dvmoninthedrk · 5 years
Had it not have been for the nightmares, Heloise wouldn’t have bothered to come to Marya. But, with Tavia already agreeing she’d go, she couldn’t exactly leave her sister on her own. It wasn’t that her dear sister couldn’t take care of herself, or that Hel was particularly possessive of her, it was just that she’d felt so damned guilty & there was nothing she could do to rectify it, until her sister remembers. Part of her wished she never would, but part of her wished she would so that she could explain herself & maybe then Tavi wouldn’t be so afraid to fall asleep anymore.
That’s all been Heloise’s fault & the more the time passes, the more guilt eats at her. She’d been lingering in the back of the overly grand room, where people obviously enjoyed themselves, with a somewhat sour expression beginning to form on her face. Her eyes were trained upon her sister, who had been talking to someone - Hel couldn’t see clearly from all the people fluttering about right in front of her. Engrossed in her thoughts & with her attention fixed on Tavia, Heloise failed to notice the eldest prince, until he spoke, making her turn around to politely reply; “So far, so good. At least some people seem to be having fun.” Strangely enough, her sister had seemed to be one of those people.
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"Mmm, yes, though you seem quite dour, Lady Diaval. Such a pretty face should never be so sad," Seth quipped, a small smile forming on his mouth. He enjoyed speaking with Heloise; while not nearly as quiet as her sister, the other Diaval had been a form of good company for years, even before his loss of memory. However, the prince knew that it fell to the form of friendship, and nothing more.
After all, if it hadn't been, what would that make he and Tavia? Dwelling on that thought so soon after seeing her in the crowd would not bode well for him, as unfortunate as that may be. Tavia was...something else entirely and it gave him a headache to think about it.
Jumping down from his perch, Seth landed on his feet beside the blonde lightly, a furrow wrinkling his brow as he glanced at her and then back into the crowd. "Really, Heloise, whatever is the matter? You look like you've foreseen your own death."
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dvmoninthedrk · 5 years
SHE UNDERSTOOD. SHE WASN’T TOO great on festivities either. They’ve been tiring and she’d had much more important things to think about and waste her time on; like their kingdom and their inevitable ascension and destruction of the other kingdoms until Umbra was there to rule them all. “You know I do, Seth.” Tabea affectionately smiled to her brother, her pale eyes warmed by the feeling. She’d loved all her siblings, but as of late she was closest with the second brother, Cedric. Once, not so long ago, she was close with Seth and Elias, and Lamia, but she felt like they’ve been distancing themselves recently. Maybe it was just her paranoia speaking, so she paid it no further mind.
The queen smiled again and chuckled. “You flatter me, Sethie.” Her spirits were lifted, only occasionally dimming down by the sentiment which arose after the conversations he’s had with Lamia - guilt. She felt a little guilty about tonight and what will undoubtedly come to pass. “I’m not overly fond of these sorts of festivities either, but we must be seen here. Have you been here before? I’ve visited Marya once or twice, and it’s… something in it calls to me. I suspect it’s the power, hm?” She found herself chatting with her younger brother.
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Brushing a thumb across the knuckles of Tabea's hand, Seth found himself lost to the memory of a time when she had been close to him, when he had been more dear to her than his other siblings. It was a bittersweet feeling, something that sat heavily in his stomach. He voiced none of this. Instead, a false cheer, overlaid by his typical sarcasm, colored his reply.
"Flattery means nothing unless it is true, Tabbie," he murmured, the old nickname slipping out despite himself. He sighed at her words, however, and nodded. "Yes, I know. But these kingdoms are so...quaint. It makes me wonder if they've ever seen a ball before." Granted, it was not the worst he had seen, but Seth was also used to making up for the rot and decay of their kingdom.
The prince shook his head at the second question, eyes straying to the throng of bodies swarming before them. "I have not, no, but it is...peculiar, isn't it? Like there is something...more. Power, I suppose." Or maybe something else, thrumming beneath the surface. Seth took another drink before setting his goblet to the side and stretching out his hand. "Dance with me, sister? It has been so long. I want to know if you still stomp like a horse." Seth's eyes sparked with mischief as he teased Tabea, the words chosen deliberately to provoke her into a response. It was just a dance. She should remember those, shouldn't she? If nothing else, it would act as a balm for the rage that burned in his chest at the woman she had become.
Burdens of the Crown | Tabea & Seth
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dvmoninthedrk · 5 years
THIS WAS ENTERTAINING. AT LEAST no one’s been screaming yet, so that was already better than the last party she attended. Though, she wouldn’t be all that surprised if anyone did start screaming. Still, it was a decent party and everyone seemed to be in a jovial mood, so who was she to complain? Her sister was somewhere in the crowd, either by her King’s side, or attempting to socialise with other people in attendance, but Ros didn’t feel like mingling. Sure, she could seek out her dear friend Elis, but she failed to spy her in the mass of bodies dancing and flocking together for conversations or whatever they were doing.
