dusty-anderson · 1 year
May laughs at his display, shaking her head. “Not a cockroach,” she corrects kindly, “just resilient.” She’s sure he doesn’t care about the semantics of it but she’s always been a firm believer that you’ve gotta put out positive thoughts into the world and that words mattered. “Well, I’m glad to hear it. Hungry?” She nods at the half sandwich on the counter from her lunch. She had plans with Kenzie for dinner anyway and hated to waste. Putting some more tools away, she pauses to give him a second glance, brows raised as she laughs, uncertain whether he’s being serious or not. “Seriously?” It’s not funny but he says it in such a cavalier way he may as well have been talking about the weather or what he had for breakfast. “Jesus, Dusty. I mean. Literally Jesus. What kinda cult –– actually,” she holds up a hand, “I’m not sure I want to know. But uh…” she rubs her elbow, debating about whether to help or not before giving into her worse, most helpful instinct. “Do you have a picture of it or something…” she squints. She’s done tattoos in interesting places but that doesn’t mean she wants to see Dusty’s bare ass right now. “Maybe I can like…see if we can change it around or something if you do…” 
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Dusty laughed to the correction, always finding it weird that May had a positive look on things but then again, cockroach wasn’t exactly a bad thing he thought. The offer of food distracted him quickly and his long arm reached across so he could snatch it for himself, taking a bite out of it quickly and condemning the rest of their conversation to be with his muffled mouthful. “It didn’t seem like a cult, that’s how they get you right? They just said they gave out tattoos and do acid and I was like, hey that’s me.” he shrugged, some crumbs falling from his mouth as he ignored the mess he was making. “Picture? I got it in the flesh.” he then said loudly, holding the sandwich with his mouth as he spun around and pulled down his already loose fitting jeans. The boxers came down after and before May even had a chance to see a thing, Dusty delivered a quick and crisp slap onto his pale ass cheek. “You can see why Jesus wanted to brand this ol’ sweetus rumpus, but I ask you to not touch.” he said haughtily and raising his finger.  “Until we’re on the tattoo bed, that classes as sexual harassment.”
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dusty-anderson · 1 year
at: pump you up @dusty-anderson​
“Shit, everyone keeps saying you’re never here. No one’s gonna believe that I actually saw Dusty Anderson at fucking work.” Rigo let out a crazed laugh as he approached the counter, leaning against it and invading Dusty’s personal space within moments. “I just wanted a slushie but now I feel like we gotta catch up.” he offered but without giving the Anderson much room to decline. It wasn’t like the place was crawling with customers, it’d be rude to not talk. “Between you and me, if you want Bobby leaving in a body bag you got my number, man. Speed dial that shit.”
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“So I keep hearing but what, I’m meant to be in this dump every fucking day? I think not. There’s a whole wide world out there.” Dusty pointed beyond the doors, not moving an inch when Rigo got to the counter. “Help yourself, man. I’ve had about three.” he mentioned, pointing to the machine. The fact the manager seemed to be less hands on definitely worked in Dusty’s favor, considering he had been MIA for months and for some reason showed up and got asked how his vacation was. “Don’t say that fuckers name to me unless you want to keep your skin.” Dusty said harshly but with an equal measure of calmness. “You know what dumbass little DJ did? Just let the cunt walk in. Just like that. Now he’s on our fucking couch and Danny is trying to be peace maker, so I have no choice but to fucking show up here now.”
