go into a Yuletide outfit: Fur and velvet! It's cozy, festive, and fashionable, win-win! I'll let you on a little secret: I also have a soft spot for sweaters, including the "ugly" ones."
Favorite Activity: "Ever since I was young, I always had a passion for caroling, going door to door and spreading holiday cheer is just the best! Other than that, I take much joy in planning Christmas parties for my friends, I can already imagine the fun we'll have before the party even starts!"
Pet Peeve: "All those scrooges during the holiday season, those that lack the holiday cheer. Though, they don't really make me mad, just upset. Like, something awful must have happened to make someone so angry and mellow during the jolliest time of the year."
Favorite Subject: "Music and Singing! Though Skullinary Arts is right up there too, because I love to cook and bake, especially cookies!"
Least Favorite Subject: "This may come as a surprise, but I do not like Physical Deaducation, I was never really the athletic type."
Favorite Color: "Red and green! But I shan't forget gold, white ,and brown too, all of them just scream the Christmas season."
Favorite Food: "Gingerbread cookies with peppermint icing, smells just as good as it tastes! Even better with a side of 'nog (without the "extra kick" of course, Dad says I'm not old enough for that yet)"
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Despite the negative circumstances regarding the death of her mother and her father's job, she is bright, cheery, and jolly. She loves to spread holiday cheer and happiness towards others whether it be through singing, sharing baked goods, or throwing Christmas parties. She's also kind and generous to others, even to humans. And despite the nature of her father's duty, she's actually really good with children, acting very motherly towards them, to the point where she is a heavily sought-after babysitter. She also has a strong sense of right and wrong (albeit it being rather black and white), as she will always be the first to call out behavior that is seen as reprehensible.
However, even the holly and jolly have their flaws. Kristal's cheerfulness can cross the line into becoming annoying, even if she never intended to be so. As mentioned before, her views on morality is black-and-white, she believes that every decision and action is either "naughty" or "nice", and there is rarely room for an in-between. She can also get pretty upset rather quickly when she makes mistakes or if things don't go according to plan. Her love for Christmas can also be a bit obsessive.
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As she is a demon, she is immortal
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Musical Talents
Kristal is musically talented, ever since she was pretty young she had a knack for singing, starting with her caroling during the holiday season. She also has fondness for and is seen using bells, mainly hand bells.
Cooking and Baking
Kristal loves to bake things such as gingerbread cookies, yule log cake, turkey, and mince pies, among other things. She excels in Skullinary Arts because of this, and even cooks the food for her own parties.
In contrast to her father's job, Kristal has a side job as a babysitter, she is often sought-after by other monsters whenever she's open for business, as she's really good with children.
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Fun Facts
She is a fan of Mariah Scarey (Mariah Carey)
She shares a voice actress with G1 Frankie Stein, Catrine DeMew, Iris Clops, and Lilith Van Hellscream.
She has always wanted to meet Santa, as her father would often tell her of the times he worked with him.
Krampus used to take some pleasure in his job, but once he had Kristal, he started to hate it, he only does the job because he has to, and so that Kristal wouldn't be alone. In fact, he actually dotes on her, since he doesn't want his child to grow up miserable and feeling unloved due to the dead mom thing (she died from an illness when Kristal was very young) and the nature of his job.
Her name was originally going to be "Greta". This was changed to "Kristal" as "Kristal" starts with a K like her father, and it also has "Kris" in the name, as in "Kris Kringle", one of Santa's various names.
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dropdeadgxrgeous · 6 months
All muses are listed in alphabetical (also I have way more OC's than this but these are the ones I having musing for at the moment)
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Kristal Yuletide Daughter of Krampus
Minerva Greymatter Daughter of the Brain-Eating Meteor
Qi Yewan Daughter of a Jiangshi
Riley Innsmouth Daughter of an Eldritch Horror
Vespa Starlin Daughter of The Wasp Woman
Viris Wideweb Daughter of a Spyder
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dropdeadgxrgeous · 1 year
Quick but Important Announcement!
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All of my RP blogs have now switched main blogs!
So what does that mean? Well, I now have a new hub blog, and it's not just another sideblog no, no, no. It's a new primary blog! So now I'll be able to send asks, comment, reply, message, and follow blogs through that blog instead of my personal one!
Now the the RP blogs will still be sideblogs, but now they will be attached to a new primary blog!
I have also updated my rules document to let those who see it know about the blog.
Hub blog is @rpsuperhighway!
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dropdeadgxrgeous · 1 year
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🔥 I don't want to set the world on fire...
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Indie, semi-selective, dual-muse, semi-canon divergent RP/Ask Blog starring a couple who are not all they appear to be: Blaze Thorburn (OC) and Kenji Sakubara (Aka Senpai). Oh and activity will be pretty sporadic, that too.
Due to topics like violence, blood, swearing, and mentions of bullying, this blog will be 18+ , no minors allowed.
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I just want to start a flame in your heart~ 🌹
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dropdeadgxrgeous · 2 years
"Especially for a school that's been around for...2000 years or so." Frankie commented, taking a second to remember how long it's been since the school was established.
"I'm sure if you get lost the teachers will understand since you're new...well, most of them at least." they said that last part with a bit of hesitation, some teachers were less strict than others, that's for certain. And speaking of teachers...
"Mr. Rotter. That means your first class is Dead Languages. Room 125."
