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Nutrition After Bariatric Surgery
Start Your Weightloss Journey with Us! 😊🤝
We Provide the Safest and Most Effective Weight loss Solutions.
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Do not hesitate and contact Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu, one of the Best Weight Loss Surgeon in Delhi.
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Almost all people who undergo diabetes surgery (also known as metabolic/bariatric surgery) see an improvement in their diabetes, often as soon as a few days following surgery.To learn more, visit Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu the best Bariatric surgeon in Delhi.
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Resolution of Diabetes and other comorbidities after Ileal Interposition
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Diabetes type 2 and the overall health
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The most prevalent kind of diabetes is type 2 diabetes, which occurs when the body develops resistance to insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes affects 32.6 million individuals worldwide. Unfortunately, this condition may cause a variety of major health issues, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, renal failure, blindness, skin sores, nerve damage (neuropathy), erectile dysfunction, and cognitive decline. Obesity is a major risk factor for acquiring type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes therapy may begin with lifestyle modifications such as weight reduction, exercise, dietary adjustments, and anti-diabetic drugs. The purpose of blood sugar regulation is to normalize blood sugar levels and avoid additional harm to the body. Type 2 diabetes frequently develops with time, requiring bigger dosages and additional kinds of medicine to keep blood sugar levels under control. Type 2 diabetes is a progressive condition (it worsens with time), and most individuals will need medication for the rest of their lives.
If you have diabetes, you should be aware that one of the most significant findings in diabetes care is that surgery may help control or improve type 2 diabetes in the vast majority of people.
To learn more, visit Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu the best Bariatric surgeon in Delhi.
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What are the risks associated with Diabetes related obesity?
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Increases a person's risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and blindness.
Being overweight and obesity causes type 2 diabetes roughly 90% of the time.
Diabetes surgery is the most successful type 2 diabetes therapy, and it may result in remission (the ability to stop taking all drugs) or improvement in almost all patients.
Bariatric surgery should be advised for people with type 2 diabetes and even lesser degrees of obesity. It is the single most successful method for curing the ailment and eliminating the need for medicines.
Diabetes surgery is quite safe, with complication rates comparable to routine surgeries like knee replacement and gallbladder removal.
If you want to know more, do consult Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu the best Bariatric surgeon in Delhi.
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What is Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) Procedure?
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The gastric bypass works in several ways. As with many bariatric surgeries, the newly constructed stomach pouch is smaller and can retain less food, resulting in fewer calories consumed. Furthermore, since the meal does not come into touch with the initial region of the small intestine, absorption is reduced. Most significantly, altering the meal path through the gastrointestinal system has a significant impact on decreasing appetite, increasing fullness, and allowing the body to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. The effect on hormones and metabolic health often leads to an improvement in adult-onset diabetes even before any weight reduction occurs. The procedure also helps patients with reflux (heartburn), and the symptoms frequently resolve fast. Patients must avoid tobacco products and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and naproxen, in addition to adopting suitable eating choices.
Consult Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu the top Weight loss surgeon in Delhi for advanced treatment and proper guidance.
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How to Lose weight | Bariatric Surgeon in Delhi
👉🏻 In this video, Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu tells us why Obesity is not just an appearance but may lead to many diseases. He explains to us the reasons behind obesity and gives us solutions for the same. He also explains a proper diet schedule and exercise can help us to reduce your obesity. Hope you liked the video. Do share your comments in the comment section.
If you have a query or need help? Do not hesitate and contact Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu, a Weight Loss Surgeon in Delhi.
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International Patient's Journey | Bariatric Surgery
In this video, a patient from Australia shares her experience of having her bariatric surgery done by Dr. Saggu with the utmost care and expertise. She is much healthier now, and she is back to her normal routine in just three days. She also mentions how she is already feeling better after the surgery and is performing normal activities like drinking fluids and walking without any discomfort.
Need help? Do not hesitate to contact Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu, Bariatric Surgeon in Delhi
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Watch this video to hear about a patient's experience having her bariatric surgery done by Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu. After bariatric surgery, she lost 47 kg which became a life-changing experience for her. She is happy and recommends it to all the people who are suffering from the same.
Need help? Do not hesitate to contact Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu, a Bariatric Surgeon in Delhi.
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Why is Weight Loss Treatment Required?
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Weight gain has a direct impact on the heart and respiratory systems. When the heart is forced to pump with more effort and across a broader region, it weakens. This will result in a heart attack at a relatively young age. Cholesterol deposition reduces the lumen of blood arteries, resulting in elevated blood pressure (Hypertension). Because of arterial obstruction in these individuals, the risk of vascular events such as heart attack and stroke is quite significant. When compared to those of normal weight, the need for coronary angioplasty and cardiac bypass is three to four times greater. Obesity also causes sleep abnormalities and respiratory issues known as sleep apnea. Excess fat damages the pancreas and creates insulin resistance. As a consequence, blood sugar levels rise (diabetes mellitus). Increased weight harms joints and bones, resulting in early arthritis and the need for joint replacements. The polycystic ovarian illness affects women who have excess body fat (PCOD). It is a major cause of infertility and is usually reversible if the individual reduces weight. Loss of body image is a major component of mental illnesses such as depression. Morbidly obese people find it difficult to move around and use common facilities, commute, and seeing the response of society at the sight of the morbidly obsessed person puts them down.