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dusty-anderson · 1 year
“Sorry we’re –” closing soon. May was about to say because she’d meant to turn the sign but had gotten distracted cleaning some supplies. It turns out it wasn’t necessary when she sees who it is. “Dusty!” She brightens at the sight of her friend whom she’d admittedly been quite worried about. But, from what she recalled from living in Lockwood before, this is just how he rolled. Unpredictable and unconcerned. “You’re alive. And in one piece? I think.” She squints dramatically, as though trying to discern if he was actually alright. He seemed pretty normal Dusty level to her. “Where’d you wander off to this time?” she asks, curious. She knows people say not to worry but she does. Mostly because she knows most people don’t give his whereabouts a second thought but she thinks everyone should have people who worried about them, whether or not it was necessary. @dusty-anderson​
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Dusty seemed spontaneous but there was a routine to his disappearances and also his returns. He’d make the rounds seeing everybody once he got back, mostly his brothers and sometimes Kenzie if she seemed like she wouldn’t bite his head off. Finn, Hunter who just stared at him. And some people who never noticed he was gone but May was always an exception. “Always, I’m the Southside cockroach.” he said proudly, moving a hand over his body seductively. “Takes a lot to put me down but not a lot to get me up.” he swayed his shoulders as he winked. “Oh May, I’m pretty sure I joined a cult. Which is why I’m here, actually. Funny story, I thought when they said tattoo upon entry it was one of those stickers you know? Like the spiderman shit and I was like oh cool, that sounds good. So I went for it and basically, long story short, I have Jesus Loves Me on my ass cheek. Can we do something about it?” he coughed slightly. “And no, not the Jesus you’re thinking. This Jesus was 6ft and had very...rough hands.”
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dusty-anderson · 1 year
It wasn’t new for Dusty to disappear and become untraceable, almost like he never existed. Danny had always been similar but at least this time around he hadn’t left the city entirely like his older brother. He just floated around as usual, dodging responsibility and vanishing from conversations if they got too serious. Which seemed like typical Danny in many ways. He supposed it was time to make it back to the house, hoping Bobby had finally got bored of the couch and fled. He hadn’t even spoken to DJ other than a few choice words about how stupid it was to let Bobby in and of course, Dusty was none the wiser. Danny had to squint at the figure opposite him, recognizing the lanky form immediately but it was Dusty’s question that made him scoff and then frown. “Me? Where the fuck have I been?” he reveled in the brazenness. “Where the fuck have you been, man? Actually was gonna start thinking you died soon.” he added, because it definitely would take more than a few months to think Dusty was gone completely. 
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“Yeah, you. I’m not talking to the god damn wall am I?” Dusty exclaimed, lowering the sunglasses on his nose so he could look at his younger brother. He didn’t need the shades in the middle of the night but he had somehow acquired them. “I heard you’ve been floatin’ around like a little butterfly, Danny. Barely here, which is fucked. Leavin’ DJ alone.” Dusty was a hypocrite quite easily. “If I wasn’t here, you needed to be here.” he pointed his finger at the house thinking that it was his reserved right to leave the city as and when he felt like it, and Danny’s duty to not be a little bitch and do the same thing. Dusty laughed though, crossing his arms. “Least it wasn’t Denver again, that was stupid.”
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dusty-anderson · 1 year
anderson southside home
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As soon as the winter storm passed and Dusty’s dirty shoes stepped out of the school, he vanished into thin air. He evaporated from all physical form and ended up somewhere the other side of Denver. He didn’t remember how, he just knew he had a lot of drugs to get through before he could think clearly about Bobby Anderson being back in Lockwood. His phone died within a week of his travels and he never bothered to charge it and there was a very small altercation with a commune he almost joined, which he later discovered was a cult. Half way through an acid trip, he heard his father’s voice, screamed into the leader’s face and ran away. Then he got caught stealing at the grocery store and locked himself in the toilets to hide from Arthur Callahan, and that was the end of Dusty’s adventure. He finally heard through a grapevine that Danny had been copying him, like he always did and had made a few people wonder what the fuck was going on. Now he walked the same cracked sidewalk of Southside, dragging his feet towards the house. It was Danny’s luminous blond hair that caused Dusty to squint and look at his brother, both of them coming to a stop at the wire fence. “Where the fuck have you been?” he demanded quickly. 
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dusty-anderson · 1 year
May walks the familiar halls of Edison High without much purpose. She’s left Koda sleeping in the care of his mom and has ambled around to stave off boredom. The small sketchbook tucked away in her coat pocket calls to her to pass the time but she hasn’t found anything worth drawing yet. After all, the high school is hardly original (or inspirational) though she doesn’t hate it like some people. Still, she remembers her way around surprisingly well and pokes around the open classrooms. Most of the more spacious ones have been claimed by families and she wonders if there are any left for her, Kenzie and Koda. When she comes to one of the smaller ones, she peers in to hear someone talking and a halting laugh escapes. “Dusty?” she furrows her brow, walking in and around a bunch of desks to see Dusty handcuffed to the radiator pipe. “Oh jeez, what happened? Actually…maybe I don’t want to know,” she says, smiling incredulously at the Anderson. She’s somehow not surprised at all but still, admittedly, a bit curious. 
