dullallahan-blog · 7 years
nonchalantedvin :
Since getting here, it’s almost natural Edvin would be the type to get lost. But he was also the type to scope things out to a very detailed degree before letting it rest. Though his methods are a bit strange, probably. Approaching random people, wandering about with a game system in his hand… Weird. He’d noticed the sheep and was absolutely filled to the brim with questions about it all.
Now, Edvin was a fast reader, though didn’t mind the screen lingering for a bit long. After he’d read it he’d speak up like normally to ensure the other knew he’d gotten what she said… er. Typed. Rather. He gave a soft nod;  then accompanied by a small laugh, it’s next to inaudible.
“Nice ta’ meetcha as well, Celty. I really appreciate that offer, see… I’m eh… not used to the city life too much.”
Edvin perhaps was experiencing some culture shock being taken from the quiet nowhere to a bustling place full of sheep and others. Though they all were so kind… Maybe he’d get used to this quicker than he thought. He’s so taken with questions he almost has no idea what to say.
“It feels weird suddenly havin’ buildings everywhere, ya’ know? Hmm… It’s sort of a big ask but uh, could ya’ give me a basic tour of where some important spots are here? I’ve found a few but cities seem like the perfect place to get lost.”
Well... Celty was no stranger to the shock of seeing a city for the first time. When she’d lost her head and followed it all the way to Ikebukuro, that had been her first time seeing such huge cities as well. Not that she remembered anything from before that... Maybe she’d forgotten about the large cities she’d seen?
Anyway, now’s not the time for that!
She scratched at the side of her helmet, contemplating the request. She wasn’t going to turn it down- even if it’d cost her her day off. She had offered after all, so she can’t really say no... Plus, she’d feel bad for just leaving him out there all confused. However, what she wondered was where she’d have to take Edvin that would be relevant? Hummingbird Hotel had a restaurant for the people there to eat for free- but maybe he liked to make his own food?
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“Hmm... Sure, I can show you around some places that might be useful! But give me a moment to put on my other clothes, okay?”
She held out the PDA as well as one of her hands up in the air to signify he had to wait outside the door as she retreated back into her room. Technically, she could just put on her shoes, since the tracksuit covered everything normally, but...
Uhm, it’s weird to go outside in your lounging clothes, right..? It felt weird! It felt totally weird to wear her indoor tracksuit to go outside..! She changed into her usual biking suit as fast as she could- odd it might be, but it felt so much more natural to her, even without her usual motorbike.
She opened the door again as fast as she could, checking to see if she had her keys and her PDA with her before she locked the door behind her and typing up a new message.
“I know some places I could show you, but first, are there any specific kind of places you want to see?”
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dullallahan-blog · 7 years
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Celty and Shinra  ||  Durarara!!x2 Ten episode 5
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dullallahan-blog · 7 years
nonchalantedvin :
When she answered her door, she’d spot a light haired boy with a curious smile on his face. He seemed to momentarily wonder about the other’s appearance, especially concerning the helmet she’s wearing…indoors. It was like someone wearing sunglasses at night. Not that Edvin was one to question someone else like that right away. After all, making friends with people was much better to him, than pushing them away with silly questions.
His plant-green eyes scanned the small PDA in her hand. This is met with but a kind wave from the short male. Almost hoping that he wasn’t inconveniencing her with spoken words in return to that… He flashed a toothy smile and responded in a calm tone.
“Hey! I’m new here. Name’s Edvin Øster. I was just dropping by to say hello. Hope ‘m not disturbing anythin’.”
His expression soon falls more neutral as he raises his right hand to scratch the back of his neck, keeping casual and normal body language, something typical of him even when meeting someone new. Seemed like this could be a nice exchange for both of them.
Oh! So, a new neighbour? She hadn’t met any in a while... Mainly her own fault, as she kept herself busy with her work- and then in her free time, rather than meeting people, she’d just watch movies or play games. It’s not like she went out for groceries a lot, too, since she didn’t eat... 
Well, nothing to lose from getting to know some people, right? Not only that, if this person was new, he might need some help in getting around just like she did when she arrived. It sure was an odd city, after all, filled to the brim with sheep and odd traditions.
