dungeons-n-muses · 15 days
“Don’t get too cocky now, it’s all an illusion.” He advised before focusing on his playing. So long as the song kept playing, and his concentration was true, the illusion would stay.
The song went on without a hitch and ended up drawing more of a crowed than usual for this time of day.
Shmen waited till his new friend was clear off the stage when he was due off to stop playing and give his fingers a break. Thankfully he was playing at night. Like clockwork, the illusion that one drew so many folks to the crowd poofed away and Zidane was back to his normal self.
“Well I was wrong to judge you.” The man from before said still baffled from the draw he pulled in so quickly. “You may not have any credentials kid but you have talent and such a way with the crowd.” He gave the lad a pat on the shoulder before plopping back down on his chair. Still in a state of disbelief of what had happened.
“A-right, tell your friend he’ll be on later tonight and I’ll pay you soon as he finishes with his show.”
“So how’d it go?” Shmendrick asked, handing his companion a mug of the festivals specialty “A Sun’s Glory”, a type of enchanted cider.
A guy named bard
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dungeons-n-muses · 16 days
While this wasn’t the song from the list he had expected him to choose, Shmend went on playing. In an instant, a magical (but harmless) puff of smoke engulfed the bard on stage.
In an instant, all those who were watching saw an instant transformation on stage, his clothes were clean and glistening, a bit of stage makeup done to his face, and jewelry added to his tail. By the time he hit the chorus, he became the most attractive person within a mile radious and no one could resist him.
Suddenly new fans flocked to him as though he’d been a seasoned performer making a comeback. Hoping for any sort of attention from their new favorite singer.
“Works every time.”
A guy named bard
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dungeons-n-muses · 16 days
Make my muse talk about one of their...
✨ Deep interests ⚽ Hobbies 🧠 Expertise 🏆 Achievements 💀 Failures ☀️ Hopes / wishes 🔥 Fears / worries 💥 Regrets 💗 Relationships / lovers 💚 Friends / family members ⚔️ Enemies / rivals 👑 Role models / mentors ✔️ Merits ❌ Flaws ❗ Defining life events
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dungeons-n-muses · 17 days
𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 (a collection of prompts for muses who just love to flirt. Feel free to adjust phrasing and gendered terms as necessary) 
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"Let me distract you."
"Let's misbehave."
"I can't stop thinking about you."
"Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back."
"I'm putting you on my to-do list."
"I'd look good on you."
"Don't bite your lip, I want to do that."
"Do you have a name or can I just call you mine?"
"I seem to have lost my number, can I have yours?"
"You're even more beautiful than yesterday."
"Shouldn't you be in my bed?"
"Trouble never looked so goddamn fine."
"You're a bad idea, but I like bad ideas."
"Maybe we should just kiss to break the tension."
"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun."
"You're a shy little thing, aren't you?"
"Let's flip coins. Head, I'm yours. Tails, you're mine."
"Smile is the second best thing you can do with your lips."
"Your lips would look so much better on mine."
"You know we should save some water, shower together."
"You like me because I'm a scoundrel."
"I'll do anything for a woman with a knife."
"The fastest way to shut me up is to kiss me."
"I just want you to be happy! And perhaps a little bit naked."
"I like my bed, but I'd rather be in yours."
"Are you cake? 'Cause I want a piece of that."
"Your shirt has to go, but you can stay."
"You owe me a drink because when I saw you I dropped mine."
"You must be tired, because you've been running through my mind all day."
"Maybe making out for a few minutes would help us figure things out."
"Stop saying things that make me want to kiss the hell out of you."
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dungeons-n-muses · 22 days
The half elf let out a brief chuckle before thinking for a moment. "Well I could give you some of my songs. Granted the ones that don't require magic are often sung with drunken company. Not necessarily appropriate in the morning..." The bard pondered for a moment before snapping his fingers.
"I got it!" He exclaimed, "Had almost forgotten this from back when I was a boy. It'll take some illusion magic to get the party started, but I can handle that." He said waving his hand. "The question is, how fast a learner are you?"
Come the day they were due to preform. Vendors were set and selling, people from all wighbiring villages were pouring in to find places to spend the next few nights, and the main stage was fully built and decorated.
Over the past few days with the commissions he had gathered, all the extra coin he gathered allowed Shmendrick to purchase some upgrades to the duos outfits. So they’d look at least show ready when they were called on.
“Alright. So I’ll be by the crowd, whatever you see, keep singing… unless it’s an obvious threat.” He said just as the shorter of the two was being introduced to the people.
A guy named bard
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dungeons-n-muses · 2 months
As the two made their way out, Shmendrick couldn’t help but chuckle at the fact that he managed to get that to work. “Well we’re both on different shifts. So we won’t be on the stage at the same time. ‘Less boss man changes his mind. For now I’ve got a few ideas but I’m more curious about your game plan.” He admitted. “I won’t be able to teach you much in the magic department in the next few days till our show apart from simple tricks vs the magic I’ve had to master over years of observation and study.”
A guy named bard
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dungeons-n-muses · 2 months
At this point, the man let out a tired sigh and held out his hand as an indication to ask him to stop.
“Alright. Here’s the thing, I don’t like that you don’t have any credentials on you. However, given that your friend is willing to vouch for you, I’ll make an exception. The first day is always rough. People are more interested in the venues than the stage. If you can draw in a decent crowd by noon the day the festival I’ll let you stick around. I’ll have your friend take the afternoon shift. If I like what I see he’ll stay also. Sound good?” He then asked.
