dustfeather-sphynx · 2 years
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dustfeather-sphynx · 2 years
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first of all WHAT
wait oh my god are we– are those eggs from unhatched nests from clans that got destroyed?? is that why g1s have no parents?? WHY DID YOU TELL ME ABOUT THIS
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dustfeather-sphynx · 2 years
brushes dust off
dunno if anyone still follows this but i am Considering Coming Back lmao so stay tuned
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dustfeather-sphynx · 2 years
Lore Connections Discord Server
I went ahead and did it so...
This discord server is meant to help encourage lore connections and create a safe place for folks to meet and talk about their lore and create connections. Once you find a partner, you are always free to dip or stay!
There is a ProBoards site attached with it if you want to use it. This is a super low stress server that only exists to make finding a lore partner(s) easier! And making new friends.
Important: This server is 18+ only. Those there so far are adults and we would prefer to rp with adults only... I apologize to any minors out there, but this is how it be.
Feel free to join us!
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dustfeather-sphynx · 4 years
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Accessing I Pastebin link
A little vista-friendly bio code as I get excited for Thundercrack!
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dustfeather-sphynx · 5 years
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Auto-Formatted Bio Theme: ‘Data Dump’
I’ve been messing with auto-formatting bio themes lately, because why not?
This one is based off my personal bio theme where I wanted something low on custom graphics but heavy on info. :| There’s options for all the extra bits though, so it can go from ‘please stop scrolling’ to just bare-bones.
If you decide to use it: I’ve tested most things I can think of, but especially since this is only the second one I’ve done, I’d love any feedback about ease of use or if something’s acting funky.
Google Sheets link here! (You’ll need to make your own copy to use it. The first tab will get you started).
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dustfeather-sphynx · 5 years
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[slams door down after months of radio silence] GRABBY HANDS
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dustfeather-sphynx · 6 years
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arcanist’s abandoned // 561001
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dustfeather-sphynx · 6 years
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For @carnifex-rising​ of Mellori!
Still got 3 free spots!
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dustfeather-sphynx · 6 years
http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=dragon&id=8097&did=8359903 Precious wolfmom!!! thank you so much for this!!
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Dragon stickers!
First 5 to reblog with a dragon will get one for free. (And they will be used as examples for my art shop, which is being revamped.)
Look out for more free promotions such as this in the near future~!
Check out the shop here! I’m still open for commissions, just revamping my examples and assets currently.
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dustfeather-sphynx · 6 years
take ur pick or all out offff sayen shahbanu vesper saevus kuranes serannian no some of these arent biased hush
bless you az ok let’s start
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she’s from an isolated village on the snowsquall tundra.
she was… pretty violently abused in her childhood, and confined to a cage for most of her life.
she made friends with a snowy owl—when her pet was discovered, it was killed immediately.
no one knows how the hell she got to the castle and what happened in-between her time in the village and now.
her spine is all sorts of messed up and pokes out painfully. she won’t let anyone get close enough to figure out what’s wrong.
she’s sort of an all-purpose servant, but her specialty is raising birds. she manages to make herself moderately useful by raising them for eggs and meat, and training them to send messages and scavenge.
she’s survived this long in the hyper-competitive castle culture by keeping her head to the ground and minding her own damn business.
she’s a favourite servant among those with birds. kast and hakan like her.
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shahbanu is among the oldest of the castle’s residents.
she tried to show her loyalty to queen decay by cutting out her own eyes, but rumours are that the lightweaver took offence to shahbanu’s betrayal—hence why light spots form all around shahbanu’s body.
they are very sensitive and burn painfully when they sense light, but in total darkness they multiply and grow even more sensitive.
shahbanu gave up on covering them as a result. it just made the pain worse, whereas exposing them desensitizes them slowly.
she wears less clothing than most as a result. oh, and her real eyes ended up regenerating, along with a really big light spot on her forehead.
she stills considers herself loyal to decay and decay alone.
her long time in plague has warped her body into a mutated mess, but not as much as vigdis and cynbel. she has quills growing everywhere, usually hidden under her feathers. when she gets riled up, they stick up. she’s also covered in varicose veins and presumably benign tumours.
cynbel, vigdis, and shahbanu form the trio of plaguewarped/plaguetouched skydancers called the castle’s ‘angels’.
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sad girl, too good for this world, too pure.
born shadetouched, the shade was expelled from her body at a young age.
it lasted for a week before coming back, taking the form of a colony of black honeybees.
the bees burrowed into her skin, turning her into a living hive. they make honey. vesper used to sell it for money on purgare’s illegal goods exchange.
trelawney kept her as an experiment. why decay even allowed it… I’m still thinking about it, actually.
she was scorned by the castle and begged the gods that be for a friend. then a strange skydancer from arcane wandered into the castle and sort of stuck around. they had kids a few times, although Vesper always had an off feeling about her new friend.
turns out she still had a weak link to the shade, and it granted her wish by brainwashing a stranger from a different country and convincing them to find her.
oh, then her family died (you know about this!!!), severing the link between her and the shade. the only reason she wasn’t really affected by it up to that point was because of her link to it through her family, so when they died, the chains came loose.
the shade bees abruptly left her body and killed her friend/mate-not-mate—the only reason they didn’t kill anyone else was because of a certain slimy red spiral we all know and love.
vesper knew damn well that the tolerance she was just barely shown in the castle was out the fucking window that moment. she went from second-class citizen to fugitive, and ran as far as she damn could.
she’s still on the run. most of the castle will kill her if they find her.
