dthai · 3 years
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dthai · 3 years
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dthai · 4 years
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dthai · 4 years
I. Interrogation
Inspector: “ Just tell me what happened to this student. Mr Emilio Carpizini.”
Prisoner: “ [...]We broke down the door and rush in[...][1]. The poor girl lived alone so her screams and struggle were completely useless. Lucky for us, she did not have any noisy roommate or pesky boyfriend. I shove a handkief with chloroform in her face and after five minutes she went right back to sleep like a baby. This stuff works like wonder I tell you, Mr. Orfeo. Then we snatched what we wanted and looted all the stuffs in the house.[1] It was so easy. If it were not for these annoying security cameras, I would not have been caught.
Inspector: “ Where is ,Ms Ana Eurydice, now?”[2] 
Prisoner: [Silence]
Inspector: “ Whose house? I do not want to repeat myself.”
Prisoner: “Ignorance is bliss [3], Mr Orfeo. Not knowing anything is the sweetest life [4] dont you know. 
Inspector: [laughs sarcastically] “ I do not need your advice. Now where is the girl?”
Prisoner: “ Well, do not blame me. The girl is in his house in Vienna, Parkgasse 18. And this house belongs to the patriarch of the Belardo family, Lenny Belardo.”
Inspector: “ The Pope is a mafiosi? You are joking. I will put you in the solitary confinement if you do not stop. “
Prisoner: [laughs] “What charming ignorance! [5] This is exactly what he wants you and everyone else to believe. A devilish deception under the facade of a saint. And consequently,[...] under the pretense of doing what was righteous [6] in the name of the Holy Father, Lenny is in fact the Don of the Belardo family, the fallen god of the underworld Hades. 
Inspector: “ The pope is representing God on Earth. This man healed sick children by whispering prayers and you are telling me that he is kidnapping young women and selling weapon.
Prisoner:” All false show, by which one pretends to honor God but actually seeks for himself power, glory, money, pleasure, and statu*, as the Pope and many others do under the pretense of the office ol preaching. [8] The popes of the past have never been saints.For example [...], it is strictly forbidden in the canon law that the clergy shall carry arms and weapons, and yet no one pours out more Christian blood than the most holy father, the pope, who now feeds the sheep of Christ with iron, and guns, and fire [...] He embroils kings and princes, lands and cities, but that does not make him a heretic or a murderer, or a tyrant, but he is Christ’s vicar, and he grants indulgences for money and sends out legates and cardinals in the interest of the war against heretics[10] The pope for money can empty purgatory when he will[9]. Today is not different from the past. Just turn on the TV and you will hear about the many priests, archbishops or even cardinals involved in children sexual abuse or rape. Trafficking of children is one of the many lucrative businesses of the Church. Why do you think is the Church defending these actions?  
Inspector: “ Alright. Tell me more about Lenny Belardo. What kind of person is he?
Prisoner: “ Noone knows the face of the Don. His identity has been enshrouded in mystery. I dont know if it is true or not. They are stories, we tell among ourselves. 
Anyway he is always described as being very loyal and generous to his allies, but would execute great terrible vengeance [...] with furious rebukes [11] if betrayed.  A firm believer in the long term benefis of courtesy and maintaining the reputation of a fatherly, benevolent benefactor helped him getting elected in the recent papal conclave. Having so many favors owed to him, virtually noone even the police, politicians or firms would go against him. That said, Lenny is coldly logical and ruthless when the negotiations failed. He uses any means to destroy his rivals through kidnapping, ransom, assassinations, threats to name a few. Like death comes down with grim finality [...]not a single man can escape his sudden doom!
Inspector: “ Interesting. Who are the people working for him?
Prisoner:[laugh] “ The whole catholic Church, my dear. 1.3 billion people are under his command. However, if I had to name one, it would be his loyal right hand Wittgendstein House. A former government scientist, he advised the italian government in case of pandemics, climate crisis or the dangers of artificial intelligence. An honest but naïve man, who had nothing to do with the underworld, but only wanted to make the world a better place. 