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“Oh, don’t worry! You’re not disturbing anything, Edvin. It’s nice to meet you, I’m Celty.”
She kept adjusting her pace when she typed and showed the screen to Edvin- she couldn’t tell yet how fast he’d read her messages, so she might leave the screen lingering a bit too long. She’d figure it out down the line, probably.
“You said you’re new! Arriving here so suddenly must have been confusing- I know it was for me. If you feel lost or have questions, please feel free to ask me. I’ll do my best to help.”
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dullallahan-blog · 7 years
Surprisingly, and much to her delight, Celty had gotten a day off today! Quite surprising, really, with the entrance of the new year- but then again, the sheep of this city seemed to abide by a slightly different calendar and start of the year, so perhaps they let the beginning of January come and go without any thought?
Hm. That’d make sense. Regardless, curious as she may be, it wasn’t anything that she was especially inclined to seek out- after all, this was her day off! She planned on lazing about all day. She didn’t expect any visitors or any emergency calls on help with delivering flyers, so she’d settled into her indoor tracksuit, completely ready to watch some TV and play some old videogames when she felt like it- when she heard a knock at the door.
... How odd. Again, she hadn’t expected anyone to show up at all, so... Well, it’d be too much of a hassle to change into her biking suit just to open the door, so whoever came to visit would have to deal with Celty in her black tracksuit. As to not to scare the visitor however, she’d made sure to put on her helmet. There were weirder things out there in this city, so this should be fine, right?
PDA in one hand, she opened the front door, greeted by the sight of... Someone she didn’t know! Maybe they were new..? She typed up a greeting on her PDA before showing the message she’d typed on the screen to the other.
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“Hi there! Is there something you need..?”
★ @dullallahan
Why not try meet someone today? Edvin wasn’t all introvert. But was on that scale. He paced the floors of the Hummingbird Hotel, his eyes scanning all the vacant and taken rooms he came across. Making friends with others was the responsibility of the newbies, incidentally.
Gosh, there were so many more faces here than where he was from, maybe even so many it was a little overwhelming… But he came here to be happy, and happiness is what he’ll strive for! So after some more seemingly aimless wandering, here he is, room #120. Given his relaxed nature, he didn’t seem very anxious about this; understanding if the owner of this room wasn’t in or couldn’t speak for long. But it’s better than nothing, yeah? At least he can say he tried.
So without further ado, knock knock.
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dullallahan-blog · 7 years
Well, in her time in Stella City, Celty’s seen many unusual things- and she doesn’t mean just the talking sheep, but rather the events which seem so commonplace to this place while she’s stuck being confused about what’s actually going on.
This seems to be no different either, as sheep start bleating excitedly as Celty is doing her rounds once again, delivering the letters she’s supposed to. However, curiousity overtakes her as the pressure of delivering the letters becomes less and the bleating of the sheep intensifies. She follows the noise until she arrives at Sheepmarket, where a large machine is now placed (hey, when did they bring that thing in?) and actively digging a hole. If she has to believe the two mysterious figures speaking, as well as the excited bleats of the sheep, they’re burying the large rock that’s placed in the centre of Sheepmarket..?
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How odd! She doesn’t really see why burying a rock could be such a big event, but she supposed that many of her own habits wouldn’t make sense to others as well. She takes a moment to experience this event fully, either to commit it to memory or to just... Have some proof to herself of having witnessed this.
It’s not until after the rock (aptly dubbed ‘The Rock’, apparently) is buried and the crowd starts to scatter that she decides to continue on with her work for today. She still has groceries to buy, later- specifically, a new soap. It’s a fun thing she’s gotten used to around here, now that she no longer lives together with someone that has to eat to live-
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Wait, hold on! Where did her bag go?! She was holding it just now, and- now she’s not! Did she put it down without thinking while she was watching the burying of The Rock? Or did someone take it? Oh, if her boss finds out, she’ll be in trouble... She better hurry up and find it.
