duxeris · 6 years
(via thewolveswillcome-again)
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duxeris · 6 years
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“Fool that I am," said he,"that I did not tear out my heart the day I resolved to revenge myself.”
           IND SELECTIVE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO                           FROM GANKUTSUOU
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duxeris · 6 years
❛ you were so distant. i forgot you were there at all. ❜
HOW RUDE. Disdain veiled by the detachment politeness offers, he lets his anger only infect and affect him from within - this perfect iron mask of severity that he wears does not even flinching. Looking like peace itself, the corner of his lips even lightens up for a mere second, mocking and taunting with this mysterious rictus than only he knows the secret of.AN UNTOUCHED GLASS OF WINE WAITING IN HIS HAND, he hardly drinks any of this ruby red present from his host, allowing just its taste to embrace his lips for a mere second only.
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— Pardon my taste for discretion. I believe I am not quite yet accustommed of your nation's mores - see, where I come from, we hardly like to make a scene. “ LIONS ROARS TOO LOUD, but so seldom bite - and though he appreciates the tactical qualities of this fine line of conquerors, their spirits and wisdom, he despite this gold and stained glory with which they drape themselves.
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duxeris · 6 years
❛ i’m a dreamer and that will be the death of me. ❜
Ô THIS YOUTH WITH IDEALS, building upon ruins the new pillars of our society : it brings joy to the old hearts, dreaming of what they could possibly achieve. But behind the beauty of such dedications, ever Revolution calls for blood, and the first-in-line always ends up being the first stone rising in the cemetery. Thoughts and passion will get you far, but also right to your grave - with all due respect to poets and philosophers, those are no weapons to defend yourself for, sadly, the sword is often mightier than the pen.HE'S BEEN YOUNG TOO, and he suffered, naivety and idealism creating the most terrible futures. Oh, if only he could spare her the pain and give her courage with those lies he knows how to articulate. But the purity of her claims and the certainity of her omens allows respect to bloom in a heart colder than permafrost. How could he possibly mock her ?
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—— I salute your courage, mademoiselle. “ SOMETHING BREAKS WITHIN HIM, turning his skin from sea blue to this cadaveric hue that make carcass so hard to look at. And while, from the weight of her sadness, his head tilts down in a discrete bow, cold hands take in their kind vice her holy plams, gently squeezing them as to show compassion.
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duxeris · 6 years
❛    we  are  capable  of  love  but  choose  to  be  toxic.   ❜  ❛    you  have  a  sadness  living  in  places  sadness  shouldn’t  live. ❜ ❛    i’m  difficult  to  forget  and  not  easy  for  the  mind  to  follow.  ❜ ❛    you  are  a  war.   ❜      ❛    every  revolution  starts  and  ends  with  his  lips.   ❜ ❛    the  truth  is..  you  make  me  speechless  ❜ ❛    he  makes  my  tongue  so  weak  it  forgets  what  language  to  speak  in.  ❜ ❛    what  drives  you  crazy?  what  keeps  you  up  at  night?  ❜ ❛    so  that’s  what  you  do..  you  command  attention.  ❜ ❛    you  look  like  you  smell  of  honey  and  no  pain.  ❜       ❛    i  always  get  myself  into  this  mess.  ❜ ❛    i’m  a  dreamer  and  that  will  be  the  death  of  me.  ❜ ❛    you  were  so  distant.  i  forgot  you  were  there  at  all.  ❜ ❛    don’t  mistake  salt  for  sugar.  if  he  wants  to  be  with  you.. he will.  ❜        ❛    you  were  temptingly  beautiful       but  stung  when  i  got  too  close.  ❜ ❛    don’t  come  here  with  expectations  and  try  to  make  a  vacation  out  of  me.  ❜ ❛    the  thing  worth  holding  on  would  of  never  let  go.  ❜ ❛    love  made  the  danger  in  you  look  like  safety.  ❜ ❛    i  don’t  grieve..  i  shatter.  ❜        ❛    when  i’m  angry,  i  don’t  yell        i  burn.  ❜ ❛    we  began  with  honesty.  let  us  end  in  it,  too.  ❜ ❛    your  voice  alone  drives  me  to  tears.  ❜ ❛    like  a  broken  promise..  let  it  go.  ❜ ❛    our  backs  tell  stories  no  books  have  have  the  spine  to  carry.  ❜   ❛    you  were  a  dragon  long  before  he  came  around  and  said  you  could  fly.  you  will  remain  a  dragon  long  after  he’s  left.  ❜ ❛    the  world  gives  you  so  much  pain,  and  here  you  are  making  gold  out  of  it.  ❜      ❛    you  split  me  open  in  the  most  honest  way  there  is.  ❜
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duxeris · 6 years
OUT OF PRISON. New theme who dis ???
