drvcaryz · 1 year
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a soft scoff escapes her at the news. cemre was more than aware jackson was a close knit community, but that didn’t stop the apparent bad blood to form between the two women. in truth, she was almost grateful the other was gone. otherwise, the woman might have done something reckless. “of course she did.” the only other person capable of shining light on the situation was gone. “i thought the world of you but jesus cam. what else was i meant to think? i had messages going to a source i trusted to get the information to luis and theo. i left a message with jamie.” and she’d gone through the entirety of her pregnancy alone. delivered their son as she’d cried to her father about wanting the man who now stood at her side. and still, he’d never showed up at the QZ. “of course he does,” she murmured, gaze trailing to the little boy who was peeking shyly toward them both. “i didn’t know what else to tell him, so i told him you were out looking for somewhere safe for us to live. when the QZ fell, he babbled on for days about meeting you and i — he looks for you in every man he meets.” 
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it was still hard for him to wrap his mind around the entire situation; the fact that the other woman knew where cemre was, and that she was carrying her baby, how could she have kept such important information from him? a soft sigh falls from his petals, features softening at her words as his glance shifts away from the little boy to focus on the ground beneath his feet. he had always wanted to be a father some day, then the world had turned to shit, and building a family had no longer been something he was looking forward to, aware that he could lose them with a blink of an eye. " i don't know why she kept it from me, if i had known..." his voice trails off, shaking his head. there was no point in dwelling in maybes or what ifs, what was done, was done. " i'm not sure of much right now, but i do want to get to know him." the male confesses, meeting her gaze. " i just might need some time."
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drvcaryz · 1 year
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there is a trail of clothing from the living room into the bedroom ( the details of how or when they’d transitioned elsewhere was a bit fuzzy from the lust that had overtaken the trio ), but now, saffron laid comfortably on the bed. stretching ( and releasing a little groan of comfort ), the woman rolled to face the others with an amused smirk.
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padding back into the bedroom, adriana quietly tossed the pair a bottle of water a piece ( adorned in nothing but the shirt they’d shed kyle of some time earlier ). “we should order in,” she proposes as she crawls onto the bed to settle herself between the pair. “and we ought to do it soon or this one,” poking gently at saffron, which earns her a soft squeal, “will surely fall asleep.”
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           honeyed hues are focused on the redhead beside him, long digits playing absently with her silky locks as kyle feels himself slowly coming down his high. it's the perfect feeling, and he knows he's probably the luckiest man on the planet to have two girlfriends that seem to love him as much as he loves them. " what do you feel like eating? i would kill for a burger right now," he confesses with a soft chuckle. "or some tacos."
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drvcaryz · 1 year
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stefan can’t help the soft snort that escapes him at her words. “fairly certain i witnessed more than one of those fights,” the couple were typically pretty good about keeping their issues to themselves, but on occasion it seemed to bubble to the surface ( one or the other hoping to rope stefan in to take their side ). “still, they seemed to have it together, even when they did argue.” the pair had undoubtedly set the bar high, and now all stefan could think about is how he could possibly stand in as an appropriate father-figure for sophia ( because really, he would never be good enough ). “we’ll figure it out,” he agrees — they really don’t have another choice, do they? they might have hated each other up until a few hours ago, but now there was a little life between them that required care and attention. 
“we’re here,” he murmurs, throwing the car in park and looking at the building that seems to loom over them. yet another thing sealing them into a fate they’d never imagined would befall them.
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stefan had a point, even when the couple argued, they seemed to have it together, something the brunette couldn't say for herself. she lived for her job, her career was the one thing that mattered the most in her life, leaving little to no time to relationships, but if they were going to do this, then she'd have to make it work. "it's going to be okay," she murmurs, perhaps in an attempt to reassure herself. relief washes over her as the pair finally approaches the building, an unsettling feeling resting in the pit of her stomach as she climbs out of the car, making sure to grab the little girl's favorite toy before heading inside. "she's probably terrified," she murmurs, secretely hoping that it wasn't the case, that she'd been asleep this whole time instead.
