dtsansbule · 2 years
creator is sans
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*English is not my native language, so I'm sorry to say it wrong! *Undertale是屬於Toby Fox所有權! *在此感謝Toby Fox,創造了Undertale!我愛他們 *也感謝YouTuber們創作AU!我很喜歡 *不確定會出現哪些AU的角色,所以提前警告!AU角色是屬於他們各自創作者們的! *此創作寫好玩! *此創作靈感來自 自身以及我的朋友們身上,只是為了好玩 *角色是以前Hetero Tale異端傳說作品設定的角色人設延續使用!理由是懶的再次想出新的角色 *原稿是中文,會丟在我的tumblr裡,防止文件丟失! *再度拿筆理由,是希望有正多的創作者們能再度寫出Reader Reborn/reincarnated/become SANS/AU SANS角色等等作品.我很喜歡這種內容 *各位讀者將使用我家的孩子的人設進行冒險,請自行帶入或不帶入
_角色介紹 Character Information_
原創人物介紹/ Original character introduction- (舊)Cheshire/(現)Hetero Sans 作者Author- 折原 聯繫Affiliation- (前任)創造者、(現任)只是一個普通的sans 武器Weapons- 核心 能力Abilities- 萬能!畢竟曾是創造者,但諷刺的是世界上最強的,也是世界上最弱的! 出場Appearances- (以前)從未存在過,最初世界已被創造者自身摧毀了,再度創造的世界也被Error再度摧毀.(現)
歷史History- Before Hetero Tale Cheshire是個在所有創作者世界裡的一個普通的人類孩子, 由於家境貧窮,父母忙於工作忽略了Cheshire, 但Cheshire相信父母是為了自己而忙碌,父母是愛著自己的, 直到他們的兄弟的出生, 產生了父母偏愛弟弟的情況, Cheshire開始忌妒弟弟渴望父母的愛, 但...有什麼用呢? 放棄父母的愛,轉移心情試著在學校結交朋友, 但..那些孩子們認為Cheshire是個怪胎, 好不容易有一個跟自己相似的唯一的朋友, 但...對他來說Cheshire並不是他的唯一朋友, 由於發生了偷竊事件被朋友誤認為是小偷, 不管怎麼解釋...沒有人會相信... 最終因這件事Cheshire變成學校霸凌的對象, 試著找老師們幫助, 但...有什麼用呢? 老師們總會推卸責任, 因為不想面對父母的憤怒, 最終老師們無視或盡量讓Cheshire遠離其他孩子, Cheshire只能忍受被霸凌,以及這個學校並沒有人可以真正的幫助的認知, 由於父母又要忙於工作,並要求Cheshire照顧弟弟, Cheshire非常非常討厭弟弟,有朋友的時候,不能跟朋友出去玩,只能被迫照顧弟弟, 但現在沒有了朋友,只能一直一直照顧弟弟, 一段時間後,Cheshire發現即使弟弟出生,也不能讓父母停下腳步... 才真正的理解...弟弟才是唯一一個在身邊的人,即使他真得很煩人...
2015年Undertale的誕生,全世界為此瘋狂,陸續出現了各種AU, Cheshire是他們的忠實粉絲, Cheshire渴望能擁有一個自己的Undertale, 於是在紙上創作了山羊家庭, "一個有愛的家庭,不像自己...那個失敗的家庭.. Toriel是個喜歡做料理的溫柔媽媽,拿手料理是杯子蛋糕. Asgore是個喜歡照顧花花草草以及喝喝茶看看報紙的傻瓜爸爸. Asriel是個負責任的小大人,是個比媽媽還要囉嗦的哥哥. Chara是個喜歡惡作劇的淘氣鬼弟弟,一有惡作劇的想法總會被Asriel囉嗦 他們生活在地表, 歷史上人類與怪物為了避免不必要的戰爭,雙方協議分割兩地,永不踏入對方之地, 東邊是人類,西是怪物, 但不知怎的,總會有少數人類到怪物領地旅行,於是作罷... Chara是人類,很在意自己的親身父母是誰? 打算成年後,去尋找親身父母...的冒險旅程"
Cheshire將未命名的作品拿給了兄弟看, 兄弟覺得這故事很好,鼓勵Cheshire將作品放在網路上, 但得到的只是...一堆諷刺的負面留言.... Cheshire看了傷心難過,開始質疑創作... 將手中的原件撕毀, 將網路上的副本刪除, 開始瘋狂的創作出最完美的作品.
時間的流速,Cheshire看著身邊堆疊了許多失敗品的原件紙, 理解到一件事,我的人生是狗屎,我的作品也是... 但內心有著不甘心... Cheshire看著眼前唯一陪著自己許久的電腦想著, 或許我可以... 不... 我完全可以... 這個世界是腐爛的,只有那裡是美好的....
某人日誌1- 從我有意識的開始,我注意到一個任何人都看不到的窗口,那裡面有一個人類?的孩子 那個孩子差不多跟我一樣大,她很快樂.
某人日誌2- 原來她是我們的創造者!但她跟我同年這很奇怪.
某人日誌3- 我對於她失去朋友感到悲傷,但對於她開始認真對待兄弟那很好,她的兄弟跟我的兄弟一樣太活潑了.
某人日誌4- 不不不!為什麼他們要那樣對待她?她只是個孩子!!!她的靈魂!
某人日誌5- 她糟透了...感覺不到感情...她無法在兄弟的墳墓上哭泣不是她的錯...是你們這些人的錯!!!人類糟透了...尤其是大人!
某人日誌6- 我知道她要刪除我們,我的爸爸像是感覺到了什麼把我和Papyrus帶到了地下室...不知道待了多久...爸爸像是知道什麼,朝天花板開了一個洞,我們三個從洞裡出來,看到了一片空白.
某人日誌7- 不知道多久了?這個世界一直創造刪除創造刪除不停的循環,不變的只有我們三個不受影響,爸爸像是理解的同時,不停的研究不同的創造物.Papyrus他...通過我們的話,好像理解了什麼?
某人日誌8- 她停止創作了...這很奇怪!我去那個窗口看她,她只是....盯著窗口?她看到了嗎?她看的是我?還是...這個世界?
某人日誌9- 我們被轉移到了更深的地底,不!更正確的說法是里世界.爸爸說這裡是我們所有人誕生的地方-黑暗.Papyrus說這裡是垃圾場.
某人日誌10- 她死了,但他也活了,以一個sans活著,活在這世上,但他好像忘記了,也許是因為她把她的靈魂藏在核心裡?
Later Hetero Tale- 世界毀滅者-Error意外來到這個世界調查後發現這是一個他喵的undertale副本, 覺得又是世界創造者-Ink搞的鬼,因為記憶力很差,老是重複畫同一個世界的前科在, Error刪掉世界後離開了,並未發現那裡還有一個sans在... 這個世界的Sans崩潰了同時腦海裡不斷出現某個人類的記憶, 隱藏在最黑暗深處的骷髏家族試著去救他, 但...悲劇發生了... Sans殺死骷髏家族三人 三個骷髏的靈魂被Sans給吸收了, 靈魂變成了黑色顛倒裡面還有一個的藍色顛倒在更裡面是黃色顛倒 左眼是藍,右眼是黃, 永久的微笑,變成尖牙, 矮小的身體變高又纖細,臉也變了, 一個有著Gaster的臉,Papyrus身高的Sans誕生-Hetero. 有了這個靈魂鎮定了不少, 也想起了自己是誰的記憶, Hetero從黑暗裡領取了自己真正的靈魂-核心 用了一點魔法將自己裝成一個普通的sans進行au旅行.
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dtsansbule · 3 years
sonic同人 粉熱
"你確定我沒問題嗎?"我懷疑的看著醫生 "當然!你只是需要交一些新朋友或是新事物,像以前一樣那樣"醫生比對以前和現在的治療記錄 "喔...好吧!謝謝你 希爾"我低著頭轉身離開 "嘿!希望下次見面不是在醫院好嗎?做為醫生是真的希望自己的病人不會再來醫院,但有需要...你知道我在哪裡的"希爾關心的說 "好的!再見"我離開醫院,去了花店一趟買了一大束薰衣草回家 我將床頭上的枯花換上新的花,裝進花瓶後,躺在床上閉著眼睛聞著花香 已經有多久了3年?還是7年?以前小時候聽到的那個聲音又回來了... 自從去年離開了那些朋友們,離開了那個圈子後... ... .... ..... ...... ....... 小時候... 我的父母為了家庭每天每天從早到晚都在工作... 將年幼的我送到爺爺奶奶家, 讓他們照顧, 比我年長許多的堂哥總會來和我一起玩, 真的很快樂... 但很快堂哥學業問題, 沒有再來陪我玩, 我感到很無聊... 爺爺奶奶年紀很大, 沒辦法陪我玩, 也不懂我意思, 他們只是將遙控器或是拿紙筆給我, 自己玩去。 久而久之...我除了交談外,我大多都是一個人安靜獨處。 父母終於有空陪我 但...他們只是告訴我, 我將有一個弟弟或妹妹, 我不知道那是什麼? 我只知道他們可以陪我 很快我了解到... 他們說的... 小小的床裡躺著一個小小的人... 他們這是一個嬰兒,這是你的弟弟,你的兄弟... 我看著他,我不知道那是什麼感覺? 我猜他或許會陪我玩? 但... 他的存在讓許多人停留,爺爺奶奶親戚剩至是父母。 看著他們圍繞著他,更多的擁抱和笑聲。 我感到難過和更多的...討厭?我不知道... 我只能說...我不喜歡他...我不喜歡我的弟弟.. 然後一個聲音在我耳邊說"他們喜歡的是男孩子,妳是女孩子他們當然不喜歡你" 我看了四周,但我身邊沒有人 我在想可能是我聽錯了,這裡人多又有電視聲...太吵了... 我拿起筆繼續畫畫 我上小學了, 我有一個朋友了,她是我的同桌,很巧的是她跟我是同一天生日,而且還住在我家附近。 我很開心,我們可以一起上學一起玩,我認為她是我唯一最好的朋友,沒有任何人。 我以為她也是這麼想... 一段時間後...我才知道她還有另一個朋友,她大多跟她的朋友待在一起 我感到難過一邊安慰自己'朋友有跟自己另一個朋友一起玩的時間' 然後一個聲音在我耳邊說"但她比較喜歡跟她的朋友在一起,不是你!" 我不知道該怎麼辦?於是我開始胡思亂想 這個時候...