drstone-100-tales · 3 years
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@senhaku-week Day 2: Magic
The Fairy Queen and her King
(Still don't have internet 😒 hopefully I will soon and I'll edit these with a good file)
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drstone-100-tales · 4 years
This was for the Roommates prompt! ❤
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drstone-100-tales · 4 years
I fully endorse and encourage this headcanon.
Random SenHaku headcanon (USA arc)
- They revive an American man who falls in love with Kohaku at first sight. - He gives her flowers, grabs her hands and tells her that she’s the most beautiful woman on earth and he’s in love with her. - Kohaku doesn’t understand english language but she seems happy because of the fact that someone finally noticed her “girlish” side instead of his “gorilla” side. - It bothers Senku so he looks at the man sharply and states that “She’s mine” in english, so Kohaku doesn’t understand what he’s saying - but the man knows what he meant.
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drstone-100-tales · 4 years
Senku HC (music edition)
He actually can sing really well. (I picture him sounding like the lead singer for Burnout Syndrome personally)
He played piano for a few years when he was little, but soon as his science interest appeared well... No one likes to talk about what became of THAT piano. (”So. Much. YEN. Wasted.” - Byakuya)
Senku was the one who got Byakuya into listening to Lillian’s music. He was listening to it in the car one day and turned out Byakuya liked it way more than Senku did.
In the future, he sings songs from the past he can remember to his children... and he ensures the record with Lillian’s song and Byakuya’s last message to him is kept safe, so they know what their grandmother and grandfather sounded like. (”I thought you didn’t care about cheesy crap like that.” “Kohaku, don’t think I don’t hear you humming that song to Reki.”)
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drstone-100-tales · 5 years
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You guys!!! I feel so blessed, this is amazing. It really means a lot when I hear from you guys. I know it’s been kinda quiet here, been jumping between a lot of projects, but I promise things are coming. I got some ideas to put together to celebrate this.
I love you guys! Thank you so much for supporting me!
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drstone-100-tales · 5 years
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Another cover with senku and kohaku !!! I am so happy to see them together again . It could have been Taiju or Gen or wathever character instead of Kohaku but it is kohaku who is drawn ! Like they are a couple.
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drstone-100-tales · 5 years
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Dr Stone Week 2020 Official Prompts!
June 28 - Day One - Time and Space - Time Travel, AU, Counting
Maybe time goes a little sideways, maybe things need a change. If times had been different, if the world had been different, what story would be told? Count the days, count the seconds, or learning to stop counting anything at all.
June 29 - Day Two - Nature - Found Family, Flowers, Wings
Family means more than blood, and life can bring you everything you need. A bouquet can mean a thousand words, and express a thousand feelings. Taking flight for the first time is always nerve-wrecking, but being in the air is like being at home.
June 30 - Day Three - Exploration - Reincarnation, Tales, Pirates
The past never leaves us, and neither do experiences one never realized they had. Stories old and new, and tales that pass down legend and livelihood alike. Or, in a true fashion of lawless freedom, the high seas are theirs to sail and take as their own.
July 1 - Day Four - (Re)Invention - Shatter, Different First Meetings, Role Reversal
A new image created, or an old one broken. Pieces of something worth putting back together. A change of direction that leads to a relationship long thought impossible. Places swapped and histories altered affect the flow of the world.
July 2 - Day Five - Reactions - Soul Mates, Scars, For Want of a Nail
Fates that were always meant to cross, for better or for worse, as enemies, friends, or the person (or people) you’re meant to spend your life with. A past told in marks upon the skin, in pain and in hardship. One small step in a different direction leads to an avalanche of changes.
July 3 - Day Six - Modernization - Stars, Nightmares, “Let’s be honest, this isn’t the worst thing you’ve caught me doing.” (Iron Man)
Looking up to see the universe stretched before you, where the world is but a tiny speck. Fears and worry, stress and experience, leading to dreams one would rather forget. The situation isn’t quite the best, but it could be worse — but the others might not seem to think so.
July 4 - Day Seven - Foundation - Fantasy vs. Science, Free Day, “It’s not science ‘till something’s on fire!”
