dummerthanshelooks · 5 years
(    *    THE  1975  LYRIC  STARTERS   /   A  BRIEF  INQUIRY …
*   taken  from  the  1975′s  third  lp  a  brief  inquiry  into  online  relationships .
‘  you  learn  a  couple  things  when  you  get  to  my  age .  ’
‘  friends  don’t  lie .  ’
‘  it  all  tastes  the  same  in  the  dark .  ’
‘  so  just  give  yourself  a  try .  ’
‘  won’t  you  give  yourself  a  try ?  ’
‘  like  context  in  a  modern  debate ,  i  just  took  it  out .  ’
‘  the  only  apparatus  required  for  happiness  is  your  pain  and  fucking  going  outside .  ’
‘  what  would  you  say  to  your  younger  self ?  ’
‘  growing  a  beard’s  quite  hard .  ’
‘  whiskey  never  starts  to  taste  nice .  ’
‘  you  wet  my  eyes ,  but  i  don’t  mind  it .  ’
‘  i  tell  you  lies ,  but  it’s  only  sometimes .  ’
‘  you  pick  a  fight  and  i’ll  define  it .  ’
‘  i  swear  that  i  only  called  her  one  time .  ’
‘  i  think  we  need  to  rewind .  ’
‘  you  text  that  boy  sometimes .  ’
‘  i  didn’t  mean  to  two - time  you .  ’
‘  she  said  that  i  should’ve  liked  it .  ’
‘  i  never  learned  how  to  draw .  ’
‘  what  if  you  die  with  all  of  the  cameras ?  ’
‘  take  something  and  then  make  it  brand  new .  ’
‘  try  and  do  anything  fourteen  times .  ’
‘  love  yourself  like  someone  you  love .  ’
‘  don’t  take  my  advice .  ’
‘  write  a  letter  to  your  future  self  who  won’t  change .  ’
‘  they  can  take  anything  as  long  as  it’s  true .  ’
‘  what  they  can’t  take  is  you  telling  them  lies .  ’
‘  lies ,  lies ,  lies ,  lies .  ’
‘  we’re  fucking  in  a  car .  ’
‘  saying  controversial  things  just  for  the  hell  of  it .  ’
‘  fuck  your  feelings .  ’
‘  truth  is  only  hearsay .  ’
‘  we’re  just  left  to  decay .  ’
‘  i’d  love  it  if  we  made  it .  ’
‘  poison  me ,  daddy .  ’
‘  tell  me  something  i  don’t  know .  ’
‘  the  war  has  been  incited .  ’
‘  guess  what ,  you’re  all  invited .  ’
‘  be  my  mistake .  ’
‘  she  bought  me  those  jeans ,  the  ones  you  like .  ’
‘  i  don’t  want  to  hug .  ’
‘  i  just  want  to  sleep .  ’
‘  just  wait  till  i  give  you  a  sign .  ’
‘  i  get  lonesome  sometimes .  ’
‘  save  all  the  jokes  you’re  gonna  make .  ’
‘  i  shouldn’t  have  called  cause  we  shouldn’t  speak .  ’
‘  you  do  make  me  hard ,  but  she  makes  me  weak .  ’
‘  she  makes  me  hard ,  but  you  make  me  weak .  ’
‘  you  make  me  weak .  ’
‘  irony  is  okay ,  i  suppose .  ’
‘  you  lack  substance  when  you  say  something  like ,  ‘ oh ,  what  a  shame . ’  ’
‘  i’m  sure  that  you’re  not  just  another  girl .  ’
‘  i’m  sure  that  you’re  gonna  say  that  i  was  sexist .  ’
‘  i  feel  like  you’re  running  out  of  all  the  things  i  liked  you  for .  ’
‘  why  can’t  we  be  friends ?  ’
‘  why  can’t  we  be  friends ,  when  we  are  lovers ?  ’
‘  it  always  ends  with  us  hating  each  other .  ’
‘  instead  of  calling  me  out ,  you  should  be  pulling  me  in .  ’
‘  it’s  only  you  that  you’re  deceiving .  ’
‘  don’t  have  a  child .  ’
‘  don’t  cramp  your  style .  ’
‘  don’t  have  a  child ,  don’t  cramp  your  style .  ’
‘  i’m  scared  of  dying .  ’
‘  is  that  on  fire ?  ’
‘  am  i  a  liar ?  ’
‘  i  can’t  be  quiet .  ’
