drvgcnwcrricr · 5 years
lee liked how maya could turn her feelin’s off and on like that. sad to smilin’ in just a second. she wished she had that kinda control over herself. might make her life a little easier.
“thanks, maya. i know y’are,” she said. and she really believed it too. “now… i’m in the mood for a milkshake. how ‘bout you?”
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she was never sure exactly how she did it, how she could just switch it off like that --- but years of training to do such a thing might be the culprit. the never ending fake smiles and courteous hand shakes from her father, she was built to be a machine. and so, she was. 
no response, just a kind smile and a gentle hand clasping her friend’s. “ now that’s the kind of thing i like to hear. do you even have to ask ? “
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drvgcnwcrricr · 5 years
“well if he does, take a picture for me ‘cause i have yet to see it.”
 georgia rolled her eyes. “no thank you. the only thing worse than pissin’ off my daddy is pissin’ off missus kimberly ann duchannes. sweet as a damn daisy but i promise you. the woman has a wrath like nothin’ you have ever seen. i’d rather risk a doughnut-less logan duchannes, thank you very much.” 
“wouldn’t this all be a lot easier at your job? it’s litereally party central over there.”
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“ it’ll be a miracle, no doubt. “
maya let a small laugh fall from pursed lips, hands resting firmly at her hips as she stared down her friend. “ okay, okay, that idea’s out the door. well, maybe we can liven our lives up. take a trip to the woods or somethin’. “ she suggested, ears perking at her own idea. it was no secret the woods were her second home. she’d be missing for days, only a small note for julia in her absence. 
“ yeah but would i wanna work that shift ? hell no. would they schedule me for it anyways ? of course. “
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drvgcnwcrricr · 5 years
task #001
FULL NAME: maya lousie shen PRONUNCIATION: my - uh , lew-ease shin MEANING: water  REASONING: it was her aunt’s name and was meant to honor her death, just a few years before maya was born NICKNAME(S): maya PREFERRED NAME(S): maya BIRTH DATE: august 17th AGE: twenty - one ZODIAC: leo GENDER: cisfemale PRONOUNS: she, her ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: homoromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: asexual
BIRTH PLACE: letum falls, oklahoma HOMETOWN: letum falls, oklahoma SOCIAL CLASS: upper SPECIES: dragon FATHER: zhao shen MOTHER: gayle nasir SIBLING(S): none BIRTH ORDER: maya PET(S): none, yet OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: her mother and her father PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: none CURRENT RELATIONSHIP: julia mendez ARRESTS?: none PRISON TIME?: none
SOURCE OF INCOME: her job at the arcade CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: it’s a fun place for her to be payed to play video games, she’s pretty content. MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: her ankle bracelet that was passed down by her mother
TALENTS: skateboarding, the piano, flying DRIVE?: barely JUMP-STAR A CAR?: yes CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: no RIDE A BICYCLE?: yes SWIM?: yes PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: the piano PLAY CHESS?: no BRAID HAIR?: yes TIE A TIE?: yes PICK A LOCK?: yes
FACE CLAIM: brianne tju EYE COLOR: brown HAIR COLOR: dark brown/black HAIR TYPE/STYLE: long and straight or covered by a hat/beanie GLASSES/CONTACTS?: no DOMINANT HAND: left HEIGHT: 5′1 WEIGHT: 110 lbs BUILD: small but muscular TATTOOS: three, ( one ) on her shoulder of a solid black dragon, ( one ) on her wrist of a peace sign, and ( one ) small tree behind her ear  PIERCINGS: both ears, her left cartilage, her septum, and others MARKS/SCARS: nope NOTABLE FEATURES: none USUAL EXPRESSION: smiling or laughing ALLERGIES: avocados DIETARY RESTRICTIONS: none PHYSICAL AILMENTS: none
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral ELEMENT: fire MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: self-diagnosed adhd ADDICTION(S): nicotine/cigarettes DRUG USE: weed ALCOHOL USE: some, sometimes too much PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: only when provoked
HOBBIES: skateboarding, mixing slushie flavors at the mini mart, scouring the woods NERVOUS TICKS / HABITS: spark-flicking from her fingers, toe-tapping, finger-tapping, teeth grinding (mostly when she’s sleeping FEARS: death, airplanes (she doesn’t trust them) POSITIVE TRAITS:  empathetic, outgoing, lively, welcoming, intuitive, inquisitive, care-free NEGATIVE TRAITS: over-bearing, blunt, reckless, cynical CURSING?: she has a colorful palette, but knows when and when not to drop the f bomb
ACTIVITY: takin’ her board to biggest hill she can find and see if she can fly without her wings ANIMAL: dragon ( ofc ), second favorite would be a wolf ! BEVERAGE: banana-chocolate shake or rootbeer. BOOK: as i lay dying by william faulkner COLOR: red FOOD: chicken n’ dumplings FLOWER: sunflower GEM: ruby HOLIDAY: halloween MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: skateboard QUOTE/SAYING: “ we can do it tomorrow. “ SCENERY: the woods GENERAL SCENT: lavender and vanilla PERSONAL SCENT: pine, grass, light hints of lavender from her perfume SPORT: dancing WEATHER: sunny with some winds
GREATEST DREAM: to honor her family name GREATEST FEAR: that her interests and rebellious tendencies will lead to her family cutting her off, especially after she burned the home down MOST AT EASE WHEN: she’s flying in her dragon form LEAST AT EASE WHEN: she’s surrounded by a lot of people BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: so far ? graduating high school. moving out. getting a girlfriend. BIGGEST REGRET: burning down her childhood home MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: after the fair, waking up and walking home not knowing what happened until the memories returned by the end of the day BIGGEST SECRET: she liked how it felt to let loose and burn without a care during the fair’s chaos TOP PRIORITIES: her family, her friends, julia.