Traveling back to the roots of it all, fiction versus reality takes the stage. Things never thought possible become possible, with a dash of inspiration to feed the flame. Or maybe your muse takes you somewhere else and brings you another idea you’re ready to share!
About the prompts:
Each day is separated into a overall theme, the prompts, and a small description of possible ideas you can use. However, anything goes in what you use them for — the themes themselves can be prompts if that’s how you want to take them, or you can take a completely different spin on it! It is ultimately your choice how you decide to participate in the week! How to Post:
Check out the FAQ for specific information on how to post on other platforms, but on tumblr, use #drstoneweek or #drstoneweek2020 in the first five tags so your posts can be found! (There is an official twitter with similar rules.) An AO3 collection will be opened closer to the week so works can be added! Don’t forget to check out our Discord as well!
Get excited! And in the end, have ten billion percent fun!
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drstone-100-tales · 5 years
i need to share this hc that Byakuya learned very quickly that grounding senku / taking away his lab doesn't work due to senku always making more so he just reads out flat earth and other unscientific arguments whenever senku is in trouble as a punishment
PFFFFT I laughed my head off for a solid few minutes there Nonny. This is freakin hilarious. X’D Allow me to expand on that.
It works for a few years... Until Senku decides to fight back with even MORE unscientific arguments, as a come back. Because if you can’t beat them, out conspiracy them. 
“You know, I heard they faked the moon landing.”
“HA! You believe in the moon old man? Next thing your gonna say is you believe in mountains!”
Byakuya probably tries to double down, but in the end, whatever he was mad at Senku about gets forgotten as they break into an argument of over who’s conspiracy was the worst.
This comes back to bite Senku when he has his own spawn and he swears he sometimes hears Byakuya laughing at him in his dreams when he has to deal with the SAME ARGUMENTS.
“Reki, for the love of all that is holy, just... just go to your room.”
“I heard from Uncle Taiju they faked the moon landing.”
“... You believe in the moon?”
“Do YOU?”
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drstone-100-tales · 5 years
“I want to see my son again” AU
- As the astronauts decided to go back down to the planet, Byakuya ultimately chose Japan… While they didn’t land exactly close by, it was good enough for him.
- The first few days back on Earth, Byakuya had night terrors wondering what had become of his boy. Was he safe? Was he scared? Byakuya prayed Senku wasn’t conscious (unfortunately, he still was.)
- Lillian did her best to comfort him, as Byakuya wound up putting up a bit of a mental shield around the others.
It was eventually decided that they would hijack a motorboat they found that still had a full fuel tank (the owner was petrified), to get back to the mainland. Once they were in Tokyo it was a mad dash for the school.
It was eerie… None of them had ever seen anything like it. Statues all over, some broken some not…
However, he couldn’t see it. Shamil had to slow him down because he was leaving behind the others. He knew the route like the back of his hand however…
He knew exactly where to go, to get to his son.
- When they arrived, the first statues that greeted them were Taiju and Yuzuriha… That, broke him. He had basically helped raise Taiju after the boy’s parents died and Yuzuriha was always so kind and gentle… He vowed, no matter what, once they revived Senku it was game over for petrification.
“What’ll you do, when you do find Senku though? We could try hauling him to a hospital, get their equipment running but… He might not even be alive in there… What’ll you do then?”
“I’m not giving up on my boy… I risked my life, my entire life to see him one more time… I wanted this bad enough to die for it. I’m NOT giving up on him now!”
- When they find Senku… Byakuya’s breath is taken away. The others have to look away…
For Byakuya, this is a prayer answered… and a nightmare, to find. Surrounded by his friends, all in the same state… Senku’s hand still clutched tightly around one of his darn energy drinks, he kept telling him to stop buying…
And that fearful expression on his face.
“Senku…? Senku, can you hear me?”
He knows he can’t answer… He knows. Still, it doesn’t stop him from bringing his arms around his son, hugging him as tightly as he can.
