dryhumoured · 6 years
alright kiddos, i’m moving mr. grumpy gills to my multimuse, feel free to follow him over there, otherwise, the ride’s been fun !
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dryhumoured · 6 years
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so how far into obscurity have i fallen, and who’s still alive?
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dryhumoured · 6 years
official hiatus notice
i’m so sorry for not being here for the last few weeks; with the way school’s been stressing me tf, i’ve just been on a different blog that isn’t quite so...serious? idk what word to really use, but yeah if you’d still like to write with me, i’ve been here otherwise i hope to be back sometime soon; probably once the semester ends in a few weeks <3
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dryhumoured · 6 years
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dryhumoured · 6 years
Bold what your muse can do. Italicise for something they can do to some extent. Repost !! Do not reblog !! Stolen From Tagged By: a different blog Tagging: anyone that would like to do the thing
bake a cake from scratch | ride a horse | drive a submarine | speak a second language | dance | catch a fish | play an instrument | throw a punch | build a deck | ice skate | unclog a drain | program a computer | change a flat tire | fire a gun | sew | juggle | play poker | paint | fly a kite | sculpt | write poetry | change a diaper | sing | shoot a bow and arrow | ride a bike | swim | sail a boat | do a back flip | play chess | give cpr | pitch a tent | flirt | stitch a wound | read palms | use chopsticks | write in cursive calligraphy | use an electric drill | braid hair | make a campfire | make a mixed drink | do sudoku puzzles | wrap a gift | give a good massage | jump-start a car | roll their tongue | do magic tricks | do yoga | tie a tie | skip a rock | shuffle a deck of cards | read morse code | pick a lock | fly a plane | train a dog/cat | fix a car | apologise | write a business letter | write in a second language | say the alphabet backwards | read music | cook complex meals | change oil | paint nails | draw | socialise | march | take apart a gun | operate a tank | climb a tree | rock climb | tie a cherry stem | basic first-aid | draw blood | put out a fire
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dryhumoured · 6 years
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YOU GOT : death
You can be a bit intense and find yourself drawn to dark and mysterious things. You’ve been through a lot and have probably seen your fair share of endings, but probably cope with it through humor. On top of that, you are surprisingly easygoing — you’re open to change, try not to let past baggage weigh you down, and seek out new experiences.
tagged by: ( stolen ) @gatekeepcr tagging:  @anxietytorn @thingsmissed ( jj ) @livedforwards ( derek ) @astrificare ( riley ) and whomever else would like to !
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dryhumoured · 6 years
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YOU GOT: Self-Doubt
Think of the toughest, meanest, least understanding person you’ve met in your life. Your inner voice is ten times as cruel. The fact that you’ve managed to accomplish anything despite that bully is a miracle. Do yourself a favor. Next time you start telling yourself there’s no point in trying, have a quiet talk with your inner voice, and tell it to buzz off.
TAGGED: ( stolen ) @anxietytorn TAGGING: @livedforwards ( for prentiss ) @astrificare ( for jj ) @dopeddreamer @hxybabygirl and whoever else !
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dryhumoured · 6 years
i always forget how...surfer my state is until a stranger greets with me with “sup brah”
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dryhumoured · 6 years
                     ❝     these people are my family.                                        & if you hurt them in any way —- i will kill you.     ❞
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dryhumoured · 6 years
“It’s not MY fault we’re in fucking handcuffs.” - Emily
fuck sentence starters // always accepting // @livedforwards
the look he shoots her is utterly scathing, thick brows furrowingand casting a shadow over dark eyes.
“prentiss, this is me politely asking you to not get us into moretrouble,” he says to her in a quiet aside before looking at thecuffs wrapping them around a pipe that was only mildly rusted.
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“ -- how good are you at dislocating your thumb?”
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dryhumoured · 6 years
80% tired 20% also tired
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dryhumoured · 6 years
          HEAVY  IN  HIS  CHEST     ;     weight  of  tragedy   /   past  months  wrought  in  tired  features,   burden  carried  upon  aching  shoulders   —–   sleepless  nights  and  restless  days   ;   and  somehow  after  it  all  he  still  stands.   if  it  weren’t  so  deep  in  his  bones,   exhaustion,   a  type  of  grief  he  can’t  shake  out,   it  might  be  a  miracle   —–   that  life  continues  on   ;   and  it  does,   at  a  price.
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          “     i  know,     “     and  he  does   ;   knows  too  that  among  the  greatest  minds  in  the  nation  it’s  bound  to  be  seen   ;   what  holds  him  beneath  the  waves.   hands  find  pockets   ;   gaze  averts,   eyes  on  floor   —–    lips  purse,   breath  escapes  him.     “     i  know.   thank  you.     ———-     but  i’m  fine,   hotch.   i  can  still  do  my  job.     “
        “it isn’t about whether or not you can do your job, reid. that isn’t why i brought it up.” part of him wants to encourage the younger agent to sit, to try and relax, but he knows doing so would gain the complete opposite reaction and has no desire to turn this conversation in a direction with a disastrous end.
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        instead, hotch laces his fingers together and rests them upon his paperwork ridden desk, brown eyes soft with compassion yet retaining the ever-present RIGIDITY to his posture. “if i thought you couldn’t do your job, this conversation would be had at the start of the workday, not after. and while i believe you should talk about it, i also won’t FORCE it because i’m opening my door to you as your friend, not your boss.”
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dryhumoured · 6 years
glory or wisdom ?  love or power ?  violin or piano ?  fire or water ?  air or earth ?  forest or river ?  black or white ?  left or right ?  heads or tails ?  theatre or cinema ?  give or take ?  dawn or dusk ?  gold or silver ?  art or music ?  morning or night ?  venus or mercury ?
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dryhumoured · 6 years
gentle reminder
i hope you have a good day today
just kidding
i hope it’s a great day
oh wow did you see that, i really got you there
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dryhumoured · 6 years
I will always have a thing for you.
(via love-diaries)
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dryhumoured · 6 years
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                                              if i can’t be my own, i’d feel better dead
promo template
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dryhumoured · 6 years
there’s the most intense desire for hotch to SIGH. he was slowly becoming annoyed with the repeated question ( no matter how many different ways it was worded and posed ). haley may have been his ex-wife, but he’d stayed just in love with her as the day they’d met. he felt empty now that she was gone. there were so many things he’d never gotten the chance to say or express.
                       his chest was beginning to feel TIGHT.
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“i’m fine,” comes his firm answer, easily and blatantly contradicted by the shadows beneath his eyes and even thinner than usual press of lips. but hotch eventually sighs and crosses his arms over his chest. “ -- sorry. you’re the third person to ask me that today, and i’m not sure if everyone is expecting me to tell them i’ve been having vivid nightmares when i manage to sleep at all.”
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“hotch.”  his boss’s name is called out to get his attention and buy him just a moment to catch up with the older male,  a brief smile of greeting offered.  the concern that he and everyone else on the team were feeling for him was nearly impossible to hide,  and it didn’t take a room full of profilers to be able to spot it,  either.  there were certainly plenty of pros and cons when it came to being a member of the bau.  privacy was nonexistent.  “how are you feeling?”
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