drunkonpotential · 4 days
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PRISON BREAK season two - 2006-2007
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drunkonpotential · 5 days
"Rags" Sentence Starters
"Put your heart in it."
"You can go the distance."
"We did it for love."
"We tried and we won."
"We'll never give up."
"It's me and you against the world."
"To my heart, you got a key."
"I was lost, then you found me."
"You didn't care what they said."
"You stood by me instead."
"Together, we're a stronger team."
"It feels, like we both are certain it's the real thing."
"Nothing beats this feeling."
"Who cares what they say?"
"They can't get in our way."
"We fight together."
"We're down forever."
"We stick together and it gets better."
"I'll follow my dreams."
"You'd think they were nightmares the way they scream."
"I'll make them believe."
"Someday, I'm gonna be the next big thing."
"I never doubt my dreams."
"I just need someone that I can make proud."
"I can't wait for that someday and that someday it is coming."
"I wanna share my life with someone who loves me just for me."
"I wanna wish up to the stars I can."
"I wanna see the lights and the crowd in the stands."
"Everything I want I'm gonna get it at last, okay."
"I was really having fun, too cool about it."
"Now I see everything a little different."
"The world looks bigger and the sky is the limit."
"I didn't come this far to stop now."
"Everything will be okay."
"You can follow me if you wanna go."
"I love you so much."
"I hate you so bad."
"I don't miss you."
"You know that's not true."
"When I say I'm leaving I don't mean it."
"I just want you back."
"Always said that no matter what we would be together."
"I want you back now more than ever."
"You think you're clever."
"Tell me a way we can make this better."
"I want you back now forever."
"You only want me when you're lonely."
"When I want you you don't know me."
"Nothing gets better than this."
"Everything is better."
"Not going home, not ever."
"Look around you'll find everything you can describe."
"Just bought my girl a diamond ring."
"Not going home tonight."
"Everything here just feels right!"
"I'm so much better now."
"Is this really me?"
"That's the person I should be."
"I know once they get to know they'll see what I see."
"I'll make 'em all believe the story."
"Happiness is what I can't live without."
"It's time to stand out."
"I'm getting better everyday."
"I've got too much to change."
"I'm holding on to what's real."
"I can't wait to hit the floor."
"It's tonight."
"I don't want it to stop."
"Tonight I'm having a good time."
"I'm not stressing it no more."
"When I first saw you, didn't know what to think."
"Something about you is so interesting."
"I can see me and you being best friends. The kind of friends that finish each other's sentences."
"I would of never thought I'd be here with you."
"I've never met someone who had so much in common with me."
"I can look into your eyes all day."
"Sometimes in your lifetime, you look and search for someone just to care."
"You got me, I got you."
"You see what I see."
"I can see all that you want from me."
"Are you talking to me?"
"When you feel you took your last breath, I promise you got more left."
"There's a chance if you take it."
"There's no time to stop now."
"Can you look at me now?"
"Nothing's impossible."
"I'm just trying to make it."
"Won't you come take a closer look?"
"Come a little bit closer."
"We're not so different at all."
"You looking at me, tell me what you see."
"I see you on the big screen."
"We kinda do the same thing."
"We're not so different, are we?"
"Together we can do this."
"Things aren't always what they seem."
"It's easier out here on my own."
"I just hope your memory's proud of me."
"I might cry myself to sleep and imagine that you're here with me."
"It's hard enough to find someone to trust."
"It's easier to live life scared to love."
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drunkonpotential · 7 days
"StarStruck" Sentence Starters
"Every girl, every boy, they got your posters on their walls."
"Wanna be you, when they see you they scream out loud."
"Hear the crowd calling your name."
"Prepare to get starstruck!"
"As soon as you move, they gonna talk about it."
"You're in the A-list, you better believe it."
"Doesn't matter if it's true, they're gonna talk about it."
"You can't see me."
"You can't be me."
"You're the main attraction."
"They want to take my picture."
"They're calling your name."
"Show 'em what you came here for."
"I'm no superman."
"I can't read your mind like a billboard sign and tell you everything you wanna hear."
"I can be everything you need."
"If you're the one for me, like gravity, I'll be unstoppable."