“I promise… I promise, your gonna get better. I’m gonna save you… Oh Senku…”
- It still takes awhile, to lug Senku out of the school. Before doing so, the team sets up a psuedo base of sorts, at one of the hospitals in town, trying to figure out what exactly is causing this. Due to the amount of petrified people, it’s not hard to find subjects that could give some potential for revival methods.
- As much as Byakuya wants his boy revived, he’s not about to let him become the guinea pig. 
- A few methods were tried on petrified swallows… Sulfiric acid, fire (“WE ARE NOT CREMATING MY BOY.” “Sit down you overprotective father.”) and the like… Nothing worked.
- It’s during a late night brainstorming session that Nital comes up. It hits them like a freight train, that it might be it… If not, it’s still a chance.
It takes a bit to find the stuff, but when they do, they bring it back in cases, in a stolen truck. (Shamil hinted, he might not give it back) where once again the swallow experiments begin…
And it’s with hope… The stone cracks away.
As the bird flies over head, they can hardly believe it… The nightmare has an end in sight.
“But we don’t have infinite supplies. We’ll need help…”
“Byakuya, we all know who your thinking of.” 
- Byakuya goes to the room they’ve placed Senku in for now, the others waiting nearby… He’s nervous and spills some of it as it soaks into his shirt, but enough of a dose is applied…
As the stone starts to crack and steam from a breath taken after nearly a month… Shards of stone falling, as Senku turns his head. He’s exhausted, too tired to even move… but there’s a grin on his face.
“Hey… You old man…”
Senku’s more than surprised to see Byakuya of all people crying… it finally hits him how much of an ordeal his father must have been through to help him… To help him break out after all this.
He’s swept up into a hug, he privately will admit, he never wanted to end.
“It’s okay… I’m alright, I promise…”
“I know… Good gracious, next time don’t take after our last name eh?”
“Heh… I’ll try.”
- There’s still some stone clinging to his hair and neck, but he insists on leaving it alone, citing there’s more important things to worry about.
There’s still a whole world to revive.
“And I’m going to beat fantasy… with science as my witness.”
“And I look forward to helping you with that goal son…”
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drstone-100-tales · 5 years
Something I've been dying to see more of but can we see some headcanons of an AU where Tsuaksa is buddies with Senku, Taiju and Yuzurriha? Like how things would've been different if Senku had become one of Tsukasa's first real friends?
Ooooo yes. *rubs hands together* An AU I’ve been dying to see since that first happened.
I like to imagine it started off in an unorthodox way. 
That on that same day, Tsukasa was looking for seashells for Mirai’s necklace, Senku was at the beach with Taiju and Byakuya. When the fisherman started to attack Tsukasa, it didn’t take long for Byakuya to intervene along with Taiju and Senku throwing themselve in front of Tsukasa.
Poor kid was terrified and initially didn’t want anyone near him, worried they were going to act the same way. Senku eventually wore him down, promising that they just wanted to help him. He was still roughed up but at least the man didn’t get away with it.
Taiju acted as a psuedo bodyguard while they waited for the cops to show up. Senku wound up  helping Tsukasa pick up shells since he noticed it was helping him calm down from everything.
“So, what are these for exactly?”
“My little sis… She really loves the Little Mermaid and I wanna help her feel better… She’s really sick.”
After that, Tsukasa decided to try other places to find shells for Mirai. She was going to be in the hospital for awhile after all…
His second encounter with the boys, was when some teenagers were harassing Senku and Taiju was about to use himself as a shield. Tsukasa bolted in and kicked the crap out of one of them, before giving a fair warning. If someone messed with HIS friends, they would have to go through him first.
Senku and Taiju were shocked to see him again, but relieved too… and in Senku’s case, eager for more manual labor.
Not really used to all of this, Tsukasa was just curious about everything, wanting to learn more along with Taiju… Around then, Yuzuriha started running with the boys as well.
It made experiment and project runs faster with both Tsukasa and Taiju using their respective strengths… Albeit, sometimes Tsukasa wondered about how legal it all was.
Mirai when she was well enough to leave the hospital, sometimes hung around the group as well. During these times Yuzuriha insisted on watching her and keeping her a safe distance from whatever chaos the boys were getting up to THIS time.
