drumarghumman17 · 6 years
Uncle Noor Khan...From ICSA to ICSA
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In our lives we meet hundreds of people , but only a few of them leave a long lasting impression .The first time I saw Uncle Noor  was in Islamic center San Antonio (ICSA) . We  had recently moved to San Antonio at that time. I saw him wearing white Shalwar Qamiz  and a beautiful smile .He shook my hand with a smile which I can never forget.....  a smile which you see on the face of a mischievous child.
He was a regular in the masjid. Mostly  standing in the 1st row in prayer on the right side. Very down to earth person , who will meet you for the first time , with so much affection ,as if he knows you from  a long time.
The last time I saw him was also in ICSA. This time he was wearing white dress also, but the smile was missing. He died from a sudden heart attack. The long black car brought him there from the funeral home and then took him to Muslim cemetary.
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Sheikh Yusuf went with the janaza to cemetary. A hole was already dug in the ground before we reached there. Body was put inside the grave. Uncle Noor’s son , who was holding himself strong, was not able to hold his tears when he had to leave the body inside the grave and come out. That was the final good bye......its hard to imagine the feeling of a son putting his father inside the grave, the pain one goes through cannot be put in words.
A heavy metal slab was put on top of the grave.
Then people started using shovels to cover the grave with soil.
The cemetary was full of people who were once walking on this ground, their lives full of passions, dreams, ideas .
There was no pattern at all . Neonates, Young , middle age , old.... , rich , poor, every type of person was there  inside the cemetary.
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                                                                         روز و شب کے میلے میں
                                                                                 غفلتوں کے مارے ہم
                                                                                بس یہی سمجھتے ہیں
                                                                                   ہم نے جس کو دفنایا
                                                                                  !!بس اسی کو مرنا تھا 
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