"I believe in destiny."
"If you're the one for me, then I'll be your hero."
"If I see your face, I'll barely know."
"I put my trust in faith that you will come my way."
"If it's right, it's undeniable."
"I'll wait for you."
"Grab your shades and let's go for a ride."
"We'll do lunch at Sunset and Vine."
"Wish that I could always feel this way."
"There's something about the sunshine."
"I'm seeing you in a whole new light."
"Everywhere's a scene and now we're in it."
"I don't wanna paint this town alone."
"When I see you smile, I always feel at home."
"Now that you're here it's suddenly clear."
"Whatever I do, it's better with you."
"Can't blame you for thinking that you never really knew me at all."
"I thought I was protecting you from everything that I go through."
"I know that we got lost along the way."
"Here I am with all my heart."
"I hope you understand."
"I know I let you down, but I am never gonna make that mistake again."
"You brought me closer to who I really am."
"I want the world to see what you mean to me."
"Just know that I'm sorry."
"You make me feel like I'm myself instead of being someone else."
"You say what no one else will say."
"You know exactly how to get to me."
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drunkonpotential · 8 days
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7.09 'Ashes, Ashes' // 2.18 'This Life We Choose'
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drunkonpotential · 11 days
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Misa Moments {19/∞}
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drunkonpotential · 12 days
"grown up and lonely" by Taylor Bickett Sentence Starters
"Falling in love is so embarrassing."
"I hate how much I cared."
"I told my friends that I thought we'd grow old."
"Now you've made a liar."
"Why do we do this voluntarily?"
"You never recognize when you're in it how stupid you look."
"No regrets, except for everything that I did and said."
"Who saw their forever in you?"
"I'd rather die than repeat a thing."
"Why am I crying?"
"I'm caught off guard by these feelings."
"You say that we should call it off."
"Didn't think that I would care this much."
"We weren't dating."
"We were playing like people in love."
"Oh, my god, I'm an idiot."
"How did I think this would end? Guess I didn't."
"These kind of things always have consequences."
"Would I be a total hypocrite if I told you now that I've thought it all through?"
"I think that I might be in love with you."
"I've always had awful timing."
"So, now, what the hell am I supposed to do?"
"Sometimes I think you reassured me just to twist the knife."
"It always bothered you that you're not quite as tall as me."
"Yeah, I wish you well. Can you tell that I'm being sarcastic?"
"You're not a bad person. You're just a little bit selfish."
"You're so occupied with looking good and saving face."
"Wish that you cared half as much about the hearts you break."
"Does it bother you I'm shattered? Cause you seem okay."
"I'm stepping over broken glass to clean the mess you made."
"I don't hate you even though I probably should."
"They say the best way to get over is to get under someone new."
"I swear I'm dying to get better, so I'll give this stuff a try."
"Now I feel like a bad person."
"Is this dating when you're grown up and lonely?"
"This shit's taking everything out of me."
"It didn't used to be so heavy, right?"
"Why does it feel like I don't know anything anymore?"
"I'm terrified of rejection."
"I swear sixteen was yesterday, but now I'm closer to twenty-eight."
"I'm focusing all of my energy on just staying awake."
"I don't mean to keep making it about me."
"Everybody feels like this at twenty-three."
"I know I'm not unique, but I'm a drama queen."
"It's just a quarter-life crisis."
"I'm melodramatic as hell."
"Where's all the talent that I had last decade?"
"I'm just a tired, old cliche."
"I'm focusing all of my energy on just being okay."
"It feels like I'm falling behind."
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drunkonpotential · 13 days
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In a flash. Yeah.
—Iris West, The Flash, “The Flash is Born”
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drunkonpotential · 14 days
"Short n' Sweet" by Sabrina Carpenter Sentence Starters
"I leave quite an impression."
"Now I'm gone, but you're still layin' next to me, one degree of separation."
"I heard you're back together."
"You'll just have to taste me when they're kissing you."
"You can have them if you'd like. I've been there, done that once or twice."
"I know I've been known to share."
"I know I have good judgement, I know I have good taste."
"I promise 'em that you're different and everyone makes mistakes."
