drulovesspike · 2 years
hard pill to swallow: the idea that your ‘soulmate’ or ‘the one’ will know exactly how to make you happy without you ever having to communicate is fake. the fantasy that you will have all your needs met in a relationship without ever having to be vulnerable is fundamentally not true. sometimes you have to express your needs and desires, you have to ask for things, you have to communicate how you want to be loved, it’s uncomfortable and clumsy but relationships are about learning to love each other not being a mind reader
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drulovesspike · 2 years
bob odenkirk is absolutely insane for saying (while laughing) 'i think [the second half of season 6] will be a lot of fun to watch, but like... a car crash that you're not in'
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drulovesspike · 2 years
B.A.: It gets too hot in there after a while. The air gets all squishy.
Face: It's called humidity, B.A.
B.A.: I haven't slept in almost two days. It's squishy.
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drulovesspike · 2 years
autism feeling when you have a vague sense that people might be treating you weird and you're like They See Me As Something Other and Weird and Not An Equal... they might not know you're autistic specifically but it doesn't matter ....They See Me Like A Child or Perhaps An Animal That Can Talk. amused by my attempts at normalcy and interaction but ultimately dismissive of me as Something Unlike Them
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drulovesspike · 2 years
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Every morning, Hank Hill wakes up and drinks a big glass of Respect Women juice
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drulovesspike · 2 years
trash bag 😟
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drulovesspike · 2 years
Herbs For Protection
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I share this article that I find interesting
The 35 Best Herbs To Keep Negative Spirits Away
By teaandrosemary2
There are so many elements to protection spell work, including wards, bindings, banishing, etc. It can be really helpful to know what protection herbs are strong and what purposes each herb is used for, especially in a pinch.
I find that learning about herbs can be kind of difficult unless you have a clear focus. Today, I’ll be talking about all of my favorite herbs for protection and the various ways to use them.
Hopefully, this post will help you when you’re in a pinch. You can stockpile some of these herbs and use them if you encounter negative entities or when you need to cleanse.
How To Use Herbs For Protection:
I’ll talk more specifically about how to use each herb for protection in the list below, however most herbs can be used in a few basic ways.
Make A Wash: You can create a “potion” using water and the herb to wash your hands in. I keep these washes handy and use them before doing spell work. This wash can also be used for your floor, home, or anything else that needs cleansing.
Brew A Tea: If the herb is safe to consume, brew a tea then drink it to protect your body and your energy. Make sure that you infuse the tea with your specific intention to activate the properties of the protection herb.
In The Bath: Again, make sure to check that the herb can be safely exposed to your skin. Once you are aware of the safety of the herb, drop some into your bath and do a protection cleansing. Bath spells are super easy and effective, so I use bath cleansings quite often.
Hang Dried Herbs: You can simply hang a bundle of dried herbs over any doorway or window that you want to protect. I hang spiritual protection herbs over my bed to keep entities away while I’m dreaming, and I also have a small bundle in my car for protection while traveling.
The Best Protection Herbs:
Here are my favorite herbs for protection with information on the specific protective properties and ways to use each herb. 35. Rosemary
If I had to choose, I would say that rosemary is one of my all-time top herbs for protection. Rosemary is so strong and requires very little activation.
35. Rosemary
Rosemary is specifically one of the best protection herbs for purification purposes. If you need to cleanse something, burn rosemary in the air, or keep a small satchel of rosemary around your home. You can also brew a potion (even just water and rosemary works well) to cleanse your hands before performing a ritual.
34. Salt
Though salt isn’t technically an herb, I had to include it high up on this list of protection herbs because salt is simply one of the best substances ever if you’re in need of serious protection. 
A bowl of salt, left out, will automatically cleanse any room. I keep salt handy during all my rituals. You can also sprinkle salt in the corners of your home or across the doorway for strong physical wards, or you can cleanse your tools in it.
