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Mature trees come in all shapes and sizes. Are you looking for shady gentle giants? Looking for flowering trees to make your municipal landscape even more attractive? Trying to decide on the best choices available at your local tree nursery? Many factors will go into determining which trees you select for planting on your Ontario property or your customers’ landscapes.
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Ontario boasts hundreds of tree species for everyone to enjoy. Here at Dutchmaster Nurseries, we take pride in our gentle giants and love sharing our knowledge of Ontario trees to help our customers choose and plan the best ones for their properties. We are delighted to launch a “Tree of the Week” mini-series on our blog, featuring popular trees that grow well in Ontario.
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Landscaping clients in Ontario often choose the Autumn Blaze Maple[1] due to its beautiful colours and hardiness. It can withstand Ontario’s toughest pests and harshest winters. This species derives from Freeman Maples, hybridized from Red and Silver Maple trees[2] by Oliver Freeman in 1933. The Autumn Blaze[3] varietal first appeared in the 1960s and has won the hearts of millions of home and business owners.
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The Paper Birch loves shady, moist areas where its roots will stay cool. Advise your customers to mulch the base of a sapling or mature tree to lock in moisture. readmore...
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The Kentucky coffee tree is native to areas of North America and enjoys protected status in Ontario. Currently, the species enjoys wide popularity, and, hopefully, widespread production will help remove it from the endangered species list. Jeopardized by deforestation, the tree has benefited from a government program to increase its population. readmore...
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Evergreens are hardy trees. However, it’s essential to watch for signs that they may require a little tender love and care from time to time. Below, we indicate key signs that an evergreen tree has succumbed to pests or disease. Use this information to help you troubleshoot calls from clients regarding the care of sick evergreens. If they aren’t sure what’s going on, refer them to a local arborist specializing in evergreens.
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White cedar trees reach up to 15 metres in height. As it ages, its characteristics change quite a bit, particularly the bark. Saplings and young trees have thin, shiny bark, while older trees have more rigid bark that separates into strips.
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There is a widespread belief that all hemlock trees are poisonous. We can confidently debunk that rumour. Although the philosopher Socrates drank a cup of hemlock to take his own life, Canadian hemlocks are not toxic in any way. In fact, you can make a cup of tea with the needles if you need a little extra vitamin C. readmore...
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Like many other oaks, burr oaks can develop into massive trees. This deciduous species can develop a round open crown that exceeds 100 feet in width and grows to be 100 feet tall or higher. Plus, these long-lived trees often live 200 to 300 years. readmore...
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