So she did the next sensible thing any woman would do in her shoes. She went to scout for something to drink. After the masquerade, she’s developed a liking for wine, since it proved to be perfectly numbing for her less sane states, but the Dryad was quiet so far. Sighing, Roslyn treaded towards to the table holding numerous goblets of wine, and plucked out the one closest to her when a man spoke. Snorting in amusement, she spoke. “Pfft, give it another hour. I’m sure something will go horribly wrong, soon. Everyone’s having so much fun, and if the last two parties are anything to go by, I’m suspecting an ominous prophecy to pop by any minute now.”
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The corner of the prince's mouth curled upward at the corner, amusement coloring his gaze as he looked down at the woman. She was rather pretty, in that way some women had, and Seth found himself intrigued, if for just a moment.
"Is that so? Should I act surprised then? I would hate to ruin the surprise." He paused to take a drink, swirling the contents of his glass around, watching them for a second before glancing back at her face. "I've been away for some time. I'm afraid I missed the festivities. Tell me, my lady, what has gone on here?"
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dvmoninthedrk · 5 years
It seemed to be the recurring sentiment in her life. Loneliness and solitude and sadness. Everything was a lot better when she was detached from the world, surrounded only and solely by her animals, the only creatures that loved her without lies, without agendas. After… after Heloise’s revelation, Tavia didn’t want to spend another minute in her presence. The walls of Darkshadow had started to close in around her and she needed air. She needed a respite from everyone, in that moment she especially needed a break from her sister, who’d been nothing but a constant and a light in her life.
She needed to run.
Morphing for the second time that night, Tavia took the form of a black cat and bolted through the window, paws landing effortlessly and gracefully to the soft grass beneath the window and, purposely deaf to her sister’s calls, dashed away towards the only place that’s been a haven and a familiarity to her - the dark forest. With her ears pinned close to her furry head, the black cat panted, small heart racing to the brink of rupture as she caught her breath. Shifting back into the human was a necessary evil.
But, she wondered if forgetting everything was ultimately the wisest option.
Tavia was sitting in a small clearing in the dark forest, far away from Darkshadow and her sister (and anyone else who might’ve been foolish enough to enter the forest at this hour). There was nothing but silence in the air, but it was a tensed sort of silence, which cackled and promised something; what it promised, she didn’t know. Spending roughly about an hour in total as two different animals, Tavia had felt less hurt by her sister’s betrayal, mainly because she felt less. She was empty, the kind of void that remains after a heart’s been shattered into too many pieces to count.
It was one of the things which made her resolve to stay human melting to almost nothing. She was happier as an animal, more free and unburdened by lies and deceit, and heartbreak. Alone in the night, Tavia leaned her head against the nearby tree, resting from the weariness of both shifting and the arguments she’s had during the night’s course. Seth had seen her transform and it was… well, she’s had a feeling she’d have to stay away from him for a while. But, cruel irony and crueler gods had had different plans for her. She felt him before she saw him stepping out into the clearing and, for a moment, she’d wanted to morph into a stick insect and just vanish. But, it was too late - he’d seen her. When she spoke, her voice was strained and hollow.
“How did you find me?”
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This night was turning out to be much more strain on the Dark Prince than he believed he could bare. The night was dark and full of shadows as he made his way among them, unafraid as he stepped lightly across the cool grass, tall boots crushing the foliage beneath. He hadn't changed from the banquet, merely setting out after his argument with Tavia, after calming Lamia, for home.
He and his siblings had been forced to wear many masks this evening, but Seth wore more than most. Doting brother, loyal brother, lord of the Five, Crown Prince to the Shadows. His freedom with Tavia, the carelessness he had felt dancing with her, exploring the hall in Marya, it was the closest he had felt to the memories he was regaining in a long while. And then it was shattered by his sister's plot. Tabea, the Tabea of now, had ruined the evening and, what was worse, she had done it in some sick, twisted sense of peace.
But this was not peace. Not the way she had originally wanted to achieve it. Yes, Seth had begun to remember, and the woman Tabea was now was not the woman she had once been. And he did not know if she could ever be that person again. What Lamia had said tonight was true. She had become a monster.
Rather than lock himself in his quarters as he had allowed the staff to believe he had done, Seth had scaled down from the balcony of his rooms and begun a long journey into the dark woods. His feet took him where they will, unconcerned about where he ended up. For once, he did not care how tired he looked, how haggard; there was no one out here to see, after all, to care. His state of dress was haphazard at best, anyway, shirt opened to the cool night and dark curls sticking up in every direction from the hands he had run through it.
