duckyfeet · 4 years
Genre: angst and fluff
Au: none
Warnings: swearing
(Y/n)= your name
(Y/c/n)= your cousin's name
(Y/h/c) = your hair colour
(Y/f/c)= your favourite colour
(C/f/c)=cousins favourite colour
(Y/n) are a popular YouTuber and TikTok star
(Y/n) was just making a few TikToks in the airport while they were waiting for their plane to go to America to meet her youtube friends markiplier and jacksepticeye. (y/c/n) was also coming they were also a YouTuber. Jack/sean was already at Mark's but you and (y/c/n) were waiting for your flight. "Do you think they'll be as nice as they are online?" You asked (y/c/n). "Probably Don't worry they won't be mean (y/n)" The (y/h/c) male spoke.
Timeskip to when you land in America
Mark's POV
The two (y/h/c) 20-year-olds walked towards us they were wearing seeming matching shirts (y/c/n)'s was (c/f/c) whilst (y/n)'s was (y/f/c). The cousins could almost be mistaken for twins or at least siblings. They had stopped and started arguing quietly
Your POV
"What if THEY decide to come out to play?!" you whisper shouted at your cousin regarding your evil counterparts. They murmured something "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." they told you and with that, you arrived in front of Mark and Sean. "Hey!" You and (y/c/n) said in sync. (Y/c/n) was about a foot taller than you so they rested their arm on your shoulder. "I will fight you (y/c/n)" you said calmly. "No, you won't" they muttered. "Why are you two fighting?" Mark asked. "Try being related to this dumbass." you and (y/c/n) said again in sync. "Hey!" You both shouted offended. "Let's just go before I punch them," you said. You all walked to the car in silence.
You and (y/c/n) slept on the couch. You just so happened to have punched (y/c/n) in the eye so now they had a black eye. You snickered "Even in my sleep I can tell you're a dick" everyone else was trying to hold in their laughter To help (y/c/n). "Swear to God sometimes I think your satan in disguise" (y/c/n) joked. "Impossible we both can't be satan Luv," you said. "Let's just eat," mark told you guys.
Time skip brought to you by STEVE
You guys were finishing uploading a Minecraft collab when the screen started glitching. The confusion you guys all shared as you had re-recorded it twice And every time you tried editing the video trying to fix whatever happened was causing you and (y/c/n)'s alters to start coming out a little. "Dammit!" (Y/c/n) swore loudly, skunky's voice giving it a harsh undertone. "This isn't working" you/void agreed. Suddenly, you spotted the glitch "go back to the last few frames now look at you and jack" both jack and mark had turned into anti and dark for about two seconds." what was that joke Shi made last week?" (Y/c/n) asked. "The one about the serial killer with a hairdryer?" (Y/n) retorted. Suddenly, we were pulled through the screen. Your eyes darted around the room, scanning it for anything suspicious Then your eyes rested on two figures emerging slowly from the Darkness." okay fuck are we going to die?" Your cousin asked. You giggled " hahaha Definitely fucking dead"...
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