Salt is one of the best protection herbs for all types of protection and cleansing. However, I find that it works especially well for spiritual/energetic cleansing.
If you’re in a pickle, salt can be used as an offensive means of protection. Throw salt on the ritual or item that is causing problems and the energy will be forced to dissipate. 
33. Rose
Rose isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you’re looking for protection herbs, but it’s surprisingly effective.
The idea is that, because the thorns on the rose protect the flower, the flower will then transfer this protection to you or your spell work. Therefore, roses can be used for any type of protection because the power of the rose is mainly metaphorical.
I especially enjoy using rose petals in satchels, but I also make rose tea from time to time or even use the thorns after I get a bouquet of roses.
32. Dragon’s Blood
Dragon’s blood is actually resin from a tropical palm tree. It’s surprisingly popular in the witchcraft community because it has so many uses, including strong protective powers.
I find that dragon’s blood is especially useful if you need to ward off psychic attacks. You can burn dragon’s blood incense or put some of the resin in a protection pouch. It will also cleanse or clear any space.
31. Thorns
Though “thorns” aren’t actually an herb, you can source them on the stems of various flowers. I find that thorns are super useful in protection spells because of the metaphorical meaning.
A thorn quite literally protects the flower or plant from animals. When you use thorns in a spell, this power will be transferred to you or your spell. 
Place thorns in a satchel or spell jar or use them in a tea, depending on the type of flower that you source your thorns from.
30. Mint
Mint is a truly versatile herb. It’s also one of the best herbs for protection. I specifically use mint as a home protective herb.
Hang bundles of mint around your door/windows, brew a home protection potion, use it in a spell jar, or even add it to your food or drink.
29. Rue
Because rue is super easy to grow, it’s also one of the most perfect protection herbs to use when you’re in a pinch. I always have some dried rue hanging around. 
I find that rue is one of the best herbs for protection when you specifically need to banish. For example, I will sometimes incorporate rue into my freezer spells. 
You can utilize rue to banish actual people, spiritual entities, or even bad habits. Rue can also be used in cord cutting spells.
28. Dill
Dill is one of the most useful protection herbs if you need to keep dark forces at bay. Negative entities, leeches, and energetic vampires can all be banished using dill.
However, dill is also said to stimulate lust, so I don’t recommend using it as a physical protection herb if you’re heading to a crowded location.
27. Mistletoe
Although mistletoe has many uses, it’s specifically one of the best herbs for protection when you need to physically protect yourself or your home.
26. Oak
Throughout history, the oak tree became a symbol of protection. The tree is strong and sturdy, so oak will provide the sort of protection that lasts over time.
Oak is one of my favorite protection herbs to use for bath/cleansing spells. It also works quite well in a jar spell or satchel. You can even use oak if you enjoy arts and crafts, because it’s easy to create an incognito piece that hangs on your wall for decor but also protects your home.
You can utilize oak leaves, bark, acorns, or even the dirt from under the tree to harness the protective properties of oak.
25. Black Pepper
Red pepper is more commonly used in witchcraft, but I personally love black pepper. It’s one of my favorite protection herbs when I want to energetically protect my home or my body.
Black pepper is especially useful for warding against the evil eye. In fact, it will sometimes return the evil eye to the sender. I use black pepper in spell jars or satchels, but it can honestly be useful in just about any type of protection spell.
Overall, black pepper works best to keep negative energy, curses, and malevolent spirits from harming you.
24. Red Pepper
If you’re looking for protection herbs that are quick and effective, you may want to consider using red pepper. After all, red pepper is super popular in the witchcraft community for a reason!
You can use red pepper flakes, chili powder, cayenne pepper, or whole chili peppers. In many cultures, a bundle of chili peppers is hung over the door to ward off intruders.
I find that red pepper can be used to protect against energy/entities and physical harm. It’s one of the strongest herbs for protection that works extremely quickly. 
Red pepper can be aggressive offensively and may return negative energy or even physical force to the sender, so don’t use it on anyone you want to stay close to.