As they had done numerous times tonight, Seth's thoughts turned back to Tavia, and to her sister. She and Heloise, from what Seth had heard (and mulled over for the entire remainder of the trek home), had been complacent only by connection. One had been forced and the other...the other had paid a debt she should have never made in the first place. The prince heaved a sigh at the thought, hands burning with flame as they licked up his forearms. He wanted to burn something in his frustration but new starting a fire in the dark forest would help nothing, and no one, save for himself.
Seth came upon a clearing and, at first, his eyes traveled over the woman seated there without care, a cursory glance that yielded little information. But, then, his mind registered who it was that sat there on the grass and the prince startled, stopping abruptly by the treeline, hand curling around a tree trunk to keep himself upright. In the end, he failed, sliding down the tree with a tired chuckle, eyes never leaving Tavia's face. "I've no idea, darling. I was just...walking. Perhaps wishing for some peace of mind or, perhaps, that the forest would swallow me whole. I've no true idea. But you...why are you here? Surely you should be with your sister, after such an evening."
no light | tavia & seth
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dvmoninthedrk · 5 years
There was no one else in the world who could comfort her the way her eldest brother could. She had adored all of her siblings, even the malicious queen, but Seth had always understood her more than she sometimes understood herself. He was familiar and he was protective of her and often she had used it to her advantage, but tonight she really needed his presence and his comfort. Part of her had known Tabea to be cruel and violent, as of late that side of her surfaced more and more, and she wondered if the change might be permanent, if the evil in her sister was too deeply rooted for it to be pulled out without damaging the queen. She had expected malevolence and she had expected her sister to spite the kingdoms by not having hem enjoy a joined soiree in peace and happiness. But this… this horrible, repulsive thing she had done, the thing which had chilled Lamia’s very blood, it was… she had no words to say how mortified she was when she had noticed the faces of the dead.
Nestling her petite frame against her brother, the princess of shadows exhaled a shaky, heavy breath and shook her head. He was right, she expected this, they all did. But, she did not expect the dead to rise, heavy with illusion and heartbreak. “I did not expect this. Not this. Is nothing sacred to her anymore? Is… is everything a joke to her? I know how she feels about the kingdoms, I know what she wants, but I always thought, nay I bore hope that she would change, revert back to what she was and who she was before… everything. You are beginning to remember, I know you are, but I remember it all. Fully and without lapses in memory and this is not our sister. I do not believe in possession, but it is as if there is another soul in our sister’s body and… and how do we end this?” Lamia brought her voice down to a whisper, uncomfortably aware of the shadows around them that may or may not be their sister’s spies.
“What if it is too late for her? What then?”
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Lamia exhaled shakily into his chest and Seth's heart ached at the sound. His hand continued to pet her hair, consoling her without words in one of the only ways he knew how. Lifting her head to look him in the face as she spoke, the man gave her a sad, small smile before kissing the skin between her brows.
Lamia was right. Their sister had become a monster.
Truly, and terribly, a monster.
"I do not know anymore," he murmured, and the sound was quiet and full of regret. So much had happened, but he knew in his heart of hearts that this was not his sister. This was not Tabea. He would have continued on, continued to console but his sister's words stopped him. She knew he was regaining his memory? But...how? Unless...unless she, too, was-- and then it was so.
"Lamia," he breathed, shock widening his eyes, "How long have you remembered? What do you remember?" In that instant, he must know. He had to know. But there were more pressing matters at hand, and their queen was one of them, her shadows another. Seth could feel the familiar, possessive tendrils curling at his back already and he moved them further toward the light from the hall, knowing it could chase the darkness away.
He did not need Lamia to see Hvala. Not now.
With a sigh, Seth shook his head. He, too was at a loss, but he did not know what note to say.
ignis et haema || Lamia & Seth
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dvmoninthedrk · 5 years
“I think you have,” Rowena said. The Queed wandered the place, looking for a quiet space to think. There was something on her mind but she still couldn’t place her finger on. It was there, deep inside and she was having a hard time trying to understand what it was. Her dear Erik politely left her side to speak to the other monachs and she was left alone with her thoughts and ideas. Some of the noble lords and ladies approached her and she made polite conversation until she excused herself.
Looking for a goblet of wine, she walked until she found a small corner but it was already occupied by someone else. Still, she did not want to interrupt but the man’s words made her smile and nod. “I’m sure there will be something or someone speaking words of doom before the night is over.”
