dulciwitch · 3 years
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…I didn’t want to be the one to start this because, as a white person, I’m not qualified to speak on this topic. But I’ve yet to see any serious, ongoing discussions about racism in pagan and witch communities. That can’t slide.
Pagans and witches are not exempt from returning sovereignty to Black, Indigenous, and Witches/Pagans of Color in our communities. It’s time to act and make these changes in our spaces.
Allyship is an ongoing practice that doesn’t end, and this list of “do’s” and “don’t’s” is only meant to get you started. I’m sure this list is far from complete, so if you’re BIPOC and want me to add anything, I’ll gladly do so. Readers, please check back on the OP periodically for these contributions.
Please read all the way through before reblogging.
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Things you can do:
Afford BIPOC communal and cultural influence in ALL pagan/witchy spaces, be they Wiccan, Heathen, Hellenic, etc. Paganism and witchcraft are global and intersectional. BIPOC influence in paganism and witchcraft does not begin and end with BIPOC-specific magic and practices.
Confront your internalized racism. I promise you have it, and ignoring it won’t solve it. Having internalized racism doesn’t make you a bad person, but it DOES mean you’re responsible for working on it. Begin by examining any racist tendencies you may have. Sit with it and educate yourself on what you can do to move past it.
Buy direct from BIPOC! Support BIPOC-created art and spiritual shops! If you can’t support financially, use your social media platforms to boost shop links and other BIPOC-created content. Buying from BIPOC also allows for cultural appreciation rather than appropriation.
Use your privilege as a white person to uplift the voices of BIPOC in witch and pagan communities. This looks like giving platform to their thoughts and feelings without trying to co-opt their message for yourself. Find blog posts written by BIPOC that talk about racism or appropriation in our spaces and give them platform.
Recognize helpful allyship vs. performative allyship. Saying you hate racism or that the gods hate racism is a nice sentiment, but unfortunately it doesn’t actually do anything to solve racism. Make sure you back it up with allyship that actively helps BIPOC in our communities!
Read the following: Closed cultures are cultures that have experienced (or are currently experiencing) aggressive colonization and have decided to close off their cultures to their colonizers. In this case of Black Cultures, Indigenous Cultures, and Cultures of Color, their colonizers are white people. White people have only ever been colonized by other white people so white people can’t close their cultures to BIPOC. There. Now you know how that works.
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Some Don’t’s:
Don’t appropriate. Seriously. This is baseline at this point. We all start at a place of ignorance, but it’s our job as white witches and pagans to learn what’s appropriation and what isn’t. This includes adapting your practice if you discover you’re appropriating. If you know you appropriate and defend it, you admit your magic only works because it’s stolen. Do you think this truly serves you or anyone else?
Don’t compare the subjugation of BIPOC to the burning of witches or being part of a religious minority. No matter your intention is with this, it won’t come off as commiseration or showing sympathy. Racism is a systemic form of oppression that can’t be compared to any other kind of prejudice. Understand that you can’t understand.
Avoid being a “white savior.” Tackling racism isn’t supposed to feel comfortable, rewarding, or heroic for a white person. It should actually feel like shadow-work. Likewise, don’t expect acclaim or reward for proper allyship.
Don’t work with spirits, deities, or concepts from closed cultures unless it’s permitted by that culture, and only within the context permitted. If you think a spirit from a closed culture is trying to interact with you, seek out a community-recognized spiritual leader from that spirit’s culture to talk to about it.
Don’t say “politics should stay out of spiritual spaces” when it comes to human rights issues. There’s many problems with this: First, Human rights issues and politics are very different. Second, if you want to have a truly inclusive environment, that environment needs to be intersectional. This means allowing other identities to overlap into paganism and witchcraft, including their issues. Regardless of your intention, it’s oppressive to deny room for those issues for the sake of “love and light.” Your “love and light” is not about healing, then, but about maintaining the status-quo.
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Remember, true justice isn’t something that happens after a wrong. It’s something that prevents that wrong from ever happening. If we want justice in our pagan and witchcraft communities, we need to do the right work to achieve it.
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dulciwitch · 3 years
Things to Research Before Working with the Fae
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Research is the most important thing to do before heading into Faery work and witchcraft. You want to have a lot of in depth and versatile knowledge covering many areas of the topic so you’ll be able to understand and interact with the Fair Folk! If you don’t want to work with the Fair Folk you can use this list to help yourself understand them and take the proper measure if you ever stumble upon them. I know the list could go on forever but I’m compiling the topics I find build a good foundation of understanding. I have compiled this list to give those interested guidance and a push in the right direction, it is best you do your own research before asking other’s personal knowledge and opinions!!