23. Garlic
Vampire legends are definitely based on some truths: garlic is one of the most potent protection herbs. However, garlic can be used against basically anyone, not just vampires.
In witchcraft, garlic is used for spiritual protection, exorcism, the repulsion of vampires (energetic or otherwise), and protection against negative magic.
It can be used for both spiritual and physical purposes. Garlic even kills off disease, so it’s one of the best herbs for protection against illness.
22. Agrimony
If you need to utilize protection herbs in your warding spells then agrimony should be your #1 choice. Just sprinkling the herb around any area will instantly create a ward.
I specifically use agrimony to ward against the Fae (if necessary), entities, or evil spirits. It’s easy enough to sprinkle some agrimony under my doormat. Agrimony provides an extra layer of warding that makes me feel more comfortable, plus it really works!
21. Birch
Throughout history, birch was seen as a symbol of protection. Whether you simply plant the tree itself outside your front door or utilize birch as one of your go-to protection herbs, birch is extremely effective.
I use birch for general protection. It’s both spiritual and physical. Birch is said to protect against lightening, storms, and the evil eye; I’ve found this to be true, but it also works in just about any protection spell or even in a bath.
Lastly, birch is purifying, so it’s a great protection herb to use as a cleanser.
20. Angelica
Known as the Angels’ herb of protection, Angelica is a powerful substance that can help you call upon the power of the angels. Use this for just about any situation.
You can grow angelica in your garden, place it around your house, or use it during spell work. However, make sure that you have good intentions when using angelica. Angels live by a strict moral code and won’t help you if you intend to curse or hurt anyone.
19. Hawthorne
A sacred Celtic herb, hawthorne is one of the most historical herbs for protection on this list. It has been used in folk magic for centuries.
Hawthorne is specifically helpful when you need to ward off ghosts. It was also used by the ancient Romans to protect a baby from evil spirits and negativity. However, it is sacred to the Fae, so be careful if you happen upon a patch of Hawthorne in nature – don’t disturb the plant unless you have
18. Aloe Vera
Though aloe vera is known as a health-related herb, it’s also one of the best herbs for protection. Aloe very tends to protect from most physical accidents and acts as a quick antidote to many illnesses or injuries.
Some witches also use aloe vera to protect against negative energy or the evil eye, specifically in spell jars or baths.
17. Elder
In centuries past, elder was often grown in a ring around one’s property as a means of protection. Even if you aren’t able to actually grow elder bushes around your house (though it’s a cool idea!), elder can still work as one of the protection herbs that you employ in your spells.
Hedge witches love elder because it quite literally creates a hedge or barrier. Elder keeps the good spirits in and the negative entities out, so it does the discernment work for you.
16. Ash
Because ash isn’t traditionally known as one of the stronger protection herbs, it isn’t usually seen on this sort of list. However, I wanted to include ash because I think it’s of the best herbs for protection, specifically during travel.
Simply make a pouch filled with ash or include ash in your travel jar safety spell.
Ash is also useful for safety from the water and prevents drowning.
15. Bay Leaf
In folk magic, a bay leaf is a type of catch-all. The bay leaf is a really powerful herb that works for so many types of spells!
However, I find that bay leaf is specifically one of the most powerful herbs for protection. You can put it under your pillow to ward off bad dreams, wear it on your person for physical cleansing, make a wash with bay leaves, or place the leaves throughout your home to strengthen your wards.
When in doubt, I always slip a bay leaf into my protection spells.
14. Pine
I love pine trees. I grew up in a home that was surrounded by massive, old pine trees, but I never realized that the trees themselves are what gave me such a sense of security.
Pine is one of the most well-rounded herbs for protection. There’s a reason that most floor wash recipes include pine!
You can make various washes with pine (for your floor, bath, hands, etc.) or you can brew a pine needle tea for good health. If you’d rather burn the needles, you can use the smoke to drive away evil spirits.