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“My apologies, then, your majesty,” he said, dipping his head in acknowledgment of her station. Royalty to royalty, this was not a problem. But Seth was not a crown prince here. No, here he was just a lord, a man with a spat of land and a bit of arrogance. Still, he had no qualms playing the part of a scoundrel and his eyes roved over the queen’s dress, the bodice, and silk, the lacing. It was well made, and it suited her. “You look lovely, if you will forgive the impropriety of saying such a thing.” Seth sipped at the drink in his goblet, mouth curling into a smirk around the edge. “Your clothier has exceptional taste. I’ll need to look into them, for my sister.”
 A careless shrug was tossed off at her words but his eyes were mirthful all the same, dancing as he glanced back toward her. “Perhaps. Though I certainly hope not. I’ve heard of the dreadful nightmares plaguing Mordu. I can only imagine what the rest of the kingdoms are experiencing.” 
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dvmoninthedrk · 5 years
There never was an end to these Shadows, wasn’t there?
When Vivian thought about her power, she thought that it could’ve at least warned her about this, a bit before it happened. But, they failed her in Noctifera, so why they wouldn’t fail her here as well? Morgan might’ve thought that Vivi had it all under control, after breaking down during the Masquerade, and keeping to herself and the Mountain ever since.
Why she thought that Marya might be spared of it, was beyond her.
Seeing the Shadows wasn’t exactly what bothered her (after all, she’d been seeing them for years now), but what bothered her was seeing the faces, so different from how they looked in life, and how she suspected they would’ve looked in death, if death held any solace and kindness. These visions were made of Shadows, and she’d seen them for what they were, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t chilled to the bone, and sickened by their words.
Enough was enough.
Deciding it best to just leave altogether, before she could do something embarrassing like scream again, or begin speaking to thinks the other didn’t exactly see, she made her way towards one of the alcoves closest to the exit of the room. But, a familiar voice caught her attention, and she paused midstep, turning to face the lord.
Following his gesture and casting a glance around the room, Vivian found herself shrugging in answer. “At this point, I wonder why I’m even surprised. Maybe we should start sending out invitations to this thing to put the ominous prophecies to good use and entertain us. I don’t doubt their majesties would pay the entity richly to either stay away, or find something more inventive to threaten us with. This is becoming old news.” Lady Lyn replied, noticing the way Shadows danced around him, but paying them no mind at the moment.
After all, how much worse can this night get, anyway?
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Brows arching up into his hairline, Seth leaned forward in interest, angling himself downward to get a better look at her face. She was a pretty thing, hair like it was kissed by fire cascading down her back. He wondered what it felt like, idly, what it would look like between his fingers. There was something vaguely familiar about her, as well, like he’d recognized her. 
A sardonic bite of laughter erupted and it was in almost good cheer. He unfurled from his position in the alcove, alighting to his feet and standing in front of her. “Well, my apologies then, for speaking off-key. That does not really help the situation any, does it? At least I’ve your lovely company to keep me occupied. Lovely lady, what is your name? I recognize your face, but that has alluded me.”
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dvmoninthedrk · 5 years
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– shakespeare, julius caesar
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dvmoninthedrk · 5 years
THESE SORTS OF GATHERINGS THREATENED her mood. Sometimes, they soured it and the other times they elevated it, but the latter always came when she was expecting chaos - chaos she’d undoubtedly bring this time again. Yet sometimes, as she watched everyone mingle together, Shadow and the Five kingdoms, the similarities were uncanny. If she hadn’t known all her subjects by name, position and power, she never would’ve been able to tell them apart from those who didn’t have any magic in them. It was in times like these when she’d feel that something, deep in her core, struggling to come out - but, those lack of memories, the utter lack of remembrance of her true self would make her more cruel instead.
The Queen had been keeping the company of the Twins, enjoying a light conversation with Elias and Cedric, idleness a perfect cover for what would surely ensue later in the evening. Lamia was wandering around the room, speaking to many different people and Tabea was happy to see her sister making friends. All things considered it was also unfortunate. But, she wouldn’t think of it now and she’d desired another drink, so she excused herself from her younger brothers’ presence and went to scout for a goblet of wine.
Tabea meandered through the room, avoiding the rest of the guests until she’s spotted her target, and another brother lingering close to the goblets of wine. Darkly amused and with a teasing retort at the tip of her tongue, Tabea sneaked close behind Seth and spoke once she was close enough for her words to be heard solely by him. “Already by the wine, brother? I do hope you’re not looking to poison anyone yet.” She smirked, lightly tapping him on the shoulder.
