drreaganridley · 2 years
actually personal nsft stuff right off the bat bc im insane
this blog might have been made so i can talk about getting fucked by my boyfriend maybe so maybe it is maybe so m-
anyway getting railed and then eaten out >>>>>> 
Brett may be a bottom but hes sure as a hell a service bottom and for that i am winning
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drreaganridley · 2 years
Brett 10000000% gets pegged. Listen. LISTEN. He’s such a sweetie and I love him but guys like that are so fucking easy to dominate. He gets off on you calling him things like slut/whore/etc while you fucking pound his ass with your strap-on, I’m SURE of it
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nsft obviously!! Minors DNI
Honestly I feel like he enjoys praise more than being demeaned? He craves validation + adoration so much that it feels so natural tbh
COMBOS THO?? THAT absolutely slaps - stuff like ‘pretty little slut’ and the like, where it’s a compliment w/ an absolutely filthy insult? <3 he eats that shit up!!
it feels <3 so validating and also shameful? a very complicated mix of feelings that he absolutely <3 loves
He can’t help how much he shakes!! he really doesn’t mean for his legs to do that, it’s just what his body does <3
Just,, a constant rhythm of whine, gasp, whine, gasp - like a metronome.
he arches up into every touch. Every touch. Even if you’re just cupping his cheek, or brushing his hair out of his eyes, he’s chasing after it.
Your chest pressed close to his face, while you slowly roll your hips? he may infact just die
he doesn’t care that you’re dating he feels so shy about looking at them
still gonna bury his face in them when he gets too loud <3
He really tries to be gentle with you but Jesus does he squeeze your hands when he gets close.
His orgasm is less One Big Thing, and more of a very drawn out thing? Sometimes it’s hard to tell when he starts cumming, because he’ll be dribbling all over himself no matter what.
You can usually tell though, because language just kinda Stops??
Like usually there’s a lot of very distinct pleads for something specific, but when he’s cumming?
Listen he’s gonna do his best to use words but it’s mostly just gonna be moaning and crying smnds
he has a habit of crying during sex!! it’s not that he’s not enjoying himself - he just gets overwhelmed easily, and can’t always find the words to tell you how good it feels!!
Afterwards he’s absolute putty in your hands <3 staring up all bleary at you like you’re heaven on earth, vaguely saying words that might be thank-you? Idk you dont really care <3 he looks pretty and satisfied and tbh that’s all that matters
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drreaganridley · 2 years
You think I could get Brett and Andre (separately) x eating out (gender neutral) reader 🥺👉👈
nsft below!! MINORS GO AWAY
He gets into it
Sloppy movements. Tbh he’s just going through the motions of it and savouring the taste + smell. His hands are excitedly exploring your thighs and stomach!! Expect to be yanked closer.
Just,, the wettest noises. He’s quite literally drooling with excitement - your thighs are gonna be coated, his chin, his neck + shirt, etc. Its hard to tell whats his lips and what’s tongue bc of how slick everything is.
He doesn’t care if his face is soaked - in fact he quite likes it. You can feel him grinning and giggling when you drip on his tongue.
He makes it his own personal goal to get you as loud as humanly possible smdns. If you aren’t crushing him with your thighs when you cum, he clearly hasn’t been working hard enough
He might even offer you to sit on his face, if he’s really getting worked up. You’ll get a perfect view of him wriggling his hips against the air <3
When he notices you getting close? Just the most excited laugh. 
He’s not very strong, but he’s got enough to keep your thighs pinned to the bed. AWOOGA AWOOGA BOIOIOING 
He’s gonna work you alllll the way through it - he may be a tease, but he’s not gonna mess around when you’re close <3
He’ll work you through, until you’re just,, a puddle on the bed. His face makes an audible noise when he comes up <3 
His hair is a complete mess, he’s bright red from lack of oxygen, and he has the sweetest punch-drunk grin on his face <3
Really gentle?? and slow? a little hesitant as he tries to get a hang of things. He definitely gets more confident as it goes - he’s a fast learner!!
Lots of very slow, dragging movements - it’s hard to tell whats a kiss an whats him licking?
His movements are pretty controlled though!! He might get a bit sloppier if he’s Getting Really Into It, but he TR I ES to stay focused!!