Pine is also one of the best protection herbs to ward against physical illness. During the holidays, I place pinecones all over my house and keep out sickness as well as negativity and evil spirits.
13. Frankincense
One of the most purifying protection herbs on this list is Frankincense. It’s used in so many religious homes of worship for a reason!
Frankincense is actually linked to the sun, so when you burn or utilize this protection herb, you’re essentially calling upon sun gods. 
I like to burn incense in my home to cleanse my space, but you can also use the powder in spell jars or satchels
12. Lily
Centuries ago, witches grew lily in their gardens to keep negative spirits away. Plus, lily is easily one of the prettiest herbs for protection!
Kept in a satchel or on your person, lily will protect you against the evil eye. It’s also effective as a tool to break spells or curses cast on you, especially love spells. The tiger lily is especially aggressive magically. 
11. Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus is a highly healing herb, but it’s also one of the most positive herbs for protection. When you use eucalyptus, you’ll purify your space and heal your energy or body all at once.
I tend to use eucalyptus when I’m performing gentler protection spells. For example, a daily cleansing with eucalyptus will softly rid your aura of negative energy, but you won’t feel drained after. It’s also great for bath spells.
However, you’ll want to pick something stronger for a cleansing if you have a serious problem with an entity or spirit.
10. Valerian
Valerian is another catch-all herb that can be used for protection spells. It’s great for baths or washes because it has strong cleansing properties.
My favorite way to use Valerian is to calm emotions. If someone is upset or a situation feels out of control or scary, valerian will quickly calm everyone down. You can also wear it on your person to calm those around you.
9. Cactus
One of my favorite protection herbs for banishing is cactus. Simply having a cactus in your home or garden (especially by your door) creates an automatic ward that repels intruders.
Cactus is also great for banishing spells. You can make a satchel or bag filled with cactus and other banishing herbs then bury it. Otherwise, place cactus in the four corners of your home for extra protection on the daily.
8. Vervain
Vervain isn’t just used in the Vampire Diaries. It’s actually a real protection herb that’s used quite often in the witch community.
Although vervain was most traditionally used to protect people and their homes against lightening and storms, this herb is highly cleansing, too. Use it in baths, floor washes, spell jars, or simply in your home to cleanse and purify the energy.
I also like to put vervain near my bed as a cleanser for unwanted entities and spirits that flock while I’m dreaming. It’s one of the best protection herbs to prevent nightmares. Vervain is also one of the best herbs to use for protection during Samhain.
7. Parsley
Parsley is a strong cleansing herb that will remove most curses and hexes. It will also cleanse negativity in general.
I like to carry parsley on me to ward against any negativity or the evil eye. It’s also an effective ward against illness. It can be placed in a satchel or used in an oil.
Parsley is one of the edible protection herbs on this list, so it can be used in food, tea, or other concoctions! It’s a largely protective herb that has many uses, both spiritual and physical.
6. St. John’s Wort
Generally, St. John’s Wort is used to prevent against all forms of dark magic. This means that it will repel curses sent towards you, but it can also protect from unintended consequences from your own spells.
This protection herb is also useful for warding against bad spirits and for banishing all evil entities. Try burning this herb during a banishing spell.
If you wear St. John’s Wort on you, then your own convictions will be strengthened while your opponent will grow weaker.
Lastly, St. John’s Wort is said to protect against fire, lightening, and other natural disasters.
5. Flax Seed
Although flax seed isn’t one of the most common herbs for protection, I find that it’s very effective. You can mix it with red pepper to create a strong ward for you home.
Alternatively, you can sprinkle flax seed in just about anything, such as your bag, your shoes, your closet, your car, or anything else that needs a bit of protection. Flax seed offers physical protection, so I like to use it when I’m traveling or going somewhere.
4. Willow
Every part of the willow tree is used for protection. A willow is graceful yet sturdy, so it’s a wonderful herb for protection because the properties don’t seem obvious, yet the energy of the willow is strong over time.
