dvisckc · 8 months
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HSHQTASK041: DAISUKE’S INSPIRATION (aka a group of problematic faves)
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dvisckc · 9 months
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he couldn't help but smile just a tad, "it's alright, your grace," could he call her your grace, he supposed he would simply out of sympathy. "I don't care for the watch." daisuke glanced at the princess and then back at the duchess, toning teasing, "it'll take your word on the perfume. though they are very fragile. my daughter nearly broken one the other day." @dvrias
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" noemie is great for when you need a quick quality check on an item. remember the time when you accidentally knocked over my perfume bottle? " she laughs as she remembers how her room reeked of miss dior for months. she still couldn't stand the scent today.
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dvisckc · 9 months
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“hm,” it had been a watch, though clearly not a very good one. he felt his wrist before he looked at it. “it seems it was.” he shook his head at the woman, “there’s no need. it clearly wasn’t worth what i paid for it if it fell off so easily.”
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❝ IS THIS YOURS ? i accidentally stepped on it. and it looks like this now. ❞ in countless pieces. she prayed it wasn't a family heirloom. ❝ i can buy you a new one. ❞ / @hshqstarters
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dvisckc · 10 months
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“very,” he was replied, as if there was such a think as a coincedence. not that daisuke had planned this but he’d hardly approached arthur for the pleasure of his company. “i’m sure we can arrange something when we return to the casablanca.” he raised an eyebrow, it wasn’t a particularly polite question no matter the tone or smile the prince put it on it. “childern are often a suprise and always a blessing,” he sounded like some platitude from his father and frankly it was. “naturally. you have a government behind you, can’t make unilateral moves. i am simply offering free advice with the understanding that no advice is every free.”
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daisuke watched him closely. he seemed like a smug bastard (literally), and he couldn't tell if he was the sort of smug daisuke liked or not. "i like to keep up with the people in the program. always looking for good investments. i'm a businessman, after all." he raised an eyebrow. "are you really? well, it's one of the best in the world. i'm sure i can offer assistance. i helped expand the train line in wakayama. the strength of our train system is, of course, the speed."
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dvisckc · 11 months
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daisuke watched him closely. he seemed like a smug bastard (literally), and he couldn't tell if he was the sort of smug daisuke liked or not. "i like to keep up with the people in the program. always looking for good investments. i'm a businessman, after all." he raised an eyebrow. "are you really? well, it's one of the best in the world. i'm sure i can offer assistance. i helped expand the train line in wakayama. the strength of our train system is, of course, the speed."
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"delightful." not many were pleased to meet art in person, but at the same time, he didn't make a habit of asking many people their opinion of him. those who made their displeasure obvious probably knew him better than any old duke from nowhere. "i do -- i'm surprised you know about it." it pleased him, more like. "my grandfather's been very supportive. i've actually been quite intrigued by the japanese train system. i don't suppose you have any insight to share about your train fleet?"
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dvisckc · 11 months
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"well, that does seem to be what they're good at." he glanced at the prince. he knew the man well enough by reputation. the shuffle from england to mexico was interesting. he wondered how he manged it. daisuke shook the man's hand, "no, i don't believe so, your highness. it's a pleasure to meet you. minamoto daisuke, duke of kansai." in exile he did not feel the need to add. he didn't react to the question, just kept his expression even. "she's doing better. thank you for asking. how is..." well, the girl he left at the alter, "i hear you had a new project."
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"then i came at the wrong time. perhaps it's best if i return when the italians fall short on their security measures --," he realised, then, who he'd been talking to -- a man he'd not had the pleasure of meeting, but heard plenty enough about to know the basics. he wasn't blind on social media, after all. "i don't think we've been properly introduced, sir." he held his hand out in greeting. "in all the time you've been here, it's a shame we haven't met sooner. how's hafiz, after the... ah..." bastard child-- "after everything?"
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dvisckc · 11 months
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"just some no-name duke. i'm sure they're saving the best for last. the way everyone is talking, i keep thinking this is going to get interesting soon."
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"better late than never, i suppose. i didn't miss any grand speeches, did i?"
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dvisckc · 1 year
"she wants your attention, that's all. i'm not nearly as interesting to her." he leaned into her hand, eyes closed. if he were a cat, he would have purred. he turned his head to kiss the inside of her wrist. "you think? i was worried it wouldn't be able to make it look polished enough to make it work. businessmen do have a certain aesthetic to uphold. but if you like..."
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"I don't think that she wants peace with me," her words no lighter than a whisper. "She sleeps so peacefully for you these days." Hafiz peered up at him, a hand outstretched to stroke his jaw. "I do like this more gruff look on you. You should skip a shave more often."
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dvisckc · 1 year
@oh-hxfiz because i said i wouldn't spare the angst
he didn't expect it. he'd been geared for a fight, the knock-down-drag-out kind they used to have, then they weren't supposed to be doing this. but he felt the fight bleed from her muscles and the fingers clench in his hair. he had no intention of moving, and that decision was solidified when he felt hot tears on his skin. he squeezed her tighter. i won't go, it said.
"you did what you had to keep you both alive. self-recrimination will do neither of you any good," he said, tone still a little harsh, angry at her shame, her hurt, the part of her doing this to itself.
"i forgive you," he whispered first in english. then again in japenese. third time in turkish. "you have taken all of me. i've poured all of me into you. if you can't find forgiveness in yourself, take mine. i've never had any use of it myself."