He cannot stay quiet for the life of him. Hearing you moan makes him moan <3 gives you a bunch of very nice vibrations!!
He holds your hand and looks up at you the whole time <3 he’s searching for approval + gauging your reactions!! he wants to make sure he’s doing everything right <3 WEEPING SOBBING IM GOING TO KISS HIM
Not just bc,, it assuages his worries, but this man has a The Praise Kink Of All Praise Kinks (tm) and that’s gonna drive him stupid.
(TIP - keep a leg in a position that,, he can angle his body against. Brett gets very,, worked up seeing you like this!! <3 his hands are gonna be occupied, so maybe.. offer him smth to grind against !! <3)
He’s absolutely still gonna cum in his pants by the end of it, but it’ll be a lot more satisfying for him if he has some friction!!
Eye contact!! He never wants to be looking away from you <3 not only ti make sure Everything Is Good, but also bc,, <3 he really likes seeing you feel good?
When you get close <3 his hands slip up to hold yours? or at the least to rub along your sides!! Just smth to remind you that he’s there!!
He’s shaking like a leaf after - once his face is all clean, he’s definitely gonna stumble his way up for kisses and cuddles <3 get you some water + clean your thighs off if he made a mess!! CONSIDERATE MAN <3
aaaaa this was so fun to write!! LMK WHAT YALL THINK, ANY OTHER IDEAS, ETC.
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drreaganridley · 2 years
Just got a fantastic suggestion from a lovely pal that I think will be a great kickstarter to this blog :p
Okay I got permission to out you @nfxtuated enjoy this :p
Nsft below <3
“Using a remote control vibrator/sex toy on the gang in the middle of a meeting”
Yeah, she would 100% be an awkward mess during this, I’m sure
Especially considering this is her meeting. That she called. To talk to the entire group about some pressing matters and a new mission
Oh boy
How you managed to get her to agree to it, nobody really knows
But she did, and so she had to try and tough it through the meeting while you lounged off to the side, being a smug little shit with the vibrator controls pulled up on your phone
She’s not awful at hiding it, mind you; she’s pretty decent at acting like nothing is going on, actually, but you definitely could catch her off guard
The way she suddenly lurches forward when you decide to jump the settings after having them on low for a while? The glare she sends you while she tries to awkwardly laugh it off is so worth it
Just spend the entire time edging her, please
It drives her up the fucking wall and you could practically feel the frustration rolling off of her in waves
(Don’t be put off by all the glaring and looks you get though; she wouldn’t easily admit it but fuck if she wasn’t actually enjoying it)
She ends up sorta rushing through the end and wrapping things up
While you kept the vibrator on high
She fucking drags you out of the room the second she can and yeah, you’re in for a hell of a night; especially when you just grin and fuck with the settings again, possibly setting her over the edge
There’s no way in hell she’s letting you get away with that without retaliating >;)
He’s actually the one who was interested in trying out the toy, but when you bring up using it during the meeting? Dear lord
He’s down without much if any hesitation, that’s for fucking sure
Mans is very lucky that the attention is on Reagan for the meeting (that or on that gang’s phones as they pay no attention what-so-ever lmao)
This isn’t anything super crazy considering just how many out of pocket things he’s done and dealt with through all his hazing, but it def still gets to him
Mainly because it’s you doing it to him, really
He’s a bit of a squirmer, definity, and chews on his lip a lot when you change things up on him
It helps him fight making noise, especially when you push the settings at random intervals (mostly when you notice him getting too relaxed)
It’s especially fun when you sit right next to him and are able to watch him squeeze his thighs together and shuffle around in his seat, restless as all hell but trying way too hard not to let anyone in on the know
Does he cum in his pants? Probably, yeah
But don’t worry, feel free to keep it up! His wide eyed look when you grin at him is too perfect to pass up
This ends up being something you try again. Probably several times
Would love to try it on you in turn
Honestly? Between the two of you it was probably a mutual idea, really
Could see it as a sort of competition, trying to see how well Gigi could last and if you could make her break her resolve
But man is that woman a hard one to break
She’s confident from the moment you start up the vibrator, a small smirk on her lips when you look at her
Try changing and messing with the settings however you can and however much you want and it seems to do nothing
But if you know her well enough? You know her tells? You can see the little things that give her away
Little things that nobody else would bat an eye at, like how she fixes her shirt a little more often, shifts her gaze a little more than necessary…
No matter what you do, it doesn’t seem to work, though towards the end of the meeting? After pushing all the right buttons (haha) and relentlessly teasing her the entire time?