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drvcaryz · 1 year
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following most of his little dalliances, felix finds himself dressing quickly and returning to his common room — lingering often gives the wrong impression, and yet that is all he can seem to do now. the man is fairly certain he’s left the other satisfied ( and despite a few softer moments, he cannot help but tease now ), “thoroughly proved wrong yet, yildiz or are you going to request a repeat performance?” dark hues had previously been watching his own nimble fingers work toward buttoning his shirt once more ( but they raise to appraise her and judge her answer, brows and lips alike quirking in amusement ). 
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while there's part of ada that wants to hurry back to the gryffindor common room, the part of her wants to stay a little longer, too enamored with his presence to even move. luckily, his voice forces her to push her thoughts to the back of her mind, a soft chuckle escaping her petals. "you wish, it was an one-time thing." the brunette points out, reaching for the fabric of her dress before pulling it over her frame. " i wouldn't blame you if you came back for more, though. no shame in admitting that i've rocked your world." or he had rocked hers, but that was something she wouldn't admit to.
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drvcaryz · 1 year
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as friends, he wants to insist, yet the words get caught in his throat at her agreement. it isn’t ready enthusiasm, but at least she didn’t turn him down entirely. “me? keep my hands to myself?” the man releases a laugh, “fairly certain you’re the one who last struggled to keep their hands to themselves. if anything, you can consider us even. but just for your sake, i’ll keep them to myself until we find some dark corner to venture off to.” even then, it would be a risk. they might do such a thing during the summer months and various holiday breaks, but school was another beast entirely. there were more interested eyes to follow them about. 
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frankly, serena doesn't want to overthink her decision, or the fact that he had asked her for the dance in the first place. perhaps because part of her still finds it to believe that he actually wants to take her out of everyone in the castle. rolling her blue hues at the other, she nudges him playfully with her elbow as the two head towards the quidditch pitch. " sounds fair to me," she agrees with a nod," but in my defense, we hadn't seen each other in a while so i guess i just missed your company." she adds, unable to keep a smile from tugging at her petals.
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drvcaryz · 1 year
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a soft scoff escapes at his confirmation ( and while saffron would like to say she’s surprised, she isn’t — the man is an absolute baboon, and for once, she’s grateful for her families exceedingly high standards, as she can’t imagine referring to the man as family in any capacity ). “he’s a rather sad human being,” she remarks with a shrug. “he can wallow all he wants though, by the time graduation comes around, we’ll only see one another at occasional events… thanks salazar.” rearranging her skirts, light hues flicker in his direction curiously. “well apparently you can blame him for trying, if it’s part of what instigated your fight,” she teases. 
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kaiden finds himself chuckling at the other's words, but at the same time, he can't help but wonder if he's destined to the same fate the other male is. after graduation, would the two even stay friends? sure, he came from a pure-blood family, but he was far from being as wealthy as some slytherin families were. not to mention that his family affilitations to muggles was frowned upon by other wizards. " like i said, it's fine, it almost doesn't hurt anymore," he assures her with a gentle smile. the last thing he needed was for her to feel guilty over his own stupid decisions. "so, have you got yourself a date for the winter dance yet?"
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drvcaryz · 1 year
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lips quirk at his comment as her gaze drops from his own. “i’ll have to keep that in mind. next time i feel i’m deserving of a raise and he’s stubborn perhaps i’ll just threaten to leave,” not that there was any truth behind that. emma was good at her job because of the people she worked with ( because she loved her job ). leaving wasn’t even an option. “two hours to get ready mr. stanford? and is there a dress code i should be made aware of for this date?” 
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"please, we both know that if you wanted a raise he would give it to you immediately," and she deserved every penny. his father had a lot of flaws but never failed when it came to rewarding his employees. the male finds himself chuckling at her words. "no, i don't need two hours to get ready, but what if the meeting runs late? " the male points out, titling his head to the side. " no dress code, you always look nice anyway."
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drvcaryz · 1 year
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with just a sheet wrapped about her frame, the woman slowly makes her way back into the bedroom ( having ventured into the living room to put away left overs ; knowing the pair of them would undoubtedly regret it come morning if they let it all sit out ). slipping into bed beside the man, ece wastes no time in cuddling back against his frame with a hum. “maybe i ought to tease you about the future more regularly. you’re insatiable, mr. dawnson.” it makes her happy to think about ; how the day had begun with concern that they might not last and now they were engaged and both seemingly eager to wed. “i love you. so much.”  