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drvgcnwcrricr · 5 years
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“ hostage ? ”  bez laughs and leans back against one of the unused pinball machines, crossing one ankle over the other. the picture of ease. ‘cause y’know what ?  tonight was intentional. yeah. he threw this competition on purpose, so maya’d have somethin’ to phone home about. ( and, in his humble experience, pinball wizards almost always get laid. ) 
“ your faith in my human ability to subdue is flattering, if undeserved. ”  he shakes his head, lips pullin’ into a knowing smirk at the mention of her hot babe at home.  “ hey, y’can run on home ‘n bone any time. just know, if it’s before this game ends ?  that would be an automatic forfeit. ”  he raises his hands like the rules ain’t his own doin’.
and then she’s off, fast fingers ‘n dartin’ eyes –– and hoo boy, that score keeps hikin’. bez pushes off his current machine-prop ‘n gravitates closer, eyes wide. “ fuck. me. ”  he’s torn ‘tween sabotagin’ her flawless game or lettin’ her have it. 
“ you sure you ain’t usin’ some wack wonk shit to enhance your game ?  steroids ?  meth ?  fire power ? ”   he’s kiddin’. maybe.
“ yeah, hostage. dude we were closin’ up an hour ago. if i didn’t have the keys i’d have the right mind to call the police right about now. “ she smirked, eyes narrowing towards her friend as he slinks against the machine with ease. all fun and games, ‘til someone kicks his ass in an arcade game. “ i outta send ya runnin’ home to xanny in tears. “
“ jules’ probably workin’ on the last bit of her case right now, i can spare one more game, then i gotta get back. and you outta, too. “
a slight roll of the eyes and maya’s hard at work one the flashing machine. a champion with the ball, she’s learned to tune out the ever-present blaring alarm that is, bez holmes. the biggest distraction of the all ? trying to concentrate while he’s blabbing on. try to snap back with a witty one liner and you’re done, finito.
the ball bounces and slings, zaps back and forth maya can barely keep her eyes on it. 
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drvgcnwcrricr · 5 years
lee knew she wasn’t the only one dealin’ with the aftermath of the carnival. but she was so wrapped up in her own shit lately that it was hard to keep on top of how her friends were doin’. she tried for a smile, a soft one, but her face didn’t quite reach it. she wasn’t very good at that in-between kinda emotion.
“i know. me too, sometimes. but we just gotta keep keepin’ on, i guess. i’m here if you need me.”
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maya let herself relish in the last of her sad moment, a tradition she had started ages ago. decide when it’s going to end, and it ends. so she took a last breath, closed her eyes, and held it for a second. a quick release and a smile on her lips. it’s all good again. 
“ i’ll be fine, promise. and same thing to you lee, i’m not just hangin’ around for bez anymore. i’m here for you, too. “
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drvgcnwcrricr · 5 years
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hm. size six. might be able to make that work… in the past, she’d do some quick snips, stitchwork, and be on her merry way with new pants –– but now ?  now, things ain’t so simple. 
clem’s compelled to pop them back on the rack, move on to a different item. but somethin’ about the texture of this pair in particular, keeps her interest. her fingertips dance along one of the side seams.
poor girl. she’s about to be roped in.
“ y’think they’d look better on me or the floor ? ”
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maya let herself fall into the curiosity of the moment, brows furrowing at the ease of the conversation. though, maya was never one to question clem. eyes steady and teeth nibble at the insides of her lip, anxious as always. 
the pants weren’t ugly, not in the slightest, but maya knew she’d never wear them. however, if they fit, she was sure clem would pull them off no matter what. that girl seemed to look good in anything. 
oh god. 