Inspector: “ How in the world did Lenny convert this man to the underworld.
Prisoner [smirk]: “ Simply the Don made him an offer he could not refuse.”
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dthai · 4 years
The Elysian Garden
Day was departing, and the embrowned air released the animals that are on earth from their fatigues; and I the only one [13] was sitting on a small bench on the square of social security.  The night hides the ones who seeks to lie hidden in their deeds of darkness.[14] Indeed it was finally time to infiltrate the world of Lenny Belardo, the hidden Don of the most dangerous underworld mafia. I hastily walked down the Parkgassestreet and there it appeared the House Wittgenstein. There is a secret buried deep within the house, a secret inaccessible truth, buried in the bowels of the earth. Hidden chambers where the pope hides his darkest secrets, political enemies, betrayers thrown in the darkest pit of Tartarus, unspeakable treasures and goods guarded by beasts. 
I climbed up upon cold walls, using the big publicity signs as support; and entered the underworld, the realm of Hell like a thief. [17] I fell on the soft grass.
A thousand noted nightingale shrilled with her varied shright[18]. In this calm and peaceful garden of the courtyard more than forty statues can be seen; stones placed here and there upon a green lawn stand with dignity in the midst of the silence and tranquillity. Some pines, some cypresses and some poplars keep them company; urns placed upon window sill give to this place an air of happiness that sweet melancholy which speaks to the sensitive soul. [19] Somewhere in the garden a continual murmur of water gushing forth in the generous flow that only a Roman fountain can produce. [20]
Elysium seemed to me to suit the character of the landscape [...]where the souls of the virtuous live[...]. [21]  
Or Is it a graveyard, a place with tombs to bury the poor people? [23] Do these urns contain the ashes of the murdered. Are the walls in the death agony, the stones falling?; the breaches crying aloud; the holes [...] wounds?; the drooping, quivering trees [...] making an effort to flee? [24]
Deception or self deception? – I do not know[22]
The Vestibule
Somewhere in the Wittgenstein House, the back and forth swinging of the pendulum clock 
could be heard. I was standing in the corridor, a high ceiling gallery, which expresses a formal space where visitors can meet and talk. The roads were lined with religious paintings [26], some superposed and all intervaled in renaissance-like and divine proportions. In this case, the layers curve around numerous ellipses that fan out from a common point radially, like petals from a flower such as a daisy.[28] 
As I ran through the passage, the corridor seemed endlessly long, a gigantic tough of beast swallowing me whole. Under this high ceiling [...] did the paintings look further apart than they actually are? [27]
The sudden curve destabilizing making me sick in this circular maze, elongating likea moving snake. Am I walking on the floor or ceiling? Were the pendulum oscillations [...]growing shorter before ceasing altogether soon?. [29] Is this the vestibule of Hell where the damned are in perpetual pursuit of the eternal banner?  Is it my imagination?
The Library
A smell of broken down glue, yellow paper, ink polished wood and musty leather book bindings [30] and the mist of the incense hangs heavily[31] in the air when I entered the library. At the top coffered barrel vault placed over an amphitheater of books[34] ,arches that are dramatically withdrawn from the middle of the central skylight, which, like the oculus of the Pantheon, presents a floating circular disk of hovering sky[32]. The whole ambiance was conducive to a spirituality of study. Inside reigned respectful silence, a reverential attitude toward the books[...]These treasures on the shelves, all alike contributed to an atmosphere if not of sanctity, at least of scholarly devotion. [35]
Moonlight was flowing in like white mist and gave the surface a ghostly ashen glow between the shadows [33]. In the middle of the room under halo of the skylight, a few stuffed armchairs and a heavy dark walnut wood reading desk with complex carvings. 
However is this studious silence hiding another obscure truth? Just another shameful silence and hypocrisy of the countless evils committed? Doesn’t these perfectly aligned shelves and chair look like marching soldiers, reduced to silence but to listen to the Lord of the underworld sitting on his black throne? As I walked down the aisle I saw that there is a hidden shrine in a large niche, a strange smell escaping from it. A underground passage seems to be hidden there. 