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bright blue hues almost instantly settle on the female as she makes her way back into the bedroom, a content smile painted on samuel's petals. " i'm insatiable? such thing can be said about you too," the male points out, adjusting his strong arm around her smaller frame and pulling her closer. " we truly are a match made in heaven," he teases, pressing a handful of kisses against her temple before resting his chin on top of her head. " i love you, you truly are the best thing to ever happen to me."
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drvcaryz · 1 year
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his heart nearly stops at her words ( the man admittedly concerned that perhaps she regrets telling him — and the man nearly jumps to correct her ); “no no,” he murmurs softly, dark hues flickering about the space before he’s shifting slightly in his seat ( angling so he might address her better ). “no. look this isn’t the most… ideal of circumstances, i think we can both agree to that but that’s still partially my kid. i want to give them everything and anything that i can.” running sweaty palms against his thighs, henry emits a soft sight. “we won’t be the first people to co-parents. and ece… ece is great, but… peter?” he asks. for some reason, his brain has latched onto the name ( brows furrowing in confusion, as henry can recall the man from early in their relationship but he seemed to have drifted from out of norah’s life years ago ). 
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the words escape the other's lips and part of nora wants them to be enough to soothe the nervous feeling that's been eating at her since she'd found out she was carrying her baby. but they aren't. if anything, she's grateful that he's willing to play his part, but the other part of her still struggles to see past the fact that they aren't together anymore. how are they supposed to raise a child together when they couldn't even make their relationship work? the brunette can feel her muscles tense as the next part of his sentence registers with her, the familiar tone he uses when it comes to the other male causing her to furrow her brows in response. "what about peter? he's my friend, he has always been nothing but supportive."
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drvcaryz · 1 year
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she’s ready to tsk and tease him for the rather bold statement — but his following words leave her tongue tied. its dangerous, because suddenly there are countless ideas that float to the surface of what she might ask of him. emma didn’t like to consider herself greedy, but something about being with the older man made her want ( and not for the first time, she contemplated asking him to make this something a bit more serious then the relationship of mistress she was currently toeing along ). “daring, foolish men. this is why we women live longer,” she chuckled. “i will, however, see if i can’t persuade you into the water at least once or twice. would be rather shameful for us to have come all the way here and for you to not enjoy any of it. a few hours in the sun couldn’t possibly hurt.” 
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arthur was a lot of things, but he was no fool. the man knew that it was only a matter of time until she started wanting more. it was only natural, no one liked being the other woman. and the most dangerous part, is that he's almost willing to give up everything he has, his marriage, the love and respect of his family, just to be with her. but it's an unspoken truth, one that he doesn't dare to tell her. "you got yourself a deal," he murmurs, smiling back at her before he presses a gentle kiss to her cheek. " are you hungry? i can order us breakfast before we hit the beach, or you would rather eat something later? "
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drvcaryz · 1 year
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he wasn’t sure what other words he could really offer aside from an ‘i’m sorry’. peter had met the other man years ago, before he and norah had gotten serious. in truth, he’d never cared for henry ( a fact that only solidified when the distance between the former best friends had grown ). “i stand by my statement. he’s an idiot,” and he he knew ece, peter’s certain the woman has preached the same thing countless times now. “ha, that is…” amusing? maybe. ironic? sure. “no. no uh, woefully single. seems my radio personality has given me quite the reputation and people only seem to see and have interest in that these days. so its just me and my succulents,” he teases, trying to brush aside the fact that once upon a time, the man had assumed he’d be married by this age. maybe with a kid or two.
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norah manages to offer him a soft smile in response to his words, taking a sip of the bitter liquid in her cup before speaking up once more. " sometimes people just fall out of love and it's no one's fault." of course it was a statement that she desperately wanted to believe in, but was still struggling to accept. the fact that she was carrying henry's baby didn't exactly help either. " i'm sorry to hear that," she had known peter for years, and lately she finds herself wanting to go back to those easier times, where figuring out where they would go on friday night was their only preocupation. "i'm sure you'll find someone, maybe when you least expect it, that's almost always the case. besides, you deserve it, you deserve someone who loves you for you and who isn’t afraid of whatever reputation your radio show has gotten you."