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Seth often wondered, in the deepest, blackest parts of his mind, what would become of his life if his dearest sister were murdered. If this lovely little coup he and his other siblings had orchestrated succeeded, but Tabea did not surrender to her memories. This woman, the one that he had come to know in the darkness, was not his beloved sister, his queen.
His mind turned over such things deep into the night, dark eyes bored and they watched beautiful women and dashing men from Umbra and the Five mingle. He knew every face in the crowd that was their people, an intimacy there that led to familiarity, that led to comfort. The crown prince was comforted by this familiarity, even in the depths of his blackest thoughts. He hated these thoughts, that he even had to consider them, but Tabea was...unreasonable. Seth was beginning to wonder to what lengths she would go to achieve her and Cedric's volatile means to an end.
The prince heard someone come up behind him bit paid them little mind, content in the knowledge that the danger he posed to a great majority of the Five, and the glare he was sporting, would keep most at bay. It proved to be fruitful. He turned at the voice, feigning surprise, and found his mouth curling into an automatic grin, a dry chuckle erupting from his chest.
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"Not quite yet, no. Bored, more like. The music is...decent but the festivities are far from what I am used to. You must understand, sister," he replied, flippant, eyes raking down her dress with an approving air. He took one of her hands in hid and kissed her knuckles. "As always you look beautiful."
Burdens of the Crown | Tabea & Seth
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dvmoninthedrk · 5 years
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one medici having a Moment with francesco whilst the other thirdwheels
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dvmoninthedrk · 5 years
This was turning into a habit and she didn’t know how she felt about that.
She wasn’t the one to attend grand parties, to have idle chatter with people she didn’t know, or cared to know. Humans were difficult. They had agendas and they had dishonesty in their hearts. They lied, maimed and murdered, used those they seemed lesser kind and that’s why she found all her friends in animals and monsters. The greater the monster, the more pained and misunderstood it was.
Yes, she understood monsters - it was the people who scared her.
But, as she was standing aside from the rest of the select few human friends she’s had, her sister included, she found herself in a company of one of Maryan lords. He wasn’t too tedious, or vexing, but he was talking enthusiastically about something she didn’t pay any prior attention to, so she smiled and nodded, hoping it was enough to seem polite, without having to engage in any deeper conversation with him.
Every now and then her attention would wander off to Heloise, to check up on her sister from afar, and then to Seth, attempting to not look like she was seeking him out or checking up on him (or checking him out if she’s honest). But now the lord’s topic had changed and she had just started to pay closer attention, when a pair of arms encircled her waist and she yelped in surprise, her heart violently drumming in her chest as Seth’s voice and his uncharacteristically chirpy behaviour.
“Y - “ Tavia was interrupted by his compliment, and his touch, and forcing herself to remain as still as possible (to refrain herself from either blushing or giggling or both), threw a careful glance in their respective siblings’ ways. “Yes?” Her reply came out as more of a question, before she’s decided to just go along with it. He always had it his way in the end anyway. “Yes, of course. Lead the way.”
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Seth quirked a brow, amused as he stared down at her, chin still caught between his fingers. He flicked his thumb out and pressed it into the corner of her mouth, his good humor still lingering in his eyes as he waited for her to speak. It seems he has disarmed his lady, hasn’t he? And what a thought that was, in truth, the ability to disarm Lady Diaval. 
The prince caught her looking towards where their siblings stood and he followed her gaze for a moment, standing so close there was no way it would not be taken for intimacy. Yet, there was a recklessness pounding in his heart, thumming through his veins, that almost wanted someone to see. Someone other than the man that was still standing there, so rudely staring. Seth glared at the man over the top of Tavia’s head, the cold look easily getting the lord to flee. 
Good. He was of no consequence, anyhow. 
His attention turned back to her when Tavia finally spoke, and a low chuckle, breathed out on a huff of breath, shook his shoulders. Still, his hand slid from her face to trail the tips of his fingers down her arm, grasping her hand and placing it in the crook of his elbow, tone teasing. “You make it sound like such a chore, Tavia. Do I trod on your feet so much?”
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He moved them towards the floor as another song began, fingers laced with hers as they stood across from one another, the jaunty tune of a reel making him roll his eyes. “Must they,” he grumbled, but allowed himself to leap into the familiar steps, all the same. 
The Things That Go Bump || Tavia & Seth
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dvmoninthedrk · 5 years
She should’ve known.
But she didn’t need to hear it from him and in the tone of voice in which he’d said it. It wasn’t so much that his words had made her flinch again, but the way he said them, the biting remark. It made her take a step backwards, just as he turned away from her. With her attention turning back to him, she noticed in the corner of her eye the fire licking at the tips of his fingers, his power pouring from him for everyone to see (but thankfully they were all alone)
It felt good to know she wasn’t the only one losing all control.