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saevus followed vesper because dammit, they were friends! and saevus wasn’t really well-liked in the castle either because of it.
saevus isn’t actually shadetouched. she’s very resistant to it. not decayspawn levels of resistance, but still, pretty high.
the shade did attack her as a child, and it did severe damage to her face and neck. she wears the wolf pelt to cover it. removing it is enough to throw her into a violent frenzy.
she’s super friendly and a good leader. very charismatic! vesper and sera, despite being older than saevus, are happy to defer to her. she’s pretty much the leader of the small group.
the markings on her body are tattoos. she got the idea in a dream, visited a sketchy tattoo parlour one day, and the rest is history. vesper chewed out kuranes later because damn it he had something to do with it. still no indication of being shadetouched, thankfully.
she hunts for vesper and sera and herself, but loves to splurge what little spending money she has on good food.
was mostly raised by vesper and serannian.
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-͡ ̛͜҉y̷̢o̸u͘ ̵͞k̢nǫ̕w̕͠ ͝ev̸e̴ŕy̨̢͜t̷͠҉h̢́i͘n̢̛͟g ̨́t̴͘h̵er̵̶̨e̴҉ ͘͠͞ì̡s̀͢ t̷͏o̵̶ ̡͟͜k̷̕n̸̛̛ow̡ a҉͜b̷̛͢o̸u͡t͡͡ ̛͠͡him͜ ̧́͞y̶o͜͠u’̸̀v́͝͏e͘͢ ̢̕j͘ư҉̧s͝t foŕ͟g̕͢ǫ̡t͟t̵̸é̕͡n̷ iţ ̴ì̸n ̡̢ą͡ ̷c̷͏h͠i͞ļ̴͜d́͠h̴͠o͟o̸d ̸̸̡d͢͞r҉eà͘͠m̀͡
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like vesper, she was kept by trelawney as another experiment.
since expelling the shade didn’t work as intended, trelawney tried to seal it inside serannian.
it mostly worked! she has some funky eyes going down her side now, though.
… if you look through the pupils of the eyes going down her side, you can see into the dreamscape. sometimes a flash of red and purple flies by.
good at sensing leylines.
very nervous. the anxiety to vesper’s depression.
likes pretty, shiny things. saevus gives her jewellery to cheer her up.
actually kuranes’ niece. he’s sort of protective over her. it would be more heartwarming if it wasn’t kuranes.
talks a lot about a dragon named celephais. vesper and saevus think celephais is some sort of imaginary friend serannian made up. kuranes says nothing.
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dustfeather-sphynx · 6 years
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Previous | First
So I sat down and finished this, it only too 100 years. It feels nice to get this all down and written, now I can move on to the fun stuff I’ve been planing for the past year!!
Pings: @carnifex-rising @deadlanddisciple @murdoch-fr @clockworktophat-fr @unkorea@kattafr@avalonianrising @jadedragons @majestyrising@webwing-alpha @fusefr​ @jollyroger-fr @hellkite-fr​ 
Warnings: Violence 
Bathsheba paced furiously across the red soil, raking her claws through the earth. Her frantic walking was not from anxiety, but from impatience. After years of waiting and searching, her time had finally come.
A safe distance behind her, the entire clan was watching. Safely behind a makeshift camp of logs and a solitary tent, they waited with baited breath, holding their loved ones close. A quiet hush was over the crowd for today was the day; the plan would work and the clan would be saved,
Or it would be the day they all died.
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dustfeather-sphynx · 6 years
sweater mom is so powerful she could punch me in the face and id say thanks
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The ideal form of sweater mum would be the eyes that show all the SHIT she’s absorbed over the years. 
@carnifex-rising @deadlanddisciple @littleshroomclan @jollyroger-fr @aightweaver @fusefr
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dustfeather-sphynx · 6 years
carnifex 8097
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The winner receives: Vial of Glowing Sight x 1, Vial of Scattersight x1, Night Sky Silks Bundle x1, Tertiary Gene: Gembond x1
To enter, reblog this post once with your username and number. The giveaway will end on Saturday, June 9 at 8 PM EST.
“Courtier, what have you done now?”
A cluster of dragons surrounded Gilt in the Etherium’s atrium. Courtier lounged on a pile of silk nearby, smugly polishing his gembonding as he ignored the hubbub that engulfed his rival Skydancer. He didn’t look up at Eidolon’s question, by now accustomed to regular interrogations from the commander of the guard.