0 notes
dullallahan-blog · 7 years
inkyfreshhell :
Bendy nodded. Made sense, he supposed. “Well that’s just neato!” He said with a small giggle. “I’m not used to technology like that. I guess I will get used to it though! It can’t be that hard….but why can’t you talk?” He said with a swish of his tail and looking sympathetic. 
He stared at her. What about the helmet, though? Was there a good reason for that? She wasn’t on a bike or anything…but maybe she usually was? He tilted his head in slight contemplation, but said nothing for the time being.
“Oooh. That’s pretty cool. I’m a performer myself. Not a street performer, but, we all start somewhere, right?” He said, not minding the fact that he had become famous from the moment he was created.
He nodded. “Hmm, yeah, that’s a good point! I’ll keep that in mind.” He said, and then blinked at her and then around the shops they passed by, and his tail curled mischievously.
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“I bet you could get a cool helmet like the one you have somewhere around here, huh?” He grinned, then looked up at her. “Where did you get that helmet, anyways?” He asked.
She nodded along in encouragement.
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“It really is easy once you get the hang of it! I admit I had to do my best, too, as the typing was very unusual to me, but I think I got pretty good at it in very little time!”
With the knowledge she’d gained about the other so far, she thought that maybe, he was an imp? She couldn’t say for certain whether they existed or not, as she’d lost many of her memories; but if she existed as a dullahan, then why not other creatures? Surely, some of them might just be. He seemed unused to modern human technology, and his appearance was something she’d never seen before, so it wasn’t entirely unlikely, right..?
Then, confiding in her own nature wouldn’t be too strange, either. She’d willingly told humans before- so why not someone that might understand where she’s coming from?
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“Well, it is rather hard to talk without a head, isn’t it? So, I needed alternatives...” it’s just the truth, after all, and even if absolutely necessary, she can cover it up with a joke. She scratched at her helmet instinctively- a part of body language that, while kind of pointless for her personally, seemed to help others understand her better. These were a lot of questions she was asked, so she needed a moment to figure out where to start, as well as to type out the answers to these questions while they walked down the street.
“The street performers on Buckanan Street are quite impressive, but I do imagine that other types of performers have vastly different kinds of performances... If so, what kind of performer are you?
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And, I am unsure if this city has the same helmet that I have. I brought it with me from my home... Not on purpose, of course, as I never intended to end up here, but that is what happened. When I woke up, my helmet was placed beside my bed. However! As we have Ewesink Emporium, which specialises in vehicles, I am sure they must sell helmets somewhere! Safety is quite important, after all.”
Phew! She hoped her messages so far were good enough to answer Bendy’s questions. He seemed rather lively for someone who looked so confused barely minutes ago, but then again, wasn’t she taking it rather easy, too?
“Oh! That shop over there is Cereal Market. It’s not very fancy or anything of the sorts, but it’s got quite good deals for every day items. I like the soaps they sell, personally.”
Glitch In The... Ink? || OPEN
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dullallahan-blog · 7 years
necrcncmicons :
       Woah, now that is something she doesn’t always see ( not that it was uncommon from what she looked up on the internet– it was just rare ). Honestly, she was pretty surprised when she started typing on her PDA && showed her the screen but nevertheless, she took a quick glance at the text before looking back at her ( rather, her helmet that blocked the view of her looks– weird ). 
      She immediately shook her head as her response;; crap, she didn’t mean to stare for so long to the point the other noticed ! Which obviously was bad news to her because she really did not wish for any form of human interaction. She really didn’t want to do this but if she ignored && ran… yeah, she’d rather do this && besides, how difficult would it be really ?
      ❝ N-Nothing’s w-wrong ! It’s just… “
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      She really, really wants to say it but she really didn’t know if that was a good idea per se. ( Oh it definitely isn’t– she doesn’t know a lot about communicating with other people ). But well, she’s already too deep into this, she can definitely handle it. This is definitely nothing big, it’s just a small matter ! … Maybe.
      ❝ Don’t you like, take off, your helmet ? “
      Now she’s definitely considering to let the ground swallow her whole– she’d rather be blunt when she was finally comfortable enough with her but not like this. At least until she got to know her better. Oh well, she’ll probably live through this if things go well at her ends.