Specifically when it involved pyrotechnics. Mirai was just happy her big brother finally found a group of friends to call his own.
The Shishio parents were definitely more focused on Mirai’s health and trying to keep her safe, over what Tsukasa was doing… Due to this, not out of resentment more so unintentionally, Tsukasa spent a lot of time at the Ishigami household.
Byakuya didn’t mind, he was just glad the kid he saved wound up healing up just fine from everything. He was happy to have a place for Tsukasa and Taiju both at his table… Really took them under his wings, just like he did with Senku.
When Tsukasa started to pick up sports, most people interviewing him genuinely thought Byakuya was his father. 
“So, how does it feel to have such an amazing son?”
Before Tsukasa could intervene and say no, Byakuya was not his father, the man took the microphone, stared directly into the camera and shouted:
“I LOVE MY SONS!!! ALL THREE OF ‘EM!!!!” So loud it echoed through the arena they were at.
Senku recorded every single second on his phone, to torment Tsukasa and Taiju with later.
Tsukasa privately threatened to kill Senku if he ever leaked the footage to the internet. It went viral, autotuned the very next day. Tsukasa trying his hardest to sink into the floor into the background and all.
They were 10 when this happened. It just got worse, in the best way.  As they got older and interests shifted, they still found time for one another… and Senku was glad to have someone else who could listen to his rambling without getting annoyed with it.
When they were making the special “swim training” suit for Byakuya, Tsukasa used his incredible strength to throw Byakuya into the water head first. Senku and Taiju couldn’t stop laughing.
That also found it’s way onto the internet without shame.
When Taiju admitted to Senku and Tsukasa that he liked Yuzuriha, the other two made a vow to get them together before they graduated high school.
During this time, there were plenty more experiments, with tracking muscle movement and giving Tsukasa the best training experiences he could get.
Despite this, he never forgot about the people who helped him along the way… While he never had a large group of friends, he was grateful for the ones he had… Not just friends…
However, despite this, Tsukasa had no interest in fame. He was interested in it for sport, even if he did occassionally make televised appearances, the thing that was emphasized to him as important was also his education. If he missed his classes, they were recorded for him and Byakuya would step in  and help him cram for exams. 
Senku on the other hand, would quiz him, albeit sometimes in ridiculous ways regarding scientific questions.
“Why do you want me to know it so bad?”
“I’m gonna be president of the science club this year. I need a good minion or two and Taiju already turned me down.”
“Allow me to also, turn you down. You can manage your little Kingdom of Science all by yourself.”
“How dare you. Do you and Taiju  have a secret Empire of Might I need to worry about?”
They were banned from making declarations of war at the dinner table.
There were a lot of sport injuries. A LOT. Senku wound up taking sports medicine one year just for this.
However, when Byakuya was to go into space, they couldn’t help but feel worried… While they knew, he had every intention of coming back (and Senku never doubted it for a moment) there was one concern…
Albeit for them, it was a strange one.
“So… Do you think he’ll screw it up with the pop star?”
“Hm… Nah. 10 billion yen says he’ll marry her and we’ll have a new mom.”
“Considering I’m closer to him than I am to my own parents, I’d be okay with that.”
“I love how you both have more faith in Byakuya than you do me.”
“How long have you had that crush?”
“Yeah, Taiju wanna talk about that?”
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drstone-100-tales · 5 years
Quick update!
Hey guys, I’m sorry things have slowed down, with the anime winding down and real life catching up fast with family stuff, this’ll be on a mini hiatus until I can get some stuff written up. Fret not, I will get things back up and running but some stuff might be a smidge late. Please be patient with me. I really appreciate you all supporting me. I never expected the blog to kick up this fast.
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drstone-100-tales · 5 years
I thought of an idea, when taiju wants to marry yuzuria, he of corse wants to use a ring so senku helps him make one, but the idea is this, senku explains the whole ring thing to chrome, so chrome wants to give one to ruri. But with a catch, he wants to use his most prized stone, possibly his first stone in his collection, for the ring
I love that so much. Something Chrome’s kept a hold of since he was a super little kid I bet. Something that always reminded him of Ruri like a piece of lapis lazuli.