"Whatever devil's inside you, don't let it out tonight."
"Please, please, please don't prove I'm right."
"Please, please, please, don't bring me to tears when I just did my makeup so nice."
"Heartbreak is one thing, my ego's another."
"I beg you, don't embarrass me motherfucker."
"I know you're craving some fresh air, but the ceiling fan is so nice."
"We could live so happily if no one knows that you're with me."
"I'm just kidding, but really."
"If you wanna go and be stupid don't do it in front of me."
"I won't give a fuck about you."
"When I love you, I'm sweet like an angel."
"Don't mistake my nice for naive."
"I don't waste a second."
"You say you really like it being mine?"
"It's not that complicated."
"You should stay in my good graces."
"No one's more amazing at turning loving into hatred."
"You do something sus, kiss my cute ass goodbye."
"I know you're not the sharpest tool in the shed."
"We had sex, I met your best friends."
"If that was casual, then I'm an idiot."
"You're confused and I'm upset, but we never talk about it."
"All the silence just makes it worse, really."
"Seems like overnight, I'm just the bitch you hate now."
"You've lost all your common sense."
"Last week, you didn't have any doubts."
"This week, you're holding space for their tongue in your mouth."
"You're tryna turn the past into present tense."
"You told me the truth, minus seven percent."
"What a surprise, your phone just died."
"You car drove itself from L.A. to her thighs."
"She kinda looks like the girl you outgrew. At least that's what you said."
"Your friend hit me up so we could connect."
"Maybe it's all in my head."
"I bet we'd have really good bed chem."
"I'm obsessed."
"Are you free next week?"
"Said you're not in my timezone, but you wanna be."
"Let's fulfill the prophecy."
"Now you're thinking about me every night."
"Is it that sweet? I guess so."
"That's that me espresso."
"I can't relate to desperation."
"My give-a-fucks are on vacation."
"When they act this way, I know I got 'em."
"Too bad your ex don't do it for ya."
"I walked in and dream-came-trued it for ya."
"I know I Mountain Dew it for ya."
"You look so cute wrapped 'round my finger."
"You're so dumb and poetic."
"It's just what I fall for, I like the aesthetic."
"Gold star for highbrow manipulation."
"Just 'cause you talk like one doesn't make you a man."
"You put us in this situation."
"You're running so fast from the hearts that you're breaking."
"Save all your breath for your floor meditation."
"I promise the mushrooms aren't changing your life."
"You fuck with my head like it's some kind of fetish."
"Guess I'll end this life alone."
"If they're winning, I'm just losing."
"It's slim pickings."
"If I can't have the one I love, I guess it's you that I'll be kissing."
"The good ones are deceased or taken."
"I'll just keep on moaning and bitching."
"This boy doesn't even know the difference between 'their,' 'there' and 'they are'."
"Don't have to tell your hot ass a thing."
"You make me wanna make you fall in love."
"If you love me right, then who knows?"
"You know I just might let you lock me down tonight."
"Sorry if you feel objectified."
"Adore me."
"Tell me I'm the only one."
"Don't swear on your mom."
"Don't say it was just an isolated incident that happened once."
"I've never seen an ugly truth that I can't bend into something that looks better."
"I'm stupid, but I'm clever."
"I can make a shitshow look a whole lot like forever and ever."
"If they like you, they'll just lie to themselves."
"Don't I know it better than anyone else?"
"All of your best excuses, no, they don't stand a chance."
"We love to read the cold, hard facts and swear they're incorrect."
"We love to mistake butterflies for cardiac arrest."
"Don't smile because it happened, cry because it's over."
"You're supposed to think about me every time you hold them."
"My heart is heavy now, it's like a hundred pounds."
"I think I need a shower."
"You think it's happy hour, for me it's not."
"I want you to miss me."
"I don't wanna be tempted to pick up when you fall back in."
"You can fake it, but you know I know."