The willow tree is associated with the divine feminine. You can call upon various benevolent female goddesses using an offering of willow.
Willow can also be used to give yourself strength when you feel that you’re lacking. This is one of the protection herbs that feels subtle, yet willow can help to create changes in your life so that you’re safer and more energetically focused in general.
3. Red Clover
Typically, red clover is one of the main protection herbs used for warding domestic animals. If you want to protect your pet, start with red clover!
This herb is also helpful if you need to remove negative spirits around your home.
2. Sandalwood
One of the best protection herbs for clearing negativity is sandalwood. It both protects and heals, so I tend to include sandalwood in most of my protection spells.
You can scatter or burn sandalwood in your home to clear it of negative energy, or you can use sandalwood in a spell jar, satchel, or potion.
1. Vinegar
Although vinegar can’t technically be classified as an herb, I had to include it with these other protection herbs because vinegar is so powerful.
Make a floor wash with vinegar for cleansing, use a few drops in your bath, or employ vinegar in any other potion or spell. Vinegar is especially useful for cleansing, banishing, binding, and as a preventative measure to avoid evil.
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drulovesspike · 2 years
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rachel shukert interviewed by kathryn vanarendonk for vulture
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drulovesspike · 2 years
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drulovesspike · 2 years
"Bob odenkirk's not hot"
You mean to tell me you saw him bruised and covered in blood, handcuffed, smoking, while cradling a kitten and didnt feel emotions about it?
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drulovesspike · 2 years
he's sooooo punchable
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drulovesspike · 2 years
“No one cared who I was until I put on the mask”
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drulovesspike · 2 years
A norse runework starter pack!
Because runework is basically at the core of my craft, I use it all the time and I’m already more than familiar with it. Runework is super easy to incorporate into everyday life and it’s got a wide range of use so I truly recommend. It feels safe and reliable, and I don’t need to put a lot of time or focus on them. Now let’s get down to business to defeat the Huns.
Their story real quick:
So in His endless search for knowledge, Odin the Allfather hung Himself and was pierced by His own spear in order to be alone with Himself. He accepted no bread and no mead until He found the truth He’d been looking for. And He did: through the darkness of His own mind, Odin saw the runes and reached for them. It was told they were so powerful He could bring a man back from the dead using them.
The basics:
The runic alphabet, otherwise called Futhark. Because I’m a history nerd I try to use the “elder futhark” as much as possible, though there’s a new one going around that’s really popular too.
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The more complicated stuff:
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Vegvisir (you’ll often find it depicted inside a rune circle like the second pic, especially on jewelry and pendants): Vegvisir is first and foremost a compass, and its name translated from Icelandic quite literally means “that which shows the way”. Historians speculate that its shape might be derived from old sailing wayfinders in Scandinavia, thus its association with the compass. It’s supposed to guide one’s way through the storm, according to a line in the Huld manuscript. (x, y)
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Aegishjalmur (Helm of Awe): Protection, protection, protection! That’s what it’s about. All of its branches are considered to be “guarding” the center, thus making it a major protection rune. Once you get the gist of it, it’s super easy to draw and useful. If you’re a fan of dragons like me, perhaps you know Fafnir’s invicibility was drawn from this rune, as stated in the Fáfnismál: The Helm of Awe | I wore before the sons of men | In defense of my treasure; | Amongst all, I alone was strong, | I thought to myself, | For I found no power a match for my own. (x, y) 
Aight quick presentation for other complex runes:
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Now; How do I use runes? Where do I put them? 
Draw them anywhere and everywere. I wouldn’t recommend painting a ten-feet inguz on the closest police station but there’s still tons of places where runes can be useful. I draw them inside my wrists and close to pulse points, as way of “pumping” them into my system, so to speak. I write them down to focus my intent during rituals, choosing the one/s I need most atm. In a similar way, I envision them during meditation to clarify my intent. I also use them to decorate altars or devotional art. If you’re a norse pagan like me, maybe look up what runes your main deities are associated with! Quick rundown:
Odin is usually othala or ansuz
I often see Freyja associated with fehu, but that’s also the case for most of the Aesir
Tyr with teiwaz
Thor with thurisaz or uruz; etc…
What about bind runes?