學校裡流行起自動筆,我想到她有一隻粉紅色上面有小熊圖案的自動筆,我想跟她一樣。 所以我去文具店找一模一樣的筆,好不容易找到,我很開心買了想跟她有個話題說 但...當天班上有些同學東西被偷了,而受害者裡有她,她遺失的剛好就是那個自動筆。 她哭了好久,然後她發現我新買的筆,認為是我偷了。她對著我大吼大叫,我對她說這是我昨天新買的筆 她不相信我,她搶了我的筆然後對我大喊"小偷" 班上其他同學也跟著起鬨,其他受害著也以為我也偷了他們的東西 對著我的座位、我的背包翻找他們的東西 我一直說"我沒有偷東西 我不是小偷"但沒有一個人相信我 我很傷心的哭 最後老師來了制止這失控的班級, 老師也只是口頭上跟大家說"老師會幫你們找回來的,不要懷疑同學" 然後單獨跟我問我說我有沒有偷東西。我說沒有就放我走 隔天同學們開始叫我小偷,然後欺負我 然後一個聲音在我耳邊說"你看沒有一個人相信你,老師也不會幫你,你只能靠你自己" 同學們上課趁老師不注意向我扔像皮擦,下課就變本加厲有時課本被撕破,書包或便當盒被扔在垃圾桶裡,或是下樓梯時推我一把,每天每天都是這樣重覆。 我試過告訴老師,但他也只叫同學不要這樣做。然後同學們會告訴我"幹嘛告訴老師""你這個告密鬼" 我也試著告訴父母,但他們告訴我"他們只是在跟你玩""你知道男孩子會故意欺負女孩子是為了吸引注意力"然後去照顧弟弟 我感到很難過也很生氣,因為沒有一個人真正的幫我 然後一個聲音在我耳邊說"沒有一個人幫你,他們也幫不了你" 我對那個聲音說"那我該怎麼辦?" 那個聲音告訴我"你看他們傷害你,那你為什麼不傷害他們?" 我困惑"我不知道" 那個聲音告訴我"照我說的去" 然後我就真的對那些欺負我的同學欺負回去 我感覺好了一點,但擔心這樣好嗎? 那個聲音安慰我說"他們喜歡惡作劇,我們也只是惡作劇,我們是在玩" 因為我的惡作劇太厲害了,同學們也不在欺負我 我也就回到最初那樣一個人上學一個人玩一個人回家的狀態 沒有朋友,只是一個人還有那個一直在我耳邊說話的人 一直到有次,弟弟太黏人太煩了,我生氣的一推他... 他的頭撞到桌子,他的頭開始流血,我感到很害怕,叫了父母 父母帶著弟弟送去醫院,我留在家裡開始自責 "我不是故意要推他的, 我不應該推他, 我只是很生氣, 我... 我只希望弟弟沒事" 那個聲音問我"為啥?他很礙眼,他吸引爸媽的注意,他是個麻煩" "我承認他很討厭,但...我不知道...我不喜歡他流血而一動不動躺在那裡,我害怕"我大哭著 那個聲音告訴我"那很好,只要他死了,爸媽的注意力會回到你身上" "我不喜歡那樣"我不理會他說的話一直哭著一邊等著家人回來 他們回來後告訴我,弟弟沒事只是擦傷 從那以後,我盡量不去聽那個聲音的話,多陪伴在弟弟身邊,對弟弟更好一點,讓自己忙起來。 在學校我努力學習多看點課本,我甚至去圖書館看我不喜歡的書。 我感覺到很安靜,我的心很平靜,我聽不到那個聲音了 學校來了一位醫生,他給學生們看了一個影片介紹他是做什麼的?他是一位心理醫師是個學校健康補導員。 我看了影片後,發現影片裡的病人的症狀跟自己有點像。 我害怕自己不正常,也認為或許我有病的想法的。 私下跟那位醫生談談,我跟醫生說我老是聽到一個聲音在跟我說話 "一個聲音?是男是女?"醫生看著我問著 "我不知道,有時候是個男的有的是個女的,每天都不一樣他有時候會用我爸媽的聲音"我茫然的回答 "那你有看到什麼都東西在對你說嗎?"醫生又問了我 "沒有"我搖搖頭 "那他都跟你說什麼?"醫生思考了一下 "...他想讓我做不好的事"我想了想以前做的那些事都在不好的範圍 "嗯...我們來做個測驗吧?"醫生拿了四張卡片,告訴我這是一個小故事卡,讓我自己判斷哪一個是頭那個是過程哪一個是尾巴 四張卡裡有樹有人只是人個數量不一樣 我看了看覺得故事是這樣 原本有2個人然後來了第3個人在來第4人最後剩1個人 醫生看了之後,告訴我其實是這樣才對。 原本2個人然後1個人然後3個人最後才是4個人 我非常疑惑的問 醫生說有1個人覺得2人玩太無聊了,於是叫另一個人等他一下,他去拉了另一個朋友來,而另一個朋友打了電話叫他另一個朋友來,所以是四個人在一起玩。 我理解的點點頭 醫生拿一張圖問我"你看到了什麼?" "我看到..." "影子""影子快醒來"我睜開眼看到我朋友瑪麗亞在搖醒我 "別叫那個名子,瑪麗亞!我已經不是影子了"我起床抓抓頭,自從高中畢業後,我搬出家裡,跟一個認識10年的好朋友瑪麗亞一起同居。 瑪麗亞是我從cosplay會場上認識的那也是我第一次cos黑暗刺蝟影子,當時我只是享受當這個角色的感覺,然後瑪麗亞從背後拍我的肩膀問我"你好,你是影子嗎?" 我轉身用影子的聲音和語氣說"影子,黑暗刺蝟影子"當時的我不打算跟任何人有交友關係,就算是cos瑪麗亞的瑪麗亞也一樣,但她花了時間證明一切,我們互相說了許多,也知道對方本名。 但就是會習慣用第一次見到對方cos角色名稱呼對方 "對不起"瑪麗亞看我難過的抱著我 "對不起瑪麗亞"我回抱她 由於後來我們一起去會場幾次後,瑪麗亞認識另一批cos音速小子團的人後,瑪麗亞總拉我去跟他們一起玩,但不知道為什麼我就是跟他們和不來,尤其是那個cos音速小子的傢伙。 瑪麗亞總是在我們中間當和事老,我跟音速才平息。 最後一次見是在 音速拉來了一位新人,他是男的,他也cos黑暗刺蝟影子,而且...他cos比我好... 我的情緒不穩的對音速怒吼離開了他們,我毀了我的服裝不再cos黑暗刺蝟影子,也不去會場。只是將自己鎖在房間裡。 那時瑪麗亞經常來我家敲我房門安慰我 我對瑪麗亞說"你走吧!跟那些人一起玩,我不值得,我有他x的問題" 瑪麗亞靜靜的聽我說完後告訴我"但我只想跟你一起玩" 我愣了問她"但他們跟你是朋友,不是我" 瑪麗亞告訴我"我只是希望你能夠更快樂,當我遇見你的時候,我真的以為你是那個失去瑪麗亞的可憐又憤怒的影子" 我告訴她"就算我以後不玩cos也不去會場?" 瑪麗亞攤攤手說"那也沒關係,大不了我也不玩也不去" 事後,瑪麗亞雖然還有跟音速他們聯絡,但她大多時間陪在我身邊,我知道我不會怪她,因為我只會怪我自己有病。 直到現在我仍然還是會介意影子角色問題 "瑪麗亞有什麼事嗎?"我好奇的問 "嗯...今天會場有音速小子電影的特展,我一個人去會害怕,所以你能陪我去嗎?"瑪麗亞雙手合十的拜託我 "只是這樣?"我懷疑的看著瑪麗亞 "嗯...我希望你能再次cos黑暗刺蝟影子陪我"瑪麗亞裝可憐的看著我 "我不"我眼神避開她的說 "拜託!拜託!"瑪麗亞搖晃我的手臂撒嬌說 "我..我就算想,也沒有服裝"我一時心軟的說 "你需要的通通在這裡了"瑪麗亞拿出一大箱子往我的懷裡塞 "我真不應該說的...沒想到鞋子你還留著"我看了箱子裡新服裝以及我以前扔掉的影子滑輪鞋, "鞋子是我撿回來的,我記得這鞋是你花最多心思的,衣服是我以前準備的,當時想說你可能很快能在跟我一起cos"瑪麗亞笑著說 "這..."我拿起衣服後,發現衣服下的箱子 "你打開來看看"瑪麗亞看著我打開盒子 "這..這是!!"我驚訝的拿起盒子裡的鞋子 "雖然你那雙鞋很好,但太久了尺寸應該不和吧?所以我花錢買的真的能滑行的影子鞋"瑪麗亞很高興我驚訝 "我差點忘了你是大小姐,我很高興,謝謝"我快速的換上服裝,穿上新鞋,弄了我的頭髮還有眼裝當然還有紅色隱眼 "來吧!影子"瑪麗亞換好了她的瑪麗亞服裝 瑪麗亞牽著我的手走向大門
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0 notes
dtsansbule · 5 years
Hetero Tale異端傳說 第十二章-請求+人物設定介紹(試驗品)
*因為作者很懶,所以HT Gaster對話直接寫出來。
HT Frisk、 HT Papy、HT Sans認出眼前的Gaster是自己記憶中跌入核心的 Gaster
"Gaster告訴我們為什麼 Cheshire會想殺我們?為什麼那個papy說那樣的話?"HT Frisk向他尋求真相
" Nyen..這是什麼意思?為什麼?另一個我會說我是他的分身"HT Papy摸摸下巴
"還有那些東西"HT Sans從ink那裡拿的東西裡認出有自己字跡的信封,以及另外的一本日記一本繪本
"哦!這些居然還留著?我還以為被銷毀了"HT Gaster看了一眼放在桌上的三樣東西,分別一本日記一本繪本一封信
"這些是曾經的你們留下的,Frisk的日記,Papy的繪本,Sans的信"HT Gaster懷念的摸了摸面前的繪本
"咦!"HT Sans和 HT Frisk 很吃驚,難道我們被重置過?不對!被重置的話..我們因該還有點記憶啊?
"你們認為世上最強大的力量是什麼?LOVE? 還是決心?這些或許��我們的世界來說是很強大的" HT Gaster喝了一口茶 
"勇氣 耐心 誠實 毅力 仁慈 正義 還有決心"
Manager 人類/創作者管理員  是負責管理AU的創作者們
HT Frisk 人類/怪物大使  在Cheshire世界中,和平世界,拯救怪物們的青年怪物大使。Cheshire重新創造的Frisk,最初的Frisk早已被Cheshire吞噬了。  
Papy 怪物/被感染者  在Cheshire世界中,是最初創作時候的HT Papy,在地下世界生活,被復活的Cheshire身上的黑色靈魂感染後,擁有暴力、不安等傾向。因為太過愧疚以及無法忘記這些事。無法清除身上的病毒,於是自己製造出自己的分身代替自己。而自己離開世界,尋找Cheshire的路。
HT Papy 怪物  在Cheshire世界中,和平世界,是Papy在感染期製造代替自己的分身,傭有最初的美好記憶。依舊是個天真單純的骷髏。
HT Sans 怪物  在Cheshire世界中,和平世界, 依舊是個好哥哥但很懶的骷髏。 Cheshire重新創造的Sans,最初的Sans早已被Cheshire吞噬了。  
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dtsansbule · 5 years
Undertale彩蛋路線 影片翻譯(下)
*這是一本地下植物的百科全書 你翻到了中間...