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drunkonpotential · 15 days
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favorite madney shots + hands
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drunkonpotential · 18 days
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drunkonpotential · 19 days
NATIONAL TREASURE (2004) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
i'm gonna steal it.
who wants to go down the creepy tunnel inside the tomb first?
if it's any consolation, you had me convinced.
you're not hurt, are you?
i am so getting fired for this.
is there a question in there?
we have no money.
how about a bribe?
it was cool. you should try it sometime.
we can't go back there.
i've never been so happy to be proven wrong.
you handled that well.
are you trying to steal that?
it's thirty-five dollars.
you know the key to running a convincing bluff? every once in a while you've got to be holding all the cards.
stop talking. start the van.
you're treasure hunters, aren't you?
i'm still working on it.
why don't you just come back down here and we can talk through this together.
don't speak again.
is that the hot girl?
are you with me?
what do you think? i'm a hostage.
do you trust me?
once we catch them, what do we do?
is this real?
i made something for you.
tell me what i need to know.
just another clue.
i can explain, but i don't have time.
i wasted 20 years of my life, and now you've destroyed yours.
what was the secret?
i found something!
i broke a shoelace this morning.
it can't be done.
i understand your bitterness. i really do.
i want you to have a chance to do that.
i've got some duct tape in the back.
promise you won't be any trouble.
i finally figured it out.
the treasure is a myth.
we need more juice.
you're all lunatics!
still a little on edge from being shot at, but i'll be okay. thanks for asking.
see? okay? now could you please stop shouting?
give me that!
you would do well, [name], to be a little more civilized in this instance.
who were those men?
we did the only thing we could do to keep it safe.
we probably deserved that.
i was thinking, what if we go public? plaster the story all over the internet.
it's not like we have our reputations to worry about.
people don't talk that way anymore.
beautiful, huh?
i have no idea what you said.
if there's something wrong, those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action.
what do you see?
what time is it now?
we missed it.
i know something about history that you don't.
i'd be very excited to learn about it.
hold on one second. let me just take in this moment.
this is cool. is this how you feel all the time?
[name], you're a genius.
how do a bunch of guys with hand tools build all this?
the aliens helped them.
i volunteered.
it's invisible.
i'm sorry for your suffering.
when are we gonna get there?
i'm hungry. this car smells weird.
i'm so sorry i dropped you.
i would have done exactly the same to you.
why can't they just say "go to this place, here's the treasure, spend it wisely?"
anyone crazy enough to believe us isn't gonna want to help.
we don't need someone crazy.
[name], are you crying?
look. stairs.
i'm guessing that's significant.
i'm just trying to hide from my ex-husband.
stay as long as you like.
you want something?
i see what you left him.
this isn't a day for "um."
we didn't find the information credible.
well, this might be possible.
i leveled with you one hundred percent.
everything i told you was the truth.
it's not a conspiracy theory.
you know what? i take it back.
i'm in a little trouble.
this... is huge.
you are gonna go to prison. you know that, right?
that would bother most people.
you know what you have to do.
i'm just trying to think if there's anything else we could do.
i'm not letting it out of my sight.
how do you look?
a toast to high treason.
here's to the men who did what was considered wrong in order to do what they knew was right.
why do you need them?
look... this is a waste of time.
i'm still not against you.
i really couldn't accept something like this normally.
we don't actually have it.
did bigfoot take it?
is there a door that doesn't lead to prison?
get out of there. get out of there now!
[name], can you hear me?
can i marry your brain?
our evil plan is working.
why does that never happen to me?
meet me at the car. call me if you have any problems.
no broken bones?
a jump like that could kill a man.
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drunkonpotential · 20 days
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michael and sara + touch » season 5
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drunkonpotential · 20 days
@exbourgeois liked for a nostalgia song starter - Belle - Reprise
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Gabriella has lived a lot of places. None of them have ever felt as permanent as the Outer Banks do. And for the first time in her life she's hating the idea of stability.
Because this place is not what she expected. She thought it'd be just like every other town. They'd stick around for a few months and then they'd be on to the next. But things changed here. Everything changed here.
Her mom fell in love with some rich schmuck. He's fine. Well, he's not the worst. But apparently being a rich schmuck is on a whole other level in the Outer Banks. Their holier than thou attitude is on a whole other level. And they've got traditions. Like throwing a yearly party just to show off and celebrate how rich they are.