By definition and according to historical speculation, bind runes are futhark runes which were merged into a single glyph (sometimes by carving them all on a single straight line, like oghams). They were super rare back in the viking age but they’ve become popular in the last few years.
People create them according to their needs. This aspect makes bind runes extremely versatile and personal because you can set really specific intents for them. They’re not exactly like sigils, though: when it comes to sigils, feeling and instinct usually guide people’s creation process. As for futhark bind runes, they’re made using existing glyphs from this specific alphabet. Here’s a bunch of bind runes that have been going around, just to give you guys a few ideas of what they can look like:
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OKAYYY that’s all for me, time to sleep
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drulovesspike · 2 years
• In Norse lore, the god, Odin, impaled his heart with his own spear and hung on the world tree, Yggdrasil, for nine days and nights all to perceive the meaning of the runes. The runes were symbols that sprang from the Well of Urd – the source of fate – and the Norns used these runes to carry that fate up the trunk and branches of Yggdrasil to the nine worlds amidst its boughs.
• Odin made his sacrifice at great anguish and risk to himself because he knew that the runes conveyed deep meaning, and if he could understand their meaning he would gain profound wisdom and power.
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Runic Futharks
Our word alphabet comes from the Greek letters alpha and beta. Similarly, modern experts have termed runic alphabets futharks (or futhorks), based on the first six letters of Elder Futhark which roughly correspond to our F, U, Th, A, R, and K. Elder Futhark earns its designation because it is the oldest-discovered complete runic system, appearing in order on the Kylver Stone from Gotland, Sweden, dated from the dawn of the Migration Era (around the year 400).
Roughly 50 runestones have been found. Runestones were often raised next to grave sites within the Viking era of 950-1100AD. Some of the raised runestones first appear in the fourth and fifth century in Norway and Sweden. And in Denmark as early as the eighth and ninth century. However, most of them were found in Sweden. The Kingittorsuaq Runestone below was found in Greenland and is currently located at the National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen.
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drulovesspike · 2 years
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Bloody Fool for Love
Publication date: August 2, 2022
Bloody Fool for Love from New York Times best-selling author William Ritter marks the beginning of an all-new series that explores prequel stories about fan-favorite Buffy characters.
Spike just wants to enjoy the spoils of his new badass reputation. He’s now a legendary slayer-killer, and he’s returning to London — the greatest city in the world. Unfortunately, his new abode is far from ideal (mostly a dank basement), and the rest of his strange little “family” is reeling from the fact that their patriarch, Angel, abandoned them. Spike’s love, Drusilla, seems especially heartbroken over the loss and spends her time lost in her tarot cards and planning their next gruesome family dinner when they all can be reunited.
Desperate to break Dru out of her melancholy, Spike vows to steal a powerful relic that will help her focus on their dark future together. It’s the perfect plan — that is until a monster named Gunnar, leader of the demon underworld of London, steals the relic first. Forced to form his own ragtag group of mercenaries, Spike plans an epic heist against a ruthless gang of undead criminals. Confronted with paranormal plots, royal black ops, and tea (they may be abominations, but they’re British abominations, thank you very much), Spike soon realizes that his homecoming is about to get bloody.
This rompy, action-packed novel inspired by one of Buffy’s most infamous bad boys is part Bonnie and Clyde, part Sherlock and Watson, with just a bit more bloodsucking.
Author: William Ritter; publisher: Disney Hyperion.
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drulovesspike · 2 years
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Richard Sammel in Un Village Francais season 6. 
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drulovesspike · 2 years
y’all hate middle aged women so fucking much and think it’s a form of progressive thought
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