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dvisckc · 1 year
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he paused and then carefully shut the door. "we will find a way to bring her to the table for peace talks, darling." he said, leaning over the back of the couch to look at hafiz.
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"Our daughter has officially declared war with me," and my sleep schedule. "Close that door slowly, please and thank you." @dvisckc
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dvisckc · 1 year
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"i was kicked out of the house over a football game. so, i thought i'd see if you wanted to get drinks." @aurcls
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dvisckc · 1 year
daisuke let the check book hit in the chest. he deserved that one too though he'd never admit to it. he was going to argue with her. the point wasn't to win, it was to make her fight. hafiz was beautiful in a fight, radiant when back into a corner. there was no one daisuke would rather have by his side.
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she shoved her down and he went easily, the breath leaving his lungs. it was the most he'd ever heard her speak about her time with her kidnappers and daisuke once again felt rage for her. he gazed up at her, the words hitting him like knife points only made him soften. but a challenge, that couldn't go unanswered.
he grabbed hafiz's hips and flipped her over, laying her down on the bed and kneeling over her, arms caging her in. "i love you. i love you. i love you. i can take nothing from you, i have given you everything." daisuke pressed his face against her neck, pressing close. the reason he had gone to all this trouble. to be close to her. "if you want me to go you will have to throw me out. and then i'll just come back. you and i are both bottomless things; they can't take anything if you don't let them."
Just as the morning sun swelled in through the hairline crack of the blind, the fractious flames licked at the roof of her mouth. His condescending tone hammered through her fragile walls. Each well paced syllable morphing his tongue into a blade that filleted her open to ravished. Hafiz’s fingers twitched unsure of what to do next. To peel together the pieces of her flesh he’d so easily torn or to smother the satisfaction out of him.  She worked the tension out of her jaw to serve him back the same fire he’d force fed her years ago. “It’s what you’re good at. Leaving when things got too hard or when you have to personally sacrifice anything. Don’t worry,” she scrambled over and yanked the drawer on her side of the nightstand in search for her leather bound check book. Hafiz threw at his chest. “Take whatever you think I’m worth this time.” 
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Keep reading
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dvisckc · 1 year
movement. a flash of fire in her eyes and sharpness in her voice. good. he continued to sit on the bed, bedding on the floor. the dig about his father hurt, not as much as it might have 6 months ago though. he had it coming. "no, you don't need anyone," he replied, this was the game, cut and cut until they had bled out and would rest. "are you good at it? you're still the same woman i've always loved." he chuckled and picked up a pillow, tossing it off the bed, away from both of them. "you'd like me to leave, wouldn't you? it would prove your point. unlovable hafiz. where would you be if you weren't the out-played middle child trope?"
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movement. a flash of fire in her eyes and sharpness in her voice. good. he continued to sit on the bed, bedding on the floor. the dig about his father hurt, not as much as it might have 6 months ago though. he had it coming. "no, you don't need anyone," he replied, this was the game, cut and cut until they had bled out and would rest. "are you good at it? you're still the same woman i've always loved." he chuckled and picked up a pillow, tossing it off the bed, away from both of them. "you'd like me to leave, wouldn't you? it would prove your point. unlovable hafiz. where would you be if you weren't the out-played middle child trope?"
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dvisckc · 1 year
he heard that as the boundary that it was and nodded, "understood. i will talk to you before i do anything next time." he had long been wondering how best to approach this. approach her. In her grief or pain, Daisuke had never been good at identifying what she was feeling, but he knew how to make her feel it how to make her scream it. They had built their romance on something akin violence, and he would rather lose this for miscalculating then lose her to inaction. he ran his nails likely over the palm of her hand, "you need to stop punishing yourself because you're father doesn't care about you. you just make it hard on the rest of us who do."
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he heard that as the boundary that it was and nodded, "understood. i will talk to you before i do anything next time." he had long been wondering how best to approach this. approach her. In her grief or pain, Daisuke had never been good at identifying what she was feeling, but he knew how to make her feel it how to make her scream it. They had built their romance on something akin violence, and he would rather lose this for miscalculating then lose her to inaction. he ran his nails likely over the palm of her hand, "you need to stop punishing yourself because you're father doesn't care about you. you just make it hard on the rest of us who do."
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dvisckc · 1 year
"we're not burdening them. they're family." that's what family was for he was fairly sure of it. daisuke reached for her, his fingers finding her wrist but not grasping it. just a brush along her pulse point. "we still have a few hours. come back to bed." he wasn't used to being the one asking for things. the one begging for affection. "no one thinks you've abandoned anything. you have people working for you, yes? the point of staff is to do work for you."
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"we're not burdening them. they're family." that's what family was for he was fairly sure of it. daisuke reached for her, his fingers finding her wrist but not grasping it. just a brush along her pulse point. "we still have a few hours. come back to bed." he wasn't used to being the one asking for things. the one begging for affection. "no one thinks you've abandoned anything. you have people working for you, yes? the point of staff is to do work for you."
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dvisckc · 1 year
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“i had nuray’s nanny come and take asami for the morning. i thought she would like to see her cousin and we could have a lie in.” @oh-hxfiz​
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dvisckc · 1 year
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“before you ask, yes, i’ve already done the market analysis on you owning a winery. it’ll be in your inbox on monday.” a rare joke even if it was half true. @ignvc​
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