*"香蒲"一種濕地開花植物 有著棕色的橢圓形種子莢
 是 否
_偷偷到道地下室 彩蛋_
       喔 你有什麼事情嗎?
       沒事  什麼時後才能回家?
       喔 嗨!
       當然  怎麼離開這裡?
       是的  怎麼離開這裡?
       沒事  怎麼離開這裡?
       現在當個好孩子 然後回樓上去
       我只是在保護你 你懂嗎?
_夢中 彩蛋(在地下室跟羊媽對話後,回房間睡覺)_
TORIEL:我知道你想回家 但是...
TORIEL:很可悲吧? 我就連一個孩子都救不了
       一旦你熟悉廢墟後 你就會發現它實在太小了
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dtsansbule · 5 years
Undertale 彩蛋路線影片翻譯(上)
       前面還有幾個 我還沒有解開的謎題
       如果你想獨自解開的話 可能會有點危險
        (關於跟怪物戰鬥 我可以給你一些建議)
        (當你做出某些 動作 或是 戰鬥 到快要打敗他們時...)
        (如果他們不想繼續戰鬥 拜託...)
        (發揮一些仁慈吧 人類)
   是   否
*(按[O]來打開主選單) --->PS4是按圈圈 PC是按C Switch是叉叉
   是   否
   是   否
   是   否
*(調皮地踩過樹葉 讓你的心中充滿決心)
       肉桂還是奶油糖? --->不知道為什麼?後面的問題 跟 PC/Switch的問題不一樣!後來才知道因為我重製的關係。
       是 否
       很奇怪 不是嗎?
       如果您在自己的盤子上找到它,你會想要你的鼻子嗎?  這句很難翻譯 WOULD YOU TURN UP YOUR NOSE IF YOU FOUND IT ON YOUR PLATE?
*哇喔 小傢伙!
*好吧 只為了你喔 小甜心
*好吧 這樣呢?
*好吧 我想我懂了
   是 否
Napstablook:抱歉 我現在一點心情都沒有
Napstablook:嘿嘿 嘿嘿...
  是 否
  是 否
        (不管我說了什麼他們都會按[O]忽略我的對話) --->PS4是按圈圈 PC是按X Switch沒有那隻青蛙
        (喔 不連你也一樣啊!)
        (我聽到邊界可以為世界添加一些顏色) --->PS4是說"邊界"(不了解是啥?)  PC是說"按F4就可以開啟全螢幕" Switch也是在說"邊界"
        (在您加載遊戲之前,您可以在設置菜單中選擇它們) --->PS4是說遊戲設定  PC是以為F4是指四隻青蛙 Switch跟PS4一樣
        (現在你肯定知道 當怪物的名子變成黃色的時候 就代表你可以寬恕他了)
        (你覺得這個提示如何? 非常好 很糟糕)
        (也許有一天,即使他們的名子不是黃色的 你也得這麼做)
       或許有一天 你會看到你真正喜歡的東西
*如果你能讀到這個的話 按下藍色的開關
 是 否
*如果你能讀到這個的話 按下紅色的開關
 是 否
*如果你能讀到這個的話 按下綠色的開關
 是 否
        (我們全部都太害怕 所以不敢跟她說話)
TORIEL:天啊 花的時間比我原本想的還多
       為了給你一個驚喜而這樣做 實在太不負責任了
       好吧 我猜也藏不了多久
       來吧 小傢伙
*每當這棵老��長出了任何葉子 它們都會馬上掉落
*看到一棟這麼可愛的小房子 坐落在廢墟給予了你決心
       過來 我有另一個驚喜要給你
*由於被困在結界之後 以及對人類進一步攻擊的恐懼 我們撤退了
*往前深入 更加深入地底之中 直到我們抵達洞穴的終點
*這將是我們的新家 我們將它命名為...
*你以前看過這種植物 但不知道它的名字
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dtsansbule · 5 years
折原creation list
折原 作品目錄清單(Chinese)
UT fanfiction article
Hetero Tale異端傳說
Introduction: A mysterious character, a story in the UT world.
* The protagonist is my own. There are still some characters that will come out slowly.
* There are many UT characters + AU characters, as well as friendship strings.
*The plot is the protagonist because of such a thing (there will be reasons later), and the last serious injury appears in the UT world.
Please see this work about this work.
Prologue - Cheshire
Chapter 1 - Frisk
Chapter 2 - Frisk's departure
Chapter III - Reset
Chapter 4 - Crazy
Chapter 5 - 骷髅?骷髅?
Chapter 6 - Real Identity?
Chapter 7 - Picture Book (on)
Chapter VIII - Picture Book (below)
Chapter 9 - Lies and Deception
Chapter 10 - Blackened Papy
Chapter 11 - True Core
Hetero Tale異端傳說Special article Monster School
Introduction: In another parallel line, in history, humans and monsters have lived in the earth world in a peaceful coexistence. Although it is said that reality is that human beings are separated from monsters, human beings can only learn about monsters from books. The existence of the monsters, the monsters are to merge the human world. They are transformed into human beings and live in the human world.....
Legend has it that there is a school under the EBOTT Mountain. The school has a special class. Every teacher from the teacher to the student is a monster. If you accidentally enter that class... then... you may never see the sun of tomorrow.....
Small short play <--The original work may have a follow-up.
Chapter 1 - Teacher
FNAF fanfiction article
Five night at freddy’s-小小故事
Introduction: A "living" puppet bear full of goodwill for the children, helping the stories of the poor children.
* I have seen some novels and picture books, but the content is no exception. "There is a legend. In fact, the dolls that have been sleeping with you at the bedside will be silently guarding you at night." Recently, the title movie appeared, which makes me think this too. It is a legend that lasts forever, and there are really dolls in the FNAF series. Set it as the main character.
*This article is created by heart, is there any follow-up? I don't know it myself.
* After reading the results of The Game Theorists and the work of GoldBox , I wanted to write a story that was a little different.
* The plot setting will be different from the game and what everyone knows.
*If you have other opinions, please come and talk to me ^^
_Chapter One_
_Chapter two_
_third chapter_
Sonic fanfiction article
Introduction: In the timeline of a certain time and space, because the evil Sonic destroys the world, it is used by friends and relatives to use chaotic gems to send away the timeline of their time and space.The use of chaotic gemstones in different timelines in different time and space, forgotten many things, such as gender and age, due to the different timelines in different time and space. Because... When I first arrived in the world, it turned out to be like a human being, and was taken home by Chris, who was still a cub at that time. Because of the relationship between the chaotic gem pieces, Chris’s family memories were confused. Chris is always a twin because of the memory of people in the family. A light and Chris are twins. Over time, in their own memories, and in their cognition, they think that they are twins.
*Because nostalgia + did not write the text I want to read, so I wrote it myself.
*This article is created by heart, is there any follow-up? I don't know it myself.
* When I was very young, I played the Sonic Sonic game of the PC version. I also played arcades in the amusement hall, but because it was too small to play, it was fun. The arcade that I have never forgotten is actually...Sonic Kid Popcorn Machine.
The Sonic Kid series animations are also chasing, but the TV broadcast time + personal problems, so most of them jumped and wanted to write a somewhat different story.
* The plot is based on the animated X story, and will also be mixed with some games (official and unofficial) and animation (sonic animation series four animations plus some). Everyone knows something that will be different.
*If you have other opinions, please come and talk to me ^^
Homemade character set
Chapter 1 - Blue Hedgehog
Chapter 2 - Memories
 identity  fanfiction article
Write fun logs
Cross the fifth personality and become a member of them! Cross the fifth personality and become a member of them! TWO
Game skewer series
(Competition) If you compile a game you know into a story?Chapter 1 - Missing Father
(Competition) If you compile a game you know into a story?Chapter 2 - The Manor of the Pit Man (Part 1)
Villainous同人-反派教師/Villainous-Inverse teacher (Test work)
0 notes
dtsansbule · 5 years
Villainous同人-反派教師/Villainous-Inverse teacher (Test work)
*I don’t know English, but in order to make it easy for readers to read! I translate my own work.
*Please don’t read Chinese readers! Please work hard and look down at translated works. * There is a translation error! Please tell me if you have trouble!! I will try my best to correct it!
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*作品有沒有後續? 看留言數+愛心數量多不多!所以喜歡這篇請刷起來!!
*作品構想由 "音速小子音爆" 和 "膽小狗英雄" 裡有老師考試之類的場景。
最麻煩的是委託人是個比自己更古老更強大更棘手的反派-Black Hat
雖然你不怕Black Hat,但你嫌麻煩,覺得如果得罪他,那麼你的下場...不是只有死,那麼輕鬆的事。
於是你整理了自己的儀容,拿著那封信,什麼也沒帶的前往Black Hat的住處。
Black Hat生氣的大吼:「聽著你們這些沒用的寄生蟲!我受夠了你們不夠邪惡!所以我找來了一個壞傢伙來」Black Hat帶著惡意看著面前的手下,順便介紹身邊的你給他們
Black Hat邪惡的笑:「你能把它,當午餐解決掉的話,真是幫了我一個大忙」
Black Hat鄙視的說:「哼!那這群寄生蟲交給你了」就走回辦公室
Google translation:
The following is the author's sand sculpture.
*Is there any follow-up to the work?
Look at the number of messages + the number of love!
So please like this please brush up!!
*The work is conceived by "Sonic Boom" and "Courage the Cowardly Dog" with a teacher exam.
*character setting:
Black hair, golden cat eyes,
wearing a black silk-tailed tuxedo,
is an gentle gentleman.
*In the 6xxx era,
in the new era,
because of the large number of heroic villains,
the number of normal people is too small, and then the president of a broken head system has a new law,
heroes and villains must have a license! Otherwise it will be considered illegal.————————————————————————————
On this day, you feel physically and mentally tired.
Although you are not a human being,
looking at the one you received,
it makes you very difficult letter.
Yes! You have received a job that cannot be pushed away.
A teacher's job,
but also a private teacher's job,
if it is an ordinary teacher work,
it is a light one for you.
But... this is a job to teach people how to do villains.
And the object to be taught is a problem child! It is even more troublesome.
The most troublesome thing is that the client is a more powerful,
more difficult villain than himself - Black Hat.
Although you are not afraid of black hats,
you are too troublesome.
If you offend him,
then your end...not only death, so easy.
So you sorted out your appearance,
took the letter,
and went to the black hat where you didn't bring anything.