Well, if nothing was wrong, then why was the girl staring so intently? Was it too embarrassing to talk about? Or was she trying to be considerate somehow by not saying it out loud? Oh dear, and Celty couldn’t exactly check it herself while she was out here on the street. Sure, plenty of unusual beings roamed these streets - the talking sheep absolutely being one of them - but she wasn’t very keen on the idea of scaring random passers-by by taking off her helmet right here and now.
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... Hrm? The helmet itself had been what caught the girls attention? She’d gotten used to the fact most people in Ikebukuro, as well as the people she knew here, had accepted it as part of her appearance. Though, she supposes, to a stranger...
It might look pretty weird, huh? And it must apparently be concerning enough for someone to ask about it. She likes to think that not everyone’s curiousity is fueled by the drive to seek out the extraordinary or strange, but sometimes is just confusion or worry.
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“Well... I take it off at home, of course, and when I go to sleep! Sleeping with a helmet on sounds rather uncomfortable, doesn’t it?”
It’s not like she gets warm or stuffy in there, as there is nothing in there to begin with; but the thought of sleeping with her helmet on is still an uncomfortable one. She wouldn’t be able to roll over easily... And it might irritate her neck, too. No, that doesn’t sound pleasant at all. But, as for the other times, when outside...
She worries still that it might be an unnerving sight to many, so, she’ll wear it for now. She doesn’t mind.
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dullallahan-blog · 7 years
inkyfreshhell :
“Great!” Bendy chimed, clasping his hands together. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Celty. Yes, I had gathered that much!” He said happily, and then thought for a moment. “Hmm…let’s just go to Buckanan Street, I suppose? I don’t really care to see where other people live.” He added with a shrug. He couldn’t see himself going to any of those places anytime soon, anyway….probably? He would keep it in mind.
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“Well, at least not right now. I can check out those places out for myself another time, hm?” He said with a nod. “It’s probably more important to get places that are in the town into my memory faster.” He added.
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He stared at her for a moment as if waiting for her to take the lead, but then stared just a little longer and tilted his head. “Say, why do you use this machine to talk, anyways?” He asked as sweetly as he possibly could. Did it have something to do with her helmet…? That seemed rather tech-savvy as well, but he could be wrong.
Celty’d figured maybe Bendy would want to see other people who had ended up here, but going straight to Buckanan Street would probably be the most beneficial thing to do indeed. She gestures for hi to follow her with her free hand, and makes a final check to see if her bag is closed properly before walking down the lobby to the hotel’s exit.
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“Oh, well, you see, I can’t talk, actually. So for me, I communicate through text. I used to write things down on paper, but it was a bit of a hassle. This PDA is smaller and easier to carry around, and it’s quicker as well! You get used to typing fast when you do it so frequently.”
Well... She wasn’t lying. She really can’t talk- not at the moment, anyways. When you have no head and thus no mouth to speak with, one has to improvise. She wonders for a brief moment if she found her head, whether she’d be able to speak or not- another memory that seems to elude her now that the connection between her body and head has been severed.
She shouldn’t worry the other too much with her thoughts or her silence, however, so she tries to steer the conversation back to Buckanan Street.
“Buckanan Street is pretty popular around here, as it’s a long shopping street known for it’s many street artists and musicians. Even if that isn’t your thing, it should have many shops that are quite useful, so it might be a good idea to have it as a main point of reference from here to there.”
Glitch In The... Ink? || OPEN
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dullallahan-blog · 7 years
inkyfreshhell :
Bendy read the text on the screen and nodded. He supposed this type of situation would be hard for anyone to understand. Seriously though, what was this? A mass kidnapping? He nodded nonetheless.
“Yes, I guess it is rather hard to understand for anyone, if we all ended up in this same situation…” He muttered. Although, he couldn’t help but wonder- did some of them not just end up in this situations? Were there ringleaders around here beside the…err…sheep? 
He stared at the screen and almost prepared himself to start sobbing or something worse in hopes she would comply, but thankfully, it looked like she was able to oblige after all. How dandy!