“Don’t worry,” he sneered, admiring a particularly large, shiny gem on his forearm. “The pustules will stop seeping. Eventually.”
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dustfeather-sphynx · 6 years
@carnifex-rising @deadlanddisciple @jollyroger-fr @littleshroomclan 
@fusefr for mention of Xochispawn 
(because you guys are the only people who pay attention to this dump anyway) 
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dustfeather-sphynx · 6 years
...rm svi slfhv am̢on̵g the wol͠v̛e͝s̡ , hdvvg k͟a͟lea̵  dzrgh wivznrmt..
@deadlanddisciple @jollyroger-fr @unkorea @lifeandtalesoflittleden
Crimson Serpent. Shade-Touched Prince. Lord of Nightmares.
Fear was frequent in Lykaia’s life. Fear of never living up to her legacy, fear of those she loved dying, fear of failure--a common feeling that settled deep into her bones and coursed in her blood until it was just another aspect of her, tangled up and interwoven. She felt fear, but usually distantly, usually only where the tips of her wings itched in the air, where her plague eye burned and ached in the morning sometimes, where she could feel lightning course at her claw tips, tainted with ill infection.
But now the fear was back in full force.
Why do you help the Wolf anyway? What can she do for you. You will still have your nightmares.
Look for the Jackal in your dreams. It will not harm you like the Snake will.
I will not let you come to harm.
You will come to me. Or I make Mellori's choice for her.
What had she done?
She thought she had the Serpent’s game figured out--she knew him, intimately, in ways she wish she didn’t. They had gone back and forth so many times before--He always knew more, she was always catching up, until finally, finally, she stopped.
She left.
And he turned to other targets.
Mellori and her daughters. Pogona, a stranger she had never heard of. Surely Namira would experience the nightmares soon. The dream-taste of the Serpent’s blood was sour in her mouth, even now in the waking. Kuranes would make Mellori’s choice for her?
She didn’t want to know what he would choose. The Houndmistress grew more agitated by the day, pacing and hunting and keeping her daughters close as wars waged in battlefronts she couldn’t fight in. Every day she wandered further, hoping to catch the scent of the Serpent on the wind.
It was when Kalea woke up from another nightmare that Mellori went to Lykaia, quiet and afraid, and Lykaia did not know the Houndmistress ever knew fear.
“She keeps dreaming of him,” Mellori said, softly. “He speaks to her, tells her things, shows her pathways to walk. She holds out for now, but Alpha--” An old title, a familiar one that Lykaia hated and one that Mellori had not used in so long, a title for deference towards this other dragon who was the only one who could aid her children--”He will sway her. I know my daughter. I know the nightmares he brings. I can not find him in this world.”
“He sees to come see you in this world. Go or do not, I don’t care. I’ve served many others before, and if it would protect my children, I am not afraid to follow the Serpent’s lead. Tell him this. Tell him he can have me if he leaves my children be.”
Lykaia was silent as she listened--the wildclaw looked exhausted, defeated. Fresh scars still littered her hide from her near death experience at the hands of the First Seed, only healed a few weeks prior by the aid of the Wired Claws. They abandoned the train when the nightmares first started--Mellori would not entangle her saviors in this warfare, this battlefront even she could not fight in.
“I won’t let him hurt Kalea any longer, Houndmistress. I swear.” Lykaia said quietly. Another promise to break.
The Houndmistress looked at the imperial levelly, seeing the expression in her eyes, and collected herself. Returned to the neutral, cold demeanor the Houndmistress often maintained. No more weakness traced the wildclaw’s features. She nodded once, turned and left.
And Lykaia knew that Mellori did not believe her.
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dustfeather-sphynx · 6 years
little short, been a Night
@unkorea @deadlanddisciple @littleshroomclan @jollyroger-fr
Kalea brightened slightly, "Oh, a brother! It's nice to meet you." She scrambled upright, wobbling a bit as her vision blurred at the sudden sharp movement, but righting herself quickly enough. "Kyrja probably told you my name, what's yours?" Kyrja fixed her attention on Heng, tail twitching slightly. It wasn't her call to make the decision, and now that their mother felt better, she was grateful to have the weight of the decision making off of her shoulders. "That'd be best to ask Mom herself. The Pack has always followed her lead. Still..." She considered the options. It'd be a safe place to stay, if only temporarily, and it'd allow Kalea and Mellori to rest. "I'm sure it would be a pragmatic move." Mellori frowned, a flicker of sympathy on her face. It was a sentiment she recognized--once long ago she had been chased away from her home, and then again at the hands of raiders. Finding a new place to permanently settle had never been an option after that point. She tilted her head, considering, "I doubt either are a possibility. I see no reason the Queen would abandon her clan like that. And I refuse to believe she had died, if only..." She paused, voice growing quieter, "If only because Kalea likely would have sensed it. She's always had close ties to her mother."
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