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duxeris · 6 years
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Juno in the underworld (details) by Jan Brueghel the Elder, 1596-1598.
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duxeris · 6 years
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duxeris · 6 years
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The Sun in Total Eclipse, From Fanny Dickerson Chase’s “In Starland”, (1922)
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duxeris · 6 years
me @ the Gankutsuou fandom : where r y'all ???????
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duxeris · 6 years
petalwind a réagi à votre billet : “Expectation is the root of all heartache.”
This is the result of salt, pettiness, and a dash of accursed poet syndrom from Dumas' beautiful son ( no but for real thank u ur too kind, I hope you'll find 20$ on the ground bc u just made my day )
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duxeris · 6 years
“Expectation is the root of all heartache.”
SHAKESPEARE STARTERS ( ᵐᵉᵐᵉ ) | accepting
OH, SUCH CRUEL WORDS SPOKEN BY THE KINDEST HEART, the poison of truth staining her lips ! When youth knows the perils of hope, eras are laced with tragedy - and he watches the woes of this world like a silent spectator, always wondering if he shall appear to those lost souls in the form of an angel or a demon. But this one hardly needs his help, nor slavation, for he recognise in her the strength of those who know which path to take. Her bright eyes are opened, looking at the wonders of this world, and yet, never forgetting the truth ; And her smile, like the stars, seems eternal, despite the nostalgia that haunts her beliefs - something he has already seen, the curse of lonely beings ( Haydée, poor child ).
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COLD CHILLS RUN ALONG HIS SPIN as his permafrost heart, for once, shivers within this winter he's bound to. He tries to twist the corner of his lips, but something in his expression is quite not right. Her arrow pierced the iron of his armor, taking him off his feet like a child surprised to be scold. But it is no anger of hers that riddle this discussion - on the contrary, the peace of her mind and the calm that defines her tones is far greater than any scream : it's the roar of fate, the weapons that Emperors lay down at the feet of the victorious. Life and destiny, it seems, have deceived more than just a man once mocked by fate. HE NODS, as to agree, but also to pay his respect to a soul who suffered. Recognizing his kind, but pitying those who feel as he does, he could weep for this one note of nostalgia a girl still living in the warmth of summer could sing. —— Leave hope - because this is the true name of Expectation - to men. To help themselves, and transcend destiny itself, one must transform their wishes into firm determination : nothing is impossible when you demand it - as long as it is not a matter of heart. Friendships can be bought, situations, acquired, and titled, gained... But love...No. Leave it to men. To mortals. “SUCH A TERRIBLE LESSON, the one a monster will give you : through his ordeal, he ripped his own heart off his chest and abandonned it to the wolves that Humanity feeds. For revenge and success, you don't need such things.
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duxeris · 6 years
Shakespeare Inspired Starters:
“Self love is not as vile of a sin as self-negligence.”
“I would challenge you to a battle of wits, but I see you’re unarmed.”
“You won’t find love where it doesn’t exist and you can’t hide love when it does exist.”
“You only know who you are now, not what you’ll become.”
“True love never runs smoothly.”
“I’m unworthy to follow you.”
“Even villains smile.”
“I have a method to my madness.”
“What are you reading?”
“Something smells rotten.”
“Even devils have the power to assume a pleasing shape.”
“You can’t take anything from me if I’m willing to part with everything.”
“All you can take from me is my life.”
“I’m unworthy to be with you.”
“It’s one thing to be tempted and another to let yourself give in to that temptation.”
“A friend is someone who knows who you are, where you have been, accepts what you’ve become, and still allows you to grow.”
“Let her/him sleep. When she/he wakes up, she’ll/he’ll move mountains.”
“Before you do amazing things, sometimes you have to mess up a little.”
“Nothing is good or bad. It’s your thoughts that make them this way.”
“The earth has music for those who listen.”
“I wouldn’t want it to be anyone else but you.”
“I would give everything I had for a drink right now.”
“Be true to yourself.”
“When sorrows come, they come not as single spies, but in battalions.”
"The miserable have no other medicine, but hope.”
“Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind.”
“What’s done cannot be undone.”
“The meaning of life is to find your gift, but the purpose of life is to give it away.”
“When words fail, music speaks.”
“How do you like this play?”
“Should I live? Should I die?”
“Swear that you won’t say anything?”
“It’s better to be three hours too soon than a minute too late.”
“There is no darkness, but ignorance.”
“Love doesn’t look with the eyes. It looks with the mind.”
“Listen to all, but share with a few.”
“Laughing is worth the wrinkles.”
“But I pray.. why do I still get beaten?”
“It is not up to the stars to hold your destiny, but up to yourself.”
"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
“You better endure me speaking my mind if you can’t, then close your ears.”
“Doubting leads to destruction.”
“Our doubts are traitors.”
“I wish the stars would hide their light so no one can see the darkness inside me.”