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Being in the predicament was nothing new to the Anderson and Dusty could find barrels of amusement from it. The alcohol in his system made sure of that. When he saw May, his tiny squirrel brain treated it as a reunion, or a sign that the party should keep going. “May!” Dusty greeted, trying to open his arms but he was met with a harsh halt of the handcuffs which clanged loudly against the radiator. “I don’t even...I don’t know what happened. One minute I was trying to have a good time and the next minute I’m here.” he tried to gesture with his hands, but since his wrists couldn’t move his long fingers simply wiggled. “I think Lockwood Springs is boring. Everyone forgot how to have a good time.” he laughed, nodding with his nose towards his pack of smokes. “Be an absolute little star, would you?”
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dusty-anderson · 1 year
Danny just scoffed at Dusty, shaking his head slowly as the impression was unraveled like a fucking red carpet. He only laughed because it was the only way to stop the anger. Danny had always been this way, retreating in on himself to stop an explosion. They all did it in their own ways, but Dusty was always the one with less of an inner voice. “Oh fuck you.” Danny ended up retaliating, squinting at the eldest with disdain. “What the fuck can we do in a fucking school, moron?” he then asked rhetorically, not caring for an answer as he continued. “Sit down, man. You look fucking dumb and both of you crowding me isn’t gonna fucking help.” he wanted to just leave the situation. Hell, even trying the storm out for size seemed like a better idea. “I’m going to smoke, don’t know about you guys but fuck the two of you.” he announced, waving in the direction he was walking in. “Figure it out yourselves. If you’re both so damn smart.”
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As the youngest, DJ is often stood watching Dusty and Danny screech at one another like feuding cats. That’s how they appear to him, even if he knows his brothers would prefer to compare to something more ferocious. DJ is always faced with seeing two sides of a coin, and how he can easily flip to either side. He can be as head strong as Dusty, ready to jump in at the drop of a hat. He can be as steadfast as Danny, taking a step back to analyze and prepare. What happens instead is an internal conflict, which twists into panic. “I don’t care who’s fucking plan it was. It sucked.” DJ stands his ground, growing irritated by the conversation. Bobby is here and they’re stood around arguing. “Crowding you?” DJ takes offence to the accusation, looking around in shock before staring back at Danny. “We’re in a fucking school with the whole town. Sorry, ‘bout that.” he snaps, stretching out his arms in a mocking movement. He then laughs sardonically, blanking out Dusty’s existence entirely as Danny begins to depart. “Oh that’s new, Danny running away again. Good fucking job, man. You just take a moment, bro. Just breathe and decompress, we’ll do everything on your timeline, don’t you worry about it.”
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Dusty’s erratic anger had turned into calmly stoked flames. A scarier prospect than him being loud with it. His blue eyes glazed over, like something else was directing him. This was when he needed a fix, to empty out all the thoughts and feelings. He just wanted to be collapsed somewhere, and his veins were itching for it. Knowing that it wasn’t possible, all of the venom had nowhere else to go but towards his brothers. “Just leave him to it, DJ. It’s all he knows how to do.” Dusty said, loud enough for Danny to hear them. “He’s going to pretend to be all high and mighty and say he chooses peace because of Koda.” Dusty laughed maliciously. He was starting to feel a building resentment to Danny, as if his brother had chosen the side of their father. Irrational to rational thinkers, but that had never been Dusty. “Which is fucking crazy considering he doesn’t even wanna be a fucking dad. Because he’s scared he’ll be like Bobby, but is too pussy to do anything about Bobby. Crazy!” Dusty yelled loudly, waiting for Danny to turn back around. He knew he would, and he laughed again. “I’m right, aren’t I? You hate that kid, like Bobby hated us.”