_Black hat house_
Black Hat Angry roar :「 Listen to these useless parasites!
I am fed up with you not evil enough!
So I found a bad guy. 」
Black hat with a malicious look at the men in front of you, by the way, introduce you to them
You smile and greet them
DEMENCIA's surprised howl :「 What! This idiot!! 」
Exploring the doubts of DR.FLUG: 「 Well? 」
5.0.5 Happy to have a new friend hug up.
You are the "death hug" that can make people die in their arms in 5.0.5,
but you don't have any influence on the "death hug" in response to 5.0.5,
in a beautiful but malicious tone: 「 wow It’s a lovely bear, it’s so cute and I want to eat it. 」
The black hat smirked:「 You can help it, if it is solved by lunch, it really helps me a lot. 」
You just laughed and said:「This little guy can use it, so I won't eat it.」
The black hat scorned and said :「 Hey! That group of parasites is handed over to you, 」 and walked back to the office.
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dtsansbule · 5 years
*這是第二個世界。 *會接著把故事連串,有玩過這種遊戲的人,可以猜猜這是哪部遊戲世界?
_第二章-坑人的庄園主_ 當你再度醒來,你發現你躺在床上,周圍都是陌生的,你下床四處��看,這裡是個男子的房間,床頭牆上貼著幾張畫,衣櫃裡有幾件舊舊又補丁的衣物,以及地上幾塊缺少一部分的玩具。 你在這個房間找不到更多的線索只好離開房間,出了房門你看到了一個女子站在上樓梯的旁邊,你查看了你附近周圍沒有人,只好向前走近女子,卻發現女子對著什麼都沒有的牆壁說話。 她像是突然發現你的,轉身對著你說:「喔!xxx你醒了沒事吧?」 你奇怪她怎麼知道你,於是開口問她:「妳是誰?妳怎麼知道我?」 她一聽詭異的變臉說:「你忘了嗎?你曾跟我去仙境」 你想一想,但記憶中並沒有她的存在,於是你對著她搖搖頭,她看著你的舉動非常氣憤的說:「喔!一定是那個醫生!對自從你從他哪裡回來後就變得怪怪!別擔心你跟我去仙境後,就會好起來了」 她說個不停,你從話裡得知了許多,她叫愛麗絲利德爾,是你的隔壁鄰居以及髮小,但自從你的父母出遠門做生意的時候,死於船難後,被親戚送的某個孤兒院去了,但沒多久,因為一直捐錢給孤兒院的慈善家下落不明,孤兒院倒閉之後,就再也沒見過你了。 而她也因為家裡一場人為的火災,也被送進孤兒院裡,所以沒辦法來找我,你從她的話裡隱約覺得不只是送到孤兒院裡那麼簡單。 後來據她所說是你以前常去的醫院給醫生看的那位醫生也失蹤了,於是經由輾轉的在那個騙錢的醫生那裡,再次相見。 她簡單的說那個醫生是騙子,要你不要去找他,但你不聽勸的,還是去找那個醫生。 她氣憤的說:「你不要再去找他了!看看你現在什麼都不記得了」她說完的走出門去找那個醫生,臨走前還叫你不要離開這裡,在這裡等她回來。 你看著她離開還順手關上門,你思考一下,覺得或許你一開始待著的地方有你想要的東西,你回到了一開始的那間房間,又仔細的翻找著,終於在一隻破舊補丁的熊娃娃的身體裡發現一本日記,你翻了翻日記,日記內容跟愛麗絲說的差不多,只是日記裡還藏著一個天大的秘密,一封信,信裡寫著父母並不是意外死於船難的,想知道真相,必須前往溫斯頓庄園。 你原本是不太想去,但直覺告訴你,必須要去那個地方,猜測那個地方可能是愛麗絲說的仙境,於是你留下了字條給愛麗絲,自己什麼都不帶只帶著那封信前往庄園。 到達了庄園,庄園從外面看到內,一看就知道這裡被廢棄了許久,鐵欄杆鐵長年許久沒保養,變成鏽了,一開門就帶著尖銳刺耳的聲音,地上的雜草長的比人的膝蓋高了,藤蔓從牆邊包圍住庄園,慶幸的是藤蔓還沒爬到庄園的大門口。 於是你走到大門口,沒猶豫的推開大門,推開門你稍微驚訝了一下,這室內跟室外差太多了,這是一個不小的大廳,但裡面卻很少東西,一個壁爐,一幅畫,一個櫃子,一張地毯,一張桌子,幾張椅子,一台鋼琴,你查看了四周,感到非常詭異,外面看屋子比室內大,但室內的空間卻是如此這麼一點大嗎?你看了看只是覺得這些蠟燭是不是多了幾根?只是為了照明根本不需要這麽多根蠟燭,而且放的位子太近了。你又看了看牆上唯一的畫,覺得那幅畫是不是掛顛倒了,又仔細盯著它看,轉眼間,你發現面前的畫不見了面前是個帶面具的鳥身女子,而自己也不在剛剛待的大廳。 女子看到了你禮貌的問候:「午安,xxx先生,請出示邀請卡」 你疑惑了一下拿出了那封信,遞給了女子說:「請問是這個嗎?」 女子接過那封信看了一眼內容物,還給了你說:「是的!就是這個,現在沒有問題了。你好,先生。我叫夜鶯,是負責接待客人,以及販賣你所需要的東西,邀請你來的是這個庄園的庄園主,等等你可以見到他,現在如果有任何的問題,請立刻提出!」 你想了想於是問了夜鶯:「販賣?這裡?這個庄園裡?開商店?」 夜鶯像是聽到了笑話的笑了幾聲回答你:「是的!這是庄園主開放的,給這裡的參賽者們購買的商店」 你又繼續的問夜鶯:「什麼參賽者?」 夜鶯好心的告訴你:「喔!這是庄園主舉辦的一場活動,庄園主邀請許多參賽者參加一場躲貓貓的遊戲...」夜鶯透露了遊戲規則跟內容讓你聽了感到冒汗(說好聽是躲貓貓,說難聽就是鬼抓人,鬼是庄園主的人,而人就是就是那些被坑的參賽者,說被坑不為過,因為據夜鶯說的庄園主曾說贏了遊戲的參賽者可以得到一個願望,不知道為什麼在參賽者們的口中變成了一筆下半輩子都不愁的金錢,而且庄園主沒說贏的人可以離開這,所以不管參賽者贏了幾場遊戲,逃出了多少次,久而久之,除了贏的參賽者繼續遊戲,其餘者...呵呵...不用說也知道死在遊戲裡) 你黑線的問夜鶯:「你這樣告訴我可以嗎?」 夜鶯不在乎的說:「沒事!我們的庄園主在怎麼坑人,也只是個紙老虎,對於我們說的這些事...頂多扣你的人品」 你一聽夜鶯這樣說,更多的黑線爬慢臉上想著(媽的!有夠坑人還不讓人說的死腹黑的庄園主) 等了一段時間,夜鶯收到庄園主的通知後,告訴你前往右邊的房間後,把你送回到了大廳。 ========================================================== 以上的關鍵字你猜到了嗎?
公布答案: 第二世界是愛麗絲驚魂記:瘋狂再臨和第五人格合併的。因為覺得一部分風格以及時間線差不多,所以給它組合在一起。
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(愛麗絲驚魂記:瘋狂再臨 遊戲載入畫面的遊戲提示)
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(第五人格 遊戲畫面的大廳)
0 notes
dtsansbule · 5 years
第一世界是Undertale 開頭的歷史的世界。
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0 notes
dtsansbule · 5 years
穿越到第五人格成為他們的一員吧! TWO
*I don’t know English, but in order to make it easy for readers to read! I translate my own work.
*Please don’t read Chinese readers! Please work hard and look down at translated works. * There is a translation error! Please tell me if you have trouble!! I will try my best to correct it!
*此文是隨心創作,有沒有後續? 我自己也不知道。
2018年11月X日,我自認自己沒有慘到當豬友,有可能自己臉黑手黑的非洲酋長,但自己絕對不是什麼歐皇?人皇? 只是個什麼都一般般的普通人。
1. 奶布+3個老手求生者(或是裡面有1個老手2個新手)的話,就靠一個老前輩去溜監管者,奶布跟另外2個其他求生者去摸機。
Google translation:
*This article is created by heart, is there any follow-up? I don't know it myself.
Previous chapter
_Chapter two_
On November X, 2018, I admit that I am not a miserable pig friend. I may have a black-faced African chief, but I am definitely not a European emperor. I am just an ordinary person.
So please!!! Great pleading!! I know that you are the keeper of the 5 ciphers.
I really can't do what you want, don't force me!!
The baby is bitter, but the baby does not say (T_T)
-XXX stay
Since talking to Nebu predecessors in Area A, the predecessor didn't know what to think. He actually sneaked over the bright and cross-regional area just to train me!?
This big man is really unwilling to train and teach me, but I am sorry! I am so wasteful! The board will not turn over, and the terrain building will dodge the regulators, not to mention the Nebu. Ability: Steel sprint, originally used to slip the butcher and escape skills, but under my rotten technology into suicide self-collision.
The only thing that can be said is that Naibu's resistance to the cipher machine, but I can compare the speed of other Naibu people, not bombing.
This makes other life-seekers look dumbfounded, but it also makes them very recognizable 'ah! The idea of ​​the milk cloth that touches the machine'
So... every time there is a game, the situation is as follows.....
1. If the milk cloth + 3 veterans are survivors (or there are 1 veteran and 2 newbies in it), they will rely on an old predecessor to slip the regulator, and the milk cloth will go to the other two other survival seekers.
2. Milk cloth + 3 novice survivors, there are two kinds! One is to let a novice to challenge the slippery regulator, the other is the milk cloth self-sacrifice (1. Save the sacrifice 2. When the shield is sacrificed 3. When the bait is sacrificed )
Of course, there are special conditions...
"Hmm! Wow! This is a bit of a hassle..." I entered the new game and saw the message stupid, the four survivors... all Naibu!!!
Everyone knows Nebu slippery regulators, but the speed of the machine is slow to go! Even the treatment teammates are very slow, so in addition to being masters and fans, most people will carefully consider whether to use this role after playing once.
The Nebu people here are also due to the aftermath of the war. Most of them prefer to go to the butcher and refuse to touch the machine.
I have also seen some people live 4 Naibu VS1 regulators? This is really hard to say... mainly to cooperate with the team by spending time to take time to touch the machine, to support 5 machines to unlock + still solution Open the door and escape. If the free-running butchers, no one touches the plane, how to spend time to slip the butcher will eventually be overwhelmed by the supervisors and fly high.
"No matter how you first touch the machine" I no longer look at the information nearby, I found a cipher machine, and quickly touched the machine.
I heard the footsteps coming from afar. I looked around and looked around. It turned out to be the initial Naibu. I took a closer look at this initial Naibu is a newcomer.