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drvcaryz · 1 year
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“i’ll have to take one from the books of the gryffindors and start taking my study materials to various rooms, nooks and crannys to make myself less predictable.” unlikely, given he tended to get up mid-sentence of a passage to go scour another text. 
the man blinked back his surprise. he’d intended for them to simply exchange meaningless gossip surrounding the event ( hogwarts seemed to have a plethora of it since the event had been announced ). he’d had no intention of asking her, but now that was a rather appealing thought, wasn’t it? it would likely give their parents the wrong idea when they inevitably heard about it. stopping in his tracks, the man gave an elaborate bow ( complete with a flourish ), “serena valcourt, do me the grand honor of accompanying me to the winter dance?” 
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          serena wasn't sure of what made her say such a thing, perhaps because part of her did want to attend the dance with the male. still, when the question finally escapes the other, she can't help the way surprise washes over her features, a smile gracing her petals, causing her to completely forget what they’d been discussing mere moments earlier." i mean, i guess, if you insist, the honor would be all mine." she teases, tucking a few golden strands behind her ear. " it'll be fun, as long as you manage to keep your hands to yourself all evening." she adds, playfully nudging him with her elbow.
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drvcaryz · 1 year
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a shocked bubble of laughter escapes her at his words — she prides herself in knowing whats going on in the company ( of being an ear on the ground ), but this is not something she’s expected. she might flirt with the man, but not once had emma pictured it going anywhere. “i’m practically his work wife,” she excuses lightly. “man wouldn’t function without me around,” it’s meant to be a joke, but there is a concerning amount of truth behind the statement. “i mean, me with my busy schedule, i’ll have to see if i can pencil you in.” flashing a grin, she shakes her head. “friday works, what time were you thinking?” 
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aaron finds himself laughing at the brunette's words, blissful unaware of whatever was going on between the two. sure, he knew they spent an awful amount of time together, but never in a million years has he allowed himself to imagine that there could be something more between the two. probably because he couldn't think of emma as someone who would be willing to have an affair with a married man, who was considerably older than her. " i agree, i don't think he would function without you either." she was great at her job, and that was no secret to anyone. "around eight, maybe? i do have a meeting on friday, but it should be over by six so i'll have plenty of time to go home and get ready for our dinner."
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drvcaryz · 1 year
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brows arch in his direction before a soft noise escapes her ( a mix of disbelief and a chuckle of amusement ). “let’s hope my housemate is smart enough to learn and that there won’t be a next time,” she offers. hues flicker in his direction at his thanks before she’s carefully tucking the bruise paste back into her bag. brow furrowing at the sudden change of topic, her attention returns to him. “no? why — is that what this whole fight was about? salazar, the idiot thought my family would accept him as a betrothal or whatever and he got rejected and hasn’t gotten over it since.”
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            slytherins were a lot of things but stupid wasn't one of them. for the most part at least, so the chances of the other staying away were high enough. kaiden nods in response, sitting back against the large rock before his hands bury themselves in the pocket of his robes. he feels stupid for even asking, heat flushing his cheeks as her response registered with him. " i mean, kind of," there would have been no fight if the other hadn't been talking about saffron in the ways he had. "now that's sad," and it was even sadder that betrothals were still a thing amongst the oldest and wealthiest wizard families. " but i can't really blame him for trying, can i?"
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drvcaryz · 2 years
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she isn’t oblivious to how well off arthur is ( she’s intimately familiar with most aspects of his life at this point ), but for some reason it still catches her off guard when he mentions owning an island and a resort ( the surprise likely written across her features as she blinks up at him for several long seconds — attempting to process this new piece of information ). “you’re just full of surprises,” she eventually manages with a small smile. “and if you keep spoiling me like this, i’m going to start making unreasonable requests,” it’s a tease more than anything ( though the temptation to see how far his generosity bends is there ). “for example… maybe you should stay beneath an umbrella all weekend. how suspicious would it be if we both got back to the office with a nice golden glow?” she teases further.