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dusty-anderson · 1 year
edison high school
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Dusty’s original plan to spend the weekend as drunk as possible had been sidetracked. Bobby Anderson’s ugly old wrinkly face derailed the fun for a little while. But no problemo, Dustin was always better at drinking to forget things. “Oi, psst.” he called out when he heard footsteps near the door. His British accent gave away the current alcohol levels in his blood stream. “The bloody copper cuffed me.” he added, wiggling his wrists so the handcuffs clanked against the pipe he had been attached to. At least it was warm. “Sheriff Shalahamaham-han said I needed to...coooool awf.” Dusty laughed, as his accent slipped back to his usual tone and yet sounded like a British person trying to be American. A bubbly hiccup caught in his throat when May walked into view, and Dusty unashamedly winked. “Ello ello, who’s this pretty little fing.” He knew her very well actually, probably the only Southsider that didn’t think he was an idiot. Or, he thought she didn’t think he was an idiot. Or something. “Help.”
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dusty-anderson · 1 year
It was obvious that the tension was going to end up turning in on itself. It always did even when they were children. They were a solid group together, but fear would seep through tiny cracks and ultimately have only one way out. Danny was always firmly in the middle, just as his birth place dictated. Nothing was ever that serious. It was Dusty and DJ that flew off the handles more than he did, he preferred to simmer…self destruct. He was expecting Dusty’s comment and immediately shook his head. “Are you a fucking idiot?” he asked sarcastically, looking to DJ. “You too, man. Place is crawling with cops, and oh…the whole town.” he bit harshly, pointing vaguely to the rest of the school. “You wanna go back and bash his skull into the wall, fuckin’ do it. But I’m waiting it out.” he proclaimed his piece clearly, despite every muscle in his body tensing. “Just fucking chill out. Let me think.”
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While walking away, DJ can feel the entire school collapsing in on itself. The walls are slowly inching closer together and voices are swirling into muffled yells. He can sense his brothers following with him, despite not looking to them. The air between them all is tense enough to know they are there. It doesn’t matter that they have rounded a corner to apparent safety, the knowledge that Bobby is among the crowd is enough to make the air bleak and thick. DJ can’t concentrate on the exchange between Danny or Dusty, he simply blinks tightly and watches until he’s addressed. “Me?” he shouts out as tensely as he appears. “What the fuck did I do?” DJ’s brows knit together but not in confusion. Annoyance. Anger. Frustration that is only able to be thrown in his brother’s directions. “Let you think about what? Because your last plan went really fucking well.”
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It would be easy to say that the brothers were close, considering how often they were glued together or had one another’s back. But the truth was more sinister, they had to protect one another but when the anger had nowhere else to go it always turned between them. They’d flip between sides, point fingers, place blame, when all of it belonged somewhere else. “I’m sorry, is Danny Anderson being a fucking pussy again?” Dusty mocked his younger brother. “I’ve never understood this, you always want a fucking easy way out. All the god damn time.” he bit, and then put his best Danny impressionist voice to use. Which sounded just like him, if you asked Dusty. “Forget about it, it’s not a big deal.” he huffed and slouched his shoulders to really put the cherry ontop. “I’m just a pussy boy who doesn’t ever want to do anything but I’ll complain about it. Whine, whine, moan, whine.” Dustin dropped the act to turn his attention to DJ, who wasn’t going to get away without his own mini-roast. “And you, pip-squeak, forget your fuckin’ self real easy. The plan was my plan, Danny didn’t do jack shit. It was my idea and it worked for ten fucking years so how about you shut your mouth and we all listen to me, for once?”
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dusty-anderson · 1 year
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A collection of cautionary tales, tidbits and general information of the Southside terror.
Dusty spent a lot of his time skipping school. He regularly got into issues with local business owners for stealing candy bars. Or just about anything he could get his hands on. He once tried to steal a locals chicken, except it was a rooster and attacked him.
He didn’t ever celebrate his birthday unless June or Wyatt reminded him of the day. 
When he was twelve years old, he tried to graffiti the sheriff department but he got caught red handed. Literally. Red paint was all over his hands and face. He had even tried eating it and was sent to the ER incase he poisoned himself.
When Dusty is drunk he speaks in a British accent. He has no recollection of it and thinks everyone is lying to him when they tell him. The videos that exist of him speaking in British slang he has debunked as edited. Fake news. 