The Basics
Terminology ( Fae, faery, fairy, changeling, seelie, unseelie, sidhe, etc)
The Origins of the Fae (Tuatha de Dannan, Aos Sí, Tylwyth Teg)
Faeries in Different Cultures: Celtic (Irish, Scottish, Gaulish, French), Norse, Influences from Greek and Roman culture.
Folklore & Myths!! ex. Oisin and Tír na nÓg , Fenian Cycle, Arthurian Legend. 
Celtic Gods, Goddesses & Heroes- strong influences and connections to the Fae
Types of Faeries (study diverse types from pixies,brownies, pooka to Kelpies, Bwbach and Red caps) *Make sure you can at least answer who, what and where about them.
The Otherworlds (Tir na Nog, Caer Arianrhod, Annwn, Alfheim, Svartalfheim, etc.)
Faery Landmarks (fairy tree, fairy ring, fairy hill)
Signs of the Fae
Sacred Trees and Plants (Hawthorn) 
Protection!! very important
*Bonus if you learn Celtic Culture
Getting into Working with Them
Connecting to Nature and the Land
How to Banish Faeries & Protect yourself, house, family, etc.
Faery Behaviour and Proper Etiquette
Proper Offerings, How to give an Offering
Animals associated with the Fair Folk and Why? (raven, deer, etc)
Faery Festivals and Holidays (Samhain, Midsummer, Beltane)
Why certain things offend them- iron, saying “thank you”,etc.
The Courts (Seelie, Unseelie, trooping fairies, solitary)
Setting up a Faery Altar
How to work with them in Rituals 
Faery Flowers, herbs and crystals
A proper and personal way to communicate with them!!this means developing psychic ability, tarot, meditation, signs, etc.
Hagstones, heptagram/faery star
Some Good Books :) 
The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries, by W. Y. Evans Wentz  
Encyclopedia of Spirits by Judika Illes 
Enchantment of the Faerie Realm by Ted Andrews 
Faery Craft by Morgan Daimler 
Celtic Mythology: Tales of Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes by Phillip Freeman
**if you have more topics, books or anything else feel free to add some!
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dulciwitch · 3 years
“Popular conceptions of witches, the Devil, and fairies before the Reformation were a lot less terrifying than they subsequently became. Traditionally Scottish witches had been regarded as members of the community, as had the fairies their respected neighbours. Though believed to be capable of harm, the witch and the fairy provided a bridge between this world and the supernatural world. The witch was often a consultant on all matters supernatural as well as a healer, dispensing medicines and charms, while even the most reputedly malignant of witches could be extremely powerful figures in the community. As the worldviews of the learned and the peasantry became increasingly polarised, large areas of what had once been accepted belief were stigmatised under the catch-all phrase of ‘superstition’, so contaminating and blurring the distinctive roles of witches and fairies.”
— Lizanne Henderson, Scottish Fairy Belief, pg. 120
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dulciwitch · 3 years
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🍲 Cock-a-leeky Soup 🍲
Cock-a-Leeky soup (chicken and leek) is a really old and traditional Scottish soup. I make it with rice but you can add pearled barley instead if you want. This Scottish soup is traditionally served as the starter on Bruns night. It is delicious as an autumn and winter soup. I have to say it is really light so you might need something on the side to make it a full dinner. I love eating them with fresh warm cheddar scones.
I discovered this soup not a long time ago and I love it. It is really easy to do and really cheap as well. It makes my home smells really good!
🔮Magical correspondences🔮
This soup can be made to attract protection and love. In any case, if you to attract stir your soup clockwise. I like to bless my ingredients before I start cooking and also I light a white candle and meditate a few breath on the intention I want to infuse when cooking.
Leek: protection, love
Onion: protection, lust
Thyme: Love
🍲 Cock-a-Leeky 🍲
Preparation: 10 minutes
Cooking: about 1 hour
4 portions
1 chicken breast
1L vegetable broth or chicken broth
1 big leek (or 2 medium size ones) cut in thin slivers
1 onion cut in thin cubes
2 thym sprigs
6 dry prunes cut in small cubes
50g dry rice (about 1/3 cup)
20g butter (about 2tbsp)
1 glass of dry white wine (optional)
Bring the broth (and the wine) to a boil, add the chicken and let it simmer.