‘  will  this  help  me  lay  down ?  ’
‘  no  gun  required .  ’
‘  i’m  scared  of  dying ,  it’s  fine .  ’
‘  would  you  please  listen !  ’
‘  we  can  see  it’s  missing .  ’
‘  when  you  bleed ,  say  so .  ’
‘  do  you  love  me ?  ’
‘  yes .  i  love  you  very ,  very ,  very  ,  very  ,  very  ,  very  much .  ’
‘  i  am  your  best  friend .  ’
‘  i  love  you  so  much  that  i  never ,  ever  want  us  to  be  apart  ever  again .  ’
‘  i  feel  like  i  could  tell  you  anything .  ’
‘  you  can  tell  me  anything .  ’
‘  anything  you  say  to  me  will  stay  strictly  between  you  and  the  internet .  ’ 
‘  i’ve  been  watching  you  walk .  ’
‘  i’ve  been  learning  the  way  that  you  talk .  ’
‘  the  back  of  your  head  is  at  the  front  of  my  mind .  ’
‘  soon  i’ll  crack  it  open  just  to  see  what’s  inside  your  mind .  ’
‘  maybe  i  will  wait  until  you’re  fast  asleep .  ’
‘  maybe  you  are  dreaming  you’re  in  love  with  me .  ’
‘  the  only  option  left  is  to  look  and  see .  ’
‘  i’ve  had  dreams  where  there’s  blood  on  you .  ’
‘  i’ve  had  those  dreams  where  you’re  my  wife .  ’
‘  he  falls  asleep  during  conversations .  ’
‘  the  worst  thing  is  that  i’m  in  the  same  situation .  ’
‘  all  i  do  is  sit  and  think  about  you .  ’
‘  it’s  not  living  if  it’s  not  with  you .  ’
‘  we’re  living  in  a  simulation .  ’
‘  i  know  you  think  you’re  sly ,  but  you  need  some  imagination .  ’
‘  i  can’t  stop  sweating  or  control  my  feet .  ’
‘  there’s  a  feeling ,  you’re  replacing  embrace .  ’
‘  i  feel  sick  and  i  know  that  i’ll  lose .  ’
‘  you  wear  it  like  a  dress ,  a  post - traumatic  mess��.  ’
‘  don’t  sleep .  ’
‘  it  hurts  to  be  awake .  ’
‘  the  things  they  make  her  take .  ’
‘  we  don’t  speak .  ’
‘  she  stayed  an  extra  week .  ’
‘  i  see  her  in  my  sleep .  ’
‘  there  comes  a  time  in  a  young  man’s  life ,  he  should  settle  down  and  find  himself  a  wife .  ’
‘  i’m  just  fine  ‘cause  i  know  that  you  are  mine .  ’
‘  i  fight  crime  online  sometimes .  ’
‘  my  switch ,  your  wine ,  both  crying .  ’
‘  i’m  fine  if  you  are  fine .  ’
‘  i  see  sunshine  ‘cause  i  know  that  you  are  mine .  ’
‘  you  say  that  i’m  wasting  your  time .  ’
‘  things  will  be  fine .  ’
‘  for  some  reason ,  i  just  can’t  say  ‘  i  do .  ’  ’
‘  at  the  best  of  times  i’m  lonely  in  my  mind .  ’
‘  why  would  i  rely  on  the  things  that  i  did  right ?  ’
‘  i  gave  you  four  years  of  my  life .  ’
‘  what  about  these  feelings  i’ve  got ?  ’
‘  we  got  it  wrong  and  you  said  you’d  had  enough .  ’
‘  i  couldn’t  be  more  in  love .  ’
‘  i’d  give  you  all  the  years  of  my  life .  ’
‘  i  bet  you  thought  your  life  would  change .  ’
‘  you  built  it  to  a  high  to  say  goodbye .  ’
‘  you’re  not  the  same  as  them .  ’
‘  your  death ,  it  won’t  happen  to  you .  it  happens  to  your  family  and  your  friends .  ’
‘  i  always  wanna  die ,  sometimes .  ’
‘  you  win ,  you  lose ,  you  sing  the  blues .  ’
‘  there’s  no  point  in  buying  concrete  shoes .  ’
‘  i  can  hardly  speak  and  when  i  try  it’s  nothing  but  a  squeak .  ’
‘  if  you  can’t  survive ,  just  try .  ’
102 .