“He/she’s eating me out of house and home!”
“What’s in a name?”
“Be who you are, not what the world wants you to become.”
“Expectation is the root of all heartache.”
“It’s easy for people to joke about scars if they’ve never been cut.”
“Scars remind us that the past is real.”
“Mortals are fools.”
“No more ladies/gentlemen. No more.”
“It was told by an idiot, full of sound and fury. It meant nothing.”
“Though [NAME] is little, she/he is fierce.”
“Are you sure we’re awake?”
“To me, you are the world.”
“Take the pain and be perfect.”
“What did I do to deserve this mockery?”
“Why do you have to flaunt my insufficiency?”
“I see you’re in love by the look in your eye.”
“I can’t play a woman! My beard’s growing in!”
“Get out of here, you dwarf!”
“Why is it that when I curse [NAME], he/she gives me love?”
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duxeris · 6 years
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duxeris · 7 years
┏┓ ┃┃╱╲ In this ┃╱╱╲╲ house ╱╱╭╮╲╲ we love ▔▏┗┛▕▔ ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲    @moonichor ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲ ▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔
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duxeris · 7 years
S T R A N G E R  ( ᶠᵃᵗᵉˡᵒʳᶰ ) ‘’
               COME HITHER THE MALEFIC  !    essence of being ushered to grovel for hospitality sake.  he witnesses perfectly curved lips, how they appear so forced in all their eminent glory.  alas, those opposite eyes are not smiling, that much is certain whilst the  half-blood surveys albeit too leisurely for comfort.  disheveled tresses, LIKE TENDRILS  , frame an oval visage.  dismal garments riddled with flecks of sand from his venture pursued on foot :  pity the whereabouts of his horse, naught but a nameless grave to tread over in abandon.  ‘  i hate to be the bearer of bad news, i really do.  but you’re gonna have a premature stroke skulking around in the sun at this rate.  ‘’
               the raucous leech is shunned with SILENCE  , however not by his course of actions to follow suit its foresight.  he shall consider the notion for all it was worth in this moment of query, there lied a greater dilemma at stake as opposed to the decline of his condition.  ❛  do you know of a  tavern nearby ?  ❞  the utterance is forthright, gawk unwavering as hollow dead.  agenda resides dormant, wholly hidden beneath a nonchalance most impenetrable to the eye.  lack of trust seemed to flow parallel of either creature, though neither recoiled.
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LUNA, SHAPED LIKE DEATH, HAS NEVER BEEN A WELCOMING PLANET. For a sailor knows of the perils that wander those streets, a ghost can recognize the monsters that lurks with him. Luigi Vampa is but one name in a crowd of thousand, all armed with sharpened blade ( and his reputation already soothe the fear his deeds infect you with - just imagine those you do not know about, those who will surprise you … ). And so, standing before the last ray of sunshine, providence can look like a curse to any sain man : with great care, one should always welcome a stranger - especially when you bargain with criminals.
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HIS SMILE DRAWS THE SHAPE OF HIS LIPS, wider than before as daggers are hidden underneath his tongue. Keeping one away from your secret is a thing, paving the path he shall walk upon is another - and as long as the curious stay away from the palazzo, then, he fears none and nothing. . —— Indeed, I know just the right place ; And if you are willing to offer me your trust, I could lead you there. “ Questions will be asked, and his interest will surely bloom ( for he wishes to know all those who do not belong to society ). As one knows, knowledge is power, and an ennemy can only become a friend once you learn enough about them. —— It is your first time on Luna, I presume ? Did you come for the carnival ? “ He takes a step into the wilderness of this city, leading the way as his eyes shine under the moonlight. What a curious guest, and a curious guide ( alike to Dante and Virgil, and yet, not as peacefull as those two figures ) !
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duxeris · 7 years
send a ♥ for good vibes + rec !!  rec: @pretendcr/ @duxeris/ @abominamenti / @hornedblaze
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anyone that’s followed me on lilith @sinstress  & my other blogs know my friendship with justine goes way back , and it’s really because of her kindness and charisma !! it really warms my heart as a reader to see writers dedicated and devoted to a muse that they get excited even talking about them !! such was the case with their ardyn , and initially starting off as an oc with little to no established verse in the ffx/v setting , plotting with justine was hands-down one of the most fun , most creative interactions I’ve had thus far. this girl is crazy imaginative , talented , and overall , a delight to talk to ? I easily consider her one of my best friends over the silly plots and memes we shared to the heart-wrenching plots we make with our many muses. I am so grateful to know this gal and was this close to flying to france to visit her rifp. with with her own creations , you can see justine is a writer and roleplayer that does it for the hell of it , not for some rpc-standard of aesthetic or needing to appeal to others. this writer is very laid-back and embodies the core of why i write: for fun. i strongly recommend following my sis and interacting with justine , as she’s an overall blessing ?? 
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