dungeonspiration · 2 days
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Oozader – Small ooze, chaotic evil
″The Order of the Gooze!″ the slimy knight babbles – barely comprehensible and dripping with bitter irony. For the oozader knows no order. It is a walking mockery of every honorable champion and noble-minded hero. Chaos controls its eldritch mind, malevolence moves its wobbly legs and wickedness wields its caustic sword. Shaped from the same matter as the infamous gooze, the oozader lives to absorb life itself. Its purpose is a vile one, its emergence heralds a great evil. Regardless of all the destruction it may cause it is merely a foul foretaste of what is to come…
🔮 If you like my work, kindly consider to support me on Patreon to gain access to monster pages, tokens & artwork of over 300 quirky creatures as well as dozens of potion & item cards based on their lore.
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dungeonspiration · 3 months
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Bridge of the Three Brothers by David Metzger
Check out Tabletop Gaming Resources for more art, tips, and tools for your game!
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dungeonspiration · 3 months
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⚔️ 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Arm of Balaria
Weapon (quarterstaff), uncommon (requires attunement by a monk) ___
The ends of this quarterstaff are topped with brass hands. Whenever you would make an unarmed strike, you can make a special attack with the weapon instead; this special attack counts as an unarmed strike and uses the damage die for your unarmed strikes as normal. When you make this special attack using the quarterstaff, your reach with the weapon is increased by 5 feet.
The staff’s hands can change into different positions or gestures. Each position allows you to change your unarmed strike’s damage type with it: bludgeoning damage (clenched fist), piercing damage (finger point), or slashing damage (hand chop). Whenever you make an unarmed strike with the staff, you can change the gesture of the respective hand as part of the attack. ___
✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon’s Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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dungeonspiration · 4 months
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Recursive Magic Items
I've been working on a number of projects, but none of them are ready to be revealed quite yet. So, have something silly instead.
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dungeonspiration · 7 months
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⚔️ 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Life’s Edge
Weapon (greatsword), legendary (requires attunement by a paladin) ___
At the center of this brilliant, silver sword is a deep groove which leads down to an open gap in its hilt. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Whenever you harness the healing power of your Lay on Hands while holding the weapon, a glimmering sphere of holy light radiates from the center of the blade.
While holding this weapon, whenever you spend hit points from your Lay on Hands pool to heal another creature, you also regain 1d6 hit points for every 10 hit points you restore to the other creature. When you slay a creature with a challenge rating of 5 or higher using this sword, your Lay on Hands pool regains a number of hit points equal to twice the creature’s challenge rating.
You can also use the hit points from your Lay on Hands pool in the following ways while holding the blade.
𝙍𝙚𝙗𝙪𝙠𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜. When another creature that you can see within your aura magically regains hit points, you can use your reaction to spend any number of hit points from your Lay on Hands pool. The amount of hit points restored to the creature is reduced by that amount.
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧. You can use an action to spend 40 hit points from your Lay on Hands pool to cast the “guardian of faith” spell, which has the following changes. Whenever a friendly creature enters a space within 10 feet of the guardian or starts its turn there, it can choose to gain up to 20 temporary hit points. If you have 17 or more levels in the paladin class, the radius of this effect increases to 30 feet. When the combined number of hit points granted as temporary hit points or dealt as radiant damage reaches 60, the guardian vanishes. ___
✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon’s Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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dungeonspiration · 8 months
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The Lost Library by Spectralicy
It's Community Spotlight time! This time bringing long-forgotten lore to your tabletop. Can you navigate the maze, solve its puzzles, and escape this perilous tomb of tomes? 📚
→ Download them here!
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dungeonspiration · 9 months
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High res versions of the art, a Foundry VTT module, and other formats, as well as a full compendium of our 100+ items can be found on our Patreon
Observer's Cowl
While the screeching call of a majestic bird is often cause for excitement, there are a few that make things a bit more… terrifying. Ruling the skyways, the Drudgework Observers have come to be known as a terrifyingly perfect scout for skyfaring dwarves. Outfitted with the latest in optical tech, some conniving individual saw fit to repurpose that technology for use in a helm. Clever I must say, if a bit daring. One does wonder where they got the parts.
If you want to see more of our items you can check us out on our Website, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Bluesky, Threads or Instagram where we post them regularly. You can also find us at our Discord server where you can hang out and chat with the community.
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dungeonspiration · 10 months
Limit Break - An Experimental 5e OPTIONAL feature
I posted a while about an experimental feature for 5e that lets players do things not accounted for by the rules, or lets them do Cool Shit™ they wouldn't ordinarily be able to do! This is the VERY rough draft, while I work on tables of consequences for DM's that struggle with improvising or creating such elements off-hand.
Feedback is welcome, but if you're a dick about it, I'll block or ignore you as usual. I know it has been a while since I posted new original content, and this is a new feature/system to tack on to your games, so PLEASE feel free to reblog it for additional exposure so I can get more feedback. More feedback and more exposure means more original content, in the long run!
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dungeonspiration · 10 months
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who builds a city inside a volcano?
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dungeonspiration · 1 year
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Subclasseptember 2023, Day 14 - Briar, Sacred Arm of the World Tree
Another item, this time a nature-themed, portal-making sword.