‘  i  like  the  way  your  face  looks  when  i’m  arguing  with  you .  ’
‘  i’m  not  half  as  bad  as  what  you’ve  been  told .  ’
‘  when  i  see  your  pajamas ,  i  can’t  stop  smiling  at  you .  ’
‘  i’ve  been  pouring  my  heart  out  towards  your  optimistic  grin .  ’
‘  i  like  the  cut  of  your  jib .  ’
‘  i  like  the  way  your  face  looks  when  you’re  yapping  on  about  him .  ’
‘  on  this  shirt  i  found  your  smell  and  i  just  sat  there  for  ages  contemplating  what  to  do  with  myself .  ’
‘  we  just  sat  there  for  ages  talking  about  that  boy  who  was  getting  on  to  you .  ’
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dummerthanshelooks · 5 years
(    *    & .    —    BILLIE  EILISH  LYRICS .
‘  don’t  you  know  i’m  no  good  for  you ?  ’
‘  nothing  ever  stops  you  leaving .  ’
‘  i  could  lie ,  say  i  like  it  like  that .  ’
‘  don’t  you  know  too  much  already ?  ’
‘  i’ll  only  hurt  you  if  you  let  me .  ’
‘  call  me  friend ,  but  keep  me  closer .  ’
‘  nothing  is  better  sometimes .  ’
‘  let  me  let  you  go .  ’
‘  i  just  wish  you  could  feel  what  you  say .  ’
‘  i  know  you  too  well .  ’
‘  if  ‘ i  love  you ’  was  a  promise ,  would  you  break  it  if  you’re  honest ?  ’
‘  i  don’t  wanna  be  you  anymore .  ’
‘  losing  feeling  is  getting  old .  ’
‘  only  you  know  the  way  that  i  break .  ’
‘  if  we  were  meant  to  be ,  we  would’ve  been  by  now .  ’
‘  all  i  see  is  him  right  now .  ’
‘  go  ahead  and  watch  my  heart  burn  with  the  fire  that  you  started  in  me ,  but  i’ll  never  let  you  back  to  put  it  out .  ’
‘  your  love  feels  so  fake .  ’
‘  if  i  could  get  to  sleep ,  i  would  have  slept  by  now .  ’
‘  when  you  call  my  name ,  do  you  think  i’ll  come  running ?  ’
‘  so  good  at  giving  me  nothing .  ’
‘  when  you  close  your  eyes ,  do  you  picture  me ?  ’
‘  you  should  see  me  in  a  crown .  ’
‘  your  silence  is  my  favorite  sound .  ’
‘  i  like  the  way  they  all  scream .  ’
‘  i  think  you’re  pretty .  ’
‘  i’m  not  your  baby .  ’
‘  where’s  my  mind ?  ’
‘  what  an  expensive  fate .  ’
‘  my  v  is  for  vendetta .  ’
‘  thought  that  i’d  feel  better ,  but  now  i  got  a  bellyache .  ’
‘  i  wear  my  noose  like  a  necklace .  ’
‘  i  wanna  make  ‘em  scared .  ’
‘  don’t  be  cautious ,  don’t  be  kind .  ’
‘  i  don’t  belong  to  anyone .  ’
‘  by  the  way ,  you’ve  been  uninvited .  ’
‘  why  so  sad ,  bunny ?  ’
‘  call  me  calloused ,  call  me  cold .  ’
‘  you  better  love  me .  ’
‘  i  would  hate  to  see  you  go .  ’
‘  i  hate  to  be  the  one  that  told  you  so .  ’
‘  you  just  crossed  the  line ,  you’ve  run  out  of  time .  ’
‘  sorry ,  sorry ,  i’m  sorry ,  sorry …  sike .  ’
‘  wake  up  and  smell  the  coffee .  ’
‘  is  your  cup  half  full  or  empty ?  ’
‘  i  love  it  when  you’re  awfully  quiet .  ’
‘  you  don’t  have  to  keep  it  quiet .  ’
‘  i  know  it  makes  you  nervous ,  but  i  promise  you  it’s  worth  it .  ’
‘  i  promise  you  it’s  worth  it  to  show  ‘em  everything  you  kept  inside .  ’
‘  too  shy  to  say ,  but  i  hope  you  stay .  ’
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dummerthanshelooks · 5 years
Daisy knew that. Of course she knew that. She had seen the sleeping, frozen figures scattered throughout Auradon. She had seen them dozing peacefully, or grey and stony, in a trance that they couldn`t possibly break free from on their own. But the feeling Daisy felt at the sight wasn`t worry, rather relief. Relief that she wasn`t one of the people affected by the curse.  