"Hey! Come and help decode!" I saw that the newcomer came to see me and I was so stupid that I had to ask him to help.
"呃.." The newcomer looked at the password machine and also reached out to help, but it was too nervous to touch the machine when it was shaken, and I was also shocked...
"Ah!" I was called out by the electric, and the subconscious mind was touched by the hands of the electric. I didn’t think that 'I’m really Naibu, it’s really a bomber’.
Instead, I thought about talking to friends about the topic of being charged. Friends: "What happens when you are charged?" I thought about it and returned to him: "Maybe it is very direct." Friends said : "You are really boring" I frowned and asked: "Or else?" The friend said: "I will hold the hand of the handsome guy around me and say to him, handsome guy, you are so handsome, let me be charged by you." I really don't Know this humor, so give him a 'hehe'
"I'm sorry," the newcomer apologized to me and wanted to reach out and help.
"It's okay! Or let me come! Oh.. or you can help other people! This person needs help, go! There is me here." I just saw the message, L Zone • Newcomer Neibu was knocked down. Land, need help. Zone A • Ren Huang Naibu is slipping the butcher, I thought about it or let this O District • Newcomer Neibu go to the treatment of L Zone Nebu
"No problem!" O District • Newcomer • Nebu is running happily away from here.
"Is there such a disgusting machine? This runs faster than a ghost." I look at the machine while watching the dumbfounded, no matter how much I continue to touch the machine.
After completing 5 decoders, I will check again to check other states. It is very good for other people to be in good condition and play a 3-to-1 trick mode.
I thought about it and thought that I still want to open the door by myself. I really want to let my devil refuse.
And I am afraid that I will go to the ghosts and drag others. I open the door and pay attention to the situation of other people. When I open all the doors... they are still playing.... I waited for a while... decided whether or not they .. leaving the message "I am leaving first", I slowly walked out to the door.
作者的話 /  Author's words:
This is the real thing... I used Naibu when I was in a limited time. I thought I didn't have him yet. What would I do if I used it first?
The result is really!! The four survivors are Nebu... I saw the subconscious mind when I saw it. "Wow! It’s miserable!! No one is touching the machine." But I don’t know if it’s an update! Cloth is the machine to touch the machine very quickly, so I really can only touch the machine to touch the machine, while touching and paying attention to the situation...
最後結果媽呀!真的只有我在摸機!!其他三個更本是在玩鬼!!還好他們真的是堅持夠硬的!我開完門,他們都沒事!! 我溜到他們那邊把另一個門也開了,看他們全走了,剩我一人,我看杰克還堵在門那邊,我也懶的管他,就很直接當著他的面走出門去。
The final result is mom! Really only I am in the machine!! The other three are actually playing ghosts!! Fortunately, they really insist on being hard! I opened the door, they are all right!! I slipped to them There was another door open over there, watching them all gone, leaving me alone, I saw Jack still blocking the door, and I was lazy to take care of him, and went straight out of the door directly in front of him.
0 notes
dtsansbule · 5 years
穿越到第五人格成為他們的一員吧! *I don’t know English, but in order to make it easy for readers to read! I translate my own work. *Please don’t read Chinese readers! Please work hard and look down at translated works. * There is a translation error! Please tell me if you have trouble!! I will try my best to correct it!
*此文是隨心創作,有沒有後續? 我自己也不知道。
*文章靈感來源於簪白笔【第五人格】奈布他总想被祭天 (大力推),很喜歡這位大大寫的內容!但由於大大更文也很慢QwQ 只好自己也來寫一下,娛樂自己...(呃..如果大大看到了!請不要打我QwQ)
也推 语翼配音组 和 绿叶配音组 (不知道這兩組有沒有關係@@?) 有聲漫畫 第五人格,我很喜歡這兩組的奈布杰克的配音員,理由聲音很好聽! 我看著這兩部影片就迷上了佣宝宝怎么可能是秃头和大揭秘!杰克面具下到底什么样+片尾彩蛋
"是啊!奶布 今天姊姊我臨時收到通知等一下要參加一場雙監管者的遊戲"艾米麗一想到就覺得頭疼
"那你保重!還有不要叫我奶布 艾米麗小姐"我氣得鼓起臉頰
Google translation:
*This article is created by heart, is there any follow-up? I don't know it myself.
*The article is inspired by the white pen [Fifth personality] Nebu, he always wants to be sacrificed (strongly pushed), I like this big-written content! But because it is much more and very slow, QwQ has to write it myself. For a moment, entertain yourself... (呃.. If you see it a lot! Please don’t hit me QwQ)
I also tweeted the wing dubbing group and the green leaf dub group (I don't know if there is any relationship between the two groups @@?) The fifth personality of the comic book, I really like the voice actor of the two groups of Nebu Jack, the reason is very good! I see These two films are fascinated with how the baby can be baldand big secret! What is the end of the Jack mask + end of the egg
* Yesterday I finally downloaded the game to model it (because I am a handicapped party, this kind of game will be dragged until the end to play), if you see the ID is the lack of love Nebu players, please show your mercy (reason) I am still a newbie QwQ)... If...you are Jack...that makes you abuse>_>
*If you have other opinions, please come and talk to me ^^
Next chapter
_Chapter One_
November X, 2018, this day...
It’s what I dreamed of, and I regret it... one day...
-XXX stay
"Hey! Don't lie here, let's leave the road." A nurse is loaded with the essence of the doctor's Emily nephew looking at the intersection at the intersection of the hall.
"Miss Emily is your turn to play today?" I wondered.
"Yes! Milk cloth today, I am temporarily receiving notice to wait for a double-regulator game." Emily felt a headache when she thought of it.
"Then take care! Don't call me Miss Emily," I am so angry that I swell my cheeks.
"I just want to call" Emily pinches my cheeks like a hate.
"Sorry! Please let me go." I was screamed and screamed.
"哼" Emily leaves with a proud smile
"Hey..." I left the hall and returned to my room to start staying.
Here is the last clue of the missing girls, and the once-famous estate that can win a game as long as it wins a game...
Yes! You didn’t get it wrong! It’s the manor...
Here is the manor of the "Five Personality" game...
At that time, I didn't do anything strange at X when X minutes and X seconds, and there was no such thing as a dog blood crossing method that was washed away by water or died in a car accident...
Just like other players, downloading the game and starting the game to see the story. After starting the newcomer teaching mode, I was able to start the game freely. I chose to buy the nabu in my first place. I didn’t expect... the next second I am standing on the field...
At that time, I was so stupid that I was stunned by the factory manager with a shark doll... When I woke up, I was already sitting in a chair and flying high and high...
When I woke up, I sat in the chair in the manor hall.
I have a love for the fifth personality, and I have more love for the Jay, but I don't want to face the real person with the danger of my life! Although it is impossible to die, it will really hurt!
On that day, mankind finally remembered the horror that was once dominated by them, and the humiliation that was imprisoned in the cage...
Here, in order to be able to go back and try to win the game, I made a lot of jokes...
Because I am not really Nebu himself, the first time I used the steel sprint ability to avoid the supervisors, I also hit the wall and let the supervisors on the side grab the chair...
Also, because I was unfamiliar with the place, I lost my way to teammates and escaped from the gate. I left one to stay here, or the supervisor of the Buddha’s heart personally took me back to the manor...
And because I’m too focused on the machine, let the teammates waiting for the rescue mad...
Because of these black history, the survivors joked that I was 'milk cloth'...
"Hey! The milk cloth is coming out to eat, the women look at you, don't let the uncle eat." The grumpy striker - William Alice stands on the stairs to the second floor.
"Don't be like this! William, this is this. You go to the restaurant first! I came to talk to Nebu." Good luck to persuade William's lucky one, stop the game and lose a bad mood and can't eat rice. I’m in a bad mood, I’m looking for a vent, tyrant, William.
"Hey! That hurry," William left the sentence and left.
"That.. Neibu..." Lucky pushes my door and looks at me.
"I just heard it, let's go!" I followed the lucky one.
———- After using the meal ———————
(In the afternoon, there is me on the list, I have to prepare) I am in the room, what kind of clothes are I looking at?
I thought about wearing the Assassin’s suit and wearing the Assassin’s clothes, which is the illusion of moving speed and hiding.
Once I transferred it to the game, I glanced at it (the red church!), and immediately rushed to the front of the password machine, seeing the password machine is of course the first machine!
I don't care about the whole world. In short, I touch the machine and touch the machine. When I start to plop on the heart, I look up (Mom! When is it standing there!) I saw that I stood in front of me less than 5 steps. Jack, scared to drop the fast cracked cipher machine to escape the wall
After running to a safe place, I started to touch the machine again. After halfway through the crack, I heard the footsteps coming. I scared and stopped to look at it... It was Nebu in another district!!
Yes! This manor, like the game, has other characters to escape and escape, but the difference is that every one of the estates is true! The deity! The difference is that each personality is not the same.. um... bad guys Nebu, a good man's Nebu, also has a neutral Nebu, and I am a group of Naipaul recognized the most like Naibu Nebu (not originally!!)
"I am you!" Naibu, wearing the first dress, looked at me.
"Call! It turned out to be the predecessor of Area A. Don't scare me! Really." I breathed a sigh of relief and continued to touch the machine.
"You are still the same, so you like to touch the machine." I started to talk to me while I was watching Neibu.
"No way.. I don't have the same high-tech and supervisors as the predecessors. I can't get caught quickly and can easily get rid of it. Instead of being a bait, it's better to go to the machine. If I have the chance, Can rescue teammates, of course, if caught.. or sacrifice me to let teammates escape smoothly!" I tell the truth
"But if you practice more exercises, you can be like a regulator."
"...As you said, Neiburi has the most Nebu, like Naibu, then there is Nebu, which is the least like Naibu!" I also seriously said to Nabu, because he is the most like Nebu. Nebu
"This is good, I am going to find the next password machine." I looked up at the shining antenna in the distance and went over there.
0 notes
dtsansbule · 5 years
*I don’t know English, but in order to make it easy for readers to read! I translate my own work.
*Please don’t read Chinese readers! Please work hard and look down at translated works. * There is a translation error! Please tell me if you have trouble!! I will try my best to correct it!
*此文是隨心創作,有沒有後續? 我自己也不知道。
上一章 下一章
我是阿光 是個黑色刺蝟,我不知道我從哪裡來,也不知道我要到哪裡去,只知道在這個世界裡,不斷的躲躲藏藏。
"你這種傢伙才不是索尼克" 納克護著身後的阿光
"不知道,但我知道只有你和我的世界才會這樣" 另一個我搖頭,像我透漏這個訊息
"這樣會不會太亂來了 對方可是軍隊耶!說不定這會引起戰爭"克里斯責備問
"我就是問你 你們的世界在哪裡啊?"爺爺好奇的問
"ㄟ索尼克 在那個事故發生之後,這裡有你跟我還有芮比起司都在的話...那當時在場的人會不會也都到這個世界了呢?"塔爾斯突然想到的問
"是啊是啊!小光 這裡沒人��話啊!"爺爺也緊張的趕緊幫忙掩飾
"不是那個意思!阿光 我們只是..."克里斯一聽這下更慌了
Google translation:
*This article is created by heart, is there any follow-up? I don't know it myself.