Seth’s attention turned to her and she found herself steeling her expression again, rotating herself so that she wasn’t directly facing him. It was an involuntary reaction, coiling away from him like that; not in fear, because she never fear him, but… protecting herself. It wasn’t that she’s afraid he’d hurt her, or harm her; she knew him well and long enough to know that he wouldn’t, but it was an instinctual way of behaving when she found herself too close to him.
It bothered her when he called her that, but only because it made her acknowledge things she didn’t want to acknowledge, things she was all to happy to leave buried and hidden, not just from him, but from herself and the rest of the world as well. “I didn’t think she’d do anything like this. She was always good and kind to me.” Tavia muttered, remembering all the conversations and genuine moments she’s had with Ophelia.
“I don’t know. I don’t think she’s made any deals with her. She’s… she’s stronger than I am, she’s able to let them go and think of death as final, but I just… I couldn’t leave them for dead.” Her voice was shaky, but there were no more tears in her eyes. Only apprehension, as she remembered the nightmares in the kingdoms. Was that Heloise’s doing? Did she know?
“I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore.”
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Seth clenched his jaw as he watched her step away from him, turning her face away, like he was a monster. In all of the years he had known her, even without his memories, Seth had never hurt her. Never used his position or his powers against her. And yet, the pain that lanced through him at such a simple thing was unexpected. Disarming.
"Please. Do not turn from me. Do you fear me? Is that it? Or do you fear what you have done?" He swallowed thickly, giving himself pause to collect himself and his thoughts. There was always something so...vulnerable about the truth, yet Seth could not find it in himself to lie to this woman.
Omitting the truth, yes, but he omitted many things about his machinations to her, to Julian and his siblings. Seth was a puppet master, but Tavia had never had any strings. He could not bring himself to involve her, no matter how much she would benefit their cause.
"Death is final, Tavia," he murmured, moving closer with careful steps, eyes never leaving her face. "For you, for us all. But not for someone like Lady Nessa." He had guessed, of course, but no other person in all of Umbra could raise the dead such as she. He stopped a foot or so away from her, still watching, and his voice was smooth and soft when he next spoke.
"But you do. You know yourself. And you know me. In all of these years, have I changed so much?" It was a joke at his own expense, though he found no humor in it. They had all changed with his sister's plotting, Seth along with them.
He raised a hand, movements slow and careful, like he was soothing a spooked animal, and rest it along the curve of her throat, thumb rubbing against the divot at her collar. His voice was a whisper, only meant for her to hear. "I am afraid you have disarmed me, Lady Diaval. What will you have me do?"
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That was all he could give her, in truth. A decision to make.
monsters make monsters | tavia & seth
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dvmoninthedrk · 5 years
This entire thing was making her incredibly tired. Had she’d known that thins would’ve happened, would she still have honoured her end of the bargain with Ophelia?
But, then again, she didn’t have much of a choice anyway. Whenever she would make a deal with lady Nessa, they would bind it with powerful magic. Ophelia said it was just a precaution, but Tavia had now seen it for what it truly was; coercion. That moment, when the dead had risen without coming back to life, she felt compelled to set her Shadow monsters loose, to send them howling. She didn’t mind mildly scaring and wearing down the kingdoms’ generals in circles, it was a bit fun actually and it was harmless. But this wasn’t. Neither fun nor harmless.
And when it came down to it, dissected to the core, it was all her fault.
Exhaling a heavy breath that lifted a smidgen of burden from her heart (after Seth had denied his involvement), Tavia’s gaze found the prince’s. His question, the sheer accusation in it threatened to drive a knife to her heart, but she steeled herself from it, like she steeled herself from anything that might cause her pain (and since he had often been the cause of it, she learned better than to let any of her emotions show)
“I didn’t help her. I didn’t - I had no choice. I had a price to pay. I never wanted this to happen. I never thought… I didn’t want this to happen.” She spoke through the teeth, concentrating on her breathing and controlling her expression.
She can’t let him see how all of this is making her crumble apart.
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"You of all people should know what prices we pay, Tavia, to those who deal in shadow," he said, and it was like a knife to the heart. Seth screwed his eyes shut and breathed in deep, attempting but not succeeding at quelling the quiet anger that seeped into his tone. In a way, some inexplicable way, he understood. Shade forgive him, he understood.
Tabea and her little puppets were magnetic, a force that sucked you in and drank you dry, compelled you to do the things you wanted them to, all in the name of a bond, of loyalty. It took everything he had to play these games, to remove himself far enough where he was not so embroiled but enough that he could keep tabs on all his sister did.
But this....this he had missed.
It ate at him.