Has notoriously been catfished online when speaking to women. Falls for the ‘Hot Singles in Your area’ and Robot scams frequently. Believes he dated Natalie Portman for 2 weeks because NatPort719 spoke to him on Instagram.
Only has 3 posts across all social media platform. The same profile picture of a firework in his butt crack and being lit. Probably by Danny.
His dumbest criminal charge was impersonating an officer. He wore a sexy officer uniform from Spirit Halloween and strolled the streets with a megaphone telling everyone to stop jaywalking. He was very drunk.
His most serious criminal charge is possession with intent to sell. He was literally just greedy and it genuinely was personal use. 
Gave himself a serious black eye to the point where people thought his brothers had attacked him. He was just pulling a blanket up to his chest in bed.
Was invited to talk to the high school students about the dangers of drugs. Showed up high and puked in front of the whole year. 
Once sat in chocolate spread and earned the nickname Skid Row from Danny and DJ. Has it tattooed on his shoulder blade unknowingly. He thinks it’s a four leaf clover. Thanks Danny. 
Has done and executed every dare ever given to him, including but not limited to trying to light a match against his scrotum. 
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dusty-anderson · 1 year
@dougie-anderson: @dusty-anderson​ @danny–anderson​
Danny fell into silence as they walked, feeling like the atmosphere in the high school suddenly shifted into a much colder wind or a dark sky. Out of all the years that Bobby Anderson had been gone, neither one of them had a hunch that they saw him. Sure, the first few weeks they slept with one eye open but they eventually knew that he wasn’t going to darken their doorstep again. As DJ rambled, Danny just watched his younger brother. It transported him back to being a kid, the way Dusty was trying to make himself look ten times as big, the way he went quiet but DJ tried to fill the silence with pointless words. “We won’t.” Danny replied, which was his way of reassuring DJ despite not really hearing a damn thing he said.
When Danny heard the hollow voice of his father, he remained staring at the older man but then glancing to his two brothers. He knew Dusty would be the first to speak up, have some smart ass remark as always but he wondered what DJ would do. He wasn’t the exact same as he was as a kid, DJ had eventually unlocked the Anderson curse of buried anger that could show up at any moment. Danny didn’t respond to anything, other than tapping Dusty on the arm. “Leave it.” he said quietly. It wasn’t out of fear, or perhaps it was. Maybe that tiny glimmer of fear would never go away and it was bestowed upon them simply because of who their father was. But in Danny’s mind, they had the whole town watching…he had a son now. He had avoided jail and wanted to at least keep it that way for a while longer. “Not here, alright? Calm it.” he addressed Dusty as if Bobby wasn’t even there, looking the man up and down. There was absolutely no love in any of their gazes and Danny’s attention then moved to DJ. “Go, keep walking.”
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It’s crazy how a voice can haunt someone when there are years between the last time they heard it. DJ hasn’t once forgotten how coarse and empty Bobby Anderson sounds.  He doesn’t hear the actual conversation, but falls silent much like Danny does. All three of the brothers fall silent in different ways, they always have done. Dusty prepares for a fight at any time, Danny observes to see when best to strike and DJ falls into silent panic. 
Then, the brothers quickly remind the world that they are the same. They all share the anger that rises. DJ looks to Danny, who’s looking back at him and nods to continue walking, but DJ’s eyes transfix to Bobby as he slowly steps away. “You’re real fucking lucky the whole town is here.” he bites, feeling the adrenaline building up. He doesn’t want to walk away, he wants to relive that day when he was twenty, enjoying the revenge a little too much for someone who claims to be a pacifist. But in moments like this? Moments of being a kid again? Danny knew when to say go, and DJ learned young to listen. The lingering stare DJ gives to his so called father is harsh, blue tones swept with betrayal and pain. The only way he can release the ever growing anger is by spitting to Bobby Anderson’s shoes as he leaves. @dusty-anderson
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dusty is the first to speak, of course. reminding bobby of the eldest’s antics to always use words to instigate and interrogate. ‘haven’t lost your sense of humor.’ bobby comments, straying his eyes over the trio of sons. then there’s danny, taking it all in like a fly on the wall. has the boy ever been present? ‘good thinking, dann-o.’ bobby encourages sarcastically as a sinister smile lifts at his lips. then to dj, who’s more flight and fight mixed together than anything else. ‘who do i gotta thank for my luck, god? or you?’ bobby can sense the anger dwelling between them all, a mutual hatred that began years ago and only grew. bobby never wanted to be a father, not for one second. he watches as dj begins to peel away from them, eyes locking on like a shark. bobby remains grinning, and politely nods his head in farewell. ‘are you joining him?’ he asks, flicking eyes back to dusty and danny. it’s a secret order. go on get, out of my sight. disappear. something bobby did frequently when they were children. ‘don’t let me stop you.’