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He grinned. “That’s so great, oh thank you so much, miss!” He said, his tail curling up in delight. “I promise not to try to take up too much of your time.” He said, although, that may or may not have been an absolute lie. “Yes, vital places and things like that would be great!” He said with a happy nod of his head. “I’m not so sure of myself about much of anything of this place yet, so any help is wonderful.” He said with a smile.
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“Oh! I almost forgot to introduce myself! How rude of me!” He said, striking a little bow. “My name is Bendy! What is yours?” He asked the helmeted woman.
Celty had been trying to put the city’s situation as far to the back of her mind as she could, and instead thought about how to eventually get out of here. Even so, it was hard to completely ignore it all, right? How everyone just woke up here, for whatever reason... Just to live a normal life. In all that, this situation absolutely wasn’t normal, was it?
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“Do not worry too much. There might be quite some things to see in this city, but it’s easy to get a hang of the most important places.”
The last few letters weighed on her mind, but... Well, if it got done at any time during the day, it was fine, really, so she shouldn’t worry so much about her rather trivial job.
Regardless! Introductions were indeed in order, especially as the other creature - apparently named Bendy - had introduced themselves. The introduction hadn’t given anything away about the other’s nature, but her guess was on an imp. Not that she’d ever seen one before, but she’d read about those, so... Perhaps, just like her, imps existed? Oh well.
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“My name is Celty Sturluson! It’s nice to meet you, Bendy. Though, I suppose different circumstances would’ve been preferable. I’m sure you’re aware, but this is the Hummingbird Hotel. There’s two other hotels in this city for other residents who woke up here one day. I could show you those, or I could take you to Buckanan Street right away.”
Glitch In The... Ink? || OPEN
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dullallahan-blog · 7 years
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9K notes · View notes
dullallahan-blog · 7 years
inkyfreshhell :
Bendy stared up at the girl and then looked at the strange device she held, realizing that she was typing out what she needed to say. How strange! Not just the typing, but….the device itself was odd. Bendy’s world was straight out of the 1930′s, so technology like this puzzled him. 
He stared in awe at the machine for a few moments before grinning again. “Yes, I did get that!” He answered, his tail swishing around a bit. “I suppose I just…still don’t really understand.” He said, shrugging his shoulders.
He thought for a moment. He supposed he could use some help from anyone he could get…making friends was probably the best bet for him right now.
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His eyes glittered a bit as he looked back up to her. “Oh, would’ja? I’d love even just to be shown around a couple of places. If it isn’t too much trouble.” He said, clasping his hands together and looking up at her as sweetly as he could muster. “B-but if you’re busy, that…that’s fine.” He said in a melancholic way.
Well, Celty really couldn’t blame the creature. When she arrived here, she’d been lucky to meet people that she knew from before, so it helped her settle in a little more easily. But arriving all by yourself in this weird city... It must be quite jarring, right? Especially to those who aren’t used to strange situations like this, it might even be traumatising.
If so, then she’d do her best to make this event as bearable as possible!
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“Yes... It’s a bit hard to understand. To be honest, I am unsure I still completely understand myself, but at the very least I am learning to understand the place itself.”
She stopped typing for a moment, trying to judge how fast the other could read along with her typing. There were plenty of creatures from many different places in this city, so she wondered if everyone was used to reading one’s words rather than hearing them. She adjusted her typing a little, giving the other extra time to read her words whenever she showed the PDA to them.
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“I do have some things to do, but...” she felt bad to decline the other. If there was one thing this place needed, it was people cushioning the fall of arriving here for each other as best they could. The fact they seemed very non-human made Celty rather sympathetic as well.
“... Well, I’m not in a hurry at all, really, so I can show you around a little bit. Maybe some vital places to know about? If you want to go anywhere specifically, or if you have a question, please let me know. I’ll do what I can to answer it for you”
Glitch In The... Ink? || OPEN
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dullallahan-blog · 7 years
Celty had been out delivering her mail as per usual, but, to be honest, most letters were just personal correspondence letters between sheep. She didn’t really get it - why send someone a letter, which will be delayed, when the city is small enough to go visit each other in person? - but receiving a letter from a friend was probably just a nice thing to experience, she assumed.