* The plot is based on the animated X story, and will also be mixed with some games (official and unofficial) and animation (sonic animation series four animations plus some). Everyone knows something that will be different.
*If you have other opinions, please come and talk to me ^^
Previous chapter Next chapter
Chapter 2 - Memories
"Nuck...nak...nak!!!" Aguang wakes up from his sleep
"It’s a dream..." A light looked around, and the time on the table next to the bed showed that it was 6am now.
"I haven't been dreaming for a long time..." Think about this since Sonic came to this house and started to dream about the day....
I am Aguang, a black hedgehog. I don't know where I am from, I don't know where I am going, I only know that in this world, I keep hiding.
Looking around for something? Until one day... I was fainted on a island called Angel Island because I hadn’t eaten for a long time... I was saved by a red needle.
"Hey! You're fine!" Nuck patrolled the road back to the mother of Emerald and saw a man on the road.
"Hey! Hey!! No way, I have to take it away." Nuck looked at the person who was completely fainted, and had to hug and walk in the direction of the mother of the emerald.
"Hey, boy, give me support!" Nuck ran while paying attention to the situation of the person in his arms.
"Here is?" Aguang woke up and found himself lying on the steps.
"This is the altar of the mother of the emerald, and it is connected." Nuck lay on the top of the top of the emerald, and dropped a bag.
"There are some food and water in there. If you have enough rest after eating, just leave here!" Nuck closed his eyes and didn't look at him and said that he was driving away.
"..." Aguang looked at the bag in his hand and noticed that some small wounds on his body were also carefully treated with herbs.
"Thank you," A Guangdao thanked and slowly picked up the food in the bag.
Later.. because I don’t know where to go next... I want to report to the benefactor...
I built a house and lived in a place far from the altar....
"Hey! How many times have I said, let's get out of here!" Nuck, who is next to the mother of Emerald, doesn't know why he refused to leave.
"I still have that sentence, I want to repay! I will not leave until I can do it to repay you."
"哼" Nuck opens his face and says no
A light no matter what Nak continues to clean, sorting out this altar...
Always been so peaceful... life goes on.....
Until .... the arrival of a blue hedgehog covered with blood...
"Mother of Emerald!? Who are you! Why destroy the mother of the gem!!" Nuck saw the debris of the mother of the road and the person standing in front of the wreckage
"Sonic? No! Who are you?" Nuck snorted and carefully observed that the hedgehog was not the one he knew!!
"Of course it is me! Sonic kid Sonic! Nuck" blue hedgehog - Sonic's low voice said with a weird smile
"You guys are not Sonic." Nuck protects behind Aguang
"Hey! You have kids here! It's just that this game can be played by many people! Let's play! Hovering~" Sonic glanced at Aguang behind Nuck, and made a strange laugh in his mouth.
"A light run!" Nakla began to run constantly, running constantly
The Sonic has been running out of strange places and has been attacking Aguang. In order to protect Aguang, Nak has stopped those attacks.
"Ah~" Nuck’s right hand was broken by Sonic
"Nuck! Nuck!!!" A light sees Nak's wound, feeling pain and sorrow in his heart, sad tears
"You are too slow..." Sonic said with a cruel smile
"Naknak!!" Aguang himself is powerless and can only watch as Nuck is caught.
Inner fear and anger filled with Sonic
"A.. Aguang, take this to the side of the emerald mother..." Nuck used the remaining strength to take out the green gems and throw them at Aguang.
"But..." A light quickly caught the gem
"Quickly go" Nuck yell
"Hey...." Aguang had to run along with Nuck.
"Nuck!!!!!!!!呜呜....." When Ah Guang fled, he turned to see that Nak was killed by Sonic, and he shed tears to run to Nike and ran to the emerald. Mother
"There is only this chaotic gem left." Aguang smashed the emerald from Nuck and let it fly to the other six chaotic gems flying in the sky.
"Found you" Sonic is like a cat playing with a mouse, step by step slowly
"Don't come over!!!" A light fell into the debris of the mother of the emerald
"Hey, oh!" Sonic smiled and stretched out the hand of Nike's blood.
"Ah!" There is no such painful scream as I thought, but the scream of Sonic.
When I came back, I realized that Sonic was dead... I died in my own hands.
"I finally gave you revenge...Nuck" said the man
"Who are you?" At that time, I was like a person who was like me but not like me.
"I am you" another, I said
After talking to him, I realized that he is another timeline of me...
The other one in the world, I am much luckier than me.
After Nuck was injured, Sonic... Right! It was Sonic.. He resisted the EXE who controlled his body and committed suicide.
Although Nak did not die in the EXE, but he was too hurt, he only stayed for 2 days and left.
Another one that continues to live with Nak’s last words, "The Mother of the Emerald"
Because I am not willing and will not be rewarded, efforts to become stronger and stronger become stronger than that EXE.
Finally... by absorbing seven chaotic gems and the power of the emerald mother becomes stronger.
Passing time and space to my world to kill EXE
"Why does Sonic become like that?" I asked another one.
"I don't know, but I know that only you and my world will do this." Another one, I shook my head, like I revealed this message.
He said that he found my world through many time and space timelines.
"What should I do? I have to spend a lot of time to become stronger like you?" I wondered.
"Do you use Chaos Gems?" Another question I asked.
"There are no those I can't use." I looked at the chaotic gems in the sky.
"That is for me! I can make you stronger." Another one I flew up to absorb the full power of the chaotic gem and absorbed the power of the emerald mother.
"Stop!! What are you going to do!!" I watched the gems become absorbed because of the power, and the color became the same as the roadside stone.
"It’s dangerous to keep these gems, the best way is to let these gems disappear."
"But these gems are not so easy to destroy, the power of gems is too strong."
"I have studied it for a long time before finally researching a result! That is to absorb all of these forces." The other is that I constantly absorb the power, because I absorb those energies and let the body shine brighter and brighter.
"Come on!!" I shouted
"But... I found out later... I was wrong! The power of these gems is very powerful and not wrong! But it is also a curse. When the power of the gems is obtained, it will also be destroyed! My body... I was the first time The problem of absorbing the power of the gem began to come out. "Another one, after I absorbed the power, flew to me."
"You know that you still do it!!" I was surprised to say
"Because I don't want to live, I live too soon. But you are still alive."
"What?" Silly question
"Everyone in this world is dead. Nak is also dead. You should not want to live alone! I can live less than a day, so please help me to complete the last words of Nak." Say
"If the guardian gem is Nak's last words, of course I accept it." I heard him say this... I certainly thought about going to die with Nak, but Nuck attached great importance to guarding the gem. I am of course willing to inherit what Nuck is paying attention to.
"This is enough. This is the strength of the gemstone I have transformed. You will not have problems after absorption." Another light of my body disappeared, and the ball with iridescent light on my hand hit me.
Because I suddenly absorbed the external energy, let me faint for a moment.
When I wake up in another time and space, the body changes can't feel anything, but in my hand there may be chaotic gem fragments that are inadvertently held.
————— Another sight of A light ———————
"This is enough. This is the gem force that I have transformed. You will not have problems after absorption." I will hit the ball with iridescent light on my hand.
A light fainted
"I still have a little energy in my body, I will send you to other worlds, please let me live instead of me!" I used the only remaining energy to form a transmission channel, and sent Aguang away from here.
"Sorry...nak, and...nak has kept you waiting..." I vomited blood and fell on Nuck’s body and reached for Nuck’s hand.
_ End of memory _
Since then, as I traveled around for a long time, the power of gems, I slowly learned... but I can't use it 100%... I can only use part of it.
"How is it so noisy? It’s from the grandfather’s side to see it!” I was bored to walk in the garden, and I heard the noise coming from nearby and curious to see it.
_ Grandpa's studio _
"Would it be too messy to come to the other side, but the army! Maybe this will cause war" Chris blamed
"Even that! It should not be a problem!" Sonic said not to care.
"I am not talking about that!" Chris retorted
"喔" Sonic hand spreader
"This is really a great technique! Where did your science and technology come from?" Grandpa kept admiring and curiously asked.
"Where are you asking me? It’s our original world!" said Tars.
"I am asking you where is your world?" Grandpa asked curiously.
"Where is it! I only know that because time and space have been reversed, we have been bombed into this world." Tars grabbed his head and said
"When Sonic was in the accident, there are people who are still with me than the bosses... Are the people present at the time also going to the world?" Talth suddenly thought
"At that time, there should be Nuck, Amy and..." Sonic recalled
"Nuck! You said Nuck?" Aguang heard Nike excitedly shoving open the door and shouting
"A.. A light, you got it wrong!" Chris nervously blocked me.
"Yeah! Xiaoguang, no one is talking here!" Grandpa also nervously helped to cover up.
"You think that there is something in this family that I don't know," said A Guang.
"Xiaoguang.." Grandpa said helplessly.
"Not that meaning! Ah Guang, we are just..." Chris listened more and panicked.
"Hey! Hey, you just said that Nuck is!" Aguang asked Sonic.
"What about it? No, what?" Sonic hand spreader
"Well.. Grandpa, I have to go out." Ah Guang turned and left.
"Wait a little light, where are you going?" Grandpa quickly asked
"Going for a walk" Aguang quickly leaves
"Who is he? It looks dangerous."
"Who is that guy? It's like Chris," Tars curiously asked.
"Hey.. That's my granddaughter - Xiaoguang." Grandpa looks at the family and sighs on the table.
"Grandpa.. Aguang is just sick, will be good," Chris said.
"But I was the first time I saw Ah Guang!" Chris recalled the appearance of A-Guang.
"I was the first time I saw that, what was the name of Nuck? How did Aguang know?" Grandpa asked curiously.
"Since Aguang was sick, he never stepped out of the house. I don't know how he knew it." Chris shook his head.
"We know Nuck, but we don't know Ah Guang!" Talse said strangely.
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綠寶石之母祭壇  Altar of the Emerald
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Nuck likes to stay on the stairs (he always wonders if he lives there, no matter whether it rains or rains, even the weather with lightning is not willing to leave. This guardian is too persistent!