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Any emotion except for anger was disallowed in their trailer while growing up. Dusty saw how pure rage was the only way to let out feelings, and it was about to happen now. He hit away Danny’s hand, not addressing his brother’s attempt at mediating. “Get off.” he scolded, looking directly at Bobby. “You’ve made the biggest mistake of your life, old man.” he finally said, after listening to their uncaring father hit back with measly sarcasm. At first Dusty refused to move as his brothers began to walk away, and he remained there standing in place in the stare down with their father. “Whatever it is you’ve come back for, you should leave as soon as you get it.” Dusty warned him, already getting dangerously close to flipping into the anger that he was gifted from the very man he hated. He walked away soon after, following after his brothers.
Once re-grouped, Dusty directed his anger to the easiest culprit. Danny, simply for trying to get him to calm down. “Don’t fucking tell me to let shit go again, alright? Always trying to fucking mediate shit like Oprah or Maury. It’s pathetic, that piece of shit should be dead in a ditch and you know it.”
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dusty-anderson · 1 year
As DJ was talking, Danny noticed the spooked movement of Dusty and pulled a face. He always wondered if his brother had conversations in his own head, and it was sort of being proven. Obviously, he did a double take too before looking back at DJ who was still rattling on. He gently tapped Dusty’s arm with the back of his hand. “We were talkin’ about the diner. Again.” he reminded him simply, wondering where the hell boobs even came from. Dusty didn’t even need to say his name, Danny immediately stopped slouching against the wall and looked either side of the hall. “He wouldn’t be that stupid.” he muttered, feeling a simmer of adrenaline course through his veins. What if it was? Did they run, or make him run again? “Wanna move somewhere else?” he then asked his brothers, just a casual question that they were used to sharing back in their childhood. Wanna go outside was their little code, when the tension was turning into anger in the place they called home. “C’mon.” he added, nodding his head so they rounded up and started a walk elsewhere.
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DJ gives Danny and an uninterested Dusty a run down of all the supplies he’s got from the diner. He notices both of their attention span grab to elsewhere. He looks around too, out of habit of following their lead, and continues talking, having to backtrack over the last few sentences. Bobby. He looks around just as Danny does, falling into silence and heeding the words about moving. “Yeah.” he says, falling into step and trying to recall the last thing he said for distraction purposes. “So anyways, there’s enough like, y’know. What those doomsday preps do, like…nonperishable.” he waves his hand as he loses all track of his thoughts. There’s a ringing in his ears and he can hear himself swallow. “Anyways, point was that you can’t touch some of it because…there’s…” Was he breathing loudly? “Kids that…I promised would get first pick.” @bobby-anderson​
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seeing all three of them huddled together brings back memories, but not of a doting father seeing his three young children drift into an imaginary game. it reminds bobby strongly of when they were young men and turned against him. he’s only in the high school because he has to be and only walking towards his boys because he has no choice but to. ‘sounds like a party.’ he finishes dj’s sentence for him, coming to a stop before the little trio. ‘you know where your mother is? i showed up at the trailer, whole things been left to rot. not even a note.’ he shrugs, eluding all formal greeting. ‘been in half moon all week, could really do with a proper night sleep without hearing hookers screaming for the two inch dick payin’ ‘em. know anywhere? hell, i’d take a couch at this point.’  @dusty-anderson​
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What began as Dusty following his brothers, ended up with him taking a few longer strides ahead. He wasn’t a protective brother by any means, he usually let them get into their own shit and deal with their own shit. But this was different, it was Bobby. Possibly. The only time Dusty resembled a protective brother was back in their trailer, trying to distract their father’s anger but it was never any use. You could never say Bobby Anderson had favorites, he hated them all equally. “Yeah, whatever Deej.” Dusty whispered, noticing the choppy way DJ was talking and knowing exactly why. 