Cook the leek and onion in a pan with the butter and the thyme on medium-low heat for about 15 minutes or until they are transparent, tender and smell really good
Pour the vegetables into the broth with the chicken. Let it simmer for about 30 minutes
Take the chicken breast out of the broth and shred it in fine pieces than put it back to the soup
Add the rice and the dry prunes and let it simmer for 15 minutes
It will last a couple of days in a air tight container in the fridge.
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dulciwitch · 3 years
A Scots traditional charm for picking yarrow
I will pluck the yarrow fair, That more brave shall be my hand, That more warm shall be my lips, That more swift shall be my foot; May I an island be at sea, May I a rock be on land, That I can afflict any man,     No man can afflict me.
–“The Yarrow” from Carmina Gadelica, compiled by Alexander Carmichael, 1900.
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dulciwitch · 4 years
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Catherine Hyde - The Listening Trees
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dulciwitch · 4 years
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heard you guys like cryptid finch pictures 
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dulciwitch · 4 years
Single Word Spells
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Because I’m lazy and don’t like to monologue while I’m doing a spell, here’s a couple of the single word spells I use in my personal practice.
absum - to make something be concealed from sight
     ↳ def. to be away, be missing
advoco - summoning spell
     ↳ def. to summon
casso - destruction spell
     ↳ def. to destroy, make void
bellus - glamour spell
     ↳ def. beautiful, charming, handsome
explico - reveal information
     ↳ def. explanation, to unfold
mutare - transmutation
     ↳ def. to change
cessabit - calming spell
     ↳ def. to rest, be free of
uro - burning
     ↳ def. to burn, inflame
conturbo - invoke confusion
     ↳ def. confound, to throw into confusion
taceo - to silence
     ↳ def. shut up
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dulciwitch · 4 years
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"Witchcraft ... is a spiritual path. You walk it for nourishment of the soul, to commune with the life force of the universe, and to thereby better know your own life." - CHRISTOPHER PENCZAK
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dulciwitch · 5 years
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irish mythology | gods & goddesses | the morrigan
→ The Morrigan was the goddess that is associated with war & fate, especially with foretelling doom, death, or victory in battle. She incites warriors to battle, can help bring about victory for enemies, encourages warriors to do brave deeds and strikes fear into enemies’ hearts.
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dulciwitch · 5 years
I hope I give off the vibe to all animals that I am their ally and friend
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dulciwitch · 5 years
very important: say hi to any crows you walk past, respect your corvids
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dulciwitch · 5 years
"...plants that reach for the sun have a strong solar quality, which lends itself to workings of healing, happiness, and joy.
Plants that are poisonous or develop strong root systems and return year after year have a saturnine quality, lending themselves to necromancy, cursing, and dark spirit work.
Plants with barbs, thorns, or irritants are martial in nature and are useful for defense and success in competitive areas.
If a plant has large, fragrant blossoms, it can be said to possess a venereal nature, potent in love, friendship, and beauty.
Plants that hold watery or milky substances or enjoy the shade have a lunar quality, useful in divination and foresight.
Plants with complex, small leaves or petals that flutter in the wind often have a mercurial nature, useful for learning, communication, and trade.
Plants that produce prolific nuts or seeds are connected to the planetary force of Jupiter, useful for success, wealth, and influence."
- Folk Witchcraft: A Guide to Lore, Land, and the Familiar Spirit for the Solitary Practitioner by Roger J. Horne
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dulciwitch · 5 years
Strict Tarot Rules My Grandma Taught Me
Sweep the floor with a whisk broom before every reading. It shows respect for the old gods who will be coming in.
Answer only three questions for a querent in one seating. Revealing too much sacred information will dilute its meaning.
Always use the Celtic Cross for a personal reading. “You cannot truly appreciate the weight of the advice you are giving if you don’t fully understand the way the querent is feeling.”
Make an offering to the querent’s higher self before proceeding. “The body may want a reading, but the soul may be unwilling.” A piece of chocolate or anything sweet should be appropriate.
Ensure the querent’s hands are clean. Prepare a hot towel or a water basin. It rids their body of negative energy and keeps your cards from getting dirty.
Dim the lights before you deal the cards. “The Fates live next to Hades. They are not used to harsh lighting.”
Play soft and quiet music. It calms the mind and encourages the querent to bravely tell you what they really seek.
You shuffle, they cut. Shuffling lets the cards connect you to the source. Cutting allows the cards to feel the querent’s life force.
Honesty is better than sympathy. Exaggerating hopes and softening harsh truths do more harm than good.
