duri-sawbones · 4 years
「  Spade Territory; Working at the Triage Centre 」.
⤷ @its-max-okay​
Jeo Duri hated Tournament Day. 
The special day held by the Spade ruled Arena was popular amongst fighters and lowrankers wanting to earn a spot higher on the social ladder, given that it was owned by the military style faction meant that plenty of civilians and soldiers came through the doors of the Triage Centre with more than just a few broken bones. Considering that it went on every two weeks, he should be used to it however Duri couldn’t possibly be. He couldn’t even be judgemental towards those lower ranked that participated, knowing what it was like to be so desperate for food rations, items, or money though he had never come so close to risking his own life this way.
The first patient wheeled in front of Duri was already a hard one, a struggle to distinguish what exactly he was looking at other than just blood and torn flesh coming from what should be the soldier’s arm. His abhorrence towards the sight of blood and gore should be something of the past but Duri still visibly flinched whenever a badly hurt patient came in with extreme injuries where one could see more flesh and bone than skin. 
The silver glow that emitted from Duri’s fingertips was shaky at best, fortunately the skin was starting to stick itself back together and the flesh tones of skin was beginning to dominate what was once only red. Though unlike the stitching and weaving that it should be doing, Duri’s powers always made it look more like a hot glue gun had gone to town on the person and stuck the pieces back together.
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Oh no. 
Vision flaking from reality it was offering an oil painting of red and tan brush strokes swirling together into an abstract kaleidoscope, he shouldn’t still be seeing things after last night. Squeezing his eyes shut, if the hallucinations could just stop for a second then maybe he could actually see through his blurry vision to finish healing. He had to finish, abandoning the patient would cause too much attention. The scar that would remain will be a raised mess worse than what he normally produced, evidence that he was definitely not himself. At least the patient would live.
Taking a step back from the gurney, somehow Duri was able to find the leading emitter without too much trouble. Hand finding her arm, the Nine wasn’t even paying attention at what she was doing.
“Uh, Max... I- I need to take a breath.” He stuttered out, knowing that his actions will be frowned upon by any students watching on.
Looking like Van Goghs in contempt, their faces meant very little to him. He averted his gaze from Max’s, the one face that would matter even if it was made of paints and canvas than body. To be disappointment to the Queen, the face card that sponsored his very being here, he feared would mean a question would be raised on his place there with the Spades.
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duri-sawbones · 4 years
「  Spade Territory; Outside the Triage Centre 」.
⤷ @phoenixkadeu​
From outside the Triage Centre, the golden hues of a man’s blond hair shone underneath the midday sun as he was clearly trying to get inside. It wasn’t without a few nosey eyes looking shamelessly at the interaction between the man and the guards, the place of healing and education was limited to only members of the Spade faction. One of the few bystanders just so happened to be Jeo Duri, an assistant emitter for the centre. 
Duri had been on his return from Barracks to the Triage Centre, a familiar pathway for the Nine of Spades, the male having taken time out of his work day to meet with one of the members in charge of room assignments. The conversation regarding getting a better room had left Duri in a slightly bitter mood. 
Obviously not a Spade. He thought to himself, understanding instantly as to why an individual would not be granted access to enter the Triage Centre. Pitying those non Spades that come there, from years of observation Duri has come to understand that more often than not those who are trying to enter need medical help. It seemed as though that his day was not going nearly as bad as this blond man’s was, involving himself in their problems would not be a wise move for the healer but despite that, it would go against Duri’s nature to simply ignore them. There was no real way for Duri to ignore the male anyways, not without it being painfully obvious while they were blocking his way from going through the doors into the Triage Centre as it was. 
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Approaching head on, Duri was not worried about the fact that he did not currently don his armour but wore comfortable fighting leathers personalised with his rank marked on the shoulder, an unusual taste for the Spades faction. The guards were there though, should he have to rely on someone to save him while he was without any physical protection. 
“State what your business is here.” He half demanded - half questioned bluntly, his distain for a non Spade was practically non existent and definitely not nearly as severe as the guards’ but he needed to gauge if there was a reason good enough for him to lend them his help. 
Wanting to remain stoic, the hardened look on the Spade’s face momentarily fell as he saw the small animal, a cat, in the other man’s arms. 
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duri-sawbones · 4 years
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duri-sawbones · 4 years
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If we keep our eyes closed then can we call it a dream?
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