When their walking eventually led them into Bobby’s path, Dusty could feel his whole body shift into defense mode. This fucker was seriously talking as if everything was okay? “She left and stayed gone, like you shoulda.” he pointed at Bobby, gritting his teeth. “Maybe stop payin’ ‘em, then you’d sleep better.” he said sarcastically. “There’s a good highway you could sleep on, give you the sort of rest you deserve.” he shrugged to his father, but he never called him that. It took years for Dusty to realize his childhood wasn’t normal, watching every other family actually care about their children. “If you’re looking for sympathy here, then you’ve gone blind as well as ugly.”
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dusty-anderson · 1 year
location: the high school starter for: @danny--anderson​​ @dougie-anderson​​ @bobby-anderson​​
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“Was that...nevermind.” Dusty’s head had nearly swiveled on his neck as he spotted someone who’s familiarity made him feel twelve years old again, for a few seconds. He quickly returned his attention back to his brothers as they were talking, looking to and from Danny and DJ because they never made any sense. “How big were her boobs?” he interrupted, assuming that’s what they were talking about, but he couldn’t shake the goosebumps that were prickling over his skin. “Boys, hate to stop talking about boobs, truly is sad but...that fucker looks like him.” he pointed where he had seen the ghost, turning around just to see emptiness. “Bobby.”
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dusty-anderson · 1 year
location: lockwood springs high school
starter for: @stevie-adler​
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Dusty had surprised himself, and possibly everybody else by arriving at the school before the doors were locked. He even found a little room for himself, first come first served basis. A rule that Dusty loved, because he was fast. Somehow. The eldest Anderson was snoring loudly, and drooling from the corner of his mouth across a set up “comfortable” area. Something he fought a kid for by pulling the blankets away and showing the child a middle finger for being a loser. His nap was interrupted by the door opening and he leaned up when he saw the familiar face of Stevie. “Normally, the idea of you waking me up is a nice one but I don’t feel like being in a very sharing mood, Miss Adler. Because I know you charged me double the other week for shitty whiskey, and don’t deny it. I didn’t even do anything.”
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dusty-anderson · 1 year
If anyone had asked Elliot where he thought the night would go, he probably wouldn’t have said this. It’s part of what’s so frustratingly alluring about Aiyla; her ability to fill his head while irritating him with her arrogance and easy dismissal. So even if he hadn’t thought that he’d be here with her, hands running over her as he drags his lips back to hers, he can’t deny that he hadn’t thought about it. Too many times, really. And now that her arms were wrapped around him and his own gripped her hip with more fervor, it’s like every other thought ceased to exist, the music tuned out, almost like it wasn’t even playing. 
So if he hears a familiar disgruntled voice, he pays no mind, a grin forming as she pulls away, laughing. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you right. My choice?” She’s always insisted on being right, on being in control (even when they were ice skating and it turned out that she could not, in fact, ice skate at all). The very offer of choice amuses him as he smirks, already tugging her with him by way of answer, as he feels around for a handle in the flashing lights room. And once he finds it, Elliot takes her hand, his own swallowing hers. He’s keen to find the nearest storage room, all the while resisting the urge to push her up against the corridor wall.
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“Normally, when people have the pleasure of kissing me they don’t tend to argue back.” Aiyla mumbled grumpily against his lips, which she was starting to believe were laced with something intoxicating. It was stupid, so stupid that even his smart ass replies were making her smile through their kiss. “Do you not want the choice? Because that can be arranged too.” she added, barely at full volume because she couldn’t keep away from him. Even when Elliot began to lead her away from their more public display, Aiyla remained close by his side. She was laughing, either at the butterflies or how crazy it seemed that she kissed him first. Which she wouldn’t admit out loud. Ever. 
She didn’t do much to help Elliot find their place to disappear to because she couldn’t stop her arms from resting around his shoulders again or trailing a few kisses along the side of his face. It suddenly became more of a frantic fumble of their hands, trying to search for the handle at the same time as not wanting to leave one another alone.