You see some of that begin to slip a little more
She crosses her legs, still elegant as ever, though her jaw is clenched, and you can see her watching you from the corner of her eyes
She still wins and keeps composed through the entire thing but when y’all get out of there? She’s making sure to have fun with you <3
The king of conflicted feelings about the entire idea
Of course he’s super down and obviously ends up agreeing, but man he’s nervous as all hell holy shit
He’s canonically had sex dreams about everyone (which is still fucking hilarious we love u dude) so I’m sure this shit would be right up his fucking alley no matter how much he may be in denial LOL
I definitely see him as having possibly the hardest time keeping it together out of all of them
The guy is sweating fucking bullets from the moment you walk into the meeting room, and nothing has happened yet
When you actually start it up, even at the lowest setting, he’s already losing his shit, but like hell if he isn’t gonna enjoy every second of it, even if y’all end up getting caught/called out
The gang definitely ends up noticing something is up when he gets all antsy, unable to handle just how much you toyed with him
Turn it all the way up and he nearly breaks the table, gripping the edge of it so hard that his knuckles turn white, gritting his teeth
They do end up just brushing it off though; weirder shit happens all the fucking time, he’s probably just tripping or something
He ends up cumming pretty hard when you finally push him over the edge (tease him about it, it’s funny)
Oh but if you think this man doesn’t end up getting his revenge? You’re dead wrong ;)
Oh he’s definitely the one who came up with the idea
And got super giddy and excited when you agreed to it, just as down and eager as he was lol
He’s absolutely done much worse shit so this is an absolute breeze for him
Honestly this man would be so fucking pleased the entire time LOL just absolutely blissed out and enjoying every second of it
He’s already a pretty fidgety guy, so nobody thinks twice about all of the shuffling around he does
Encourages the hell out of you to fuck with the settings as much as you want and try out as much as you want to/can
Turn it up whenever he has to speak, trust me
He's good at keeping his composure for the most part, but his voice probably jumps an octave if you time it and hit a spot in him just right
Stupid fucking grin on his face the entire time. He has zero shame about any of this whatsoever
Honestly feel free to make him cum during the meeting honestly; he won't flip like some of the others might
Def gives you a look tho
And you know damn well more shenanigans like this are bound to happen again
And that he definitely returns the favor later on :D
(We're not gonna question how this would work with where shit is hidden LMAO)
His entire job is literally just getting off in front of people
So really he doesn’t even hesitate or question it when the suggestion is made; he’s all for it
He thinks its funny if you think you can get any sort of reaction out of him during the meeting, or if you think he'll even draw any attention
Calm, cool, collected and annoying as fucking ever the entire fucking time
Makes you sit next to him for the fun of it and you can see him twitch a bit every once in a while when you really ramp up the settings on him
He keeps one of his arms on you the entire time, on your thigh probably, and totally uses it to his advantage to be able to tell what's coming
Make him pay for that!
Either turn it up high enough on the right setting, or turn it down so it's a really dull, slow pulse
You'll feel his arm clench around your leg and he'll snake another around you to pull you a bit closer to him
Maybe whispers some vague, meaningless threats at you for being a little shithead
Just grin and keep fucking with him my dude 
He won't do shit that you both wouldn't end up being into LOL
With him it's 100% guaranteed that he ends up trying it out on you at a later date, and knowing him, he's much worse about it <3
Myc knows. He absolutely fucking knows and he thinks it’s the funniest shit in the world.
He comes around and calls you out on it later, laughing his ass off the entire time. May even out you to the rest, if he feels like it.
What a bastard <3
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drreaganridley · 2 years
pinned post or w/e lol
this is literally just my nsfw blog because like all the bodies friends are ace and i cannot in fact talk about how severely every member of the cast of inside job fucks
im a reagan ridley fictive blah blah im dating a fictive of brett hand and i WILL talk about my own sexual stuff on here this is MY nsfw blog i get to post what i want dammit (after lots of arguing with my host <3)
anyway body is 18, im 30, i dont care how you treat me, but im very taken shrug emoji.
ill hardblock anyone without an age in their bio + under 18
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