A guy named bard
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dungeons-n-muses · 2 months
Though the man was ready to kick out the lad, Shmendrick stepped in. “What he lacks in magical prowess he has in raw talent my good man. You heard him, his troop was from a far exotic land, such a place can only contain tales that would astound even the driest of souls during this joyous occasion, isn’t the right my friend?” He asked turning to Zidaine hoping he’d catch on to his game.
A guy named bard
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dungeons-n-muses · 2 months
“Tantalus Theatre Troupe…” the man mumbled as though he was trying to recollect a lost memory though unsuccessfully. “Doesn’t ring any bells. Do you have a particular college?” He asked as he went back to his papers.
Shmen thinking his friend might not know the bard lingo here, leaned over to whisper “He’s asking if you studied to add any magic to your musical performance.”
A guy named bard
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dungeons-n-muses · 2 months
yet another multimuse questionnaire
Do you like connecting some muses together or are they all independent from the other?
Which muse do you see yourself using more often?
Is there any any themes, tropes, or cliches that you like giving to muses?
Are there any relationships among your own muses? If so, tell us more!
Any muses you had to revise or any you think you need to?
List some random facts about any muse of your choice!
Are there certain muses you like using for certain types of prompts (fluff, serious, angst, ect).
For OC characters, what is some inspirations or the thoughts sparked up your OC? Any of your choice.
For canon characters, tell what drew you to use a character to make them a muse? Any of your choice.
Do you prefer it when people have a specific muse they wish to interaction with or do you like to do it by random?
Have you ever drew any of your muses, if so can you show a drawing?
Do you have any new muses in the works? If you so, can you tell us about them?
Which of your muses you think is best for me to interact with?
Which of your muses is the easiest to get along with? Which one are the hardest?
Have there ever been a muse you stopped using? If so, have you ever thought about bringing back?
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dungeons-n-muses · 2 months
“Well if it’s not your expertise, you can try to find some other listings on the board and we can meet up later. I don’t want you potentially hurting yourself before a show.” He joked as he headed towards the stage. In hopes to find someone in charge.
It was a bit of a challenge as the stagehands all pointed to different directions, but eventually he found someone in a leader position.
“Good morning sir. Don’t suppose you have any room for two performers on your stage for your festivities?” He asked.
“Depends?” The man asked. His face buried in a mass of paperwork. “Do either of you have any credentials?”
“Well I do have some Spirit College under my belt. I’m also known by many as Shmendrick. Perhaps you’ve heard of my famous melody of my encounter of the famous Fae creature?” He asked
The man looked up with a cocked eyebrow. “No and I don’t wish to hear a demonstration… but you’re in the small amount of people who actually have any proper training… I guess I could put you in during one of our nights.” He then looked to Zidane “And you?”
A guy named bard
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dungeons-n-muses · 2 months
“Well I’m thinking I’ll help some of these folks build their stands and with the time I have left do some night time preforming. If you’re more a preferment then you can try to take someday shifts. I know those are longer since most festival activity doesn’t happen till around sunset.” Shmen explained, folding the building offers and saving them in his pocket.
“But if we’re both preforming. We might as well talk to the stage manager together.” He said before getting up.
A guy named bard
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dungeons-n-muses · 2 months
Thinking nothing of the little hand tug, Shmendrick headed out of the bar and towards the marketplace.
From there he noticed quite a few more people than before. As to be expected. But what he didn’t expect was people setting things up. People building new stands, games being set up, a line of people working on a series of intricately woven grass and flowers that were going to be strung up. Though upon checking the job board, his questions were answered.
Jobs upon jobs requesting help for builders, food vendors, game operators, fight stoppers, and entertainers! Taking a few off the board, he began to read them over. “I could get some of these building jobs done pretty quickly and depending on whenever this festival is I could be done by nightfall.” He explained. “How about you? Anything peak your interest?”
A guy named bard
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dungeons-n-muses · 2 months
“Well, I’m planning to look for any job boards. Looking for any way of getting back some coin in my pocket before I head back out on the trail.” He explained, patting his pocket for emphasis. “You’re welcome to join me, though I must confess I only know how to get to the market and local bath house from here. My guess it’ll be around the markets though.”
A guy named bard
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dungeons-n-muses · 2 months
Completely stopping in his tracks, Shmendrick made a 180 and headed back. “Right. Sorry about that. Guess I’m not used to having someone to travel with.” He said jokingly rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.
While it wasn’t exactly true that he had traveled by himself his whole life, it had been a good while since he had someone else to traverse with. And one other person wasn’t exactly a troop of people.
A guy named bard
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dungeons-n-muses · 2 months
Though it was certainly something he’d never heard of before, he was willing to give it a sip. The texture wasn’t much to his liking so he handed it to his new companion. “Appreciate the offer but I’m not much of a fan it seems.” He said, waving one of his hands in a friendly gesture.
After finishing up, Shmendrick got up and stretched out. “Well, I’m gonna go look for any job boards. You’re free to tag along if you’d like.” He offered.
A guy named bard
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dungeons-n-muses · 2 months
“Water is always free thankfully but if you want something else. You best try your luck with your currency.” He said before asking for a couple of waters. “We run on the pieces system here. Copper, silver, and gold. Copper being the most common and least valuable. Gold is most valuable, and silver is the middle ground. Each are formed into different shapes so you can’t just toss a piece of raw material to someone. Unless it’s gold of course.” Shmendrick explained before taking a sip.
A guy named bard
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