The Cave
A draught of cool air blew in my face[38]. It seems that this underground passage is connected to the outside. There was neither gold nor silver nor marble nor columns nor paintings nor statues; this grotto was carved into the rock, vaulted with rocks and shells, adorned with a young vine that spread its flexible branches equally in all directions [39]
Chambers were built inside this cave, sometimes visible and invisible behind the irregular structure of the cold rock. Small lights on the walls illuminated the way. 
Who liked to meditate within the dark recesses of subterranean chambers, it is not difficult to understand why they eventually hid all they knew or thought they knew beneath an impenetrable veil[40]
A howling sound vibrated through the air. The voices of innumerable souls trapped inside this monster? Inside the guts of cerberus, a monstrous dog, terrible and great, shimmering, eating raw flesh, under the hidden places of the holy earth[41]. Guarding the darkest secrets for his master, his most precious treasure, his secret weapons, his political enemies from seeing the light of the day? Is Euridice really here - I wonder?
I descended deeper into the underworld it occured to me that this may be a one way trip. Because noone returns from the underworld. 
A noise behind me and everything went dark.
The Book of the Thousand and One Nights Supplementary Nights [1]
Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology[2]
Matrix 1999 [3]
Sophocles, Ajax[4]
Rousseau, Collected Works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau[5]
Sloterdijk, Critique of Cynical Reason[6]
Augustine, The City of God[7]
Melanchthon, On Christian Doctrine[8]
Tyndale, Doctrinal Treatises[9]
Luther, Works of Martin Luther Vol 3 [10]
King, James Bible [11]
Homer, The Odyssey[12]
Dante, Divine Comedy[13]
Aquinas, Summa Theologica[14]
Serres, Hermes Literature Science Philosophy [15]
Foucault, History of Madness[16]
King, James Bible[17]
The Book of the Thousand and One Nights[18]
Harrison Wood Gaiger, Art in Theory 1648 1815[19]
Lovejoy Boas, Primitivism and Related Ideas in Antiquity[20]
Magnuson, Rome in the Age of Bernini  [21]
Hatfield, Experimental Film and Video An Anthology[22]
Flint, Wrestling With Moses[23]
Hugo, Les Miserables[24]
Alexander, A Pattern Language[25]
Kolrud, Iconoclasm From Antiquity to Modernity[26]
Leslie, Liquid Crystals[28 ]
Hugo, Les Miserables[29]
Unwin, Analysing Architecture[30]
Ruskin, The Stones of Venice [31]
Wittkower, Born under Saturn [31]
Marder Jones, The Pantheon[32]
Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology[33]
Marder Jones, The Pantheon[34]
Coomans, Loci Sacri[35]
Stickley, Gustav Stickley s Craftsman Homes and Bungalows[36]
Foucault, The History of Sexuality Volume 1[37]
Kafka, The Trial[38]
Le Roy, The Ruins of the Most Beautiful Monuments of Greece[39]
Saisselin, Painting Writing and Primitive Purity[40]
Hesiod, Theogony[41]
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dthai · 4 years
underworld (n.)
c. 1600, "the lower world, Hades, place of departed souls," also "the earth, the world below the skies," as distinguished from heaven. Similar formation in German unterwelt, Dutch onderwereld, Danish underverden. Meaning "lower level of society" is first recorded 1890; "criminals and organized crime collectively" is attested from 1900.
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dthai · 4 years
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a man who sponsors a person at baptism
the leader of an organized crime syndicate
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dthai · 4 years
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dthai · 4 years
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dthai · 4 years
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dthai · 4 years
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dthai · 4 years
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A waring pope
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dthai · 4 years
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The Courtyard
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dthai · 4 years
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The Cave
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dthai · 4 years
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dthai · 4 years
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Cave, Saltmine Wieliczka
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dthai · 4 years
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silence of the church
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