duncanloraine · 4 years
Wednesday 19th August
Warm up
200 Fc + 100 Fc kick
150 Bk + 100 Bk kick
100 Br + 100 Br kick
Tech Focus: ‘Power Catch’ Strong hold on the water & pull through powerfully.
Bk: ‘throw’ water towards your toes
6 x (3×100) #1) pull #2) DPS #3) Build
Odds = Fc
Evens = Bk
Kick, Pull, Pace
Kick - best effort --> get HR up
Pull - think power catch
Pace - P200
2 x through (Rnd 1 = #1 stroke 2 = #2)
6 x 50 kick
4 x 50 pull
2 x 50 pace
** If Br is #1 or #2 stroke and this is only your 2nd/3rd session back then ease into the kick. There’s an injury risk here if you’re not careful. Better to be cautious at this stage
25’ s @ 0:30
In rounds of 8. As many rounds as time permits. Your choice of stroke and pace. Get out of this set what you feel you need at this moment in time. Depending on where you are with your pool fitness some options might be :
Build thru each 25
Build through the 8 reps
Alt drill / swim
Alt sprint / DPS
Run the set as you wish - just make the interval
& always put the tech focus into every swim you do
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duncanloraine · 4 years
Tuesday 18th August
2:30 – 4pm
Warm up
200 Fc + 100 Fc kick
150 Bk + 100 Bk kick
100 Br + 100 Br kick
Tech: Fc Catch Review
Power catch - review: 30 deg rot’n, power triangle, ‘grab' water & pull through powerfully
6 x 100 u/wr / 6-1-6 / DPS / build
4 x 50 Build
4 x 25 powerful
Tech: Bk Catch
Early wrist flex, then ‘throw’ water towards toes
6 x 75 LA / RA / DPS
4 x 50 DPS / build
4 x 25 powerful
Work Capacity
8 to 10 x 150 Odds = Fc Evens = 50 Bf - 50 Bk - 50 Br
Fc: think ‘power catch’
Bk: early catch & throw water to toes
Br: Aggressive with the arm recovery into a tight line (including legs!!)
Bf: dolphin kick past teammates going the other way
8 or 10? depends on time. Leave a good 5 mins to bring HR down & streeeeeetch out
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duncanloraine · 4 years
Monday 17th August 2020 2:30-4pm
Warm up (750m, 15mins)
200 Fc + 100 Fc kick
150 Bk + 100 Bk kick
100 Br + 100 Br kick
Tech (1000m, 30mins)
Setting up Catch position.  Snorkels 1-5
1)  u/water recovery w/ pause at catch position
2)  6-1-6 holding at catch position
3)  DPS w/pause at catch position
4)  DPS
5)  Build
20 × 50  all from shallow end.....
Work Capacity (1600m, 30mins)
Lane 3/2:
16 x 100 Fc  @  1:30 /1:40 as 4 x (4×100) Desc 1-4
Swap positions after each 4
Lane 1:
12 x 100 Fc
Speed (200m, 6 mins)
8 x 25 choice all out @ 0:30  swap round after 2
Loosen Down (200m, 4 mins)
Easy 200
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duncanloraine · 4 years
Friday 14th August
4 in a lane today. Be aware of who is around you. Work together in your lanes so that everyone gets out what they need from the session. Figure out a way to swap around at the walls so your teammate isn't always the one stranded out towards the flags. You're already doing a great job with this so please keep it going.
60 minute session split into 2 parts today
A) Pure technique focus. Two fundamentals: 1) mininum drag / max streamline & 2) applying appropriate force in the right direction. Keep these in mind throughout.
Here we go:
6 x 300
#1) Steady 50 Fc / 25 Bk to loosen up. Increase stroke length as you progress and maintain a strong steady kick
2) Fc BREATH. Rotate into breath early in the stroke cycle, rapid breath in then face straight back in the water. 1 goggle in / 1 goggle out on breath. Over rotation on breath leads to loss of streamline and propulsion -> it kills speed
3) Pull buoy @ ankles 100 Fc / 50 Bk. Engage core to keep buoy in place -> maintain a tight bodyline -> reduce drag = efficient swimming
4) Br: 50 as 3k1p / 25 broken / 25 swim easy on the legs if you're just getting back into it. Shoot arms forward aggressively into a tight line as the feet and lower legs catch and push back the water
5) Dolphin kick. w/FINS 100 on front abs w/snorkels / 100 on back / 100 on side Initiate the kick by pressing the chest down/up/out
6) Choice as 25 drill (anything come to mind from above work?) / 25 build
Speed Work
4 x [8 x 25] at 0:30 your choice of pace and stroke. Get from this set whatever you feel you need right now. Go off 15s gaps and you should fibd you're not at the wall at the same time as your teammates. At the end of each round move up one position.
Swim Down
50 scull/swim mix / 50 kick repeat until time is up......
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duncanloraine · 4 years
Weds 11th Aug
Warm up: 300 Fc/Bk by 25 + 200 Bk/Br by 25 + 100 IM
Main Set:
Focus on a strong core to control and drive the rotation. Work on feeling the connection from fingertips to toes through the core.
Try and keep HR @ 130-150, peaking @ 170-180 during the Desc. If this is your first time back in or have only done 2 or 3 sessions you might just want to feel your way into this mini set and not overdo it.
No take off times. Keep recoveries short to maintain 130-150 HR. Take longer rest between rounds and remember to carefully swap over to allow your teammate to get to the wall for their drink. Help each other out.
3 x thru'
3 x 100 Fc Core Rotation Series (90 rotation kick / 30 rotation kick / u/water recovery / o/water recovery (w/snorkels)
1 x 300 Fc DPS
3 x 100 Fc Desc. 1-3 HR 150-180
1 x 300 as 100 SA Bf / 100 Bk / 100 Br
If time:
8 x 25 choice @ 30s. Go off 15s intervals so you're always on your own at the wall.
400-600 swim down 59 swim / 50 kick. Swim = DPS Kick = focus on technique for propulsion
Remember you're all at different places with your pool fitness; work together in your lane so that everyone gets what they want from the session.
If you're struggling to keep up take a breather for 50 and always be aware of who is around you.
Overtaking is fine - quick tap on the toes then swap over at the turn with the passing swimmer either tumbling or turning away from the teammate being passed.
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duncanloraine · 4 years
Thursday 6th August
Warm up:
200Fc/150Bk/100Br - your choice of drill, pull, kick....mix it up. Focus is on connecting fingertips to toes thru strong, stable core
Core Rotation Progression
Using the core to drive and control the rotation.......
- 2x100 90/30/uwr/owr
- 2x50 as 25 dps/25 build
- 4×25 fast, strong swims
Walls: 5m in 10m out
DPS swims then fast through turn zone
- 12x75 Odds=Bf/Bk/Br; Evens=Bk/Br/Fc @ 1:20 / 1:1:30
Kick Speed
- (3x(4x50)) choice kick Desc 1-3 & hold for 4th @ 1:00 / :10
Paddle Head Drill
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