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Dusty had to rub his sleepy and blurry eyes to make sure he wasn’t seeing things. At first, he thought Danny was using Aiyla as a trick to get him outside for a smoke but no...it seemed true that a slimy Cross brother was trying to whisk her away. Everybody was in love with Aiyla in some respects because she was so beautiful and even if she said Dusty was a polluted mutant toad several times in their “friendship”, it didn’t matter. He didn’t have to think twice about grabbing Elliot by the shoulders and pulling him away to separate them. “Hey! Cut this shit out right now, there...this is a public space!” he shouted with slurred speech as he struggled to keep in the middle. “Aiyla, what the hell? Think, woman. Do you want this to be the face you look into in...two minutes from now after he’s tried his best?” he pointed to Elliot, shaking his own head. “And two minutes is me roundin’ up, come on. Snap out of it.”
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dusty-anderson · 1 year
Though years have passed since she’s spent any considerable amount of time with the oldest Anderson, Emira is unsurprised by the turn of events. Wait a sec… Danny had ambled off somewhere and so she was left with the bag that was Dusty Anderson. “Yeah, I’ll tell him, Dusty,” she placates, taking his arm as she tugs him back, even if it was surprisingly difficult to move him. She gives the other man a nasty look, because even if Dusty is probably to blame for whatever started this, the asshole looks keen for a fight. And in his current state, she’s not sure Dusty will really give as good as he might get, despite the anger radiating off of him. “He probably would. Looks like he’s overcompensating anyway.” Said as Emira glances around, hoping to see a shock of white-blonde hair somewhere nearby. “Why not DJ?” She knows why but hopes asking might distract him as she somewhat supports his weight, helping sling his arm around her shoulder as she kept one around him so they didn’t both topple over. “I feel like DJ would be scrappy in a fight, no?”
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Dusty could never let things go and the worse emotion of his was anger, so as he walked with Emira he was still delivering cold and harsh looks back at the other man. Even if he had double vision and was more than likely staring at a different person. He didn’t want to be tugged in the opposite direction but he was drunk enough to follow wherever he was pulled along to, muttering under his breath and grinding his teeth. “I swear Emira, I’ll show him.” he spoke loudly, pointing off in the other direction and nearly coming to a full stop and stumbling. Luckily, the chat about DJ distracted him and he shook his head, limply throwing his hand into the air to make his point. “You know, you’re right. He’s a fuckin’...what are they called in Australia? All fuzzy but literally deadly. Tazlayman devils.” he slurred, shrugging because it sounded about right. “Only problem is, he’s such a little baby about it after the fact. It’s pointless, he’s the only dude I know who will punch a guy and then feel bad about it. Why do I have the dumbest brothers? And by proxy, you have the dumbest taste because you’re in love with Daniel Spaniel.” 
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dusty-anderson · 1 year
“Why the fuck is anyone gonna ask if you’re okay about the bees, Dust? You’ve been to jail for fuck sakes, and I’m pretty sure we’ve all seen you eat raw roadkill. Nothing’s gonna kill you, you’re a fucking cockroach.” Danny huffed out to his brother, wondering where DJ could be. He just wanted to pass over the duty of watching over Dusty so he didn’t have to. He had a not-date to get back to. “You think you’re the man? Aiyla’s gonna come and wanna lick out the dead possum from between your teeth?” Danny laughed again, enjoying his smoke but keeping a watchful eye on Dusty, who was known to make a run for it whenever there was the chance. “Shut the fuck up, Christ sake. You need water or something? You smell like you took a whole bath in whiskey, dude.”
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“It would be nice if somebody gave a fuck once in a while, Daniel.” Dusty said emotionally, taking offence to the way Danny seemed to think his older brother was indestructible. “That was one time, the roadkill thing.” he clarified, waving his bony finger in Danny’s face. “Aiyla is one of those...fancy women who obviously needs someone who can do things, you know? And hate to say it, Danny but you don’t do anything.” he laughed, taking a long toke from the cigarette to enjoy every second even if the fresh air was making his drunken brain work overtime. “I don’t need nothing, why don’t you back the fuck off? Think you can just enjoy yourself once in a while? Like actually enjoy yourself, you always act like you got the whole world on your shoulders but really all you got is a damn load of nothing that you put there yourself.” 
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