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                      "i am, aren't i?" chuckling lightly, the male leans in to steal a soft peck from her petals before meeting her gaze once more. "please, do make them, you know there's nothing i would deny you." and that was perhaps the most dangerous part of his affair, the fact that he would give her the world, all emma had to do was ask. arthur wasn't known for his gentle, selfless heart, quite the opposite, but she did bring out something in him, something good. " you know, i hadn't thought about it, but you're right. see, i knew that brain of yours would be useful." he teases, "i'll make sure to stay out of the sun, you on the other hand, should make the most of it."
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drvcaryz · 2 years
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the man grins at her words. he’d admittedly made a similar comment over the radio one morning ( and while his co-host had chuckled, there hadn’t been the deeper understanding as there was between friends ). peter is ready to pepper her with all sorts of questions regarding her time abroad, but all thoughts seem to come to a halt at her confession. while he may not have been the other mans biggest fan ( or samuel’s for that matter, given it seemed both men had been more than skeptical of him around the two women he’d come to consider to be his best friends ), he’d never wanted their relationship to end if it hurt norah. “oh shit,” he murmurs, brow furrowing. last he’d heard, the couple had been engaged. something had to have happened to break them apart, but it wasn’t really his place to pry anymore, was it? i’m sure ece would have been heart broken if you hadn’t come back, and selfishly, i’m glad we reconnected.” it isn’t much, but the fact that they’re sitting and having a conversation after what feels like years is… refreshing. “not sure it means a whole lot coming from me, but henry’s got to have something wrong with him if he broke up with a girl like you. you’re the type of girl you only run into once in a lifetime nor’s.” 
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                  "it's okay," it wasn't, not right now, but one day, it would be. norah has always been a strong woman, a result of years and years growing up under her parents' thumb. it took a lot to bring her down, and now she had someone else to think about, so falling apart wasn't an option. " that's true, i mean i don't think i would have lasted long without her, and i'm glad we've ran into each other too," she finds herself confessing with a small smile, shaking her head at his next words. " well, i don't know about that, right now it feels like i'm the type of girl you fall out of love with, but you know me, pity parties aren’t my cup of tea. life just..happens, you know? sure, it sucks, he broke my heart but i'll live." she still appreciated his words, more than she was able to admit. "what about you, though? have you found the girl of your dreams and settled down yet?"
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drvcaryz · 2 years
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accepting the keys silently, the man makes his way around to the drivers side ( pausing outside the vehicle as dark hues take in the sight of the car seat in the back with a soft noise of relief before he’s swinging himself into to car ). he hesitates in the front seat before opening the garage and starting the vehicle — popping the address into the GPS before starting down the street. “hopefully.” as horrible as it was, the man was simply grateful the girl was as young as she was. sophia recognized mom and dad, but stefan was certain the impact of their passing wouldn’t be nearly as significant given her age. “i’m still waiting to wake up,” he offers softly, fingers tightening around the wheel. “or hoping this is some elaborate, fucked up prank.” not that he could see the other couple doing such a thing, but there was that… sick hope that’s all this was. “i feel like i’m going to be a parrot. mimicking what i saw aiden doing but… not knowing if its right. what the hell are we meant to do when something happens and i never saw them deal with it?” what if he somehow messed up?
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                to say that sienna felt sick to her stomach would be a terrible understatement. her entire world seemed to be crumbling down around her, and she could only imagine how things would be for sophia when she grew up and was old enough to understand what had happened to her parents. her bright blue gaze stays focused on her hands as nervous fingers fiddle absently with her bracelet, pads brushing over the charm her best friend had gifted her once she had gotten the job at the law firm, reminding her of how happy they had both been then. "you know i don't think they had it all figured out either," the brunette confesses, swallowing the lump in her throat before glancing at the male beside her. " i mean they had problems too, they argued over stupid things, argued over how to raise sophia and sure, they had it more time than we have to figure it out, but they trusted us. it has to be for a reason, right?" or at least, that's what she believed it to be true. "so maybe we'll mess up sometimes but i know we'll always put her interests first."
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