She only had about three more letters in her bag left, which frankly weren’t really in a rush. Again, they weren’t business letters, but just niceties between sheep, so there wasn’t really a pressing deadline, as long as she’d delivered them before her job was done for the day.
She was looking at the districts on her next letters when she felt a tug on the leg of her biking suit. She looked in the direction, but didn’t see anyone right away, until she looked down. She thought maybe it’d been a young lamb that wanted to ask her about her helmet (again), but instead, she saw a- 
Well, she didn’t know what this was. Being a dullahan herself, she figured she’d know some non-human creatures or would recognise them, but... Maybe she’d forgotten about this kind of creature when she lost her head? 
Regardless, it asked her a question, so she should probably answer! She put the letters back in her bag, careful not to fold them on accident, and zipped down the neck of her biking suit to take out her PDA, typing a response to the other as quickly as she could before showing them the answer she’d typed out on her screen.
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“It’s quite alright, so don’t worry. You are in Stella City. Did you not receive a letter upon arriving here? And, if you did... Well. I suppose it is a little confusing, after all, so I understand. I was confused at first, too. I’d gladly help you out if you have any questions.”
Glitch In The... Ink? || OPEN
Bendy woke up in a bed- he stretched his arms and smiled and looked around, only to ultimately turn into a confused frown.
H-huh…? What’s going on here? He thought to himself. This isn’t the workshop…or anything close!
He stood up, only to find a letter. Upon reading it, he was only left more confused. Welcome to his new home?
He looked around for a moment more and then tapped his foot impatiently. He was going to need to get answers somehow! This was all a huge misunderstanding! Or was this some kind of prank?
Either way, he walked out of his room and into the hotel lobby. He put on his typical grin and walked around, looking for anyone to communicate to about his alleged problem.
He soon spotted someone and tugged on their pants’ leg- after all, he was only 2 some feet tall, people would often have to look down to see him.
Innocence and kindness, Bendy- give it all your charm! He thought to himself as he stared up at the person, his eyes wide and smiling in the cutest way he could possibly muster.
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“Howdy there!” He announced, his little devil tail snaking around. “U-uhm, I hope not to bother you, but I was hoping maybe you could tell me where I am? I feel like there is some sort of misunderstanding.” He said, putting his hands behind his back and then rocking back and fort on his feet in a sweet manner.
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dullallahan-blog · 7 years
She’d been out to deliver commercial leaflets to several places, including the hotels and some store owners. She had to wait for her sheep colleague, however, as only half of the leaflets she was to hand out had been put in her mailbag, and he’d gone off to pick up the rest so she could continue her rounds.
As she stood waiting on the street corner for the sheep to return (oh dear, she’d forgotten his name... Had it been Jeramy?), she could practically feel the holes someone was staring into her back. She looked around but couldn’t spot anyone, and her fear of it being aliens started to creep up on her- until she made direct eye contact with a short girl actually rather close by. Had it been her..?
Unsure of how to ignore the looks she was given, she decided to try communication instead. Perhaps just a leaf had fallen on her helmet, or something..? She pulled out her PDA and typed up a quick message before approaching the girl with a short wave, showing her the PDA screen.
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“Uhm, pardon me. Is there something on my helmet that I can’t see..? Or is there something wrong?”
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     ❝ Huh. “
     A soft noise escaped from her lips as she kept on staring. Honestly, it wasn’t her intention to stare for so long at her but she was pretty awed at the fact that the other was still showing no signs of removing her helmet. Wasn’t she uncomfortable or feeling suffocated ? It’s really making her starting to feel amazed at the many types of people in this city ever since she moved here && it keeps piling up even until now.
@dullallahan ❤ for a starter !
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dullallahan-blog · 7 years
spiriteddefense :
  Maya blinked in surprise when the stranger held out a message saying that they were in fact a headless horseman–she had only been joking! And besides, Maya could see her head right there, right? Even Stella City couldn’t be that weird!