Extracting himself from the woman in front of him, Seth clenched his jaw and ran a hand through his hair, a familiar heat pooling at the base of his spine. He needed to be careful here. Tendrils of flame licked at his fingertips and he clenched his hands into fists, extinguishing them with a grimace and he turned, gaze boring into Tavia's face.
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"In some way you must have known, darling. Some way. You are not stupid." And yet that was what confounded him the most. Though she tried to hide her emotions, to brush away all that she felt, Tavia was still an open book to him. She was one of his oldest friends. He could read her in his sleep, if he must.
And all that he saw now suggested she truly had not understood.
"Is your sister involved? Or did she think, as you appear to, that every price you paid would not be collected in full? Regardless of who it was to, my dear sister has hands in every coin purse in Umbra. Your creatures would play a leading role no matter what you had done."
monsters make monsters | tavia & seth
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dvmoninthedrk · 5 years
Not expecting anyone to have followed her (except for Heloise), or even noticed her departure, Tavia flinched for the second time that evening and, ironically, it was the same man who had caused it both times. She wasn’t sure when the panic she had felt turned into crying, but now tears didn’t seem to have an end as much as she tried containing her sobbing to a minimum.
Fortunately, she stopped crying loudly and the only indicator that she was crying was the shaking of her shoulders.
Her head rested against Seth’s much taller frame, the weight of his chin on her head bringing comfort. She didn’t expect such a display from him. They were friends, yes, but despite their friendship he was the last person she’d expected to follow after her. She’d expected Heloise, maybe even Ophelia (who’d brought this upon her in the first place) to come check up on her, but not Seth.
It seems it was a night of surprises.
Hiding her emotions from him, and from everybody else, had been a second nature to her and so forcing herself to not look for any deeper meaning than the one of a merely concerned friend, had come just a little easier for her. The silence between them was dense and if she had a knife, she reckoned it would’ve been able to cut through it as effortlessly as though butter.
Tavia was the first to break the silence, steeling herself from whatever was about to come. Had he known about Ophelia’s plan? Her friend was thick as thieves with the queen, so she didn’t doubt this was in great part done to serve whichever agendas their queen had had, but she didn’t know if Seth was part of their plans. They rarely talked about his family and never about the Tenebris’ plans for whatever was to come.
“Did you know this would happen?” She asked, not finding anything else suitable to say. She would’ve turned away from him, not liking that he’d seen her in such a poor state, but in the very moment she found herself lacking in strength to do anything except for existing.
Existing as a monster.
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The brunette flinched against him and Seth sucked in a breath, letting it out slowly on a hiss. Despite her surprise much earlier in the evening, this was far different from the Tavia he had seen. Her sobbing quieted to silence, the only indication of her anguish the tears that stained the front of his shirt and the shaking of her shoulders.
Seth had come out here to rage at her, to scream, to demand why she would help a woman so vile and heartless as his sister, yet none of that came. Instead, something like regret, regret and exhaustion, crept into his bones and made a home there. That feeling permeated the air as he held her, chin tucking her into his body, curling her closer by the arm that had wrapped around her ribs.
The prince did not speak though his mind swirled with everything his tongue could not mimic. He sighed instead, a deep and heavy sound, and maneuvered to look at her face, chin hooked between a thumb and forefinger, dark eyes staring.
"Not this. And certainly not--certainly not any part you may have played in it," he murmured, voice cool as his thumb rubbed away a stray tear. "But I am unsurprised. Tabea has grown in her boldness. It was only a matter of time." He paused for a moment, considering, something hot and feeling distinctly like a betrayal stinging in his breast.
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And then: "Why did you help her, Tavia?"
monsters make monsters | tavia & seth
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dvmoninthedrk · 5 years
The evening had grown in leaps and bounds with Tavia at his side. There was something like a sense of security in this strange kingdom, surrounded by even stranger people, when Seth had her spinning around the room. If his siblings had seen, they would assume he had seen her and asked for a single dance, not three. They'd also not have known that the pair had snuck away, not even if they asked. Say whatever you will about him, but this was something Seth wanted to keep, and keep to himself. His dearest siblings did not get to share this. Not this.
When they separated to their families, Seth felt more settled into his skin than he had in a long while, a half smile curling his lip as he gathered with the others to watch the festivities.
When the mournful, dreadful growling started, the prince's eyes widened first in shock and then darkened in anger, seeking out the woman he had just had on his arm, laughing. He knew what this was, knew it as easily as he knew what breath felt like, and the anger the blazed in his chest was a mix of pride and rage.
Tavia fled the room and Seth broke away to follow, pace clipped as he ate away at the distance to close the gap. A hand reached out, ready to yank her back, to spin her around, demand answers.