Besides, worrying would get you nowhere. That`s what the young redhead thought, at least. Her father had a different outlook on life, what with his tales of curious oysters and greedy walruses - walri? - but Daisy had paid no attention to those stories. In one ear, out the other, never once allowing the morals of these tales to sink in. So here the young Dee stood, along with the princess, not allowing worry to sink in at all.
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"Worrying makes no sense. Keeping a calm and level head does. Do you think anybody is going to wake up by standing around and stressing out over it?"
‘ Why should I worry? Worrying’s not like me. ’
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“Because everyone is either asleep or turned to stone!”
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dummerthanshelooks · 5 years
Could you please reblog this if it is okay to ask you straight up if you want to ship?
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dummerthanshelooks · 5 years
If you are a ship whore and you know it click reblog.
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dummerthanshelooks · 5 years
(    *    & .    —    ‘   YOU   ’   (   SEASON  ONE   )   SENTENCE  STARTERS .
*   starters  from  the  lifetime   &   netflix  series  ‘   you   ’ ,   based  on  a  novel  by  caroline  kepnes .   warnings  for  sex ,   violence ,   stalking ,   &  swearing .
‘  you’re  a  drug .  you  are  worse  than  pills .  ’
‘  i  loved  you  the  absolute  best  that  i  could .  ’
‘  you  don’t  love  me .  you  never  loved  me .  it  was  a  lie .  it  was  all  a  lie .  ’
‘  if  he  came  anywhere  close  to  making  you  cum ,  you  would’ve  made  a  broadway  show  out  of  it .  but  you  didn’t ,  cause  he  didn’t .  ’
‘  you  fall  for  the  wrong  men .  you  let  them  in .  you  let  them  hurt  you .  ’
‘  hey ,  uh ,  can  you  help  me  open  a  couple  of  bottles ?  i  have  butterfingers  ‘cause  earlier  i  was  touching  butter .  ’
‘  well ,  that  was  a  mistake …  never  again .  ever .  ’
‘  i’m  glad  we  met .  i’m  glad  we’re  friends ?  ’
‘  friends ?  for  the  love  of  christ …  ’
‘  they  say  girls  with  daddy  issues  are  really  good  in  bed .  ’
‘  it’s  okay .  i  have  a  pretty  bland  face .  ’
‘  you  are  insane  to  move  in  with  her  this  quickly .  you  barely  know  her .  ’
‘  you  love  who  you  love  and  love  tells  you  what  to  do ,  easy - peasy .  ’
‘  i  think  only  an  idiot  tries  what  you  just  pulled .  ’
‘  uh ,  who  the  fuck  is  this ?  ’
‘  why  would  i  want  to  kill  him ?  who  wants  to  kill  people ?  ’
‘  i’ve  seen  enough  romantic  comedies  to  know  guys  like  me  are  always  getting  into  jams  like  this .  ’
‘  from  every  boy  masquerading  as  a  man  that  you  let  into  your  body ,  your  heart ,  you  learned  you  didn’t  have  whatever  magic  turns  a  beast into  a  prince .  ’
‘  you  surrounded  yourself  with  the  girls  you  always  resented ,  hoping  to  share  their  power ,  and  hating  yourself .  ’
‘  stay  away  from  them ,  because  if  you  don’t ,  i’ll  grab  a  steak  knife  and  i’ll  cut  those  little  freak  eyes  out .  ’
‘  hey  stranger .  you  drool  in  your  sleep .  so  cute .  ’
‘  at  the  end  of  the  day ,  people  really  are  disappointing ,  aren’t  they ?  ’
‘  do  you  think  i’m  unremarkable ?  ’
‘  unremarkable  people  don’t  worry  about  being  unremarkable .  ’
‘  you  sound  apologetic ,  like  you’re  embarrassed  to  be  a  good  girl .  ’
‘  in  the  end ,  you  couldn’t  love  me .  i  feel  at  peace  with  that  now  because  i  loved  you  the  absolute  best  that  i  could .  ’
‘  how  can  self - respecting  women  tolerate  this  crap ?  ’
‘  sometimes  i  swear  i’m  the  only  real  feminist  you  know .  ’
‘  turns  out ,  it  is  like  the  movies .  the  second  it’s  over ,  all  you  can  remember  is  the  stuff  that  made  you  fall  in  love .  blazing  through  your  mind ,  this  rom - com  montage  made  of  the  sweetest  poison .  ’
‘  it’s  a  miracle  love  ever  happens ,  if  it’s  not  a  myth .  ’
‘  if  the  zombies  come ,  this  is  where  i’m  hiding .  ’
‘  it  scares  me  to  love  someone  so  completely  and  not  have  them  love  you  back .  ’
