(Another wip hehe)
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A bit of a preview(concept?) of such :)
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Ssssssssso, I may or may not be coming back with new revived W O A H energy
Duke will no longer be with us
Of course he's not passing, simply becoming a background character
I have 3 new lovely lads who are dyyyyyying to talk, so, look out :)
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<A question, would you all be alright if I didn't solely focus on Duke?>
<Such as showing my non-minecraft characters, as well as redesigning Duke- >
<I understand if you all would want to unfollow, you came here for the Greedy enderbastard. Granted, I would like to say, that if I did redesign him, he would keep his grandeur personality>
<So, opinions?>
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<m a n>
<I don't know if I'm coming back, if so, it's probably just gonna be more chill pen doodles, and also not only asks. Just general mc character drawings, maybe some of my own personal characters>
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I will most likely be come very inactive for a bit, some things in life has happened and with my moving my creativity and motivation for my art has pretty much been shot.
Just a little hiatus, that’s all..
My apologies for this all.
I appreciate you all joining me on this short but lovely journey.
I’ll be back...sometime, hopefully. I’ll try to respond to one or two asks but I can’t guarantee much.
Thank you all, may your day/nights be lovely, fair well for now.
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Thanos snap me senpai UwU
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<The more shitpost the ask, the more shitpost the responce :)> <Also I may be wrong but I think I know who sent this>
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What happened to your eye? -Brillo
(C.W. Minor Gore, Blood)
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Duke: Let's just say, I knew a very.....very....cruel man...
<Also, my responses after this will probably be less detailed so that I may respond quicker and not leave y'all hanging>
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WOOOOOOOOOOOO 23 Followers!!
<So, as I’ve hit 23 followers, I decided to draw most of my followers! Seeing as it’s the least I could do!>
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<First Batch> 1. @asking-ember​ 2. @askonyx​ 3. @dracotheenderman​ 4. @askraytheendermen​ (followed by side account(?)) 5. @asklilender​ 6. @ask-black-the-enderman-ghost-cat​ 7. @ask-dagon​ 8. @ask-geo
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<Second Batch> 1. @redstonedevil 2. @askthelostenderman​  3. @ask-opio-entities​ 4. @withered-and-voided​ 5. @lovingvixen​ 6. @ask-thelost​ 7. @wither-and-co
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<Third Batch> 1. @glitchy-world​ 2. @localbonecollector​ 3. @edith-kallenbach​ 4. @when-it-rains-askblog​
<Thank you all!! You’re all wonderful artists and I hope you you all have a wonderful day/night. It means alot to have this many people follow!>
<My apologies if any are drawn poorly, I tried my best> <Fixed @s my apologies>
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"babysit Terrance. " - Indwell
"Eh, Terrance? What are you doing here "
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`Babysit Terrance -Indwell`
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"Ohhh, I see....I swear that man better start paying me for this, oh well, come on in "
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AskBox Closed
<Currently just closed for a bit to allow me to catch up, nearly finished with next response just had some lack of motivation for a bit>
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<I’m not the one who asked the question obviously but I’m just reblogging cause HOLY FUCKIN SHIT THIS IS SO COOL AND BADASS, AND LIKE W O A H, AND LIKE DSHFVBJSDVHFJHSDF, IF YOU’RE NOT ALREADY FOLLOWING THEM, YOU SHOULD BECAUSE HOT DAMN> <Also i am so sorry if you’d rather this not be reblogged, if so my earnest apologies and I’ll take this down> <In other news, ask replys might be a bit slow cause brain wonky> -Vern
I love your art style. Thank you for blessing(Or cursing) us with it.
[I received this compliment this evening after the previous answer. It really struck a chord with me, for some reason! So thank you, from me and from the big spooky himself too. <3]
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*throws melons and runs * TAKE THAT
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" HNGH, s h it, hmph, well thanks for the snack. Though you could've done it in a less PAINFULL way. "
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<I am going to cry>
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If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be entitled to compensation.
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" . . . "
" Compensation you say? "
<There will probably be lesser quality for more shit-post type asks> <Ask 1/4 Answered>
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