If you are looking for weight loss, Consult Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu one of the best weight loss surgeon in Delhi.
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What is the difference between being overweight and obese?
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Overweight and obesity relate to body weights that are higher than what is considered normal or healthy for a specific height. Overweight is often caused by an excess of body fat. Overweight may also be caused by additional muscle, bone, or water. Obese people often have excessive body fat.
Your body mass index (BMI) is one approach to determine if you are a healthy weight, overweight, or obese. The BMI calculates your weight in proportion to your height. The higher your BMI, the greater your risk of health issues associated with being overweight or obese.
If you are overweight or obese, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight may be a long-term challenge. Maintaining a healthy weight—or, if you are currently overweight, avoiding gaining any additional weight—can help reduce your risk of having certain health issues.
If you are looking for Bariatric surgery, Consult Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu one of the best Bariatric surgeon in Delhi.
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How does Gastric Bypass surgery work?
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Gastric bypass operates in a variety of ways. As with many bariatric surgeries, the newly constructed stomach pouch is smaller and can retain less food, resulting in fewer calories consumed. Additionally, the food does not come into contact with the first portion of the small bowel and this results in decreased absorption. Most significantly, altering the meal path through the gastrointestinal system has a significant impact on decreasing appetite, increasing fullness, and allowing the body to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. The effect on hormones and metabolic health often leads to an improvement in adult-onset diabetes even before any weight reduction occurs. The procedure also helps patients with reflux and often the symptoms quickly improve. Patients must avoid tobacco products and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) in addition to adopting suitable eating choices.
If you are looking for Gastric bypass surgery, Consult Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu one of the best Bariatric surgeon in Delhi.
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What is Gastric Bypass Roux-en-Y (RYGB)?
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The Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, sometimes known as the "gastric bypass," has been done for over 50 years, with the laparoscopic method developed since 1993. It is a frequent procedure that is highly helpful in treating obesity and obesity-related disorders. The name is a French term meaning “in the form of a Y”.
The stomach is first separated into a smaller upper section (pouch) roughly the size of an egg. The majority of the stomach is bypassed, and food is no longer stored or digested.
To enable food to pass, the small intestine is divided and connected to the new stomach pouch. The small bowel segment that empties the bypassed or enlarged stomach is joined into the small intestine around 3-4 feet downstream, resulting in a bowel connection that resembles the letter Y.
Eventually, the stomach acids and digestive enzymes from the bypassed stomach and the first portion of the small intestine will mix with food that is eaten.
If you are looking for Gastric bypass surgery, Consult Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu one of the best Bariatric surgeon in Delhi.
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Diets That You Can Try For Weight Loss
While many diets may work for you, the key is finding one you like and can stick to in the long run. Here are 5 healthy diets that are scientifically proven to be effective. Contact Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu, Bariatric Surgeon in Delhi for Weight loss-related queries.
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World Food Day
You need food to function, to move, to think, to grow, and to repair your body. We can't function without food. Hunger and food shortages are a real matter of concern today. Many undeveloped or poor countries from all over the world suffer from hunger every year. World Food Day is celebrated every year to highlight such issues and eradicate hunger. This day, let’s spread awareness about the importance of food and try to keep your food wastage to a minimum.
Contact Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu, Bariatric Surgeon in Delhi for Weight loss related queries.
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What is the Procedure for Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty?
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A pre-hospitalization evaluation, including blood testing, is required for the abdomen tuck treatment. Ultrasound abdomen is used to rule out any additional problems in the abdomen, such as an ovarian cyst or gallbladder stones, which may be discussed simultaneously. Consultations with additional experts will be conducted as required.
The surgery is performed under general or regional anesthetic to ensure the patient's comfort. To get a great aesthetic effect, the incision will be made at the lowest skin fold of the abdomen. Skin and subcutaneous fat will be activated. The muscles which are far apart will be brought together. In the instance of a hernia, a net-like material (mesh) will be utilized to increase strength. Excess fat and skin will be removed, and the incision will be closed. The wound closure is also done in a careful manner with no stitches outside. This will also contribute to complete recovery with minimal scarring. 
Following Surgery
The patient must stay in the hospital for 2-3 days before returning to regular activities.   Wearing an abdominal binder at this time will provide extra comfort.
If you are looking for bariatric revision surgery, Consult Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu one of the best Bariatric surgeon in Delhi.
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What are the Complications Addressed in Revision Surgery?
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Revision bariatric surgery is designed to address any issues that may have arisen during or after the first procedure. These might include:
The stomach pouch is overstretched or has become oversized.
The absorption capacity of the intestines has grown beyond estimation.
The gastric band has slipped or eroded.
Complications such as leakage or obstructions need to be corrected.
The primary surgery used obsolete procedures, which resulted in serious adverse effects.
Ulcers, acute dumping, severe vitamin insufficiency, malnutrition, and metabolic bone disease all need treatment.
The primary procedure was less invasive than was required to address the patient's specific needs.
These problems may be effectively addressed with revision bariatric surgery if the surgeon prepares a personalized surgical plan based on the patient's individual requirements.
If you are looking for bariatric revision surgery, Consult Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Saggu one of the best Bariatric surgeon in Delhi.
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