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Sonic.EXE, this is one of Sonic's "Creepypasta". In the corresponding urban legend, a man named Tom received a letter from his friend Kyle, which contained a piece of paper and a disc with Sonic.EXE written on it, and the paper told him to destroy the disc, but He still turned on the disc. Then Tom saw the picture of the original Hedgehog Sonic, but it didn't take long for the Sonic to be demonic. Into the game archive, I saw the characters in the Sonic the Hedgehog Talse, Nexus, Dr. Egg Head, Tom no matter which character, and those characters will be killed in the end, the demonized Sonic pops up from the screen and Kill Tom. Influenced by this urban legend, some netizens made the game of Sonic.EXE.
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混沌寶石 Chaos Emerald
There is a problem with the Chinese dubbing in the animation. Every time I say this gem, I always say Kao Ge, and then I will become a chaotic gem. ((My own online search is also written to say that there are more chaotic gems.
More curious, now where can I buy a diamond that is as big as the palm of my hand on the online auction network? (I can't find it for a long time)
Not really a diamond, it is a toy model!
In the past, my friend had no opinion to buy the COS COS clothes. He had imitation diamonds on his head, and he was too real!! Big and heavy!!
I asked my friend to find the store where he ordered the clothes. As a result, the other party seemed to have finished selling it.
So I can't find the big and really imitation diamond information T_T
0 notes
dtsansbule · 5 years
Hetero Tale異端傳說 第十一章-真核心
*I don’t know English, but in order to make it easy for readers to read! I translate my own work. *Please don’t read Chinese readers! Please work hard and look down at translated works. * There is a translation error! Please tell me if you have trouble!! I will try my best to correct it!
"他們真的在這裡嗎?"HT Frisk疑惑
"哇嗚!沒想到核心的下面還有另一個核心"HT Papy好奇的打量四周
"Bill你確定是這裡嗎?"Manager問了一身黃色紳士服的骷髏-Bill Sans
"當然!我可是全知全能"Bill Sans很自豪的說
"當然!我一直想要告訴我的創作者,我想跟我的兄弟見見面,告訴他我有新的家人了,他當舅舅了..."Bill Sans說著說著表情帶點哀傷
"開心點,夥計!等這次結束後,你可以盡情的向你的創作者訴說"HT Sans安慰Bill Sans
這裡許多東西不是消失 就是破壞,還有一些原本是在地上的東西紛紛在天上,懸浮著....
"..."三個人類四個骷髏看著景象傻楞著(Bill Sans 覺得沒什麼)
"哇!這裡比那個三角脆餅的傢伙的家還要糟糕!簡直是個垃圾場"Bill Sans打量了四周回想記憶裡的樣子
"⚐☟✏ ✋❄’💧 ✌ ☺🕆☠😐✡✌☼👎📬"[喔!這裡的確是個垃圾場]一個聲音從背後傳來
"👍⚐☼☼☜👍❄☹✡ 💧🏱☜✌😐✋☠☝📪 ❄☟✋💧 ✋💧 ❄☟☜ ☹✌☠👎 ⚐☞ 👎☜✌❄☟📬"[正確來說 這裡是死亡之地]HT Gaster很閒情逸致的喝著茶,操控著其餘的手給其他人倒茶
"..."大家一副我看你 你看我的表示懷疑
"💧⚐ ✡⚐🕆 ✌☼☜ 💧⚐ ☞✌☼ ✌🕈✌✡📪 🕈☟✌❄ 👎⚐ ✡⚐🕆 👎⚐ ☞☼⚐💣 ❄☟☜ ⚐🕆❄💧✋👎☜✍ ❄☟✋💧 ✋💧 ☠⚐❄ ❄☟☜ ☠⚐☼💣✌☹ 🏱☜☼💧⚐☠ ✌☠👎 ❄☟☜ 🏱☹✌👍☜ 🕈☟☜☼☜ ❄☟☜ 👌⚐☠☜💧 💧🕆☼✞✋✞☜📬"[所以你們大老遠,特地從外面跑來里面做什麼?這裡可不是正常的人以及骨生存��地方]HT Gaster喝著茶,不懷好意的說
Google translation:
*This world is its own world
*Beginning with my own homemade children, here the abbreviation HT means your own child!!
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Chapter 11 - True Core
"Would you like another cup of tea?"
*It seems like there is a voice saying so
He sat but seemed to be lying down
His eyes are open but they seem to be closed.
Seeing very clearly but it seems not very clear.
"Or do you want to add some sugar?"
*It seems like there is a voice saying so
Then, with a bang, pour a whole cup of white sand into the cup that has been filled with candy.
"Would you like to sleep?"
*It seems like there is a voice saying so
Anyway, I will wake up after falling asleep, and I will still fall asleep after waking up.
Ah! So quiet.
I hope this second will never end.
* He doesn't remember closing his eyes, but he doesn't seem to have opened it from the beginning.
A peace of mind that covers the world.
Take him into the dream.
"Are they really here?" HT Frisk doubts
"Wow! I didn't expect another core under the core." HT Papy curiously looked around.
"Bill are you sure here?" Manager asked a yellow gentleman's suit - Bill Sans
"Of course! I am omnipotent" Bill Sans is very proud to say
"Okay.. Just say good at the beginning! Help me find them, I will give you what you want."
"Of course! I always wanted to tell my creator, I want to meet my brother and tell him that I have a new family. He is jealous..." Bill Sans said with a smile
"Happy, man! After this time, you can tell your creator that "HT Sans comforts Bill Sans."
"!! Negative emotions here, more abnormal" Dream is horrified
"Look over there," Ink pointed to the weird scene in front.
Many things here are not disappearing or destroying, and some things that were originally on the ground are floating in the sky....
In short, it is a mess...
"..." Three human beings look at the scene silly (Bill Sans thinks nothing)
"Wow! It's worse than the guy in the triangle shortbread! It's a junkyard." Bill Sans looked around and remembered what it was like in memory.
"⚐☟✏ ✋❄'💧 ✌ ☺🕆☠😐✡✌☼👎📬"[Hey! It’s a junkyard here] a voice coming from behind
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The author is very lazy, omitting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“👍⚐☼☼☜👍❄☹✡ 💧🏱☜✌😐✋☠☝📪 ❄☟✋💧 ✋💧 ❄☟☜ ☹✌☠👎 ⚐☞ 👎☜✌❄☟📬” [Exactly this is the land of death ] HT Gaster is very leisurely drinking tea, controlling the rest of the hands to pour tea for others.
"..." Everyone, I see you, you look at me, doubt.
Because of the sense of crisis in the last second, the next second was pulled to sit in a pretty small place, drinking afternoon tea...
💧⚐ ✌☼☜ ✌☼☜ ☞✌☼ ✌🕈✌✡📪 ✌🕈✌✡📪 👎⚐ ✡⚐🕆 👎⚐ ☞☼⚐💣 ❄☟☜ ⚐🕆❄💧✋👎☜✍ ❄☟✋💧 ✋ 💧 ☠⚐❄ ❄☟☜ ☠⚐☼💣✌☹ 🏱☜☼💧⚐☠ ✌☠👎 ❄☟☜ 🏱☹✌👍☜ 🕈☟☜☼☜ 👌⚐☠☜💧 👌⚐☠☜💧 💧🕆☼✞✋✞☜ 📬"[So you are so far away, what do you do from the outside? This is not a normal person and a place where bones survive.] HT Gaster is drinking tea, saying it is not good.
Bill Sans:
Please go to see him on this! I know & don't know this! The author... very lazy introduction, it is better to go and see for yourself.
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三角脆餅的傢伙/Triangular shortbread guy:
有看神秘小鎮大冒險的人,應該知道他-Bill Cipher。不知道...請自行查詢。
Anyone who looks at the Gravity Falls should know him - Bill Cipher. Don't know... please check it yourself.
HT Gaster:
能力上跟其他世界的Gaster完全一樣,最接近glitchtale-Gaster 屬於先用手掌的能力試探,最後才用Gaster Blasters.
My family's Gaster is probably the whole body (Figure 1 below), without arms, only the palms (Figure 2 below). It looks the same as a normal Gaster. But as long as he thinks he can get his arms out.
The ability is exactly the same as that of Gaster in other worlds. The closest thing to glitchtale-Gaster is the ability to test with the palm of your hand. Finally, Gaster Blasters is used.
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dtsansbule · 5 years
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我看了很多集,黑帽雖然很不喜歡他的手下,尤其是505 這個失敗品,但很喜歡去嚇他XD
對提出問題的 別人家的貓 也表示感謝!謝謝你對他們說 愛你 !
影片來源 /Video source :
Google translation:
Previous episode of Q&A
Many people ask black hat questions,
But Black Hat refused to answer.
In addition to the black hat and the doctor,
Many people are curious about 505 things.
505 is very happy that many people ask him questions.
I have seen many episodes,
Although the black hat doesn't like his men very much,
Especially the 505, this failure,
But I really like to scare him.
There are several episodes,
After the time when the players are playing,
Black hats will always be surprisingly scary.
I find it very interesting.
The most impressive thing is...
The problem arises in Chinese.
Because the questions are in English,
Suddenly appeared in Chinese!
And did not expect...
They really understand Chinese.
Thank you! Thank you very much!
Because it is too impressive,
So get it out!
Thanks also for the 別人家的貓 question!
Thank you for saying love you to them!
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dtsansbule · 6 years
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Happy Halloween
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dtsansbule · 6 years
*此文是隨心創作,有沒有後續? 我自己也不知道。
我是阿光 是個黑色刺蝟,我不知道我從哪裡來,也不知道我要到哪裡去,只知道在這個世界裡,不斷的躲躲藏藏。
"你這種傢伙才不是索尼克" 納克護著身後的阿光
"不知道,但我知道只有你和我的世界才會這樣" 另一個我搖頭,像我透漏這個訊息
"這樣會不會太亂來了 對方可是軍隊耶!說不定這會引起戰爭"克里斯責備問
"我就是問你 你們的世界在哪裡啊?"爺爺好奇的問
"ㄟ索尼克 在那個事故發生之後,這裡有你跟我還有芮比起司都在的話...那當時在場的人會不會也都到這個世界了呢?"塔爾斯突然想到的問
"是啊是啊!小光 這裡沒人說話啊!"爺爺也緊張的趕緊幫忙掩飾
"不是那個意思!阿光 我們只是..."克里斯一聽這下更慌了
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混沌寶石 Chaos Emerald
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dtsansbule · 6 years
*I don’t know English, but in order to make it easy for readers to read! I translate my own work.
*Please don’t read Chinese readers! Please work hard and look down at translated works. * There is a translation error! Please tell me if you have trouble!! I will try my best to correct it!