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"He's a great teacher, just as long as you follow his rules...he's quite a stickler for order in his class. Oh, and don't fret if he says "I don't give A's", it's usually a dead promise as long as you do well enough on the assignments."
“Well that’s convenient.” Marie grinned over at Frankie. “Thanks, I appreciate it. Yeah, I got it before school started-my parents insisted on picking it up themselves and going through it.” She laughed. “But first class, let’s see...” She pulled a piece of paper out of a binder she was carrying. “Oh, here it is. Mr. Rotter. “
“But yeah, I imagine once you know where you’re going, it makes a ton of difference. I suppose if I get lost in the meantime, I can always pretend to be wise and say ‘Not all who wander are lost’....but then I might be late for my next class.” As they walked, Marie glanced around at their surroundings. “I guess it is pretty impressive, all things considered.”
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dropdeadgxrgeous · 2 years
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"Of course! Come with me, I know this school like the back of my stiches" They gestured Marie to come with them through the open doors into the grand halls of Monster High.
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"This school can feel like a maze sometimes, especially when you're new. Believe me, I would know. But once you get used to it, navigation becomes SO much easier." "
"Speaking of, you got your class schedule before school started, right? You know who you got for your first class? Mr. Hack? Mr. Rotter?"
“Oh, hey.” Marie looked up from her ICoffin. “Yeah, it is. My parents told me this place was big, but I didn’t realize how big. Oh well-I’ll be fine, I think. I’m actually a little disappointed that my friend Mia couldn’t join me for a scaremester at least, but her dad is a coach at another school and he’s pretty protective. I’m sure I’ll make some friends though, and I’ll call and tell her all about it afterwards. I don’t suppose I could get some help finding my first class and stuff?”
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dropdeadgxrgeous · 2 years
A new scaremester meant new students, and of course, Frankie was very excited to meet new friends/classmates. After all, they knew what it was like to be “The New Kid” firsthand, so if there was any ghoul fit for the job of welcoming the new kids in, it was them.
As the students approached the big wide doors of the castle-like school, they noticed a new face among the slew of familiar ones.
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“Hi, I’m Frankie! This your first day at Monster High?”
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dropdeadgxrgeous · 2 years
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Quick update, I changed Frankie's gender and pronouns. They are now nonbinary and go by the they/them pronouns since they’re confirmed to be Nonbinary in G3.
I know this blog and I myself in general stick to G1 continuity, however, I do feel like the idea of them being nonbinary is pretty cool.
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dropdeadgxrgeous · 2 years
Blog Lore
This is lore stuff pertaining to the blog, 'nuff said. Basically used to explain stuff that happens in the threads and whatnot.
Human-Monster Exchange Program
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dropdeadgxrgeous · 2 years
Blog Lore: Monster-Human Exchange Program
[Aka an excuse for the ghouls to interact with human muses who are in high school settings.]
After the success of the merge of Belfry Prep and Crescent Moon High to Monster High, the Board of Deducation have decided to work with human schools to create an opportunity for monsters and humans to coexist with each other. Although it was risky, and the incidents regarding the Hellscream and the "Trick or Treatment" left some bruises, they eventually executed their idea in the Monster-Human Exchange Program.
Basically, both parties sign up for a school of their choosing to spend a scaremester (semester) in, humans go to monster schools, and monsters go to human schools. It isn't just limited to schools within the country either, like the Monster Exchange Program, the students can also choose to spend a semester abroad in a different country.
The major rule of the program is that the school the exchange student is in is liable for any and all race/species related harassment and attacks towards them, the offending party will also be held responsible for their action.
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dropdeadgxrgeous · 2 years
Cookie run verses have been added for the ghouls, and will be made for any future muses.
Similar to the Sonic and Disney crossover events for CRK. The cookie versions of the ghouls all go by "*their name* Cookie". So Frankie Stein is "Frankie Stein Cookie" (Frankie Cookie for short), Draculaura is Draculaura Cookie, etc.
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dropdeadgxrgeous · 2 years
Doesn’t matter if we’ve never interacted, if we’ve interacted once, or a BILLION times. Doesn’t matter if we have zero threads or FIVE BILLION. 
ALWAYS feel free to spam my ask box with in character asks, questions, or starters. 
ALWAYS feel free to spam my inbox with ask box memes!
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in memes.
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in quizzes. 
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in posts you want me to see!
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in posts that remind you of me/my muse.
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in stuff, period! 
ALWAYS feel free to start an interaction with my muse!
ALWAYS feel free to suggest a plot for our muses. 
ALWAYS feel free to send me an OOC message in DMs or in Asks.
I LOVE that stuff. YOU’RE NOT BEING ANNOYING. IT MAKES MY DAY. Talk to me! I love it! :D 
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dropdeadgxrgeous · 2 years
Reblog this if your blog is fandom and politics/current events discourse free.
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dropdeadgxrgeous · 2 years
𝑝𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑐 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 ; multimuse blogs 
- don’t feel nervous about wanting to interact with a specific muse: if you’ve got an idea, we’d love to hear it  - most people with multimuses are pretty comfortable with having multiple interactions, so if you do want more than one muse, you can do that, too - sometimes one muse is louder than another but that doesn’t mean they won’t get around to you when theirs comes around  - multimuses often also have a lot of fandoms, which means lots of alternate verses too, so even if you like a character from a different fandom you might find a new crossover you never expected 
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dropdeadgxrgeous · 2 years
Ghoul kids rule!
(Thank you for reading my rules! Glad to have you here!)
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