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drstone-100-tales · 5 years
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Late night sketch.
I love these two so much.
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drstone-100-tales · 5 years
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“So, you’re finally awake, you big oaf.”
Ah, finally. Got this crossover out of my head and rolling into image form. Starting with who Storm and I decided would be Senku.
Welcome to the heck that is the Dr. Stone x Trauma Center/Team crossover. We got science and all kinds of insanity.
And kicking it off we got Gabriel Cunningham playing as Senku. (Who is much younger here to match Senku’s age which is 18. So this is a young Gabe.) The man who is going to beat fantasy with science and save all who were petrified and solve how it happened.
He’s going to need some help along the way but fret not, he’s got friends coming his way.
Stay tuned to see who will be who. ;)
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drstone-100-tales · 5 years
From where i’m at in the manga (which is volume 8), i’m starting to ship gen with that girl they were trying to trick. What are your thoughts on this pairing?
Nikki and Gen? That sounds interesting actually. XD I also could picture Gen winding up with one of the Gem sisters from the village. 
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drstone-100-tales · 5 years
Parental SenHaku
Parental Senhaku 
-As previously stated, Senku and Kohaku don’t start a family until the other kids are nearly teenagers. This is mostly, due to them really wanting to be sure they were ready to even have a family.
 - Their foray into parenthood, was quite literally an accident. It was during one of the “revive” sprees of mining for statues that had been stuck for so long and there was numerous children in this pocket. All except, one were matched with their proper families upon revival… This, due to the age of the child. A small boy of about a year old, maybe younger. 
- It’s not without trial and error, that they try to find statues that match this kid, to potentially reunite them. Everything, points though that whoever his parents were, they’re long gone now. During this time, the toddler spends 99% of their time, clinging to Senku or Kohaku, hating it whenever anyone else goes near them.
- They talk it over a long time, one night after finally putting the boy to bed… and decide, since they were ready to try for a family, they couldn’t turn away a kid who had no one… And privately, Senku thought, maybe it was meant to be, given his own origins.
“He’s gonna need a name…”
“We’re not naming him after the old man.”
“Hm…Ishi? Kei?”
“That’s just as bad as Ishi!”
- They go back and forth firing off names, even as they go about their morning routine until…
The boy looked up at the sound of it. Bewildered, Kohaku repeated it and he kept responding to it.
“... We actually found his name. His name is Reki.”
- Even with the name, his biological parents never turned up. Reki became Reki Ishigami in no time… and in time, they grew very attached to their son.
- Senku gave him a middle name.
“I thought you didn’t wanna name him after the old man.”
“It’s a middle name. Sides you wanted to name him Ishio.”
“Oh HUSH!”
- Reki is very attached to his father, always following him around.. Even if it might be a bit dangerous. (Especially so) 
- Senku is pretty protective of the kid, trying to keep him out of trouble. That was easy, when he could just carry him around in a sling on his back… However at six? That’s a harder feat, especially since the kid has so many questions.
- The hardest however, was when Reki asked one day about the cracks both he and Senku have on their faces. Reki’s petrification marks go up one of his arms and one across his left eye. They don’t psychically bother him, but Senku noticed he’s tried washing it off on numerous occassions.
- Senku, for all of his need to keep things as clear as possible, didn’t have it in him to explain entirely the origins of those marks. Instead, he keeps it to the bullet points. 
“When I was 18, the world was covered in a strange light, that came out of no where… On that day, everyone was turned to stone… Every man… every woman…”
He brushed his thumb over Reki’s facial mark.
“Every child. We were all stone… For thousands of years.”
- Reki is confused, but tries to follow along. Senku still keeps it vague. He doesn’t need to know every single detail. Just that one day, his parents found him and released him from the stone.
“That’s why your named Reki. You, are progress in it’s purest form… and these marks? Are not something to be ashamed of. They’re part of who we are… It proves we survived. Okay?”
- When Reki is seven, Kohaku and Senku welcome their second… and third child into the world. 