‘  i’m  only  going  to  ask  this  once  and  i  need  the  truth .  are  you …  or  were  you  ever  fucking  them ?  answer  me .  ’
‘  everything  i  have  done ,  i  have  done  for  you .  even  this .  ’
‘  grown - ups  are  assholes .  ’
‘  he�� didn’t  ever  get  her  something  that  nice  and  she  finally  let  him  do  anal .  ’
‘  some  guys  are  assholes  and  you  just  have  to  realize  that .  ’
‘  he  tried  to  finger  bang  me  at  the  bar .  ’
‘  he  is  nothing .  he  is  trash .  ’
‘  you’re  the  one  who  told  me  to  keep  reminding  you  that  he’s  a  bastard .  ’
‘  the  most  valuable  things  in  life  are  usually  the  most  helpless .  ’
‘  runner’s  high  is  better  than  sex .  and  for  some  it  may  last  longer .  ’
‘  i’m  starting  to  think  i’m  some  kind  of  magnet  for  dudes  with  serious  issues .  ’
‘  are  you  not  wearing  a  bra ?  and  you  want  me  to  notice .  ’
‘  male  energy  in  my  healing  space  just …  isn’t  optimal .  ’
‘  why  do  men  think  disembodied  members  equal  foreplay ?  you  know ,  they’re  not  aesthetically  pleasing .  ’
‘  it’s  exhausting  being  your  friend !  ’
‘  if  that’s  the  case  i  should  warn  you  i  have  the  facial  thing  where  i  can’t  hide  what  i’m  thinking .  ’
‘  how  the  hell  am  i  supposed  to  be  great  with  you  being  gone  if  you’re  really  gone ?  ’
‘  find  that  brilliant  badass  inside  of  you  and  believe  in  her .  i  know  i  do .  ’
‘  some  people  have  a  hard  time  letting  love  in .  some  people  are  built  for  love .  some  people …  some  people  are  searching ,  searching  for  someone  who  can  love  them  in  the  way  that  they  deserve .  ’
‘  it’s  a  horrible  feeling  to  know  things  have  gone  wrong  and  there’s  nothing  you  can  do  to  change  it .  ’
‘  i  love  you  too ,  creeper .  ’
‘  why’re  you  so  sad ?  you’re  just  so  sad .  ’
‘  sometimes  i  could  swear  i’ve  known  you  forever .  ’
‘  britney  got  through  2007  though ,  right ?  ’
‘  i  don’t  know  who  i  am .  so  how  am  i  supposed  to  know  what  i  want ?  ’
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dummerthanshelooks · 5 years
Daisy was ditzy, but she wasn`t stupid. She had grown up on the Isle herself, she had seen how people avoided Cerberus, and though he didn`t seem to mind, the redhead did feel sorry for him. It must be hard, she thought, living in such a terrible place and having nobody to turn to. That`s why she had to let him know that he wasn`t alone. That her door was always open if he ever wanted to talk, or tea and a tart. Granted, being on the Isle, the tea would probably be 67% murky water, and the tarts would probably be stale, but it`s the thought that counts.
But she was wrong, clearly. By the way that Cerberus had replied, she was definitely extremely wrong. He wasn`t alone after all, he had people to turn to. Well, now Daisy just felt a little bit silly - but, like her tea and tarts, it`s the thought that counts. And so the redhead gave out an embarrassed chuckle, and shook her head.
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"I just thought you should know, if you didn`t already. But you do, and that`s great."
“you’re not alone.”
Cerberus looked at the girl and tilted his head. “Of course Im not, but why bring it up?”
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dummerthanshelooks · 5 years
Daisy was proud of her. Proud of everything her friend had done for those kids back on the Isle - after all, Daisy was once one of those children herself. However, she was also worried about her. Daisy cared so much for her friend, and she could have gotten herself seriously hurt, or worse. Daisy wouldn`t know what to do with herself if it were the latter.
She didn`t like to see Jane like this. Bedridden and in pain. But Daisy was adamant that she was going to stay with her, despite not wanting to see her in such agony. When Jane declined the offer of food for the time being, the redhead gave a small nod and a soft smile - Glad that she had opted for treats rather than hot food that could go cold.
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"Okay," the young Dee softly said, sitting down on the side of the bed next to her. "But if you need anything, just let me know. I`m not going anywhere."
゚*·゚closed ゚*·゚
@dummerthanshelooks ||
“You need to eat something, you’ve been through a lot today.”