And then that sound.
Hand frozen in midair, Seth skidded to a halt behind her, body unsure, face twisted into a self-righteous anguish as he listened to Tavia breath, half-choked and sobbing. Anger still blazed in his chest, hot and thick, but when he stepped forward and tugged her close, he rest his chin a top her head and let her sob into his chest, gaze lost as he stared without seeing, gut roiling with indecision.
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monsters make monsters | tavia & seth
She was having a lovely time and that was something she’d never expected.
Dancing with Seth had put the icing on the cake, but all good things inevitably come to fall apart and often the breaking came immediately after happiness. When she and the prince went separate ways, returning to their respective families (and hoping they haven’t been seen by any of them), she felt that buzz in the air, like a creature drawing in a deep breath before it would let out a growl.
And the growl followed.
Tavia’s eyes widened in, what must’ve been true horror, when the first figure appeared. She’d recognised Ophelia’s handiwork anywhere and when the growls of the monsters accompanied the dead figures, she understood what had happened. Her debts to the necromancer had finally come to be paid and when lady Nessa requested the service of her select few monsters, Tavia agreed to serve as their commander.
She didn’t command them to appear tonight, not unlike those other nights, when she’d personally led them to occupy and wear down the generals and captains of the Five kingdoms. She didn’t ask for this and she didn’t sign up for this, but that was exactly what’s happened. Her promise to Ophelia that no price was too steep to pay, for the lives of her beloved creatures, had been a reckless promise. But now she couldn’t back down and the pressure of the promise began to claw at her.
She closed her eyes in acceptance and the monsters howled again.
Tavia didn’t wait for the end of it. She’d heard enough and she’d done enough, and so she turned on her heel without a word to Heloise and bolted into a full sprint and out of the room.
No no no no no no.
This was all her fault, all her doing. If she hadn’t made all those deals with Ophelia, if she hadn’t been so darn weak to see her monsters die and let them go, none of this would’ve happened. Tavia felt like she was about to choke and in vain she’d tried to loosen the strings of her corset. There was no air and panic had started to settle in and -
She was blind. Blind even to her friends’ deceit. Was there no one she could trust, no one but Heloise? The shapeshifter was unaware of the presence behind her as the first panicked breath, shakily hiccuped from her, the sound a hybrid of laughter and a sob.
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dvmoninthedrk · 5 years
The Things That Go Bump || Tavia & Seth
This little party in Marya was rather quaint, if Seth was being honest. Perhaps he was biased, growing up under the lavish spirit of Umbran festivities, but the Five made them seem like a grand show compared to the mire of this swamp.
Everyone was dressed richly, the finest silks and crinoline and taffeta dresses as far as a man's eye could see. It was a veritable sea of beauty, elegant and poised, coquettish in the batting of an eye or the clasping of hands in a dance. Seth had done his part, rubbed shoulders with enough of the men and painted on his most charming of smiles for their women, coaxing them from their hollow little shells.
But there was so little enjoyment in it. Their conversation was dull, flattery flat, and by the middle of the night something hollow and empty clanged about in his chest.
Familiarity would do him good, he thought, and when he spied a certain type of familiarity, his mouth curved into something wicked, eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief the first time this evening.
Keeping her in his line of sight was easy. Weaving his way toward her without trodding on anybody was not. But eventually he made it and, careful that he wasn't seen by any of his siblings, encircled her about the waist and spun her around, ripping her from the conversation she'd been having.
"Hello darling," he chirped, an uncharacteristic good cheer erupting from his chest. Setting Tavia down in front of him, Seth flicked his gaze to the man she'd been speaking to before dismissing him as insignificant. Instead, he turned his dark, clever gaze to her face, tipping her chin up with a finger, lips curling into a half-grin as he studied her. "You look ravishing this evening. Fancy a dance?"
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dvmoninthedrk · 5 years
The darkness swirled around this place, Marya, and pooled at its feet, a cesspool of depravity and comeuppance that his darling sister had forged. There was something about it that made his skin crawl. Whether it was the cold chill that sunk into his bones, different from the pleasant bite of Julian's powers, or the thoughts of black malice that slithered across his brain, Seth Tenebris was in a foul mood.
Lounging in a curtained stone alcove, leg dangling off the edge and long-fingered hand curled around a crystalline goblet, Seth's dark eyes perused through the crowd, seeking out familiar faces in the throng. He had never been so far out of Umbra and, privately, it sent him a bit off balance. A figure came towards him and the prince raised a brow, voice a lazy drawl as he gestured toward the people spread out around them.
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"Well, dare I say that this little gathering has proven fruitful? Or have I spoken too quickly?"
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