Pretty simple idea, this one; giving it its own cool pseudo-maneuvers with a suitable plant theme (as well as a free casting of the legendarily underwhelming Grasping Vine).
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dungeonspiration · 1 year
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💎 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Amulet of the Platinum Fang
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) ___
A single fang—said to be from a deific dragon—hangs on this platinum necklace. The tooth itself is cracked but repaired with molten platinum, sealing it together and retaining its inherent magic. You have resistance to radiant damage while wearing this amulet. In addition, whenever a spell restores hit points to you, you also gain 1d6 + 4 temporary hit points.
𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙢 𝘼𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩. While wearing the amulet, you can use an action to call forth an instantaneous, spectral maw of a platinum dragon. Make a melee spell attack with the maw against a target within 15 feet of you, using a +10 spell attack bonus. On a hit, the target takes 2d10 + 10 force damage plus 4d6 radiant damage. Once you’ve used this property, you can’t do so again until the next dawn.
If you’re a dragonborn, you can choose to use this property in place of your breath weapon. When you do, it can’t be used again until you finish a short or long rest, instead of the next dawn. If you use your normal breath weapon, you can choose for it to deal radiant damage, instead of its normal damage type. ___
✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon’s Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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dungeonspiration · 1 year
-Campaign Prep-
Session 0: everyone makes a character at level 3. They have the understanding that this will be an undead heavy game. They do not need their characters to have known each other prior to session 1.
Session .5: each character is sent a letter requesting their services. The letter gives a small detail of what their particular forte will be needed for as well as other general services. The setter if signed "Sincerely, your hopeful Grimm Patron."
Each letter gives specific instructions to meet for further details at a particular inn situated next to the town church. They are to greet the innkeeper and request to see the wine cellar to select a drink for the evening.
Session 1: each player introduces their character one at a time and how they approach the inn. They each get to make their way to the innkeeper and are escorted to the "wine cellar" where there is a dining table situated on a raised bed of loose soil. When all players have been introduced and taken a seat at their assigned chair, the Grimm Patron will appear at the head of the table.
The Grimm Patron is a heavily obscured figure ith full body wrappings. Thier voice is deep and gutteral. They tell the party that they have received knees of a necromancer in the area. They have been robbing the graveyard of the local church with the assistance of short men and are using the stolen remains for necromantic experiments.
For their assistance, the party will be compensated 150 gp each from the coffers of the church via an anonymous benefactor of the church, and will each receive a reserved cemetery plot of thier choice in the graveyard--should they ever need it. There may also be further work opportunities, should the party succeed in investigating the matter.
Session 1 continues by having the party question three townspeople that have heard strange rumors regarding a shack in the woods where the necromancer might be operating. Rumors include strange sounds, that children play in the woods and often camp out there and they seem fine, and one old farmer that remembers a family that used to live out there but they went missing. Session concludes with a fight with a lone ghoul just inside the forest (if they are led there properly).
Session 2: the party ventures deeper into the forest, past various potential undead encounters and natural threats. They reach the "shack", a rundown cottage in a suspiciously circular clearing where no plants grow. It's just dirt underfoot and a lush canopy of live woven branches overhead. Within the 300 feet radius of the cottage, players take an additional 1 necrotic damage whenever they take any other damage and have disadvantage on constitution saving throws versus magical effects.
The cottage is empty but has evidence that a family used to live there a long time ago (around the time when the town was founded). Beneath a broken bedframe is a trapdoor that leads to a cave system.
Within the cave system is dark cavern where three duergar and six children (all nine are indistinguishable from each other without close inspection) are working under a necromancer to prepare a single well crafted undead. The necromancer isn't particularly powerful, but the "small men" are very defensive of the necromancer. The duergar are being paid and the children are charmed.
While the necromancer is fending off the party, the well crafted undead rises and escapes as quietly as possible. His priority is to make sure that his creation escapes safely. He can be killed, or he can escape after his creation does. The necromancer isn't particularly invested in killing the party.
After this encounter, the party can content with the children who are no longer charmed and the duergar who have lost their employer (either to death or escape). The duergar have been tunneling under the graveyard to steal bodies from underground, while the children have been charmed to help build undead and not tell their families what they're up to.
The party levels up to 4.
Further sessions: the Grimm Patron is the graveyard grim, a dog spirit that guards the bodies of the dead. It has taken a humanoid Anubis form to hire mercenaries to assist it since it cannot leave the graveyard (hence the soil in the wine cellar). The undead creation is a pale widow, an undead that charms victims to kill and make into loyal undead servants. The necromancer is the dad from the cottage family, the pale widow is the soul of his wife stuffed into a new body. The grim is the family dog, left behind and the first thing buried in the church graveyard. The family has unfinished business with a vampiric fey that stole thier children, and cannot rest and will continue to reanimate through their respective curses until the fey is slain and their children's souls are freed.
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dungeonspiration · 1 year
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First Post on this Platform! It's a new one too, I wanted to make a gun witch, so here we are!
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dungeonspiration · 1 year
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A challenge is ahead. Minor Arcana - 7 of Wands
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dungeonspiration · 1 year
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dungeonspiration · 1 year
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In the Court of the Forest King by Symbaroum Art Team
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dungeonspiration · 1 year
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all my swordtember 2022 designs! ⚔️
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