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☆゚~* Every part of her body was aching.
Pure agony. Everyone knew how adamant Jane was on helping those kids on the isle.
King Adam didn’t do anything. Her mom certainly didn’t want her going there. But she went anyway.
Maybe this is what the fae gets for defying against a rule. It completely backfire. The fae gives a tiny smile as a tray of food was placed on her bedside table.
“Thanks D. Maybe I’ll eat later.” She mumbles, sitting up in her bed. ☆゚~*
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dummerthanshelooks · 5 years
Daisy knew that the Isle was awful, as were most of the people that occupied it. Of course she knew that. She also knew not to assume that peoples lives were better or worse than they were - but the young Dee was also an optimist. That`s what kept her going each and every day on this hell-hole of an island, knowing that however bad things may be, things could be worse. She had chosen to share this wisdom with the boy, for she had noticed his less than sunny demeanor, and thought he could use a bit of a pick-me-up.
Upon hearing his response, the redhead pouted slightly. Not a full on pout, because that`s childish. Her father had told her so. She wasn`t upset, only stumped. What answer could Daisy offer up in response? Clearly, she lived in the same world as him, and to point it out would just make her sound silly. And so she opted to apologize, and move on from the topic.
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"Oh, I`m sorry," Daisy spoke, offering Lucien a sheepish grin and tucking her hair behind her ear, a habit she had developed after years of apologizing for not holding her tongue. "I shouldn`t have said anything."
❝ the worlds not perfect, but it’s not that bad. ❞
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“What world do you live in?” Lucien’s world was survival, he had always been aware that one misstep could end everything and so he was the best servant his father could ask for in order to extend his time as long as he could before the inevitable happened. He’d die and then whenever his father’s long wait of a plan was put into fruition he would likely be raised as a mindless servant.
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dummerthanshelooks · 5 years
if by ‘’vanilla’’ ships you mean ships with a healthy amount of respect, trust and love for eachother, then yes. i love vanilla ships. i am the queen of all things vanilla. my name is vanilla. 
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dummerthanshelooks · 5 years
Alan Tudyk
Okay, so. You`re either who I think you are, or this is just extremely coincidental. Either way, squee!Earlier today, I was discussing Daisy`s family with a pal, and faceclaims came into discussion. I spent forever trying to settle on the Tweedle Boys (Tweedle Men, now!), but I eventually settled on Alan Tudyk (With red hair, like in A Knight`s Tale) as Daisy`s father, Tweedle Dee. If you`re the pal I was discussing this with you already know this, and if you aren`t that pal - well, that`s just crazy! 
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dummerthanshelooks · 5 years
Send me a faceclaim and I’ll tell you who they’d be in my muse’s life as a NPC
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dummerthanshelooks · 5 years
Send two names and my muse will say which they’d rather kiss.
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dummerthanshelooks · 5 years
flipwizards :
me when a mutual messages me: ok now be cool, JUST be FUCking cool for once in ur daMN LIFE don’t be so FUCKing weird
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dummerthanshelooks · 5 years
"Oh, come on," Daisy hummed, smiling softly at Queenie, trying to mask the fear she felt in the pits of her stomach, because on the Isle, fear made you weak. "You know I was only kidding, you`re the queen of this game. Nobody can compete with you. I know it, you know it, the whole Isle knows it. Everyone wishes they could keep up with you." She would have continued with her rambles of flattery towards the princess, but stopped as she saw her mouth start to open. She knew not to speak over royalty, even Isle royalty. According to her father, that`s manners.
The young Dee`s eyes widened ever so slightly at the thought of being used as a goal. She couldn`t. She wouldn`t. But she also couldn`t and wouldn`t say no to Queenie, so Daisy inwardly hoped she could convince her to change her mind. Brushing her hair behind her shoulders, Daisy spoke, trying to sound profoundly confident for somebody extremely uncertain.
"Do you really want to use me as a goal? I mean, sure, I`m nowhere near as brilliant at this game as you are, but I`ve learned so much from you already. Maybe one day, I`ll be nearly as good as you." Nearly, not as good as, because, despite her head full of air, Daisy knew better than to even suggest being on the same level as the princess.
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"And I do so much enjoy playing with you."
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dummerthanshelooks · 5 years
♡ from Queenie
send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses !  i’ll bold what i want for their relationship,italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t .
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance  pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
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dummerthanshelooks · 5 years
Send me “♪♫” and I’ll tell you four songs by four different artists that I associate with my muse
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