Never forget to thank your cards afterwards. “The messages come from the goddesses, yes. But your cards make the effort to speak them in the way you can understand best.”
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dulciwitch · 5 years
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dulciwitch · 5 years
The world's largest occult library has a public online archive
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Amsterdam’s Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica (AKA “The Ritman Library) houses more ths 25,000 occult texts, covering “Hermetics, Rosicrucians, Theosophy, alchemy, mysticism, Gnosis and Western Esotericism, Sufism, Kabbalah, Anthroposophy, Catharism, Freemasonry, Manichaeism, Judaica, the Grail, Esotericism, and comparative religion.”
The library has begun to scan and post its core collection to an online archive called The Hermetically Open Archive. The project was underwritten by Dan Brown in thanks for the library’s contributions to his books “The Lost Symbol” and “Inferno” (the library houses the first illustrated edition of Dante’s “Divine Comedy,” from 1472).
Though the scans are all in the public domain, the library uses Javascript tricks to try to block scraping, though, according to Maika at Haute Macabre, there are plans to enable downloading in the future.
Haute Macabre has assembled a kind of highlight reel of the collection, which has some gorgeous illustrated texts in it.
Hermetically Open [Ritman Library]
Bury Us Beneath Occult Books: The Ritman Library Digitized [Maika/Haute Macabre]
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dulciwitch · 5 years
The Homeric Oracle - Comprehensive Edition
The practice of divining via verses from Homer’s epics is well-established among the ancient greeks, with references to the practice being made in many writings and plays of the time. A list of verses used as responses is recorded in several different papyri and they’ve always been the same verses in the same order, implying a well-established text being copied. Unfortunately, these texts individually are incomplete in their recording of the method used for this type of divination. I, having nothing better to do, have brought these elements back together to describe the homeric oracle in the way it was intended to be performed.
FIRSTLY: only certain times on certain days of the month are viable for this divination. Unlike the verses, these times are seen to vary somewhat based on the text where they’re recorded, but the most complete chart is found in the PGM.
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(Source: PGM VII 155 - 167)
Greeks used a different system of days of the month so 31 isn’t indicated here. I would assume it’s not viable just to be safe.
SECOND: One must first say a specific prayer to Apollo before using the oracle. This was quite a pain to get a hold of since the only page where it’s preserved doesn’t have a publicly available translation. It’s composed, fittingly, of disjointed verses from the Odyssey and the Iliad.
“ Hear me, O king that art haply in the rich land of Lycia
or haply in Troy, but everywhere hast power to hearken unto
a man that is in sorrow, even as now sorrow is come upon me.
And tell me this also truly, that I may know full well,
what I desirest most, and the dearest wish of my heart. “
(source: Oxyrhynchus 3831)
THIRD: The oracle itself is performed by rolling three 6-sided dice, or one dice thrown three times. You record the 3 numbers from this throw and this gives you the identifier for the verse.
A full list of the verses can be found in PGM IV, but I dislike the translation of Homer they use to write english versions of the verses. I highly recommend this resource which lets you search the original text by both book number and line number, so you can see exactly which original greek lines were meant to be indicated and compare them side-by-side to the translation.
Odyssey in greek, Odyssey in english
Iliad in greek, Iliad in english
I put all the verses into a spreadsheet for my own convenience, so feel free to use this image as a cheatsheet if you don’t want to have the pdf open all the time. My notation here is basically O for Odyssey, I for Iliad, the middle number indicates which book of the text, and the last number is the line. An asterisk indicates a missing verse. When there are multiple verses listed, that just means that identical or near-identical text is also found in those locations.
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(Source: PGM IV 1-148)
Ultimately, this technique can be used for just about anything since its responses cover such a wide variety of topics. Some even compare it to “newspaper horoscopes”, noting the vagueness of its answers. However, I think it’s a bit more profound than that, given that this system was almost certainly transmitted to a priest or magician by Apollo himself. Other PGM spells contain invocations of Apollo and specifically note that he can “teach the art of divination via the Epics” in this way. It’s also notable that historians are unable to find any pattern to which verses are assigned to which dice rolls, which may have helped to insert missing verses, implying some semi-random method of assignment. It’s my eventual goal to retrieve these missing verses from Apollo and make the oracle complete again.
It’s worth noting that a site exists to perform the oracle for you, and uses the correct verses and everything - I can never spell the name right so here’s the link. My friends and I have had wonderful results using this tool to communicate with entities, but we suspect that its random number generation is a little skewed, so I would still recommend throwing your own dice if you want to perform the oracle.
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