“ well, i fully believe you’d look good in or out of anything, but that’s not for me to decide, is it? “
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drvgcnwcrricr · 5 years
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hm. size six. might be able to make that work… in the past, she’d do some quick snips, stitchwork, and be on her merry way with new pants –– but now ?  now, things ain’t so simple. 
clem’s compelled to pop them back on the rack, move on to a different item. but somethin’ about the texture of this pair in particular, keeps her interest. her fingertips dance along one of the side seams.
poor girl. she’s about to be roped in.
“ y’think they’d look better on me or the floor ? ”
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maya waits patiently while the other ponders over the new information, her eyes scan the rack once more, nothing interesting popping out, but soon she was roped right back into the situation. 
this didn’t look like it was going to end well.
“ well i think that most everyone looks better with clothes on, but you could so work nudity. it suits you. just watch out for the five-o. “
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drvgcnwcrricr · 5 years
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“ in your pretty lil’ cheater ass dreams. ”  bez squints at maya’s high score. he refuses to believe it. absolutely refuses. nope. this universe ain’t right; what’s down is up; she clearly played the system.  so the curly haired boy hunches over the pinball machine and starts tossin’ in tokens for another game. ‘cause he’s the champ and that there is law.
“ ‘n i think i owe you one of these –– ”  he raises his left middle finger over his shoulder, lips pullin’ into a shit-eating grin hidden by his hair. after queuing up the next game, bez stands up straight again and steps aside for sec, offerin’ her the space. 
“ mmkay. y’wanna prove you’re hot shit ? ”  he leans back against the next machine over ‘n crosses his arms with a nod toward the flashing game in front of her. “ do it again, lil miss winner. ”
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“ cheater ? man, if you pull that card again imma have to throw you out. “ a slight eye roll but in all her glory, maya was enjoying this. after a long shift dealing with brats who’s moms always want their money back, this was the perfect way to end her day. playin’ pinball with bez until he gets too tired of her beating him. or, until he finally wins a game.
“ yeah, yeah, fuck you too. it’s already eleven, you gonna keep me hostage here all night ? kinda got a hot babe waiting on me at home. “ she sends a wink, rolling up her own right middle finger, her tongue poking out between her teeth. when he finally steps aside, a mock groan escapes her lips. 
“ all right, one more game. but after this, either accept defeat or lock up when you’re done. “ her eyes narrow, but soon they’re right on the machine, focused and ready to beat yet another high score. 
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drvgcnwcrricr · 5 years
a brittle laugh escaped lee’s lips, despite the rough time she’d been havin’ adjustin’ to her new way of life lately. wake, eat, paint, worry about dean, lie to bez, scream at her stepmama, sleep, and do it all over again. her laugh didn’t get much use right now.
“i know. seems like everythin’s gone down the drain since then.”
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maya wished she could laugh about it, she usually would, but even a month later the tragedy of the fair still hung with her. after all, her parents are still staying in a bed and breakfast, funded by maya’s paycheck along with their’s from the market.
“ i just --- i wish we could have a day where everyone forgot what happened. like we didn’t lose half the town. “
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drvgcnwcrricr · 5 years
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laughter bubbles lightly through the air, maya flat on her back with hair flying everywhere. “ owwie, “ she mocked, stretching an arm out to pull herself up. one failed spin in their spontaneous dance session and another memory in the book. “ remind me to spin you next time, babe. “ the young girl joked, but a wide smile stretched from ear to ear, little crinkles around happy eyes. it just felt like home.
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drvgcnwcrricr · 5 years
georgia let out a snort. “my dad? have you met my dad? the biggest stick up his assed man i’ve ever met? the man who had me on a ten o’clock curfew until i was sixteen? you think he’s going to love the idea? are you sure we’re talkin’ about the same person?”
she walked passed maya and smacked her butt with a towel for sitting on the table. “i will personally kill anyone who so much as looks at that milkshake machine,” she snarled playfully.
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never one to let up, maya just laughed it off. “ oh come on, he’d gotta pull that stick out some day. maybe we’ll bake ‘em some goods, sneak ‘em some donuts when you’re mom’s not lookin’. “ the idea to bribe her dad wasn’t the best, but maya was achin’ to liven up the town. it stunk like sadness around here. 
