ducks-in-the-pond · 4 years
hey my dad has an art shop now btw :+) he’s a disabled man of color & would appreciate spreading the word abt it
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ducks-in-the-pond · 4 years
We really have harmed a whole generation of trans and gnc children by failing to communicate how serious a decision binding actually is, how there’s no ACTUALLY safe way to bind, how it permeneantly damages the body, how it can make top surgery more difficult in the future. I don’t think we should be keeping trans kids from binding (we let kids do all sorts of things they’re really not old enough to understand the potential consequences of) but we owe them the ability to make informed decisions at LEAST
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ducks-in-the-pond · 4 years
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Corporate business models are built on under paying workers and letting the government subsidize the difference. Also, let's lose the 'poor people' trope, this is more mainstream than we want to admit.
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ducks-in-the-pond · 4 years
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ducks-in-the-pond · 4 years
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Generational Oppression
Art by Ricardo Chucky || IG
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ducks-in-the-pond · 4 years
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ducks-in-the-pond · 4 years
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ducks-in-the-pond · 4 years
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ducks-in-the-pond · 4 years
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ducks-in-the-pond · 4 years
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ducks-in-the-pond · 4 years
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Black lives matter ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻
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ducks-in-the-pond · 4 years
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For everyone planning to protest. Stay safe. And for the love of God this isn't the time to turn on each other. Our black brothers and sisters are losing their lives over trying to get the treatment they deserved years ago.
I'm white so I have no place to speak about racism and injustice but I can and SHOULD do everything in my power to spread the information that will keep everyone protesting safe.
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ducks-in-the-pond · 4 years
Police officers pushed down a 75 year old man and he fell backwards, blood pooling out of his head nearly in an instant and not a single officer attempted to help him, as they all walked by just looking at this man. Over 20 officers, not one helped, in fact, they caused the harm purposefully in the first place.
They killed Floyd over a possible counterfeit $20.
They are killing our people and they are not the only ones. Police are killing and harming the very people they are supposed to protect.
Hospitals are neglecting patients all over the U.S. and chalking their deaths up as just another COVID case.
Everything in this country that is meant to help us, is killing and harming its own people. It’s corrupt. So corrupt. I’m disgusted.
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ducks-in-the-pond · 4 years
white people please just purchase native artwork and jewelry from native people i keep seeing idiot white people be like “waaah i wish i could support native creators but its cultural appropriation” girl why would beaders sell you their earrings then. just dont get a medicine wheel or a thunderbird then like damn it is that easy
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ducks-in-the-pond · 4 years
make that bit of effort for yourself
the fight for better mental health is a harsh one. it takes your time, energy, productivity and peace in large quantities and makes you feel alone. it encourages a feeling of isolation.
for every moment that you have felt like this, remind yourself - you are not alone. reach out, text people, call them. It's taxing and difficult to carry out but we NEED to do this.
reach out till someone listens to you. till you let it all out. till you feel safe. your life is worth much more than the fear inside of you. ✨
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ducks-in-the-pond · 4 years
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We live in a world where CHILDREN are being shot by police. Being killed by police.
How can you call yourself a protector when you shoot an innocent unarmed child and claim it’s in “self defense”? What kind of monster can live with themselves after that?
I’ve met good cops and I’ve met bad cops. I’ve been assaulted by cops. I’ve been saved by cops. Maybe a few bad apples can’t spoil the batch; but when the few good officers defend the bad is when the system had ceased to exist. The system has been failing for a long time, maybe even since its existed. Maybe the odds have never been in our favor. But we can change that. We have to. No more silence.
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ducks-in-the-pond · 4 years
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“The real pandemic is white supremacy”
Graphic by Reuben Brand
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