- No one expected twins. Senku and Kohaku both recall that day being: “We thought we were going to die!” 
- They name the twins, a boy and a girl, Iroha (their daughter) and Kenji (their son) 
- Kohaku threatens to bury Senku alive if he ever puts her through that again. “We have two babies and one seven year old. I AM NOT DOING THIS AGAIN!”
“Y-Yes dear! P-please put me down!”
- However, despite their rather unceremonious arrival, they’re in utter love with their children. As far as they’re concerned, this is exactly the family they were meant to have. It just took awhile.
- Reki unlike Senku, seems to have an endless amount of energy and loves running around and playing rough. By the time Senku’s ready to pass out, Reki’s still going strong.
- Sometimes the only way all three kids will sleep, is if they’re all sleeping in the same bed. Those are usually nights, Senku and Kohaku don’t get too much rest of their own.
- Reki’s a very good big brother, happily helping out with his younger siblings… and telling them stories. 
- Kohaku’s a very hands on mother, she adores her children immensely… Though she won’t lie and say it was easy. She’s got plenty of exhaustion and a few white streaks earned prematurely from falls or near close calls. 
“They’re named after my kids and my husband.”
- When they’re a little older, Senku starts to teach them about astronomy and the planetary system… and recalling how when he was their age he wanted to travel the stars.
“I wanna do that too!”
“Me too!”
“And me!”
And while they might devolve into some bickering over who would be the better astronaut, Senku is just content…
He’s got the world right there in his arms.
(I got a lot more for these guys later. Keep watch cause there’s more with these guys)
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drstone-100-tales · 5 years
The Chief and the Lioness (SenHaku HCs)
The Chief and the Lioness (SenHaku)
- Senku and Kohaku waited a long time before even broaching the idea of a relationship. Senku was always so busy and Kohaku was more worried about getting work done over worrying over love. It’s something both think about in the back of their minds, but is kept very quiet.
- When they do decide to try this “Dating” thing out, they go super slow. She spent a lot of time at his home, helping him carry heavy equipment, or sometimes being an assistant if Chrome wasn’t available to help. Even if she didn’t understand a good deal of it… Being around him was enough for her.
- She also makes sure Senku doesn’t forget to eat. Even if all they have is simple meals, they’re eating together at least… and Senku would be first to admit, Kohaku is a much better cook than he is.
- Senku secretly loves it when Kohaku wants to help. He’s not going to lie, he thinks she looks good in his spare lab gear. (“So this is what the oaf said by “having a type”, dangit…”) The way it’s just a bit too big, or how she prefers resting the safety goggles on the top of her head… He’ll admit. He’s a sucker. 
- Kohaku if she’s feeling clingy, will wait until he’s jotting notes down in his notebook, before laying her head on his lap.  This will gradually turn into her being huddled up to him. 
“You cold?”
“No. I’m just bored.”
“This might bore you more.”
“Hm… I like hearing you talk though.”
- Senku reluctantly agrees to some light combat training, to at least try to build up his stamina… and Kohaku uses the “dating” card against him. It goes about as well as you can expect.
- It’s in the middle of an experiment that Kohaku brings up marriage. Senku drops the beaker he was using and it creates a small explosion.
“So, when are we getting married?”
- However… After a long discussion…
He said yes.
- However, it is a few more years before they make it official, due to projects and trying to get work done. 
- Absolutely no one in the village is shocked, when the announcement is made. Kohaku and Senku are more stunned that everyone figured it out from the start.
- It takes a lot of convincing, to have a “proper” wedding, because both want to just get it over with as soon as possible.  However, Ruri and Taiju won’t hear of just “eloping” especially since Ruri already dealt with that once. 
- Their wedding, is still, a small affair by their standards. Neither are really interested in a huge ceremony… It’s the rest of the village that makes it a spectacle. 
- All they know, is as soon as the party is in full swing, they secretly make their way back to Senku’s home.. Now both his and Kohaku’s. 
As far as Senku’s concerned, he’s finally acquired something, he never thought he would… Someone to share the rest of his life with.
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