And that party just so happens to be tonight. And right about now Gabriella's pretty sure that her mom and that guy are swaying on the dance floor under a bunch of twinkly lights. She's sure they haven't even noticed that she's slipped away in search of the solace that only the beach can provide.
She hadn't been counting on company, but that doesn't mean it's unwelcome.
They don't really say anything, just sit side by side in the sand. She'd only crossed Kiara Carrera's path a handful of times in the few months that she's been here, but she just has the feeling that maybe she'll know Gabriella's feelings without her having to put a name to them.
"For once, it might be grand to have someone understand." She says, looking out at the ocean as it slips from the shore. She thinks about the life she's being set up for. The expectations this place puts on its children. She doesn't want to be a part of that. "I want so much more than they've got planned."
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drunkonpotential · 21 days
AS SAID BY JASON TODD/ROBIN/RED HOOD *  assorted dialogue from multiple dc universe sources, adjust as necessary
i did it once for dramatic effect and it just got to be a habit.
you can't tell, but i'm dozing off under this mask.
a whole night in paris... and i managed to not kill anyone. not bad.
you made the same mistake everyone does when it comes to me.
i want to warn them... but i know i can't.
don't know, don't care. i got my hands full.
do you remember the last time we were together?
looks like you guys could use a hand!
i'm looking for someone.
i'm afraid it's about to get much worse.
the angry, reckless vigilante bit is my thing.
i'm not good or bad. i'm just practical as hell.
you and i are more alike than you realize.
i get it. starting over is scary as hell.
i don't even need to turn around to know that's you.
thanks for thinking of me. i'm happy to help. honored, even.
i generally have several madness-inducing hallucinations before breakfast.
nothing in the real world can be as frightening as what we can imagine... right?
you don't think i understand what it's like to be abandoned? forgotten?
i'll be damed if my best friend is going to die... because he was dumb enough to trust me.
i'm sorry. i'm never going to be the hero you want me to be.
next time i see you, i'm going to kick your butt for this dying crap.
you have ten seconds to walk way. nine... oh, screw it.
there are better ways to spend your energy.
that looks like it's gotta hurt. well, i say that like i'm speculating or something. i know it hurts.
we chose to be a family.
if there's hope for us... there's hope for everyone.
you still haven't figured it out?
life's just a game... and this time, you lose.
i seem to have made myself an enemy of all the bad guys.
it's too late. you had your chance.
i'm just getting started.
hard to forget that night, huh?
in a way, this was the site of your first great failure.
ah... memories.
you can't stop crime. that's what you never understood.
you want to rule them by fear, but what do you do to those who aren't afraid?
i'm doing what you won't.
i'm taking them out.
now tell me... how does it feel?
is that what you think this is about?
i don't know what clouds your judgement worse. your guilt or your antiquated sense of morality.
i forgive you for not saving me.
he took me away from you.
i am no one's son.
what do you think this was all about?
welcome to planet earth, baby.
fear isn't the answer.
you son of a bitch.
we were friends, helping each other pick up the pieces of our lives.
it might not be a popular thought, but not everyone wants to be alive.
can you hear it?
funny, i actually escaped death.
the past keeps dragging me back.
they're not monsters. they're victims of programming, abuse, and trauma.
they can change.
fact is, they're just like us.
we became something else.
you hurt a lot of people.
we don't discriminate here.
sometimes you don't know what you want 'til you learn what you don't.
trust? you? i'll give it a try. but i'll tell you right now, i'm probably going to screw it up.
guys like us? the life we lead? we're never truly alone.
i have no idea who you people are.
you pompous ass.
before i kill you, i want the truth.
i'd like to think i'm an open-minded guy.
sure it was fun. but does that mean it was right?
sometimes i wonder if i'm just part of the problem.
i'm not doing one more damn mission with them unless you get me someone i can trust to watch my back.
knew you couldn't do it.
it's official. class is in session.
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drunkonpotential · 22 days
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drunkonpotential · 25 days
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“As a spy, this… this life, this job. Chuck, I made a promise to protect you, and I can’t do it, not from this. So you finish it, and then you’re done.”
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drunkonpotential · 27 days
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9-1-1 7.04 "Buck, Bothered and Bewildered"
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