  She breathed a not-so-subtle sigh of relief when she saw that they were joking. Oh, man, if she had to accept the existence of talking horses and headless people, she would probably just implode.
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  “Of course I’ll help you find him!” Maya exclaimed once she’d read all the messages, abandoning all of her previous caution about this masked individual now that she knew they needed help. “I would hate it if I had a pet and he went missing… Especially because this place is so weird, you know? Who knows what those sheep could be up to?”
  Realistically, the sheep hadn’t actually done anything to indicate that anyone in this city was in danger (quite the opposite, in fact). But Maya didn’t trust one piece of wool on their smug little bodies, and she would take every opportunity she could to badmouth them. That was what they got for kidnapping her, after all.
  “I’ll show you where I saw some horses earlier–it’s over by the woods, whatever they’re called,” Maya said, reaching out to tug the stranger along. “What’s his name, by the way? Oh, wait, what’s your name? I’m Maya Fey, spirit medium, at your service!”
Maybe Celty shouldn’t have joked with the girl too much, but if anything, she was just glad that the other had agreed to helping her. She really was in a pinch, after all! Or, well, it felt like a pinch to her.
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“Thank you very much! And, yes, it’s precisely because this place is so weird, that I am... Unable to find him. It’s not that I am unused to large cities, but this one is definitely different.”
Everything about Celty’s senses had just been so very off upon arriving here. She could still sense things like normally, sure- she could see, she could hear, she could feel. All those things hadn’t changed.
But she couldn’t sense. The faint feeling of where her head had gone was no longer there, as if it was nowhere at all, as if it wasn’t a thing to begin with. On that same note, she was no longer able to sense where Shooter had gone. His presence here was something Celty had just assumed on basis of her knowledge about summoning and dismissing the servant spirit, or rather, her lack of it. So she wouldn’t have dismissed him. That was all she had to go on, so she’d stick with it. But even when she tried to call out to Shooter to come to her, he didn’t show up.
It was... Weird.
Celty had been so occupied by these thoughts and doubts, she didn’t notice the other girl - Maya - reaching out to her until she’d grabbed Celty’s arm. With her free hand, she typed up her response.
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“Oh! My name’s Celty Sturluson, and my horse is named Shooter. It’s nice to meet you, Maya-chan.”
A spirit medium, huh..? Well, guess you see new things every day, even when not in Ikebukuro.
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dullallahan-blog · 7 years
@haisentantei & @chiefofmerit
The plan in general might’ve been to get out and go back home as soon as possible, but that didn’t mean you should just sit inside and be a grouch all day. It was fall; not a bad season, especially not for a Dullahan, and though things might get colder, there were still plenty of excuses to go outside.
The Harvest Festival’s pumpkin carving stalls were one of them. It’d been no easy feat whatsoever, but in the end she’d managed to get both Shinjuurou and Yamato to come along with her. Getting out could only help their thought process in the end, right..?
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“See, isn’t it better to go out for a bit?”
She hasn’t really carved pumpkins like this before (that she can remember), so it’s a new experience. She could try and be creative with the carving, but... She feels like just making a regular one for now, with a typical face.
That, too, and she had a pretty good joke up her sleeve.
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dullallahan-blog · 7 years
Send me a ◑ for my muse to give yours some bad advice
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“The best way to avoid getting caught is by riding on a motorbike without headlights or license plate. They can’t track you if they can’t find you..!”
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dullallahan-blog · 7 years
Jelly beans
Send me some candy to ask about my muse! 
Jelly beans: What are two of your character’s traits that you wouldn’t think go together, but do?
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Definitely, the combination of her monstrous nature together with her incredibly human personality. In fact, it’s because of her monstrous nature that she’s much more human than many other humans. She can be absolutely horrifying when angered or when she feels slighted, as shown from the rampage she went on when she thought her head was not only taken from her, but also had been put on the body of another girl against the girl’s will. An injustice which angered her into a rampage against those she believed belonged to the people responsible. Even so, she’s shown to be very caring and kind as well. The reason she was so angry was not just because she was slighted, after all; she felt anger for the other girl’s sake, too.
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