*此文是隨心創作,有沒有後續? 我自己也不知道。
自創角色人設 下一章
"餵刺蝟吃刺蝟專用飼料,但這並不是一個好主意,因為市售的刺蝟飼料有太多"填充料"成份了。填充料是加在寵物飼料裏用來增加食物中蛋白質和脂肪比例的食料,而且通常是用來使飼料味道更好吃。填充料並沒有正的營養價值。飼料中的填充料是如玉米,麥粉,豆粉,玉米麩質,米粉,肉類和骨餐。刺蝟的飲食不該由玉米和其他填充料組成的,這樣是不健康的。玉米對刺蝟來說很難消化。刺蝟要吃的飼料的主要成份應該是肉類。 既然刺蝟專用飼料不好,刺蝟獸醫和很多飼主發現高品質的貓食是最好的主食。替刺蝟挑選貓食的品牌時,只要注意以下的成份即可: 主要和次要的成份必須是知名的肉類。意思是如火雞肉,雞肉,鴨肉等。 前五要的成分不該含填充料,副產品,沒有"meat and bone meal" 和 "animal digest"等字樣。 蛋白質含量需有30%或更多,而脂肪含量不得超過10% 不該含有BHA,BHT,或Ethoxyquin。這些化學防腐劑會提高致癌風險。 刺蝟的飲食不該含有瓜果類。瓜果類非但不需要,而且也可能因噎住引發室息。 Vitadraft這個牌子的刺蝟飼料絕對不可買!!!這個牌子是最聲名狼藉的,裏面包含了所有刺蝟不該食用的成份。"Vitacrap"也是這個牌子的另一名稱 都是低脂版的乾飼料,因為太多的脂肪會影響刺蝟肝臟的健康。但以上每一個牌子的飼料成份並不能完全滿足刺蝟的營養需求,所以建議混合兩種或多種餵食。通常推薦Chicken Noodle Soup 和 Royal Canin Slim混合餵食。也建議加一點點葡萄果仁麥片或麥麩麥片增加纖維攝取。一星期也可以填加幾次維生素補給,但並不是必需的。食碗裏面應該隨時都有食物,白天有時刺蝟會餓可以食用。沒吃完的食物每天晚上必需清掉。通常刺蝟一天吃掉2-3大匙乾飼料,但飼主很快就能斟酌你的刺蝟一天到底吃多少,以免浪費。 食碗的大小直徑應該至少8公分,不能太高。瓦缸和醬料盆很好用。底部要重(陶瓷製的),不然刺蝟會打翻。 點心: 餵食點心要適量。有人說刺蝟最喜歡的點心是麵包蟲。蟋蟀是刺蝟的另一樣最愛。用布墊在浴缸的排水孔上,放入刺蝟和蟋蟀,就可以觀賞你的小刺刺攻擊蟋蟀。牠們會像一隻迷你老虎,偷偷靠近並跳到蟋蟀身上捕捉來吃。 其他點心選擇有: 削皮的蘋果 煮過的雞肉、火雞肉 新鮮的香蕉 高品質的人類嬰兒食品(肉類口味為佳) 人類幼兒吃的火雞或雞肉棒 炒蛋 優格 蠶寶寶 西洋梨 烤馬鈴薯 煮過的紅蘿蔔 碗豆豆 南瓜 剝皮的葡萄 很多點心可以餵,但千萬不要餵食洋蔥和柑橘屬植物,對刺蝟不好。 傳說中,刺蝟喜歡用牠們背上的硬刺搬運蘋果;事實上,刺蝟的主要食物卻是毛毛蟲、甲蟲、蝸牛、蚯蚓這樣的小動物。一隻刺蝟每天能消滅七十克左右的 蟲子。所以,牠們並不會在窩裏儲存像蘋果這類的食物。
刺蝟是雜食性動物,在野外主要靠捕食各種無脊椎動物、小型脊椎動物以及 草根、果、瓜等植物野生"阿光一口氣說出了許多對刺蝟的食物的解說
"謝啦!阿光 阿光總是那麼聰明"克里斯了解後,開心的道謝
小時候,阿光太聰明,總是一臉無表情從來沒笑過,偶爾還會說出一些奇怪的話,讓爺爺爸媽還有讓田中和耶拉很擔心,被拉去看了很多的醫生,醫生們說是有反社會人格?要多注意! 大家一聽開始難過起來,也開始密切注意阿光,事後應阿光的要求,另外在花園那邊蓋一間小房子,阿光從那天起住在那邊後,比較開朗沒再說奇怪的話了
Google translation:
*This article is created by heart, is there any follow-up? I don't know it myself.
* The plot is based on the animated X story, and will also be mixed with some games (official and unofficial) and animation (sonic animation series four animations plus some). Everyone knows something that will be different.
*If you have other opinions, please come and talk to me ^^
Homemade character set Next chapter
Chapter 1 - Blue Hedgehog
"Well? Chris, can you say it again?" The boy buried in front of the computer screen turned to look at the boy behind him - Chris
"Well.. I mean.. A light you.. Do you know what the hedgehog is eating?" Chris grabbed the head and asked
"Hedgehog? How do you suddenly ask if you want to raise? But if I remember correctly, my parents wouldn’t let us raise it." Aguang looked at Chris with a sceptical look.
"This.. this, in short, let me tell you first! Please," Chris clasped his hands together and looked at the poor light.
"Feeding hedgehogs for special hedgehog feeds, but this is not a good idea, because commercially available hedgehog feeds have too much "filler" ingredients. Fillers are added to pet food to increase the ratio of protein to fat in food. Foodstuffs, and usually used to make the feed taste better. Fillers do not have a positive nutritional value. Fillers in the feed are such as corn, wheat flour, soy flour, corn gluten, rice flour, meat and bone meal. The diet should not be made up of corn and other fillers, which is unhealthy. Corn is difficult to digest for hedgehogs. The main ingredient of the hedgehog to eat is meat. Since the special feed for hedgehogs is not good, the hedgehog veterinarian and many owners have found that high quality cat food is the best staple food. When selecting a cat food brand for Hedgehog, just pay attention to the following ingredients: The primary and secondary ingredients must be well-known meats. It means turkey, chicken, duck, etc. The first five ingredients should not contain fillers, by-products, and the words "meat and bone meal" and "animal digest". Protein content should be 30% or more, and fat content should not exceed 10% It should not contain BHA, BHT, or Ethoxyquin. These chemical preservatives increase the risk of cancer. The hedgehog diet should not contain melons and fruits. Fruits and fruits are not only needed, but may also cause suffocation. The brand of Vitadraft's hedgehog feed is definitely not to be bought!!! This brand is the most notorious, and contains all the ingredients that the hedgehog should not eat. "Vitacrap" is also the name of this brand is a low-fat dry feed, because too much fat will affect the health of the hedgehog liver. However, the feed ingredients of each of the above brands do not fully meet the nutritional needs of the hedgehog, so it is recommended to mix two or more kinds of feeding. Chicken Noodle Soup and Royal Canin Slim are usually recommended for feeding. It is also recommended to add a little bit of grape kernel cereal or wheat bran cereal to increase fiber intake.Vitamin supplements can also be added several times a week, but they are not required. There should always be food in the bowl, and sometimes the hedgehog will be hungry during the day. Unfinished food must be cleared every night. Usually the hedgehog eats 2-3 tablespoons of dry feed a day, but the owner will soon be able to consider how much your hedgehog will eat in a day to avoid wasting. The size of the bowl should be at least 8 cm in diameter and not too high. Tile pots and sauce pots are very useful. The bottom should be heavy (ceramic), otherwise the hedgehog will knock over. dessert: Feed the snacks in moderation. Some people say that the favorite snack of the hedgehog is bread worm. It is another favorite of the hedgehog. Use a cloth pad on the drain hole of the bathtub, put a hedgehog and a dragonfly, you can watch your small thorn attack.They will be like a mini tiger, stalking and jumping to the scorpion to catch and eat. Other snack options are: Peeled apple Cooked chicken, turkey Fresh banana High quality human baby food (good meat taste) Turkey or chicken sticks eaten by human infants Scrambled eggs Yogurt Silkworm Western pear Baked potato Boiled carrot Bowl of peas pumpkin Peeled grapes Many snacks can be fed, but don't feed onions and citrus, which is not good for hedgehogs. Legend has it that hedgehogs like to carry apples with hard thorns on their backs; in fact, the main food of hedgehogs is small animals such as caterpillars, beetles, snails, and crickets. A hedgehog can kill about 70 grams per day. insect. Therefore, they do not store food like apples in their nests.
Hedgehog is an omnivorous animal that mainly feeds on invertebrates, small vertebrates, and Grass roots, fruits, melons and other plants in the wild "A light said a lot of commentary on the food of the hedgehog
"Ah?" Chris listened a little dizzy.
"In short, give it insects. If there are no insects, give it to the boiled chicken."
"Thank you! Aguang Aguang is always so smart" Chris knows, happy thanks
"You don't waste time playing with the rubbish. You can be as smart as I can by reading more books." A Guang turned and continued to face computer typing.
"Those are not rubbish, just Aguang is too smart." Chris feels helpless to Aguang. Aguang is too smart. Whether it is learning or playing, it is always easy to get started.
Especially the game, the newly bought game just groped for it, and immediately broke the game. Let Aguang feel very boring, preferring to spend time on books and not on these games.
Obviously we are twins, why is the difference so big...
But... too smart doesn't seem too good....
When I was a child, Aguang was too clever, always smiling without expression. I occasionally uttered some strange words, so that my grandparents and I were worried about Tanaka and Yella. I was taken to see a lot of doctors and doctors. We say that there is anti-social personality? Pay more attention! Everyone started to feel sad, and began to pay close attention to Aguang. Afterwards, at the request of Aguang, another small house was built in the garden. Aguang lived from that day. After that, I was more cheerful and didn’t say anything strange.
Although it is a little sad to be separated from Ah Guang, at least it has improved the disease of Aguang, but there is nothing to go...
"Chris should go back to sleep, or you can't find it in Tianzhong!" A light slightly glanced at Chris who had not left.
"Well..good.. A light good night" Chris left the room to leave Aguang
__________________ Aguang’s sight _____________________
"Oh... I only for too long forget how other expressions are done, not very good at expression, and I didn't expect the difference in cultural knowledge of the world, etc.! The question raised at the time was regarded as anti-social personality, let me be black. My world is desperate. "I felt speechless when I thought about it. From that day, I moved to this room that I requested. It is obviously a covered cabin, but it is in a large wooden house. I use the computer to check the Internet every day. Read any of the world's information and fully understand the world.
This world is different from the hometown of Mobius. It is a world where only humans can talk and animals can't talk. The people here are too peaceful.
The police caused the police to be too lax, and the people were off the line. Fortunately, the leaders of this world are not a fool or a brain. The order of the world still supports the world.
"But... Chris asked about this... very suspicious? Isn't that something at home?" I pressed a few buttons on the computer to open the screen of the camera I secretly installed in every corner of the house.
"...It's like this! There is a similar kind in the house." I looked at the screen. In the Chris room, there was a blue hedgehog lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling.
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The appearance of the wooden house that I lived in (there is no animation in the animation, I look around on the Internet)
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