“ ouch --- hey ! “ she sputtered, a sudden jump and she landed with her feet flat on the ground, a mock-glare sent her friend’s way. “ yeah, we got it, sudden death and all that. “
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drvgcnwcrricr · 5 years
“maya!” she huffed, breaking the her name into two separate, emphasized syllables as she made her way around the diner, organizing tables and such. “i can’t just bring in a live band because i feel like it, no matter who my daddy is. i can ask but that’s the best i can do. besides, you work at the arcade. a rave would be way more fun there… or the skating rink!” 
she spun toward her friend, tray tucked under her arm. “and if anyone ever stands on top of that milkshake machine, i will personally make sure they never stand again. ‘m pretty sure that’s the only thing in this world teejay loves more than me…. and maybe the car,” she mumbled at the end.
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maya followed aimlessly behind the girl, curious eyes trailing her hands with each movement. she payed no mind to the girl’s reaction, keeping a smile on her lips while she skipped around. “ trust me ! your dad’s gonna love the idea, and it’ll just make the diner like, a thousand times better. no need to thank me, or anything. “ the smaller girl teased, hopping up on a table and crossing her legs. 
“ ok, that threat has been recorded and sorted into the crucial memories within my brain, and i’ll pass the message along. no standing on the milkshake machine. all perpetrators will be punished by death. “
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drvgcnwcrricr · 5 years
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“ c’mon, i totally won that one. eight to three is complete destruction, my friend. “ maya snickers, nudging the man as her high score flashes in neon lights. it’d been like this for hours, slow as school nights come to a close. bez was maya’s only form of entertainment --- otherwise she’d have gone mad by now. “ i think you owe me five bucks. “
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drvgcnwcrricr · 5 years
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“ i’m telling you, bring in a live band. they can play on top of the milkshake machines and we could have a rave right here in the diner. it’d be amazing, but i’m just spit balling here. “ maya laughed, continuing to pester her friend. “ just keep it in mind. “
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drvgcnwcrricr · 5 years
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lee didn’t take her eyes off her sketchbook as she sat across from maya. “well, you could maybe use a warning sign,” she said with a shrug. blunt, but not untrue. all this shapeshiftin’ and changin’ forms made her uncomfortable, but… she’d known maya for long enough to know she wasn’t like those monsters that killed her daddy an’ her little brother. “d’you wanna talk ‘bout it?”
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while maya knew her response was a joke, it was some good advice. one big, red sign on her shirt that read flammable. very flammable. just so everyone knew, like they didn’t already. a small gasp leaves her lips, a finger raising in mock pride. “ i got it --- i’ll wear oven mitts all the time. “ her tone was lighthearted but a soft weight had hung with her since the fair, and she just couldn’t shake it. “ i’m fine, lee. promise. i just --- i get frustrated with this stuff, y’know ? all that training seems like it’s gone down the drain since the fair. “
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drvgcnwcrricr · 5 years
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sunday often fell slow for the arcade, all those kids were home stuffin’ their stomachs and preparing for school the following morning. so, maya’s shift was cut short and she was sent on her way. that’s cool and all, but god, was she bored. bez was off doing god knows what, julia had a lead, and maya was left to her own devices. shit. 
thrifty’s seemed like an easy time-filler. with a bit left over from her latest check, the idea drew to her and soon enough she was browsing through used shoes and rattled purses. 
“ clem ? “ the voice was sudden and abrubt, but the woman wasn’t one to announce her presence. “ uh, well they’re blue, like, dark blue. wide-legged... “ a quick peek towards the tag, “ size six. i’m uh, not sure what fabric. “
–– @drvgcnwcrricr​ !
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she’s goin’ without sunglasses today. forgot where she put ‘em. and clem can’t really bring herself to worry –– fat chance many people’ll be out shoppin’ on a sunday. she drags a palm along a rack of pants at thrifty’s, fingertips dancin’ along different fabrics. corduroy. denim. cotton. she pauses on a particularly interesting texture and furrows a brow, searchin’ for the tag. she feels it, drags a thumb across it, and doesn’t feel a number. the stichin’ isn’t raised.
“ hey, ”  she calls sharply, spinnin’ toward where a shadow cuts the sunlight. as she does so, a bird out the window drops mid-flight and shatters when it hits the pavement. clem doesn’t notice a thing.
“ tell me ‘bout these. ”  please ain’t in her vocabulary. ‘cause she ain’t askin’. “ size, color, fit. gimme somethin’. ”
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drvgcnwcrricr · 5 years
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“ i ... almost set another house on fire today, so, i think it’s safe to say i need a fire extinguisher at all times now. “ a soft sigh fallen from chapped and chewed lips, fingers tapping away at her side as maya glances over to her friend. “ can we put a light on my head ? i’ll be the opposite of a firetruck. “
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